CNN and MSNBC are out of the news game

CNN and MSNBC have the same relationship to "news reporting" that Obamacare has to health insurance. They merely use it as an excuse to spread unconstitutional, socialistic government policy and control into the country.
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So no one sees this as a promotional piece by the prez of Fox? Fox, which is owned by Rupert Murdoch, the same Rupert Murdoch who is being sued in the U.K. for tapping cell phones? Whose tabloid NOTW was shut down by this scandal? Whose execs are pleading guilty to hacking charges.....That's your news source?

Did you see where Ailes said Megyn Kelly was selected to bust up the O'Reilly/Hannity block because Fox wants to attract a younger audience? That's the truth: Fox is popular because their audience is a bunch of old, white retired people who have nothing to do but watch their channel all day long....(when they're not posting on USMB).
Okay so Fox has the biggest share of the pie, generally more than the others combined. And they've made a wise and strategic business decision that will succeed in taking more of the pie from the losers. Cool.

Meanwhile, MSNBC continues with its programming crackpots that have been very successful at losing them audience share, and CNN, to their credit, have announced news won't be their sole focus going forward.

No wonder the liberal scum is upset.
So no one sees this as a promotional piece by the prez of Fox? Fox, which is owned by Rupert Murdoch, the same Rupert Murdoch who is being sued in the U.K. for tapping cell phones? Whose tabloid NOTW was shut down by this scandal? Whose execs are pleading guilty to hacking charges.....That's your news source?

Did you see where Ailes said Megyn Kelly was selected to bust up the O'Reilly/Hannity block because Fox wants to attract a younger audience? That's the truth: Fox is popular because their audience is a bunch of old, white retired people who have nothing to do but watch their channel all day long....(when they're not posting on USMB).

Here stupid -

What do you think of Jeff Zucker saying CNN is now focused on making shows and moving away from newscasts?

I'm actually thrilled. MSNBC has [already] announced they're out of the news business. They have several different hosts, but it's always the same show: Republicans are no good. The NBC News people won't get caught dead on MSNBC. They could have a traffic accident in front of the window, and they wouldn't cover it. For CNN to also throw in the towel and announce they're out of the news business is quite interesting. That means Fox has won the cable news wars. [Zucker] had a big hit with a whale one night [the documentary Blackfish]. I guess he's going to do whales a lot. If I were Discovery, I'd be worried.
Roger Ailes Offered Employee A Raise In Exchange For Sex, New Book Claims

Former employees cited in the book talked of Mr. Ailes’s volatile temper and domineering behavior. In one anecdote, a television producer, Randi Harrison, told Mr. Sherman that while negotiating her salary with Mr. Ailes at NBC in the 1980s, he offered her an additional $100 each week “if you agree to have sex with me whenever I want.”
All of them, Fox and CNN and MSNBC, are out of the news game.

They are propaganda mills.

Among your competitors, is there any talent you particularly admire?

I think Rachel Maddow has been a surprise to a lot of people. She wouldn't really work at this network because she wouldn't even come in the door, but on a personal level, I like her. I don't want to hurt her career, so I won't say we get along, but I've had dialogue with her, and she's very smart. She has adapted well to the television medium.
Roger Ailes Offered Employee A Raise In Exchange For Sex, New Book Claims

Former employees cited in the book talked of Mr. Ailes’s volatile temper and domineering behavior. In one anecdote, a television producer, Randi Harrison, told Mr. Sherman that while negotiating her salary with Mr. Ailes at NBC in the 1980s, he offered her an additional $100 each week “if you agree to have sex with me whenever I want.”

Roger Ailes is some fat, old Republican who runs Faux News. Nothing he says is worth taking seriously. He's also, apparently, a pervert and a chauvanist. Who would pay any attention to such a piece of shite?
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Roger Ailes Offered Employee A Raise In Exchange For Sex, New Book Claims

Former employees cited in the book talked of Mr. Ailes’s volatile temper and domineering behavior. In one anecdote, a television producer, Randi Harrison, told Mr. Sherman that while negotiating her salary with Mr. Ailes at NBC in the 1980s, he offered her an additional $100 each week “if you agree to have sex with me whenever I want.”

Roger Ailes is some fat, old Republican who runs Faux News. Nothing he says is worth taking seriously. He's also, apparently, a pervert and a chauvanist. Who would pay any attention to such a piece of shite?

well, some think Obama is a skinny black man who runs our country and nothing he says should be taken seriously...And 60% of the people who disapproves of him ask the same thing, who would pay any attention to such a piece of shit or some site called, the hufferpufferpost:lol:
So no one sees this as a promotional piece by the prez of Fox? Fox, which is owned by Rupert Murdoch, the same Rupert Murdoch who is being sued in the U.K. for tapping cell phones? Whose tabloid NOTW was shut down by this scandal? Whose execs are pleading guilty to hacking charges.....That's your news source?

Did you see where Ailes said Megyn Kelly was selected to bust up the O'Reilly/Hannity block because Fox wants to attract a younger audience? That's the truth: Fox is popular because their audience is a bunch of old, white retired people who have nothing to do but watch their channel all day long....(when they're not posting on USMB).

and they buy up local stations so they can cover larger and larger areas od broadcast.

we vote in elections not with TV viewership in this country
Megyn Kelly has been a huge success at Fox taking over the #2 spot that Hannity held for a number of years. O'Reilly continues to be the flagship of the evening line up - Greta is doing as well in her new slot as she did in the old - Hannity is not pulling the audience he did in his old slot, but is still pulling more audience than all the other cable news channels combined in his new slot. The Five--the replacement for Beck--has been very successful and is beginning to rival O'Reilly as the No. 1 program at Fox. Not because O'Reilly is losing market share, but because The Five is just pulling in more viewers all the time.

CNN launched in 1980 as the first 24-hour cable news program and enjoyed a great deal of success with a competent breaking news and news magazine format. But over time their slant, like all other news programs widely available, became more and more biased to the left to the point that it became obvious to most who were discerning at all--dubbed the Clinton News Network by rightwing pundits. They were still doing fairly well as the only game in town, but were already losing market share when Fox and MSNBC were launched, both in 1996.

Fox news magazines are hosted by primarily conservatives, most being of libertarian leanings, giving American conservatives the chance to hear their point of view expressed on television for the first time in a very long time. But the Fox straight news team does as good a job as anybody to report the news objectively and fairly--"we report - you decide". They were hated from the beginning though because they reported stories that the left leaning news medium were sitting on to protect left leaning personalities. They still do.

Fox took over the #1 cable news slot within six years and have never looked back. In any given hour, they almost always pull more audience than all the other cable news channels combined. And CNN, failing to realize that there just aren't enough liberals to make a left leaning 24-hour news service profitable, and by hiring ultra-leftwing hosts suchs as Piers Morgan for key slots, has continued to lose market share as most of the conservatives who watch cable news went to Fox. And because CNN was at least making an effort to report at least some real news in a balanced way, they lost the ultra leftwing fanatics to MSNBC who make no effort whatsoever to be balanced. MSNBC now usually pulls more market share than CNN.

Market share almost always dictates where advertisers put their most lucrative advertising budgets.

So of course with dwindling advertising revenues, CNN is looking for ways to shore up its bottom line. I'm not sure what MSNBC is doing.
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So no one sees this as a promotional piece by the prez of Fox? Fox, which is owned by Rupert Murdoch, the same Rupert Murdoch who is being sued in the U.K. for tapping cell phones? Whose tabloid NOTW was shut down by this scandal? Whose execs are pleading guilty to hacking charges.....That's your news source?

Did you see where Ailes said Megyn Kelly was selected to bust up the O'Reilly/Hannity block because Fox wants to attract a younger audience? That's the truth: Fox is popular because their audience is a bunch of old, white retired people who have nothing to do but watch their channel all day long....(when they're not posting on USMB).

and they buy up local stations so they can cover larger and larger areas od broadcast.

we vote in elections not with TV viewership in this country

Since you're not very well educated and have a limited grasp of English it's sometimes hard to know what the heck you're (it's not your) struggling to communicate. So the question is, Are you asserting Fox Cable, commonly known as Fox News Channel, is buying up local TV stations?
So no one sees this as a promotional piece by the prez of Fox? Fox, which is owned by Rupert Murdoch, the same Rupert Murdoch who is being sued in the U.K. for tapping cell phones? Whose tabloid NOTW was shut down by this scandal? Whose execs are pleading guilty to hacking charges.....That's your news source?

Did you see where Ailes said Megyn Kelly was selected to bust up the O'Reilly/Hannity block because Fox wants to attract a younger audience? That's the truth: Fox is popular because their audience is a bunch of old, white retired people who have nothing to do but watch their channel all day long....(when they're not posting on USMB).

Here stupid -

What do you think of Jeff Zucker saying CNN is now focused on making shows and moving away from newscasts?

I'm actually thrilled. MSNBC has [already] announced they're out of the news business. They have several different hosts, but it's always the same show: Republicans are no good. The NBC News people won't get caught dead on MSNBC. They could have a traffic accident in front of the window, and they wouldn't cover it. For CNN to also throw in the towel and announce they're out of the news business is quite interesting. That means Fox has won the cable news wars. [Zucker] had a big hit with a whale one night [the documentary Blackfish]. I guess he's going to do whales a lot. If I were Discovery, I'd be worried.

Actually, cable "news" has become a joke and a misnomer--those networks, particularly FOX and MSNBC, are simply echo chambers for loyal partisans. CNN seems to make efforts at real news broadcasting, but the simple truth is that cable NEWS networks do not exist. It turns out that most folks that aren't partisan hacks get their news from traditional networks (NBC, CBS, ABC, and PBS).

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