C'mon Republicans...If You Think Your Position is the Right One...Why Ya Gotta Cheat?

This would be the second instance of cheating by the GOP. The first was when they sent Republicans to run in the Democratic primary.

How can you tell the difference?

And since when is that cheating? didn't some black guy "run" against another rep to pull away votes? [I can't recall the name or where]

If Republicans have a superior agenda..they should run on their merits.

But that's not what is happening. Republicans like to point to the 2010 election as some sort of benchmark. But the Republican candidates were dishonest, to say the least, about what they planned to do in Congress. They ran on perserving Medicare and Creating jobs. They've done neither.

And this sort of trickery only puts on display, for all to see, what sort of governance they are looking for..

A dysfunctional one.

one, there was not trickery, turns out the dems are lying. shocking, I know.

two, they are trying to preserve it b/c if we keep going like we are going it will be broke in 10 years. But don't let the facts get in the way of a good lie.

three, Creating job? How is 1/2 of 1/3 of government going to create jobs in the face of the party of no jobs? As you recall, spending trillions will keep UE under 8%. That idea failed horribly and as you know, libs actually want to spend more money. btw, that, by definition, is insanity.
Until there is proof that more than 2 fliers were sent out, assuming they even ever existed as no picture or copy has yet been published, the OP is and remains a partisan hack.
This is a non story until I see concrete proof.

Just as Acorn was a non story due to lack of proof..

Oh wait...thats right....it was a non story DESPITE proof.

Concrete proof? Like the mailer?


Why is cheating a non-story?

You didn't read it did you?

On page 2 it's very clear that you and politico are a bunch of lying fucktards.

step1; Fill ou the attached application for an absentee ballot TODAY

Step 2; Mail it

Step 3; Whe you rcv your ballot from your city clerk, fill it out IMMEDITELY

Step 4; Mail in completed ballot which must be rcvd by your city clerk on the Thersday of the week BEFORE the general election.

Grats, you just proved that you are a lying scum bag.

techncially, it says BOTH. The letter says 'the week before the election', while the second instruction section says 'before August 11th'.

I can see how really stupid people could get this wrong.
BTW... the OP is STILL a partisan hack.
Until there is proof that more than 2 fliers were sent out, assuming they even ever existed as no picture or copy has yet been published, the OP is and remains a partisan hack.

actually she posted a copy of the flyer [top of page 2]

The second page, the instructions are clear and prove the story is nothing less than a full blown lie.

The libs have read the link and can no longer make false accusations.

note, none have apologised for thier team making such false claims or for thier personnal assumption that it was true, even though they had seen no proof.
Concrete proof? Like the mailer?


Why is cheating a non-story?

You didn't read it did you?

On page 2 it's very clear that you and politico are a bunch of lying fucktards.

step1; Fill ou the attached application for an absentee ballot TODAY

Step 2; Mail it

Step 3; Whe you rcv your ballot from your city clerk, fill it out IMMEDITELY

Step 4; Mail in completed ballot which must be rcvd by your city clerk on the Thersday of the week BEFORE the general election.

Grats, you just proved that you are a lying scum bag.

techncially, it says BOTH. The letter says 'the week before the election', while the second instruction section says 'before August 11th'.

I can see how really stupid people could get this wrong.
BTW... the OP is STILL a partisan hack.

And liar. As are all the libs that posted stateing it was fact before there was any facts posted.

Only the truly truly dumb would see this as an attempt to fuck with peoples votes.

Besides, these people sent it to all thier members. If it was intended to screw up the vote, they would achive the opposite of what they wanted.
this is not the only time the republicans have cheated in elections.

Its why they have been under a consent decree for decades.
this is not the only time the republicans have cheated in elections.

Its why they have been under a consent decree for decades.

I know...I know...

Republicans...bad; cheaters; unethical
Democrats.....good; play by the rules; the epitomy of ethical

We get it.
What next - they going to put Black Panthers at polling stations with billy clubs to intimidate voters ?

Oh... wait...

They'd have to do better than just two of those guys at one polling place who left when asked to....won't they?
How can you tell the difference?

And since when is that cheating? didn't some black guy "run" against another rep to pull away votes? [I can't recall the name or where]

If Republicans have a superior agenda..they should run on their merits.

But that's not what is happening. Republicans like to point to the 2010 election as some sort of benchmark. But the Republican candidates were dishonest, to say the least, about what they planned to do in Congress. They ran on perserving Medicare and Creating jobs. They've done neither.

And this sort of trickery only puts on display, for all to see, what sort of governance they are looking for..

A dysfunctional one.

one, there was not trickery, turns out the dems are lying. shocking, I know.

two, they are trying to preserve it b/c if we keep going like we are going it will be broke in 10 years. But don't let the facts get in the way of a good lie.

three, Creating job? How is 1/2 of 1/3 of government going to create jobs in the face of the party of no jobs? As you recall, spending trillions will keep UE under 8%. That idea failed horribly and as you know, libs actually want to spend more money. btw, that, by definition, is insanity.

Lying about what?

And how, exactly, will we be "broke". We control the minting of our money. So you go ahead and explain how a nation with an economy of 14 trillion a year..will be broke.

And what are you talking about? Cutting spending..is cutting jobs, ace. If you fire teachers, firefighters and police..they will be..guess what? Unemployed. Same with if you fire people in the private sector who's jobs depend on public spending.
this is not the only time the republicans have cheated in elections.

Its why they have been under a consent decree for decades.

I know...I know...

Republicans...bad; cheaters; unethical
Democrats.....good; play by the rules; the epitomy of ethical

We get it.

Shame she can't come to grips with the fact it was sent out to all thier members and these 2 dems were members. So they sent the same set of instructions to everyone.

also notice she lacks the honesty, along with the rest, to admit this is a lie propagated by liberals.

I know, I know.

I'm shocked just as much as you are. [shock = 0.0]
LOL...right...they only mailed out two of them. :lol:

Interesting defense of cheating...

Actually you are defending lying.

Where's the proof? If they have found 2, and it's been reported, there should be a pic of it to support the claim.

Since there's not, it's all a lie. That you are trying to spred.

So, Why are YOU lying and cheating by spreading lies?

This would be the second instance of cheating by the GOP. The first was when they sent Republicans to run in the Democratic primary.

Sorta like democrats posing as tea party members. Then when faced withe the realization they would have to pay for the falsehood, drop themselves from the races. There a lot more on this, but you get the point.
If Republicans have a superior agenda..they should run on their merits.

But that's not what is happening. Republicans like to point to the 2010 election as some sort of benchmark. But the Republican candidates were dishonest, to say the least, about what they planned to do in Congress. They ran on perserving Medicare and Creating jobs. They've done neither.

And this sort of trickery only puts on display, for all to see, what sort of governance they are looking for..

A dysfunctional one.

one, there was not trickery, turns out the dems are lying. shocking, I know.

two, they are trying to preserve it b/c if we keep going like we are going it will be broke in 10 years. But don't let the facts get in the way of a good lie.

three, Creating job? How is 1/2 of 1/3 of government going to create jobs in the face of the party of no jobs? As you recall, spending trillions will keep UE under 8%. That idea failed horribly and as you know, libs actually want to spend more money. btw, that, by definition, is insanity.

Lying about what?

And how, exactly, will we be "broke". We control the minting of our money. So you go ahead and explain how a nation with an economy of 14 trillion a year..will be broke.

And what are you talking about? Cutting spending..is cutting jobs, ace. If you fire teachers, firefighters and police..they will be..guess what? Unemployed. Same with if you fire people in the private sector who's jobs depend on public spending.

medicare is not going to be destroyed, the safety net remains.

debt = 95% of gdp. Printing money just means you have more money, it does not mean it's worth more.

Having more money in the private sector = jobs in the private sector. less jobs in government means less money is needed to be taxed. That = we have more money to spend = job creation = equals more people to be taxed = less tax burden for all = we have more money to spend = job creation = so on and so forth.
LOL...right...they only mailed out two of them. :lol:

Interesting defense of cheating...

Actually you are defending lying.

Where's the proof? If they have found 2, and it's been reported, there should be a pic of it to support the claim.

Since there's not, it's all a lie. That you are trying to spred.

So, Why are YOU lying and cheating by spreading lies?

This would be the second instance of cheating by the GOP. The first was when they sent Republicans to run in the Democratic primary.

Except that wasn't cheating...
I hate Merkins for Prosperity. HATE!!! They pay for a lot of the T-party, AstroTurf events, as does Koch Industries, that people like Caribou Barbie attend
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You didn't read it did you?

On page 2 it's very clear that you and politico are a bunch of lying fucktards.

step1; Fill ou the attached application for an absentee ballot TODAY

Step 2; Mail it

Step 3; Whe you rcv your ballot from your city clerk, fill it out IMMEDITELY

Step 4; Mail in completed ballot which must be rcvd by your city clerk on the Thersday of the week BEFORE the general election.

Grats, you just proved that you are a lying scum bag.

techncially, it says BOTH. The letter says 'the week before the election', while the second instruction section says 'before August 11th'.

I can see how really stupid people could get this wrong.
BTW... the OP is STILL a partisan hack.

And liar. As are all the libs that posted stateing it was fact before there was any facts posted.

Only the truly truly dumb would see this as an attempt to fuck with peoples votes.

Besides, these people sent it to all thier members. If it was intended to screw up the vote, they would achive the opposite of what they wanted.

the operative words here....
I hate Merkans for Prosperity. HATE!!! They pay for a lot of the T-party AstroTurf events, as does Koch Industries, that people like Caribou Barbie attend

Youre right lets drag the Koch brothers out into the streets. Imagine the nerve of running there businesses with Unions.

I understand your outrage!!!!:lol:
one, there was not trickery, turns out the dems are lying. shocking, I know.

two, they are trying to preserve it b/c if we keep going like we are going it will be broke in 10 years. But don't let the facts get in the way of a good lie.

three, Creating job? How is 1/2 of 1/3 of government going to create jobs in the face of the party of no jobs? As you recall, spending trillions will keep UE under 8%. That idea failed horribly and as you know, libs actually want to spend more money. btw, that, by definition, is insanity.

Lying about what?

And how, exactly, will we be "broke". We control the minting of our money. So you go ahead and explain how a nation with an economy of 14 trillion a year..will be broke.

And what are you talking about? Cutting spending..is cutting jobs, ace. If you fire teachers, firefighters and police..they will be..guess what? Unemployed. Same with if you fire people in the private sector who's jobs depend on public spending.

medicare is not going to be destroyed, the safety net remains.

debt = 95% of gdp. Printing money just means you have more money, it does not mean it's worth more.

Having more money in the private sector = jobs in the private sector. less jobs in government means less money is needed to be taxed. That = we have more money to spend = job creation = equals more people to be taxed = less tax burden for all = we have more money to spend = job creation = so on and so forth.

What lie? Not sure what you are getting at about Medicare. The Republicans were running on the fact that the Obama administration was "cutting" 500 billion from Medicare. Well the cuts were to be found by reducing fraud, redundancy and waste. Something Conservatives use to support. But the Ryan plan sought to make it into a "voucher" program..which it is not. And even he said it was a part of a move to privatize the whole thing. Effectively destroying it.

And really..think about what Medicare does. It takes care of old people. It's a demographic the HMOs want no part of. And going back to the days prior to Medicare..the Middle Class and the poor were dying earlier and in a great deal more pain..then their rich counter parts. I don't know about you..but I don't think wealth should be a big factor in life expendancy.

And your "money in the private sector" equation is total bullshit. There are oceans of liquidity in the private sector as we speak...and NO JOBS.
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