CNN actually ran this story: "what if Trump gets assassinated?"...are they wishing for it?

That's exactly what I thought. Just when you think they couldn't get any lower..
If anything happened to Trump during or after the inauguration there will be a LIB MSM bloodbath.
MILLIONS of extremely well armed American Patriots WILL see to it.
How many radical LIBs at MSNBC/CNN/NYT/WAPO etc have packed an emergency 'escape from the US' bag?
I'm betting there are hundreds.
They'll NEVER make it across the border or onto a plane leaving the US.
Forget the NG. 90% of them are REPs. Same with the military and LE.
They will all come down with the 'blue-flu'.
I can see Putin doing this to throw us in to chaos....:eek:

Pres Trump should NOT trust the guy...
It's like CNN was making a very strong suggestion.
I'm surprised CNN didn't have a homemade bomb expert on detailing how to make a bomb.
That's how bad it has become with the LIB MSM.
One day they will go too far and the reaction from American Patriots will shake the foundations of the country. When the dust settles thousands of LIB MSM lives will be affected.
It's like CNN was making a very strong suggestion.
I'm surprised CNN didn't have a homemade bomb expert on detailing how to make a bomb.
That's how bad it has become with the LIB MSM.
One day they will go too far and the reaction from American Patriots will shake the foundations of the country. When the dust settles thousands of LIB MSM lives will be affected.
Sadly, it's guys like YOU that we need to be worried about. Real American patriots don't dream of shooting and killing other Americans over their politics. It is folks with those violent dreams who are cracking our foundations, on both sides.
I can see Putin doing this to throw us in to chaos....:eek:

Pres Trump should NOT trust the guy...
Are you saying Russia hacked CNN?

I am just saying what I worry about....
so you are saying Russia hacked the election to influence it so trump could win, just to assassinate him? :eek:
I don't know....

I think it could have started out as Putin being afraid of Hillary as President,

Supporting Trump could be an end to the means...

There is love for Putin by Trump showing, (unless Trump is just playing a game), but I have never seen that love in Putin's eyes for Trump.... to Putin, Trump could simply be his PAWN....

Trump truly needs to be careful, I have no idea WHY he has taken this stance on lovin' a relationship with Putin...but imo, Trump is way over his head....Putin IS a murderer.... he cares for no one, but his own power and self.
the video of the segment was interesting...and's better for all of us to know what happens in a worst case scenario, it is like a fire drill...better to practice, than be caught clueless.

They did not show one picture of Trump or Pence in the video segment....
the video of the segment was interesting...and's better for all of us to know what happens in a worst case scenario, it is like a fire drill...better to practice, than be caught clueless.

They did not show one picture of Trump or Pence in the video segment....
Are you really justifying this? You should feel ashamed. But I know you don't.
the video of the segment was interesting...and's better for all of us to know what happens in a worst case scenario, it is like a fire drill...better to practice, than be caught clueless.

They did not show one picture of Trump or Pence in the video segment....
Are you really justifying this? You should feel ashamed. But I know you don't.

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