Here's What Real Class Looks Like

Reagan was a dreadful president – he was a racist and bigot, wrong on the issues, and left office with the country in a recession.

Remarkable how the Reagan myth survives – similar to the Kennedy myth.

But as dreadful as Reagan was, Trump was considerably worse.

It’s madness voting for Republicans for president; and voting for Trump is unmitigated insanity.
Reagan was a dreadful president – he was a racist and bigot, wrong on the issues, and left office with the country in a recession.

Remarkable how the Reagan myth survives – similar to the Kennedy myth.

But as dreadful as Reagan was, Trump was considerably worse.

It’s madness voting for Republicans for president; and voting for Trump is unmitigated insanity.
Link us up to this "recession" that had 4.2% GDP growth, moron.

While you are at it, link us up to him being a racist and wrong on the issues.

Ronald Reagan was the epitome of an intelligent, thoughtful, classy person. And he was funny.

I thought it would be a good idea to show Trumptards what a guy who not only got re-elected, but got re-elected by sweeping 49 states looks like.

Do you know how rare it is for a President to win so many more states in his re-election than his first election is?

I will show what class looks like. Then I will show you what idiocy and crassness look like. In my next post, I will show you something even more amazing.


No class:


Too bad he was a corporate puppet that ruined our economy for a century.
Too bad he was a corporate puppet that ruined our economy for a century.
Link us up to your "ruined economy for a century", you lying POS.

1981$3.207$6.9312.5%Reagan tax cuts
1982$3.344$6.806-1.8%Recession ended
1983$3.634$7.1184.6%Tax hike and defense spending
1986$4.580$8.2263.5%Tax cut
1987$4.855$8.5113.5%Black Monday
1988$5.236$8.8674.2%Fed raised rates
1989$5.642$9.1923.7%S&L Crisis

1981$3.207$6.9312.5%Reagan tax cuts
1982$3.344$6.806-1.8%Recession ended
1983$3.634$7.1184.6%Tax hike and defense spending
1986$4.580$8.2263.5%Tax cut
1987$4.855$8.5113.5%Black Monday
1988$5.236$8.8674.2%Fed raised rates
1989$5.642$9.1923.7%S&L Crisis
How does this address anything in the link I provided?
And Democrats would hate Reagan today for that very reason. Patriotism is not a tenant of today's Democratic Party, in fact, quite the opposite.
Actually Democrats understand what patriotism acrually means, unlike Republicans who mistake their uber-partisan nationalism for patriotism.
Nationalism and patriotism are quite different things.
Link us up to your "ruined economy for a century", you lying POS.

1981$3.207$6.9312.5%Reagan tax cuts
1982$3.344$6.806-1.8%Recession ended
1983$3.634$7.1184.6%Tax hike and defense spending
1986$4.580$8.2263.5%Tax cut
1987$4.855$8.5113.5%Black Monday
1988$5.236$8.8674.2%Fed raised rates
1989$5.642$9.1923.7%S&L Crisis

Aww, look at you being a good little dicksucker for rich people.

Now show us the chart of wages vs prices. Then, the chart of household debt. You won't find them on
What in blazes are you talking about?

Our economy blasted off, thanks to Reagan.
No, unions went bye bye, as did wages. Household debt has skyrocketed. Prices have outpaced wages. Now most people using government assistance work full time.

All thanks to the trickle down lie that Ronnie parroted like a good little puppet.
Ike stood by and did nothing as commies infiltrated the government.
Let me guess.

You have in your pocket a list of,, 65... no, 100 card-carrying members of the Communist Party working in the State Department.

Actually, we have an ex-President and his minions still actively working for the Russian president.

Right out in the open.

Granted Trump has a more abrasive personality than Reagan. So what? Notice the left doesn't dare remind us about their guy.
As much as I can't stand the guy, Biden has more class in his left pinkie than Trump has in his entire body, metaphorically speaking.

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