CNN Declares Americans Should Be Vaccinated Or Denied Privileges...Like Interstate Travel.....

Since blacks have one of the lowest vaccination rates, it makes you wonder...

Why do the CDC, Biden, and the racists in the Democrat Party hate blacks so much, and want to deny them their rights???

What about illegal imigrants who walk across your border? Why in the hell are they being allowed in when they aren't vaccinated? There are constant obligations Americans must meet that illegals from other countries don't need to meet.
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I have listened to many people who have been driving our roads for decades without a driver's license. I'd be interested in learning more about this.

Your post is great! I had not thought of that aspect of the electric cars.

Episode 341 – Welcome to Your Driverless Future!

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The Democrat Cult is on a vaccination campaign.
They are getting celebrities to help them.
Howard Stern helped by saying that he hopes that unvaccinated people die.

Liberal Logic:
They have been vaccinated but you are afraid of unvaccinated people.
They are admitting that they don't trust the effectiveness of the vaccines.
Just an estimation on my part, but I bet most workers at MSNBC and CNN would have been British loyalists during your war for independence. Maybe even handsomely rewarded spies for the British Crown.

There might even be some details about this very subject in their family histories. Happily demanding consequences for some, knowing damned well they will have NO ONE to blame, once the Mu virus (which is not protected by any vaccine) takes hold. Nor will they talk about natural immunity (those who have already had the virus) and the need, or lack of need of taking a vaccine under such circumstances.

They push one agenda. Aren't curious. Don't ask questions about the origin. Act surprised when nothing to date has worked and new variants emerge. China smiles.
Here is the thought-process of someone I consider well-read, knowledgeable about current events, and she's a long-time Democrat. Conversation:

She: "I hope people are not having a false sense of security from being vaccinated (for COVID-19). They say that vaccinated people can still come down with a variant."
Me: "Yes, studies have shown that being vaccinated increases the odds of contracting the Delta variant".
She: (As she's readying to leave and she was aware I'm not vaccinated), "So, have you had your shots yet?" She was completely serious, not joking.

It is enough to make you go: Huh?! I wanted to ask her if she'd heard what she'd just said and had agreed with before asking if I'd been jabbed yet! lol I told her I'm waiting for better options.

Good grief people...this was like the normal conversation with a few posters on here who don't seem to know which way is up at times.
What about illegal imigrants who walk across your border? Why in the hell are they being allowed in when they aren't vaccinated? There are constant obligations Americans must meet that illegals from other countries don't need to meet.
The governmental decision makers must have decided secretly, certainly not publicly, that vaccinating them would make all of them more likely to contract the Delta variant (possibly other variants) and said, "Let's just skip that part since we know it makes people more susceptible not less but let's not say that...let's try to slip this by without media attention."
Sounds good to me. I would also support Lepper type colonies for the unvaxxed.
Here is the thought-process of someone I consider well-read, knowledgeable about current events, and she's a long-time Democrat. Conversation:

She: "I hope people are not having a false sense of security from being vaccinated (for COVID-19). They say that vaccinated people can still come down with a variant."
Me: "Yes, studies have shown that being vaccinated increases the odds of contracting the Delta variant".
She: (As she's readying to leave and she was aware I'm not vaccinated), "So, have you had your shots yet?" She was completely serious, not joking.

It is enough to make you go: Huh?! I wanted to ask her if she'd heard what she'd just said and had agreed with before asking if I'd been jabbed yet! lol I told her I'm waiting for better options.

Good grief people...this was like the normal conversation with a few posters on here who don't seem to know which way is up at times.
Not surprised, Not surprised at all.

It isn't really about a disease at this point. . . even though that is what they tell themselves.

Read these pieces of you want to understand the psychology. It is really more simple than you think. Sort of like when folks wonder why folks succumb to any radical ideology.

The Democrat Cult is on a vaccination campaign.
They are getting celebrities to help them.
Howard Stern helped by saying that he hopes that unvaccinated people die.

Liberal Logic:
They have been vaccinated but you are afraid of unvThey accinated people.
They are admitting that they don't trust the effectiveness of the vaccines.
All decision heads need to come clean. It will not be until either one of two things happen or maybe a combo of the two: 1. Foreign government(s) surpass the US providing 100% transparency and honesty about SARS-CoV-2 and continued education about specific risk factors, or, many more Americans come to realize that our government is not presenting the truth and research on their own. If both things happen simultaneously, Biden's mouthpieces will have no other option but to follow the wagon. They are definitely not leading, anything.
The Democrat Cult is on a vaccination campaign.
They are getting celebrities to help them.
Howard Stern helped by saying that he hopes that unvaccinated people die.

Liberal Logic:
They have been vaccinated but you are afraid of unvaccinated people.
They are admitting that they don't trust the effectiveness of the vaccines.
If Howard Stern was my next door neighbor, my kid's teacher and my daddy's doctor, I'd still do a happy dance upon hearing of his death.
Not surprised, Not surprised at all.

It isn't really about a disease at this point. . . even though that is what they tell themselves.

Read these pieces of you want to understand the psychology. It is really more simple than you think. Sort of like when folks wonder why folks succumb to any radical ideology.

The psychological "need" to be right plays into it as well. That particular friend I mentioned has the need to be right in spades, like many if not most others. Once "all in", it's hard to say "Whoops". It should be easy to say "Hey, I was 100% wrong", but that's not the case for a lot of us humanoids.

Another aspect is the fact they called the jabs "vaccines". That gives the idea that they work like traditional vaccines, or sub vaccines, neither being the case. It would increase public support so terming it as such...they knew what they were doing there anyway.

I think my friend would say that all vaccines have been thoroughly tested and proven to be effective....just because we are the USA where things are relatively safe and inspected - forget the bug parts per million allowed in flour-still gross! Even though she's a smart woman, she wouldn't think of checking the data because our trustworthy government is in charge. I am not wasting the energy to try to enlighten her, but today's conversation was really telling how people can be brainwashed.

Thanks for your sources and I'm reading them now.
The psychological "need" to be right plays into it as well. That particular friend I mentioned has the need to be right in spades, like many if not most others. Once "all in", it's hard to say "Whoops". It should be easy to say "Hey, I was 100% wrong", but that's not the case for a lot of us humanoids.

Another aspect is the fact they called the jabs "vaccines". That gives the idea that they work like traditional vaccines, or sub vaccines, neither being the case. It would increase public support so terming it as such...they knew what they were doing there anyway.

I think my friend would say that all vaccines have been thoroughly tested and proven to be effective....just because we are the USA where things are relatively safe and inspected - forget the bug parts per million allowed in flour-still gross! Even though she's a smart woman, she wouldn't think of checking the data because our trustworthy government is in charge. I am not wasting the energy to try to enlighten her, but today's conversation was really telling how people can be brainwashed.

Thanks for your sources and I'm reading them now.
I have also stopped trying to enlighten. Everyone I care about already knows as much as I do and has also decided against the kill shot.

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