Here's What Real Class Looks Like

Everyone who drinks the orange Kool-Aid has set a new low for "dumb". And they are still digging. With diesel excavators.

I mean, the dumbasses never even demanded to see Trump's Obamacare replacement. They were BEGGING to be lied to!

Just how dumb can you get?

Trump knows his marks. That's his one and only genius.
Ronald Reagan was the epitome of an intelligent, thoughtful, classy person. And he was funny.

I thought it would be a good idea to show Trumptards what a guy who not only got re-elected, but got re-elected by sweeping 49 states looks like.

Do you know how rare it is for a President to win so many more states in his re-election than his first election is?

I will show what class looks like. Then I will show you what idiocy and crassness look like. In my next post, I will show you something even more amazing.


No class:


The rantings of a lunatic. Someone should rub Haley's nose in his deranged rant, not that it would matter.

Don't be surprised if Pence makes the same announcement. They're all no goddam good. It never ceases to amaze me how low his supporters like Haley will go, just for a job in that cesspool.
Nationalism is loyalty to your people. Patriotism is loyalty to your government. Patriotism is loyalty to your country. It's right there in the Latin root of the word!

The Latin root is "fatherland".

Nationalism is devotion to a specific group of people above all others.

For example, White Nationalism. Or Christian Nationalism.
I think the closest thing for loyalty to your government is "civic duty".
Actually Democrats understand what patriotism acrually means, unlike Republicans who mistake their uber-partisan nationalism for patriotism.
Nationalism and patriotism are quite different things.

Let me guess, the Democrats version of "patriotism" centers around bashing the US for being a country founded on slavery and is exactly what is wrong with everything in the world with evil Capitalists running the show. They are also very patriotic when they burn the US flag and uber patriotic when they spat on our soldiers when coming back from Vietnam.

I guess we have different definitions of patriotism.
In older cities parochial schools were prevalent. Perhaps half the students went to those or private schools instead of public ones. The Catholic Church came out with Vatican 2, feminism took off, quotas and employment changed, and we were in a long stagflation period. Catholic schools and churches started to close down. In many ethnic neighborhoods, the churches were the center of everything. The social agendas and the money provided really ramped up and replaced the impact of the churches.
And God was just too weak to prevent all that? Is that why he died?
Actually Democrats understand what patriotism acrually means, unlike Republicans who mistake their uber-partisan nationalism for patriotism.
Nationalism and patriotism are quite different things.
Trying to fundamentally transforming America is not patriotism. Refusing to protect America's security and sovereignty is not being a patriot.
Disregarding the foundation of the Constitution, two tier justice system, politically motivated legal system to attack the political opposition is not being a patriot. So you and your fucked up democrats do not understand patriotism.
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Let me guess, the Democrats version of "patriotism" centers around bashing the US for being a country founded on slavery and is exactly what is wrong with everything in the world with evil Capitalists running the show. They are also very patriotic when they burn the US flag and uber patriotic when they spat on our soldiers when coming back from Vietnam.

I guess we have different definitions of patriotism.
The Democrats version of patriotism centers around bashing America and saying it is not great and needs to be made great again.

Oh wait...
Taxes are legal theft of personal wealth. Things communist fascist and socialist love to do. Unless it's their money being taxed.
Yes, we need to eliminate all taxes and run the country on unicorn farts and pure thoughts!

Or borrow money from China like Trump and every other president does.

Sounds like a plan!
I didn't care much for his trickle down Reaganomics, But he came up with that make America great again slogan, that was kind of cool when he did it.
Much the same as you... Not a fan of his policies but cared for America and was a gentleman. He believed he was doing best for the country, he worked with others and he did listen...
His policy on more open borders would seem radical now but if you think about it, it is more freedom for employers and workers... He knew a cheap labour force would be benifical to the US Economy.

He also know who were the enemy and who are allies... He worked with US allies and knew if we were together we can accomplish almost anything.

As for how would Reagan handle COVID. Reagan came from a small Government idealogy but he was a realist. HE did surround himself with some good people that could tell him the truth. Reagan would have immediately got on with unifying the country, on a guess he would be putting US(and Allies) on a war footing with the enemy the virus and the virus is the enemy.
I understand some saying he was bad on AIDS but was they way his party believed at the time. Gay people were not considered a priority to the Republicans in the 80s. This is bad and one of the reasons I wouldn't have voted for him.

Reagan also increased the national debt big time... I mean huge...
Reagan sold us out to the military-industrial complex, Israel, corporate lobbyists, and Neocons. Reagan expanded the power and scope of the government while demonizing government. And his idiot sycophants believe that he was actually against big government.
I disagree on the military-industrial complex, it was still up for grabs but the intelligence agencies were infiltrated to the left.
Trump's supporters don't know what patriotism is. What they think is patriotism is actually jingoism without the war fever. They are cowards.

And most of them have never served.

Used to be a time you couldn't get elected if you never served.

Reagan served on active duty during WWII.
Bullshit.. Democrats turned their backs to patriotism in the Vietnam years, not all but now it’s fairly obvious traditional patriotism is dying out in the name of political power and greed.
In the last 7 presidential elections, the Republican candidate has won the popular vote ONCE. Trump failed TWICE to win the popular vote.

Sure, sure, sure, you can wave the electoral college around to make some kind of point. But let's be serious. Winning one out of seven popular votes does not bode well for the future of the party. That is not a trend you want to continue.

So how's that hate and discontent working for ya?

Another characteristic which made Reagan a standout was his optimism. While he may have used Make America Great Again, he did not say our country was suffering from "American carnage".

And let me tell you, we were much worse off in 1980 than we are today.

The Democrats were the whiners and haters in 1980. Today, it's the Trump cult. In fact, it is scary how similar they sound to the old-timey Democrats.

Rather than whine and whine and whine like Trump and his cult do, Reagan referred to us as a "shining city on a hill". A beacon of light to which the world aspires to be like.

You can tell which countries are great by the number of people beating down their doors to get in.

Tucker Carlson has wet dreams about Russia and worships Putin. Tucker ejaculates over Russian bread and the Stalin era subway station.

Yet Russians are fleeing any way they can!
There was a funny bumper stick for anti-Reagan losers after the 1984 election.

"Don't Blame Me, I'm From Minnesota"

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