Club of Three: Venezuela and Brazil bar leading opposition presidential candidates from running for office, just like...


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Club of Three: Venezuela and Brazil bar leading opposition presidential candidates from running for office, just like...

1 Jul 2023 ~~ By Monica Showalter

Under the news radar, two ugly power grabs from a pair of would-be Marxist dictators were announced yesterday from South America.
From socialist Venezuela:
From socialist Brazil:
Sound like any place you might know?
It's like a Club of Three, given that the third person up for barring is President Trump.
He's in very good company with these top leaders, and vice versa.
What we have here is the entrenched left seeking to knock out its potential opposition after falling in the polls as election time beckons. The backdrop is years of economic and political mismanagement from the incumbents and the aim has been to achieve total, permanent power. If that can't be accomplished through elections, then the next step has been to shut the opposition down.
The grounds for the barrings in these South American incidents aren't accusations of taking, say, $30 million in bribe money. These were speech crimes, process crimes, flimsy pretexts never before seen back when these countries were functioning democracies. The political aims have been obvious to all. And it's no surprise that with these same incumbents in power, there also have been credible accusations of election fraud or suspected election fraud.
In the past, the U.S. would have spoken up about it, and called for fair elections, more civil society watchdogs, and stronger democratic institutions.
Today? Not so much, or rather, not from Joe Biden's White House.
It's sad stuff, more of the ugly foreign policy influence of Joe Biden, who, as Bob Gates has said, has been wrong on just about every foreign policy issue.
Biden and his Democrats have opened the gates to these emboldened tyrannies to bar their opposition leaders on ridiculous grounds. The path to this sorry state of affairs, was paved by Democrats, who are still hammering away at their grand mastertask of barring President Trump from ever running for office, and barring American voters, from choosing the candidate that they want.

You can’t help but wonder whether the Biden Administration advised Venezuela and Brazil on these events like they did in the run up, immediate aftermath, of Brazilian election.
The Biden Administration’s efforts to affect their election were recently disclosed. Clandestine efforts with Brazilian authorities to “strengthen” their election. Talking points for refuting claims about electronic voting machines, irregularities in voting etc. Pressure on Bolsonaro to concede, pressure on the Brazilian military not to intervene as their Constitution expressly requires. Biden’s swift declaration of Lula as the victor. Coordinated messaging from the MSM framing Bolsonaro as an “election denier,” “dictator,” “refusing to respect the citizens decision.
I think this was the right decision at the appropriate time. The elections of 2024 will reveal, imo, that the GOP probably gloated too much about it.

This, student loans, abortion, religious exemption from public service obligations, democracy, etc., all together are going to overwhelm the GOP.

But I do agree with AA being ended, so I get my cake and get to eat it, too.
Democrats seem to have a thing for imitating Venezuela. I guess they just can't recognize failure. Biden proves that.

Well, their goal is absolute power, as in California.

And they play the long game, while much of the stupid Party aka Republican Part slowly caves in and refuses to actually fight back. Which is precisely why so much of the Republican establishment hates Trump, he fights back.
Well, their goal is absolute power, as in California.

And they play the long game, while much of the stupid Party aka Republican Part slowly caves in and refuses to actually fight back. Which is precisely why so much of the Republican establishment hates Trump, he fights back.
That's true. In reality, the Republican establishment, neocons, and the Democrat establishment, the whole damn party, are pretty much alike. They're warmongers, free trading robber barons, power hungry, greedy, open border slave lovers, big government spendthrifts and basically a bunch of underhanded liars. Oh, I forgot to say they don't give two fucks about the American worker or our middle class. MAGA

Club of Three: Venezuela and Brazil bar leading opposition presidential candidates from running for office, just like...

1 Jul 2023 ~~ By Monica Showalter

Under the news radar, two ugly power grabs from a pair of would-be Marxist dictators were announced yesterday from South America.
From socialist Venezuela:
From socialist Brazil:
Sound like any place you might know?
It's like a Club of Three, given that the third person up for barring is President Trump.
He's in very good company with these top leaders, and vice versa.
What we have here is the entrenched left seeking to knock out its potential opposition after falling in the polls as election time beckons. The backdrop is years of economic and political mismanagement from the incumbents and the aim has been to achieve total, permanent power. If that can't be accomplished through elections, then the next step has been to shut the opposition down.
The grounds for the barrings in these South American incidents aren't accusations of taking, say, $30 million in bribe money. These were speech crimes, process crimes, flimsy pretexts never before seen back when these countries were functioning democracies. The political aims have been obvious to all. And it's no surprise that with these same incumbents in power, there also have been credible accusations of election fraud or suspected election fraud.
In the past, the U.S. would have spoken up about it, and called for fair elections, more civil society watchdogs, and stronger democratic institutions.
Today? Not so much, or rather, not from Joe Biden's White House.
It's sad stuff, more of the ugly foreign policy influence of Joe Biden, who, as Bob Gates has said, has been wrong on just about every foreign policy issue.
Biden and his Democrats have opened the gates to these emboldened tyrannies to bar their opposition leaders on ridiculous grounds. The path to this sorry state of affairs, was paved by Democrats, who are still hammering away at their grand mastertask of barring President Trump from ever running for office, and barring American voters, from choosing the candidate that they want.

You can’t help but wonder whether the Biden Administration advised Venezuela and Brazil on these events like they did in the run up, immediate aftermath, of Brazilian election.
The Biden Administration’s efforts to affect their election were recently disclosed. Clandestine efforts with Brazilian authorities to “strengthen” their election. Talking points for refuting claims about electronic voting machines, irregularities in voting etc. Pressure on Bolsonaro to concede, pressure on the Brazilian military not to intervene as their Constitution expressly requires. Biden’s swift declaration of Lula as the victor. Coordinated messaging from the MSM framing Bolsonaro as an “election denier,” “dictator,” “refusing to respect the citizens decision.
Trump has not been barred from running for president.
Trump has not been barred from running for president.
So, what you're trying to persuade the masses is that you're not persecuting Trump or conservatives, Its all altruistic and not ideological.
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Club of Three: Venezuela and Brazil bar leading opposition presidential candidates from running for office, just like...

1 Jul 2023 ~~ By Monica Showalter

Under the news radar, two ugly power grabs from a pair of would-be Marxist dictators were announced yesterday from South America.
From socialist Venezuela:
From socialist Brazil:
Sound like any place you might know?
It's like a Club of Three, given that the third person up for barring is President Trump.
He's in very good company with these top leaders, and vice versa.
What we have here is the entrenched left seeking to knock out its potential opposition after falling in the polls as election time beckons. The backdrop is years of economic and political mismanagement from the incumbents and the aim has been to achieve total, permanent power. If that can't be accomplished through elections, then the next step has been to shut the opposition down.
The grounds for the barrings in these South American incidents aren't accusations of taking, say, $30 million in bribe money. These were speech crimes, process crimes, flimsy pretexts never before seen back when these countries were functioning democracies. The political aims have been obvious to all. And it's no surprise that with these same incumbents in power, there also have been credible accusations of election fraud or suspected election fraud.
In the past, the U.S. would have spoken up about it, and called for fair elections, more civil society watchdogs, and stronger democratic institutions.
Today? Not so much, or rather, not from Joe Biden's White House.
It's sad stuff, more of the ugly foreign policy influence of Joe Biden, who, as Bob Gates has said, has been wrong on just about every foreign policy issue.
Biden and his Democrats have opened the gates to these emboldened tyrannies to bar their opposition leaders on ridiculous grounds. The path to this sorry state of affairs, was paved by Democrats, who are still hammering away at their grand mastertask of barring President Trump from ever running for office, and barring American voters, from choosing the candidate that they want.

You can’t help but wonder whether the Biden Administration advised Venezuela and Brazil on these events like they did in the run up, immediate aftermath, of Brazilian election.
The Biden Administration’s efforts to affect their election were recently disclosed. Clandestine efforts with Brazilian authorities to “strengthen” their election. Talking points for refuting claims about electronic voting machines, irregularities in voting etc. Pressure on Bolsonaro to concede, pressure on the Brazilian military not to intervene as their Constitution expressly requires. Biden’s swift declaration of Lula as the victor. Coordinated messaging from the MSM framing Bolsonaro as an “election denier,” “dictator,” “refusing to respect the citizens decision.
Bolsinaro fucked up by returning to Brazil....Lula and the commies are going to imprison him.
Grow up. Both parties "persecute" the other. It is political.
Of course there are ideological differences, but when Republicans opinions don't suit Democrats, Democrats try to shut down freedom of speech by introducing unconstitutional laws or by using their media allies to sensor them. Our first amendment, which is the bedrock of our government, is under attack by Democrats. Freedom is imperiled. Republicans, on the other hand, will always put the rule of law first because that's the only way our system will work.
Our 1st Amendment should not a shield for citizens to use religious belief to deny service to the public.

Someone is going to deny service because they don't like dark skin or immigrants or Republicans on religious principles.

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