Here's What Real Class Looks Like

Man you guys are gullible.
Some dipshit just said Biden doesn't want a secure border.

I guess the poor gaslighted mushroom is unaware Biden submitted a border bill on DAY ONE of his administration.

Speaking of gullible, do you guys remember when Trump said he was going to submit an Obamacare replacement on DAY ONE?

Reagan appealed to their patriotism, Trump appeals to their rage.
What gets me is that a lot of their rage is focused on the feeling of losing out on the American dream. What caused this feeling? A lot of it came about because of the loss of high paying union jobs, that ironically the Republicans were calling the reason the rest of the world was beating us out. So, we have the Republicans ignoring their part in the plight of the lower middle class and blaming everything on the Democrats.
Trying to fundamentally transforming America is not patriotism.
Things change.
if they don't change they die. It is the natural order of things. Our country is no exception.
Refusing to protect America's security and sovereignty
This is not happening.
Fake news.
Disregarding the foundation of the Constitution,
Again, not happening.
I do hear these very same talking points with the exact same phrasing on conservo-tard talk radio from the likes of Brian Kilmeade, Dan Bongino, Sean Hannity, Ben Shapiro, Charlie Kirk, and Mark Levin though.
You are probably just parroting the words you've heard one of these clowns say right?
Whenever I listen to these guys' broadcasts it's amusing because I can tell by the fact that they are all hammering the exact same propaganda with very little variation in the phrasing, that the "opinions" being expressed by the hosts comes straight from the Fox News editorial board.
In other words they are told which lies they're supposed to preach each day.
two tier justice system,
Fake news
politically motivated legal system to attack the political opposition i
Not what's happening
s not being a patriot. So you and your fucked up democrats do not understand patriotism.
Fuck off twat-waffle!
What gets me is that a lot of their rage is focused on the feeling of losing out on the American dream. What caused this feeling? A lot of it came about because of the loss of high paying union jobs, that ironically the Republicans were calling the reason the rest of the world was beating us out. So, we have the Republicans ignoring their part in the plight of the lower middle class and blaming everything on the Democrats.
I think that's exactly right. They're blaming the wrong people, for the most part.

I do believe they have some perfectly reasonable grievances. The problem is that the voices they choose to trust have effectively amplified those grievances by a factor of about a zillion, making them so full of rage and paranoia that they've lost all sense of perspective. They're told they're acting out of logic, but their behaviors are uniformly emotional. They've become caricatures.
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Things change.
if they don't change they die. It is the natural order of things. Our country is no exception.

This is not happening.
Fake news.

Again, not happening.
I do hear these very same talking points with the exact same phrasing on conservo-tard talk radio from the likes of Brian Kilmeade, Dan Bongino, Sean Hannity, Ben Shapiro, Charlie Kirk, and Mark Levin though.
You are probably just parroting the words you've heard one of these clowns say right?
Whenever I listen to these guys' broadcasts it's amusing because I can tell by the fact that they are all hammering the exact same propaganda with very little variation in the phrasing, that the "opinions" being expressed by the hosts comes straight from the Fox News editorial board.
In other words they are told which lies they're supposed to preach each day.

Fake news

Not what's happening

Fuck off twat-waffle!
Dumbass you don't try to change the fundamentals of the constitution or country and claim to be a patriot
Yes dumbass it happened
You've been given the leftists fucked up talking points that have been proven wrong
Yes, we need to eliminate all taxes and run the country on unicorn farts and pure thoughts!

Or borrow money from China like Trump and every other president does.

Sounds like a plan!
Everyone needs to pay taxes or no one pay taxes take your pick.
Um...Dory? I clearly said Trump is BIGOTED/racist toward Muslims and Mexicans.

Trump called for a TOTAL BAN against ALL Muslims. Including INNOCENT people fleeing the violence in the Middle East.


Trump is bigoted against ALL Muslims.


You really don't remember, do you, Dory.


Here is what Trump read from his statement on December 7, 2015:

“Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on."
/----/ You CLEARLY did not say bigioted. why would you say that when it can so easily be proven wrong?
g5000 said:
It's amazing how you Trumpies continually demonstrate you have the memories of goldfish.

Do the words "Muslim ban" ring a bell, Dory?
I feel great about America and I feel optimistic about America. That is probably because I am very well read about history.

Trump's constant whining about America is a YUGE turnoff. Trump's knowledge of history doesn't extend any further back than his birth.

The man thinks George Washington "seized the airports"!!!
I’m sure we’d disagree on our interpretations of history and sadly your affliction/weakness with TDS clouds your judgement as well. Btw .. most Democrats couldn’t even name America’s 1st president.
I think that's exactly right. They're blaming the wrong people, for the most part.

I do believe they have some perfectly reasonable grievances. The problem is that the voices they choose to trust have effectively amplified those grievances by a factor of about a zillion, making them so full of rage and paranoia that they've lost all sense of perspective. They're told they're acting out of logic, but their behaviors are uniformly emotional. They've become caricatures.
I absolutely agree the American people have legitimate grievances.

While they may not be able to put their finger precisely what is going on and who is doing it, their instincts are telling them there is something rotten in Denmark.

It is during these times when demagogues rush in to tell them EXACTLY who is screwing them over.

It's those Jewish bankers! It's those Mexicans!

Demagogues give the people a focal point for their anger. Trump is a master at demagouery.

As for what you said about "the voices they choose to trust" it is often those very voices who are the actual cause of their problem.

Politicians take bribes from special interests to legislatively tilt the playing field in their favor, at the expense of the common people. This has been my tilting at windmills mission from the get-go.

The tilting of the playing field in America is achieved through tax expenditures and regulations. Tax expenditures are robbing the American people of over a trillion dollars a year. They cause higher tax rates, and they keep growing ever year. I think a new tax expenditure is added to the tax code at the rate of one a day.

Reagan fought against this force and eliminated a huge bulk of them, but special interests began the work of putting them back in almost immediately.

Regulations are used to prevent competition breaking into the market. Pay our politicians to make the entry level cost of regulations high enough, you won't have to compete against newcomers with better business models.

Explaining the complexities of tax expenditures to voters is a Herculean task. Believe me, I've tried. Lord, have I tried. And yet there are people who think they are conservatives who are viscerally opposed to eliminating tax expenditures so we can level the playing field and have lower tax rates.

Most of them nodded off two sentences into this post.

That's why it is so much easier to just blame Mexicans or Jews. That does not require any hard thinking on the part of the angry mob.
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I’m sure we’d disagree on our interpretations of history and sadly your affliction/weakness with TDS clouds your judgement as well. Btw .. most Democrats couldn’t even name America’s 1st president.
Biden can. He was there.
Aww, look at you being a good little dicksucker for rich people.

Now show us the chart of wages vs prices. Then, the chart of household debt. You won't find them on
Post them if you want to discuss them. I’m guessing you won’t.
No, unions went bye bye, as did wages. Household debt has skyrocketed. Prices have outpaced wages. Now most people using government assistance work full time.

All thanks to the trickle down lie that Ronnie parroted like a good little puppet.
if youre referring to protests against vietnam war, opposing it ended up being the correct position, since this so called "communism" there ended up no threat at all.
I do agree it ended up as the correct position and a huge fiasco/mistake attributed to the Democrat Party.
I absolutely agree the American people have legitimate grievances.

While they may not be able to put their finger precisely what is going on and who is doing it, their instincts are telling them there is something rotten in Denmark.

It is during these times when demagogues rush in to tell them EXACTLY who is screwing them over.

It's those Jewish bankers! It's those Mexicans!

Demagogues give the people a focal point for their anger. Trump is a master at demagouery.

It's why it is so much easier to just blame Mexicans or Jews. That does not require any hard thinking on the parr of the angry mob.
Numbnuts it's not trump attacking the Jew.
Ronald Reagan was the epitome of an intelligent, thoughtful, classy person. And he was funny.

I thought it would be a good idea to show Trumptards what a guy who not only got re-elected, but got re-elected by sweeping 49 states looks like.

Do you know how rare it is for a President to win so many more states in his re-election than his first election is?

I will show what class looks like. Then I will show you what idiocy and crassness look like. In my next post, I will show you something even more amazing.


No class:


Reagan would be considered a beta RINO by the MAGAGATARDS!
In the last 7 presidential elections, the Republican candidate has won the popular vote ONCE. Trump failed TWICE to win the popular vote.

Sure, sure, sure, you can wave the electoral college around to make some kind of point. But let's be serious. Winning one out of seven popular votes does not bode well for the future of the party. That is not a trend you want to continue.

So how's that hate and discontent working for ya?

Another characteristic which made Reagan a standout was his optimism. While he may have used Make America Great Again, he did not say our country was suffering from "American carnage".

And let me tell you, we were much worse off in 1980 than we are today.

The Democrats were the whiners and haters in 1980. Today, it's the Trump cult. In fact, it is scary how similar they sound to the old-timey Democrats.

Rather than whine and whine and whine like Trump and his cult do, Reagan referred to us as a "shining city on a hill". A beacon of light to which the world aspires to be like.

You can tell which countries are great by the number of people beating down their doors to get in.

Tucker Carlson has wet dreams about Russia and worships Putin. Tucker ejaculates over Russian bread and the Stalin era subway station.

Yet Russians are fleeing any way they can!
The Clintons lost the popular vote all 3 times they ran.
Reagan appealed to the same things trump does. Thats why he started his campaign in Nashua County Mississippi preaching about states rights. The only difference between Reagan and Trump was that Reagan was a slicker communicator. Trump is overt in his racism. Reagan was not. Reagan was much better at using dogwhistles.
IQ2 shows up to bleat RACISM.

I’m shocked, SHOCKED I TELLS YA! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

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