CNN Declares Americans Should Be Vaccinated Or Denied Privileges...Like Interstate Travel.....


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Doctor on CNN: Americans Who Wish to

Have Privileges Need to Get Vaccinated:

‘Having the Right to Travel Interstate, it’s

Not a Constitutional Right’ (VIDEO)

...yeah. Things like this are why CNN's viewership numbers are in the toilet and no one seriously considers them an unbiased news source any longer,

Much like Biden / his handlers who want to Un-Constitutionally 'punish' Americans who refuse to embrace radical, Marxist/Communist/Socialist ideology and agendas and who refuse to just STFU and comply, CNN wants to see Americans beaten down and forced to do so.


Doctor on CNN: Americans Who Wish to

Have Privileges Need to Get Vaccinated:

‘Having the Right to Travel Interstate, it’s

Not a Constitutional Right’ (VIDEO)

...yeah. Things like this are why CNN's viewership numbers are in the toilet and no one seriously considers them an unbiased news source any longer,

Much like Biden / his handlers who want to Un-Constitutionally 'punish' Americans who refuse to embrace radical, Marxist/Communist/Socialist ideology and agendas and who refuse to just STFU and comply, CNN wants to see Americans beaten down and forced to do so.

They told us Trump was a fascist! Wait ...
God, what an ignorant ****!
Naw, technically, she is not wrong.

They did it to us after 9/11 with TSA, so yeah, they can do it. Anytime there is a common carrier, i.e. a bus, train, or plane, the government regulators can get involved.

Now. . . for freedom of interstate travel by car? That is an entirely different matter. This is one of the reasons they want to switch everything to electric cars. If everything is controlled by the Smart Grid, they can control whether or not you can even turn on your own car. . . and can seize control of it when ever they want. . .

Technically, not many folks know, but I am pretty sure, you don't even need a license to use the roads.

BUT? If you try to tell the gestapo & the courts that? You are in for a world of hurt. Only the very rich, with the best lawyers dare to use the actual law in courts.

U.S. Supreme Court Says No License Necessary To Drive Automobile On Public Roads​

Naw, technically, she is not wrong.

They did it to us after 9/11 with TSA, so yeah, they can do it. Anytime there is a common carrier, i.e. a bus, train, or plane, the government regulators can get involved.

Now. . . for freedom of interstate travel by car? That is an entirely different matter. This is one of the reasons they want to switch everything to electric cars. If everything is controlled by the Smart Grid, they can control whether or not you can even turn on your own car. . . and can seize control of it when ever they want. . .

Technically, not many folks know, but I am pretty sure, you don't even need a license to use the roads.

BUT? If you try to tell the gestapo & the courts that? You are in for a world of hurt. Only the very rich, with the best lawyers dare to use the actual law in courts.

U.S. Supreme Court Says No License Necessary To Drive Automobile On Public Roads​

I have listened to many people who have been driving our roads for decades without a driver's license. I'd be interested in learning more about this.

Your post is great! I had not thought of that aspect of the electric cars.
Since blacks have one of the lowest vaccination rates, it makes you wonder...

Why do the CDC, Biden, and the racists in the Democrat Party hate blacks so much, and want to deny them their rights???
One thing for certain is that Democratic politicians, not necessarily the lemmings that vote for them, are LOVING COVID in the sense that it is giving them the opportunity to justify exercising more governmental control and creating more dependency. That has always been their main goal.

Doctor on CNN: Americans Who Wish to

Have Privileges Need to Get Vaccinated:

‘Having the Right to Travel Interstate, it’s

Not a Constitutional Right’ (VIDEO)

...yeah. Things like this are why CNN's viewership numbers are in the toilet and no one seriously considers them an unbiased news source any longer,

Much like Biden / his handlers who want to Un-Constitutionally 'punish' Americans who refuse to embrace radical, Marxist/Communist/Socialist ideology and agendas and who refuse to just STFU and comply, CNN wants to see Americans beaten down and forced to do so.

Sounds good to me. I would also support Lepper type colonies for the unvaxxed.
Just an estimation on my part, but I bet many workers at MSNBC and CNN would have been British loyalists during your war for independence. Maybe even handsomely rewarded spies for the British Crown. There might even be some details about this very subject in their family histories.

Happily demanding consequences for some, knowing damned well they will have NO ONE to blame, once the Mu virus (which is not protected by any vaccine) takes hold. Nor will they talk about natural immunity (those who have already had the virus) and the need, or lack of need of taking a vaccine under such circumstances. Just for the record, Ontario is over 85% vaccinated, we are still getting big numbers.

They push one agenda. Aren't curious, nor ask questions about the origin. Act surprised (or just blame some faceless group) when nothing to date has worked and new variants emerge.

China smiles.
I can feel the tension in the air. Something has to give,
Just today, I accepted that the under the scenes plan is to oust Biden. Something is happening to allow media to display different takes between Biden and Harris. Since LSM is tied at the hip with Biden's administration and its success, the public must continue to research medical and scientific papers to see how many lies they are continuing to tell.

I really never thought Biden's handler's wanted Harris at the helm, but I had to search for what makes the most sense. Why...why are they "allowing" such negativity from the public about Biden and now participating in it instead of covering it up, that's the real question. The answer: to diminish any support for Biden by the corporate Dems who didn't want Harris in the first place, but accepted her as a tag-team member, and now? It seems they've turned coat and want him out. Yikes, what a mess.

I will say this: Harris stating she doesn't back forced mandates like Joe does was a major score for her regarding gaining approval from independents and moderate Democrats and she knows it, and so do Joe's handler's.

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