Cloning...A serious discussion

Why, though, MM? Why would you consider it with a body of flesh, but not without a body? Would you consider it with a body of metal?
What if those pleasures could be duplicated? After all, those pleasures are merely states of the brain/mind
The path to near ego immorality is to find a way to capture the intellectual processes of each invididual's brain in odrder to transfer them into a robot or perhaps even another biochemical construct that we might be able to get via clones.

But are we really the same person (as digital constructs, or clones of ourselves) as we are in our original (and bound to die) biochemical constructs?

I rather doubt it.

Our brains, indeed our identities are creatures subject to the biochemical changes that come from having these bodies which we got the old fashioned being the product of two unique human beings.

So even assuming we could capture the self and digitize it, and let's say put that digital ego into a robot (mechanical or biomechancial) of some kind, the forces that made us US, while we were those original biochemical beings, would be so dramatically different that we would cease being the same person we are now in any meaningful way.

I think mankind is better allowing individuals to die and replacing our species one generation after the other, to be honest.

At least for all of you, I mean.

For me, personally, ego immortality (even a digital ego immortality) seems like a better choice.

I'll miss some of you as you pass, of course, but I'll get over it.
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Me and my drop dead gorgeous spinner gal pal.
Just curious, is she still gorgeous after you deflate her, or is it only when she is fully blown up that she looks good? :lol:

I suspect deflated she would look old and wrinkly. Not an option. Besides! why I get the blow up doll anyway? If I'm gonna get cloned and everything I'm gonna do like I did when I was young and incredibly attractive to the fairer sex....:lol: :lol: I'll find some girl so beautiful that guys like you will cry like babies when ya see her. You will plot and scheme to no avail for the slightest hint that she notices you. I'll find one so stunning that all you retards will get socked by your homely girlfriends when Me and girlfriend go out in public cuz ya dogs can't keep your eyes off her. My texas girl Rhonda was that good looking. I used to laugh my ass of at the wake of wannabees she left behind. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Now what were we talking about? Oh ya ....cloning.

Me and my drop dead gorgeous spinner gal pal.
Just curious, is she still gorgeous after you deflate her, or is it only when she is fully blown up that she looks good? :lol:

I suspect deflated she would look old and wrinkly. Not an option. Besides! why I get the blow up doll anyway? If I'm gonna get cloned and everything I'm gonna do like I did when I was young and incredibly attractive to the fairer sex....:lol: :lol: I'll find some girl so beautiful that guys like you will cry like babies when ya see her. You will plot and scheme to no avail for the slightest hint that she notices you. I'll find one so stunning that all you retards will get socked by your homely girlfriends when Me and girlfriend go out in public cuz ya dogs can't keep your eyes off her. My texas girl Rhonda was that good looking. I used to laugh my ass of at the wake of wannabees she left behind. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Now what were we talking about? Oh ya ....cloning.

I have a better idea! I will convert to moronism! Then clone 4 wives: Jessica Alba, Megan Fox, Halle Berry and Rosalyn Sanchez (actually I will take 2 Rosalyns).

Roselyn Sanchez

I like my plan alot better!

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