Here's What Real Class Looks Like

It's amazing how you Trumpies continually demonstrate you have the memories of goldfish.

Do the words "Muslim ban" ring a bell, Dory?

How about, "They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

Ring a bell, Dory?
There was no Muslim ban, liar.
Trump owns the border now.

He ordered bitch boi Mike Johnson to kill the bipartisan Senate border bill.

That's because the only thing Trump has to hammer Biden with any more is the border. The last thing Trump wants is for a border bill to be passed while he is out of power.

And before you parrot the claim the border bill sucks and does nothing substantive like a good little cuck, let's not pretend you read it, mm-kay?

You'd be speaking out of your ass if you did that. As you normally do. It's getting old.

So, yeah. Trump and Mike Johnson own the border now.
Trump owns the border? You are a complete moron, and a lying sack of shit.
Some dipshit just said Biden doesn't want a secure border.

I guess the poor gaslighted mushroom is unaware Biden submitted a border bill on DAY ONE of his administration.

Speaking of gullible, do you guys remember when Trump said he was going to submit an Obamacare replacement on DAY ONE?

Hey stupid, on day one Tater shitcanned about a dozen Trump EOs that were securing the border.

Grow a brain and use it to stop being a lying sack of shit.
I absolutely agree the American people have legitimate grievances.

While they may not be able to put their finger precisely what is going on and who is doing it, their instincts are telling them there is something rotten in Denmark.

It is during these times when demagogues rush in to tell them EXACTLY who is screwing them over.

It's those Jewish bankers! It's those Mexicans!

Demagogues give the people a focal point for their anger. Trump is a master at demagouery.

As for what you said about "the voices they choose to trust" it is often those very voices who are the actual cause of their problem.

Politicians take bribes from special interests to legislatively tilt the playing field in their favor, at the expense of the common people. This has been my tilting at windmills mission from the get-go.

The tilting of the playing field in America is achieved through tax expenditures and regulations. Tax expenditures are robbing the American people of over a trillion dollars a year. They cause higher tax rates, and they keep growing ever year. I think a new tax expenditure is added to the tax code at the rate of one a day.

Reagan fought against this force and eliminated a huge bulk of them, but special interests began the work of putting them back in almost immediately.

Regulations are used to prevent competition breaking into the market. Pay our politicians to make the entry level cost of regulations high enough, you won't have to compete against newcomers with better business models.

Explaining the complexities of tax expenditures to voters is a Herculean task. Believe me, I've tried. Lord, have I tried. And yet there are people who think they are conservatives who are viscerally opposed to eliminating tax expenditures so we can level the playing field and have lower tax rates.

Most of them nodded off two sentences into this post.

That's why it is so much easier to just blame Mexicans or Jews. That does not require any hard thinking on the part of the angry mob.
It's difficult enough to fully explain taxing or spending, LET ALONE taxing AND spending. We have to have a national conversation on where we're going to be on the spectrum, and how the two are related must be addressed together, but we appear to have lost the ability to communicate or collaborate. And few even care. Uh oh.

These people were ripe for the picking, and Limbaugh and his copycats were flourishing long before Trump showed up. To steal a line from another poster, he took one look at the talk radio crowd and said "THIS is gonna be EASY". As I always say, this was never about Trump. This has been about his enablers.
It's difficult enough to fully explain taxing or spending, LET ALONE taxing AND spending. We have to have a national conversation on where we're going to be on the spectrum, and how the two are related must be addressed together, but we appear to have lost the ability to communicate or collaborate. And few even care. Uh oh.

These people were ripe for the picking, and Limbaugh and his copycats were flourishing long before Trump showed up. To steal a line from another poster, he took one look at the talk radio crowd and said "THIS is gonna be EASY". As I always say, this was never about Trump. This has been about his enablers.
Yeah. Trump is an opportunist. When he was operating out of New York, it was better for him to be a Democrat.

His ego long aspired to live in the White House, and when he saw how internally weak and corrupt the GOP had become, he switched parties, but he never changed his spots.

I've said it many times. Trump is not the disease. He is the symptom that tells you the cancer has metastasized.

And if the GOP doesn't act soon, the party will die.

This is a brain cancer. I'm not joking when I say a conservative used to be the smartest person in the room, but now they are the idiots in the corner sniffing each others asses.

These are people who actually believe the Republican Party is fiscally responsible, despite ALL evidence to the contrary right in front of their faces.

When finally forced to confront Republican spending, their brain cancer says, "The Democrats are making them do it!"

This brain cancer is not just fatal to the party. It's gonna kill our democratic republic.
The Iran hostage crisis is what did Carter in. Along with stagflation.

During the 1976 campaign, Carter was all grinning teeth and flash. He was the first presidential candidate to do a Playboy interview.

As President, he turned into a downtrodden grandpa in a cardigan. Not exactly an inspiring character.
Carter just wasn't an effective president. He lacked experience and drive. In the navy he was a tech weeinie coming up through the nuclear submarine program where he served almost exclusively on SSBNs which spend their lives hiding for a living. He certainly wasn't the warrior president we needed in the Iran Hostage Crisis.
It's difficult enough to fully explain taxing or spending, LET ALONE taxing AND spending. We have to have a national conversation on where we're going to be on the spectrum, and how the two are related must be addressed together, but we appear to have lost the ability to communicate or collaborate. And few even care. Uh oh.

These people were ripe for the picking, and Limbaugh and his copycats were flourishing long before Trump showed up. To steal a line from another poster, he took one look at the talk radio crowd and said "THIS is gonna be EASY". As I always say, this was never about Trump. This has been about his enablers.
You are completely wrong. Taxing is very simple; the government needs taxes to do the jobs it's allowed to do by the Constitutuion. Spending is even simpler; the government needs to spend the absolute minimum to accomplish those tasks allowed it by the Tenth Amendment of the Constitution and to a dime more. They only get complicated when people like you want to use the tax code for social justice and governmental control of the citizens.
1. Repeal and replace Obamacare.

2. Ban Muslims.

3. Shut down the border.

You, sir, are a moron. Obama came long after Reagan, Reagan tried to work with the democrats to secure the border, but the democrats screwed him after they got what they wanted. Reagan's great flaw was that he trusted other politicians to put America above party politics and Tip O'Neil and the democratic machine used that faith to screw over both Ronald Reagan AND the United States.
Much the same as you... Not a fan of his policies but cared for America and was a gentleman. He believed he was doing best for the country, he worked with others and he did listen...
His policy on more open borders would seem radical now but if you think about it, it is more freedom for employers and workers... He knew a cheap labour force would be benifical to the US Economy.

He also know who were the enemy and who are allies... He worked with US allies and knew if we were together we can accomplish almost anything.

As for how would Reagan handle COVID. Reagan came from a small Government idealogy but he was a realist. HE did surround himself with some good people that could tell him the truth. Reagan would have immediately got on with unifying the country, on a guess he would be putting US(and Allies) on a war footing with the enemy the virus and the virus is the enemy.
I understand some saying he was bad on AIDS but was they way his party believed at the time. Gay people were not considered a priority to the Republicans in the 80s. This is bad and one of the reasons I wouldn't have voted for him.

Reagan also increased the national debt big time... I mean huge...
That's because Tip O'Neil and the democrats reneged on yet another promise. They promised several dollars in spending cuts for every dollar in increased taxes. They got their tax increase and reneged on the spending cuts.
I disagree on the military-industrial complex, it was still up for grabs but the intelligence agencies were infiltrated to the left.
The intelligence communities CAME from the left. The people who build and ran the CIA were all classic Ivy League liberals.
Reagan appealed to the same things trump does. Thats why he started his campaign in Nashua County Mississippi preaching about states rights. The only difference between Reagan and Trump was that Reagan was a slicker communicator. Trump is overt in his racism. Reagan was not. Reagan was much better at using dogwhistles.
Bullshit. Reagan was no more a racist than any person of his generation.
It's amazing how you Trumpies continually demonstrate you have the memories of goldfish.

Do the words "Muslim ban" ring a bell, Dory?

How about, "They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

Ring a bell, Dory?
There was no "MUSLIM BAN" there was a ban on immigrants and visitors from some SPECIFIC Muslim countries, mostly ones that actively hated the USA like Iran or were failed states like Somalia where visa applicants couldn't be vetted.
Oh, NOW Reagan is a class act. I remember democrats absolutely hating his guts. Amazing.
There was no Muslim ban, liar.
There was no Muslim ban, the same way that the gang who couldn't shoot straight didn't knock off the other family.
Trump was too incompetent to pull it off. Even though he tried three times, and had to settle for a version too watered down to mean anything.
You are completely wrong. Taxing is very simple; the government needs taxes to do the jobs it's allowed to do by the Constitutuion. Spending is even simpler; the government needs to spend the absolute minimum to accomplish those tasks allowed it by the Tenth Amendment of the Constitution and to a dime more. They only get complicated when people like you want to use the tax code for social justice and governmental control of the citizens.
What you call social justice and governmental control, are in the tax code as "deductions".
Like deducting medical expenses.
The government isn't trying to coerce people to go to the doctor or the hospital.
There was no "MUSLIM BAN" there was a ban on immigrants and visitors from some SPECIFIC Muslim countries, mostly ones that actively hated the USA like Iran or were failed states like Somalia where visa applicants couldn't be vetted.
As I told nostra, there was no muslim ban, because Trump was too incompetent to write one. He gave Rudy Guiliani the job of writing the EO, and Rudy couldn't write it so as to be constitutional. By that time, Rudy wasn't a very good lawyer.

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