C'mon Republicans...If You Think Your Position is the Right One...Why Ya Gotta Cheat?

Lying about what?

And how, exactly, will we be "broke". We control the minting of our money. So you go ahead and explain how a nation with an economy of 14 trillion a year..will be broke.

And what are you talking about? Cutting spending..is cutting jobs, ace. If you fire teachers, firefighters and police..they will be..guess what? Unemployed. Same with if you fire people in the private sector who's jobs depend on public spending.

medicare is not going to be destroyed, the safety net remains.

debt = 95% of gdp. Printing money just means you have more money, it does not mean it's worth more.

Having more money in the private sector = jobs in the private sector. less jobs in government means less money is needed to be taxed. That = we have more money to spend = job creation = equals more people to be taxed = less tax burden for all = we have more money to spend = job creation = so on and so forth.

What lie? Not sure what you are getting at about Medicare. The Republicans were running on the fact that the Obama administration was "cutting" 500 billion from Medicare. Well the cuts were to be found by reducing fraud, redundancy and waste. Something Conservatives use to support. But the Ryan plan sought to make it into a "voucher" program..which it is not. And even he said it was a part of a move to privatize the whole thing. Effectively destroying it.

And really..think about what Medicare does. It take care of old people. It's a demographic the HMOs want no part of. And going back to the day prior to Medicare..the Middle Class and the poor were dying earlier and in a great deal more pain..then their rich counter parts. I don't know about you..but I don't think wealth should be a big factor in life expendancy.

And your "money in the private sector" equation is total bullshit. There are oceans of liquidity in the private sector as we speak...and NO JOBS.

lol...and none of us are sitting around talking about how either/both parties are aware that 500 billion in fraud and waste exists but it must take other "more serious legislation" to do something about it?
Americans for Prosperity is sending absentee ballots to Democrats in at least two Wisconsin state Senate recall districts with instructions to return the paperwork after the election date.

The fliers, obtained by POLITICO, ask solidly Democratic voters to return ballots for the Aug. 9 election to the city clerk "before Aug. 11."

A Democrat on the ground in Wisconsin said the fliers were discovered to be hitting doors in District 2 and District 10 over the weekend.

AFP Wisconsin ballots have late return date

And what address do the cheating GOPers put on the ballot request form? Not the address for the Elections Office, but a PO Box registered to the PAC.

Seriously, why do they have to cheat?

That's the new beta basic IQ test for voting.

So far, two Democrats have passed.
lol...and none of us are sitting around talking about how either/both parties are aware that 500 billion in fraud and waste exists but it must take other "more serious legislation" to do something about it?

Of course not. Because it takes spending to ferret it out. Look what happened to the IRS. They had their funding CUT and revenues went DOWN. There are more tax cheats then ever and that requires funding to get that cash.

Complete and unadulterated stupidity.
Isn't it about time for some Rightie poster to say that Obama once said there were 57 states?
there you have it.

They attacked ACORN with a DOJ that was packed with partisans so that they could stop an organization that was helping poor people vote and have a boogey man to throw arround when they get caught cheating.

The Republican party has cheated in elections for decades now and its in the court records.

The vast majority of Americans dont know that history.

They do know about the FAKED hit job on ACORN.

then these creeps try to claim we have a liberal media.

If we had a liberal media no republican would ever get elected again merely on the facts.
It is the dimwits you are talking about, as usual they are the ones that cheat on elections. For example, again, al 'I am stupid' Franken in Minn. More votes in numerous counties than registered voters. Don't forget obamaturd, not sure where he was born, if he was born in Kenya, that makes him ineligible. But you dimwits support them, idiots. Also, if the story is true, big if, then the republicans ought to be accountable also. Wrong is wrong, I just get tired of dimwits protecting there wrongdoings ALL THE TIME!!!!
We don't. That's why we are for showing IDs at the polls. And oppose dead people voting.

Liberals will do anything.. lie, cheat, steal, to win an election. This doesn't really surprise me that much.

Somehow it's different....

It just is...

Yes...becuase when liberals lie cheat and steal to win an election it is so they can be assured that an ethical person is elected.

Come on man....get with the program
Lying about what?

And how, exactly, will we be "broke". We control the minting of our money. So you go ahead and explain how a nation with an economy of 14 trillion a year..will be broke.

And what are you talking about? Cutting spending..is cutting jobs, ace. If you fire teachers, firefighters and police..they will be..guess what? Unemployed. Same with if you fire people in the private sector who's jobs depend on public spending.

medicare is not going to be destroyed, the safety net remains.

debt = 95% of gdp. Printing money just means you have more money, it does not mean it's worth more.

Having more money in the private sector = jobs in the private sector. less jobs in government means less money is needed to be taxed. That = we have more money to spend = job creation = equals more people to be taxed = less tax burden for all = we have more money to spend = job creation = so on and so forth.

What lie? Not sure what you are getting at about Medicare. The Republicans were running on the fact that the Obama administration was "cutting" 500 billion from Medicare. Well the cuts were to be found by reducing fraud, redundancy and waste. Something Conservatives use to support. But the Ryan plan sought to make it into a "voucher" program..which it is not. And even he said it was a part of a move to privatize the whole thing. Effectively destroying it.

And really..think about what Medicare does. It takes care of old people. It's a demographic the HMOs want no part of. And going back to the days prior to Medicare..the Middle Class and the poor were dying earlier and in a great deal more pain..then their rich counter parts. I don't know about you..but I don't think wealth should be a big factor in life expendancy.

And your "money in the private sector" equation is total bullshit. There are oceans of liquidity in the private sector as we speak...and NO JOBS.

And there's the lie.

And it worked. The liberal fear mongering worked in short order. Shame about the fact that it will go under in 10 years. but lets just keep kicking the can
Isn't it about time for some Rightie poster to say that Obama once said there were 57 states?


The story is a baseless lie that only the truly dumb are buying w/o any fact checking.

hell, even the OP gave up once she posted the proof that she was lying.
Actually you are defending lying.

Where's the proof? If they have found 2, and it's been reported, there should be a pic of it to support the claim.

Since there's not, it's all a lie. That you are trying to spred.

So, Why are YOU lying and cheating by spreading lies?

This would be the second instance of cheating by the GOP. The first was when they sent Republicans to run in the Democratic primary.

Except that wasn't cheating...


Does there need to be a law about every form of bad behavior?

What the heck happened to ethics and personal responsibility?
Americans for Prosperity is sending absentee ballots to Democrats in at least two Wisconsin state Senate recall districts with instructions to return the paperwork after the election date.

The fliers, obtained by POLITICO, ask solidly Democratic voters to return ballots for the Aug. 9 election to the city clerk "before Aug. 11."

A Democrat on the ground in Wisconsin said the fliers were discovered to be hitting doors in District 2 and District 10 over the weekend.

AFP Wisconsin ballots have late return date

And what address do the cheating GOPers put on the ballot request form? Not the address for the Elections Office, but a PO Box registered to the PAC.

Seriously, why do they have to cheat?

every Election the Post Office has Ballots from both sides that are Misleading and some are Considered Illegal....and many have a PO Box as a return Address.....still think its just one side who "Cheats?"........
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there you have it.

They attacked ACORN with a DOJ that was packed with partisans so that they could stop an organization that was helping poor people vote and have a boogey man to throw arround when they get caught cheating.

The Republican party has cheated in elections for decades now and its in the court records.

The vast majority of Americans dont know that history.

They do know about the FAKED hit job on ACORN.

then these creeps try to claim we have a liberal media.

If we had a liberal media no republican would ever get elected again merely on the facts.

are you going to now go start yet ANOTHER thread on this?....
I wonder if the liberals realize that a PAC sending out absentee ballot flyers is legal?

Or, that a typo explains the Aug 11 date?

Of course not.

It's much simpler (which fits them) to think VAST RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY.
I wonder if the liberals realize that a PAC sending out absentee ballot flyers is legal?

Or, that a typo explains the Aug 11 date?

Of course not.

It's much simpler (which fits them) to think VAST RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY.
I find it hysterical that only two Democrats discovered it. Basic IQ test fail.
This would be the second instance of cheating by the GOP. The first was when they sent Republicans to run in the Democratic primary.

Except that wasn't cheating...


Does there need to be a law about every form of bad behavior?

The R's put in people to force a uniform general election date...


What the heck happened to ethics and personal responsibility?
Get back to me when you hold your party to ethics and personal responsibility...
politico already says AFP has addressed the issue.

Non-story, made into a story by desperate libs who want to regain their position regardless of what they have to do.

AFP says misleading ballots were a mistake - David Catanese - POLITICO.com

AFP says misleading ballots were a mistake
The conservative third party group Americans for Prosperity said absentee ballots sent to Wisconsin voters this weekend with the wrong election date was the result of a "printing mistake."

"The date on the ballot application was meant solely for the elections held on August 16th. Due to a mistake during printing, all applications were sent out with the August 11th date," said AFP-Wisconsin state director Matt Seaholm. “Americans for Prosperity-Wisconsin did not intend to print the incorrect absentee deadline or confuse voters in any way."

POLITICO first reported Monday that AFP had sent ballots to solidly Democratic voters in two state Senate recall districts, instructing them to return the paperwork by Aug. 11 -- two days after the Aug. 9 election date.

The Wisconsin Democratic Party has already filed a formal complaint with the state's Government Accountability Board. The Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee is also calling for an investigation.

Seaholm said AFP-Wisconsin is addressing the mistake by sending out a call "to each and every individual on the mailing list to clarify the date of the elections."

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