CNN (June 11th): No criminal charges expected against Clinton in email probe

Bad news for the fake-scandal peddlers, butthurt Bernie supporters and right-wing nuts from CNN in an article today (June 11th, 2016:

The FBI has not yet interviewed Clinton as part of its investigation. As CNN first reported, investigators have not found evidence to support criminal charges against Clinton and none are expected, but no final determination will be made until that interview has taken place.

FBI investigating drone emails as part of Clinton server probe -
Who needs criminal charges? Carelessness and stupidity are not qualities needed in the Oval Office.
Well that rules out Trump...
Why Hillary will not be indicted

Valerie Plame Wilson: No Ordinary Spy

The Bush administration leaked her name in retaliation for political statements made by her husband. Plames cover was broken and her life was jeopardized. Nobody in the Bush administration was punished and Bush pardoned those who were blamed

Yet, Republicans hold a witch hunt over Hillary having a server where no classified information was actually leaked

Here you go moron...... - Armitage admits leaking Plame's identity - Sep 8, 2006

Former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage acknowledged Thursday that he was the source who first revealed the identity of CIA officer Valerie Plame to syndicated columnist Robert Novak back in 2003, touching off a federal investigation.

Armitage told the CBS Evening News that he did so inadvertently.

"I feel terrible," Armitage said. "Every day, I think, I let down the president. I let down the secretary of state. I let down my department, my family, and I also let down Mr. and Mrs. Wilson."
And the reality...from Christopher Hitchens.....Joe Wilson lied.......

Plamegate's ridiculous conclusion.

I have now presented thousands of words of evidence andargument to the effect that, yes, the Saddam Hussein regime did send an important Iraqi nuclear diplomat to Niger in early 1999. And I have not so far received any rebuttal from any source on this crucial point of contention. But there was always another layer to the Joseph Wilson fantasy. Easy enough as it was to prove that he had completely missed the West African evidence that was staring him in the face, there remained the charge that his nonreport on a real threat had led to a government-sponsored vendetta against him and his wife, Valerie Plame.

In his July 12 column in the Washington Post, Robert Novak had already partly exposed this paranoid myth by stating plainly that nobody had leaked anything, or outed anyone, to him.

On the contrary, it was he who approached sources within the administration and the CIA and not the other way around.

But now we have the final word on who diddisclose the name and occupation of Valerie Plame, and it turns out to be someone whose opposition to the Bush policy in Iraq has—like Robert Novak's—long been a byword in Washington.

It is particularly satisfying that this admission comes from two of the journalists—Michael Isikoff and David Corn—who did the most to get the story wrong in the first place and the most to keep it going long beyond the span of its natural life.


The Isikoff-Corn book, which is amusingly titledHubris, solves this impossible problem of its authors' original "theory" by restating itin a passive voice:

The disclosures about Armitage, gleaned from interviews with colleagues, friends and lawyers directly involved in the case, underscore one of the ironies of the Plame investigation:

that the initial leak, seized on by administration critics as evidence of how far the White House was willing to go to smear an opponent, came from a man who had no apparent intention of harming anyone.

Bad news for the fake-scandal peddlers, butthurt Bernie supporters and right-wing nuts from CNN in an article today (June 11th, 2016:

The FBI has not yet interviewed Clinton as part of its investigation. As CNN first reported, investigators have not found evidence to support criminal charges against Clinton and none are expected, but no final determination will be made until that interview has taken place.

FBI investigating drone emails as part of Clinton server probe -
The FBI will find there was no classified information leaked and that rules and regulations were broken but no crime was committed
Hillary will be criticized in the report for using a private server and she will apologize and say she will never do it again
So Obama knew Clinton was to incompetent to receive classified documents? That is what you are saying?

Twit....Valerie Plame was not and undercover operative, did not have a back history and parked in the CIA parking lot.....

Hilary exposed actual operatives with her server...and there is a good chance that her server exposed the activity and location of the Ambassador in Bhengazi....but you guys don't never have, you never will....and when you turn this country into Mexico....a shit hole with no law other than that of the criminals and their government allies.......the blood and the death will be on you....
Total bullshit revisionist history from Republicans

Case 1: In retaliation against her husbands political statements, Bush administration officials up through Cheney, leaked Plames identity to the press ( release of TOP SECRET information) that blew her cover, risked her life and destroyed her career

Case 2: Hillary Clinton maintained a private server to handle her unclassified email traffic. No actual security breech occurred and all emails were turned over.

Guess who Republicans want to go to jail?
Bad news for the fake-scandal peddlers, butthurt Bernie supporters and right-wing nuts from CNN in an article today (June 11th, 2016:

The FBI has not yet interviewed Clinton as part of its investigation. As CNN first reported, investigators have not found evidence to support criminal charges against Clinton and none are expected, but no final determination will be made until that interview has taken place.

FBI investigating drone emails as part of Clinton server probe -
The FBI will find there was no classified information leaked and that rules and regulations were broken but no crime was committed
Hillary will be criticized in the report for using a private server and she will apologize and say she will never do it again
So Obama knew Clinton was to incompetent to receive classified documents? That is what you are saying?
I have no idea what you are babbling about

Twit....Valerie Plame was not and undercover operative, did not have a back history and parked in the CIA parking lot.....

Hilary exposed actual operatives with her server...and there is a good chance that her server exposed the activity and location of the Ambassador in Bhengazi....but you guys don't never have, you never will....and when you turn this country into Mexico....a shit hole with no law other than that of the criminals and their government allies.......the blood and the death will be on you....
Total bullshit revisionist history from Republicans

Case 1: In retaliation against her husbands political statements, Bush administration officials up through Cheney, leaked Plames identity to the press ( release of TOP SECRET information) that blew her cover, risked her life and destroyed her career

Case 2: Hillary Clinton maintained a private server to handle her unclassified email traffic. No actual security breech occurred and all emails were turned over.

Guess who Republicans want to go to jail?

The truth asshole.....I know you don't understand facts, the truth or reality....but the internet is a wonderful asshats can't lie and just get away with it anymore.....

And please...tell me Hitchens, isikoff and the other guy are all right wingers..........moron.

Plamegate's ridiculous conclusion.

I have now presented thousands of words of evidence andargument to the effect that, yes, the Saddam Hussein regime didsend an important Iraqi nuclear diplomat to Niger in early 1999. And I have not so far received any rebuttal from any source on this crucial point of contention. But there was always another layer to the Joseph Wilson fantasy. Easy enough as it was to prove that he had completely missed the West African evidence that was staring him in the face, there remained the charge that his nonreport on a real threat had led to a government-sponsored vendetta against him and his wife, Valerie Plame.

In his July 12 column in the Washington Post, Robert Novak had already partly exposed this paranoid myth by stating plainly that nobody had leaked anything, or outed anyone, to him.

On the contrary, it was he who approached sources within the administration and the CIA and not the other way around.

But now we have the final word on who diddisclose the name and occupation of Valerie Plame, and it turns out to be someone whose opposition to the Bush policy in Iraq has—like Robert Novak's—long been a byword in Washington.

It is particularly satisfying that this admission comes from two of the journalists—Michael Isikoff and David Corn—who did the most to get the story wrong in the first place and the most to keep it going long beyond the span of its natural life.


The Isikoff-Corn book, which is amusingly titledHubris, solves this impossible problem of its authors' original "theory" byrestating itin a passive voice:

The disclosures about Armitage, gleaned from interviews with colleagues, friends and lawyers directly involved in the case, underscore one of the ironies of the Plame investigation:

that the initial leak, seized on by administration critics as evidence of how far the White House was willing to go to smear an opponent, came from a man who had no apparent intention of harming anyone.
It's not over ! Rumor has it HILLARY has unpaid parking tickets from her college days!

A $5million investigation will get to the bottom of this !
You do realize it is her stonewalling and with holding evidence that makes the investigation cost so much? Just like the nineties.

Twit....Valerie Plame was not and undercover operative, did not have a back history and parked in the CIA parking lot.....

Hilary exposed actual operatives with her server...and there is a good chance that her server exposed the activity and location of the Ambassador in Bhengazi....but you guys don't never have, you never will....and when you turn this country into Mexico....a shit hole with no law other than that of the criminals and their government allies.......the blood and the death will be on you....
Total bullshit revisionist history from Republicans

Case 1: In retaliation against her husbands political statements, Bush administration officials up through Cheney, leaked Plames identity to the press ( release of TOP SECRET information) that blew her cover, risked her life and destroyed her career

Case 2: Hillary Clinton maintained a private server to handle her unclassified email traffic. No actual security breech occurred and all emails were turned over.

Guess who Republicans want to go to jail?

Hilary had a private server to hide her selling the office of the Secretary of STate to the highest bidder......she is a veteran of scandals and how to hide them...learning the valuable lesson when she was on the Watergate committee staff....burn the fucking tapes....and she did just that with the deleting of incriminating just pouring into the clinton foundation from foreign governments and private actors in exchange for billions from the U.S. government sanctioned by her.......

But you guys dont' care.......what a surprise...
It's not over ! Rumor has it HILLARY has unpaid parking tickets from her college days!

A $5million investigation will get to the bottom of this !
You do realize it is her stonewalling and with holding evidence that makes the investigation cost so much? Just like the nineties.

They don't care.

Power over all......that is their motto.....

Twit....Valerie Plame was not and undercover operative, did not have a back history and parked in the CIA parking lot.....

Hilary exposed actual operatives with her server...and there is a good chance that her server exposed the activity and location of the Ambassador in Bhengazi....but you guys don't never have, you never will....and when you turn this country into Mexico....a shit hole with no law other than that of the criminals and their government allies.......the blood and the death will be on you....
Total bullshit revisionist history from Republicans

Case 1: In retaliation against her husbands political statements, Bush administration officials up through Cheney, leaked Plames identity to the press ( release of TOP SECRET information) that blew her cover, risked her life and destroyed her career

Case 2: Hillary Clinton maintained a private server to handle her unclassified email traffic. No actual security breech occurred and all emails were turned over.

Guess who Republicans want to go to jail?

Her husband lied....he was an incompetent moron who got the job through his wife.....he was not qualified to look for uranium in Niger....and lied about what he didn't look for in the first place...from Hitchens article..

After you have noted that the Niger uranium connection was in fact based on intelligence that has turned out to be sound, you may also note that this heated moral tone ("thuggish," "gang") is now quite absent from the story. It turns out that the person who put Valerie Plame's identity into circulation was a staunch foe of regime change in Iraq. Oh, that's all right, then. But you have to laugh at the way Corn now so neutrally describes his own initial delusion as one that was "seized on by administration critics."
Bad news for the fake-scandal peddlers, butthurt Bernie supporters and right-wing nuts from CNN in an article today (June 11th, 2016:

The FBI has not yet interviewed Clinton as part of its investigation. As CNN first reported, investigators have not found evidence to support criminal charges against Clinton and none are expected, but no final determination will be made until that interview has taken place.

FBI investigating drone emails as part of Clinton server probe -
The FBI will find there was no classified information leaked and that rules and regulations were broken but no crime was committed
Hillary will be criticized in the report for using a private server and she will apologize and say she will never do it again
So Obama knew Clinton was to incompetent to receive classified documents? That is what you are saying?
I have no idea what you are babbling about
She received classified e-mails on a unprotected server then? Which is it.

Twit....Valerie Plame was not and undercover operative, did not have a back history and parked in the CIA parking lot.....

Hilary exposed actual operatives with her server...and there is a good chance that her server exposed the activity and location of the Ambassador in Bhengazi....but you guys don't never have, you never will....and when you turn this country into Mexico....a shit hole with no law other than that of the criminals and their government allies.......the blood and the death will be on you....
Total bullshit revisionist history from Republicans

Case 1: In retaliation against her husbands political statements, Bush administration officials up through Cheney, leaked Plames identity to the press ( release of TOP SECRET information) that blew her cover, risked her life and destroyed her career

Case 2: Hillary Clinton maintained a private server to handle her unclassified email traffic. No actual security breech occurred and all emails were turned over.

Guess who Republicans want to go to jail?

Hilary had a private server to hide her selling the office of the Secretary of STate to the highest bidder......she is a veteran of scandals and how to hide them...learning the valuable lesson when she was on the Watergate committee staff....burn the fucking tapes....and she did just that with the deleting of incriminating just pouring into the clinton foundation from foreign governments and private actors in exchange for billions from the U.S. government sanctioned by her.......

But you guys dont' care.......what a surprise...

I'd say they care about as much as you cared when all those Iran/Contra guys were pardoned.

Twit....Valerie Plame was not and undercover operative, did not have a back history and parked in the CIA parking lot.....

Hilary exposed actual operatives with her server...and there is a good chance that her server exposed the activity and location of the Ambassador in Bhengazi....but you guys don't never have, you never will....and when you turn this country into Mexico....a shit hole with no law other than that of the criminals and their government allies.......the blood and the death will be on you....
Total bullshit revisionist history from Republicans

Case 1: In retaliation against her husbands political statements, Bush administration officials up through Cheney, leaked Plames identity to the press ( release of TOP SECRET information) that blew her cover, risked her life and destroyed her career

Case 2: Hillary Clinton maintained a private server to handle her unclassified email traffic. No actual security breech occurred and all emails were turned over.

Guess who Republicans want to go to jail?

It was Richard Armitage and Colin Powell that let her name out.....and even then it wasn't a crime...

Armitage identified himself to Colin Powell as Novak's source before the Fitzgerald inquiry had even been set on foot. The whole thing could—and should—have ended right there. But now read this and rub your eyes: William Howard Taft, the State Department's lawyer who had been told about Armitage (and who had passed on the name to the Justice Department)

also felt obligated to inform White House counsel Alberto Gonzales. But Powell and his aides feared the White House would then leak that Armitage had been Novak's source—possibly to embarrass State Department officials who had been unenthusiastic about Bush's Iraq policy. So Taft told Gonzales the bare minimum: that the State Department had passed some information about the case to Justice. He didn't mention Armitage. Taft asked if Gonzales wanted to know the details. The president's lawyer, playing the case by the book, said no, and Taft told him nothing more.

"[P]laying the case by the book" is, to phrase it mildly, not the way in which Isikoff and Corn customarily describe the conduct of the White House. In this instance, however, the evidence allows them no other choice. But there is more than one way in which a case can be played by the book. Under the terms of the appalling and unconstitutional Intelligence Identities Protection Act (see "A Nutty Little Law," mySlatecolumn of July 26, 2005), the CIA can, in theory, "refer" any mention of itself to the Justice Department to see if the statute—denounced by The Nation and the New York Times when it was passed—has been broken. The bar here is quite high. Perhaps for that reason, Justice sat on the referral for two months after Novak's original column. But then, rather late in the day, at the end of September 2003, then-CIA Director George Tenet himself sent a letter dema

Twit....Valerie Plame was not and undercover operative, did not have a back history and parked in the CIA parking lot.....

Hilary exposed actual operatives with her server...and there is a good chance that her server exposed the activity and location of the Ambassador in Bhengazi....but you guys don't never have, you never will....and when you turn this country into Mexico....a shit hole with no law other than that of the criminals and their government allies.......the blood and the death will be on you....
Total bullshit revisionist history from Republicans

Case 1: In retaliation against her husbands political statements, Bush administration officials up through Cheney, leaked Plames identity to the press ( release of TOP SECRET information) that blew her cover, risked her life and destroyed her career

Case 2: Hillary Clinton maintained a private server to handle her unclassified email traffic. No actual security breech occurred and all emails were turned over.

Guess who Republicans want to go to jail?

The truth asshole.....I know you don't understand facts, the truth or reality....but the internet is a wonderful asshats can't lie and just get away with it anymore.....

And please...tell me Hitchens, isikoff and the other guy are all right wingers..........moron.

Plamegate's ridiculous conclusion.

I have now presented thousands of words of evidence andargument to the effect that, yes, the Saddam Hussein regime didsend an important Iraqi nuclear diplomat to Niger in early 1999. And I have not so far received any rebuttal from any source on this crucial point of contention. But there was always another layer to the Joseph Wilson fantasy. Easy enough as it was to prove that he had completely missed the West African evidence that was staring him in the face, there remained the charge that his nonreport on a real threat had led to a government-sponsored vendetta against him and his wife, Valerie Plame.

In his July 12 column in the Washington Post, Robert Novak had already partly exposed this paranoid myth by stating plainly that nobody had leaked anything, or outed anyone, to him.

On the contrary, it was he who approached sources within the administration and the CIA and not the other way around.

But now we have the final word on who diddisclose the name and occupation of Valerie Plame, and it turns out to be someone whose opposition to the Bush policy in Iraq has—like Robert Novak's—long been a byword in Washington.

It is particularly satisfying that this admission comes from two of the journalists—Michael Isikoff and David Corn—who did the most to get the story wrong in the first place and the most to keep it going long beyond the span of its natural life.


The Isikoff-Corn book, which is amusingly titledHubris, solves this impossible problem of its authors' original "theory" byrestating itin a passive voice:

The disclosures about Armitage, gleaned from interviews with colleagues, friends and lawyers directly involved in the case, underscore one of the ironies of the Plame investigation:

that the initial leak, seized on by administration critics as evidence of how far the White House was willing to go to smear an opponent, came from a man who had no apparent intention of harming anyone.
A Christopher Hitchens opinion piece?

Twit....Valerie Plame was not and undercover operative, did not have a back history and parked in the CIA parking lot.....

Hilary exposed actual operatives with her server...and there is a good chance that her server exposed the activity and location of the Ambassador in Bhengazi....but you guys don't never have, you never will....and when you turn this country into Mexico....a shit hole with no law other than that of the criminals and their government allies.......the blood and the death will be on you....
Total bullshit revisionist history from Republicans

Case 1: In retaliation against her husbands political statements, Bush administration officials up through Cheney, leaked Plames identity to the press ( release of TOP SECRET information) that blew her cover, risked her life and destroyed her career

Case 2: Hillary Clinton maintained a private server to handle her unclassified email traffic. No actual security breech occurred and all emails were turned over.

Guess who Republicans want to go to jail?

Hilary had a private server to hide her selling the office of the Secretary of STate to the highest bidder......she is a veteran of scandals and how to hide them...learning the valuable lesson when she was on the Watergate committee staff....burn the fucking tapes....and she did just that with the deleting of incriminating just pouring into the clinton foundation from foreign governments and private actors in exchange for billions from the U.S. government sanctioned by her.......

But you guys dont' care.......what a surprise...

I'd say they care about as much as you cared when all those Iran/Contra guys were pardoned.

yeah.......the nominee for the highest office, the chief law enforcement in the land vs. government employees working under the direction of others....yeah......that's about the same......moron....

Twit....Valerie Plame was not and undercover operative, did not have a back history and parked in the CIA parking lot.....

Hilary exposed actual operatives with her server...and there is a good chance that her server exposed the activity and location of the Ambassador in Bhengazi....but you guys don't never have, you never will....and when you turn this country into Mexico....a shit hole with no law other than that of the criminals and their government allies.......the blood and the death will be on you....
Total bullshit revisionist history from Republicans

Case 1: In retaliation against her husbands political statements, Bush administration officials up through Cheney, leaked Plames identity to the press ( release of TOP SECRET information) that blew her cover, risked her life and destroyed her career

Case 2: Hillary Clinton maintained a private server to handle her unclassified email traffic. No actual security breech occurred and all emails were turned over.

Guess who Republicans want to go to jail?

The truth asshole.....I know you don't understand facts, the truth or reality....but the internet is a wonderful asshats can't lie and just get away with it anymore.....

And please...tell me Hitchens, isikoff and the other guy are all right wingers..........moron.

Plamegate's ridiculous conclusion.

I have now presented thousands of words of evidence andargument to the effect that, yes, the Saddam Hussein regime didsend an important Iraqi nuclear diplomat to Niger in early 1999. And I have not so far received any rebuttal from any source on this crucial point of contention. But there was always another layer to the Joseph Wilson fantasy. Easy enough as it was to prove that he had completely missed the West African evidence that was staring him in the face, there remained the charge that his nonreport on a real threat had led to a government-sponsored vendetta against him and his wife, Valerie Plame.

In his July 12 column in the Washington Post, Robert Novak had already partly exposed this paranoid myth by stating plainly that nobody had leaked anything, or outed anyone, to him.

On the contrary, it was he who approached sources within the administration and the CIA and not the other way around.

But now we have the final word on who diddisclose the name and occupation of Valerie Plame, and it turns out to be someone whose opposition to the Bush policy in Iraq has—like Robert Novak's—long been a byword in Washington.

It is particularly satisfying that this admission comes from two of the journalists—Michael Isikoff and David Corn—who did the most to get the story wrong in the first place and the most to keep it going long beyond the span of its natural life.


The Isikoff-Corn book, which is amusingly titledHubris, solves this impossible problem of its authors' original "theory" byrestating itin a passive voice:

The disclosures about Armitage, gleaned from interviews with colleagues, friends and lawyers directly involved in the case, underscore one of the ironies of the Plame investigation:

that the initial leak, seized on by administration critics as evidence of how far the White House was willing to go to smear an opponent, came from a man who had no apparent intention of harming anyone.
A Christopher Hitchens opinion piece

Facts moron........and they show you are an idiot who believes whatever the left tells you.....moron.

Twit....Valerie Plame was not and undercover operative, did not have a back history and parked in the CIA parking lot.....

Hilary exposed actual operatives with her server...and there is a good chance that her server exposed the activity and location of the Ambassador in Bhengazi....but you guys don't never have, you never will....and when you turn this country into Mexico....a shit hole with no law other than that of the criminals and their government allies.......the blood and the death will be on you....
Total bullshit revisionist history from Republicans

Case 1: In retaliation against her husbands political statements, Bush administration officials up through Cheney, leaked Plames identity to the press ( release of TOP SECRET information) that blew her cover, risked her life and destroyed her career

Case 2: Hillary Clinton maintained a private server to handle her unclassified email traffic. No actual security breech occurred and all emails were turned over.

Guess who Republicans want to go to jail?

Hilary had a private server to hide her selling the office of the Secretary of STate to the highest bidder......she is a veteran of scandals and how to hide them...learning the valuable lesson when she was on the Watergate committee staff....burn the fucking tapes....and she did just that with the deleting of incriminating just pouring into the clinton foundation from foreign governments and private actors in exchange for billions from the U.S. government sanctioned by her.......

But you guys dont' care.......what a surprise...

I'd say they care about as much as you cared when all those Iran/Contra guys were pardoned.

yeah.......the nominee for the highest office, the chief law enforcement in the land vs. government employees working under the direction of others....yeah......that's about the same......moron....

It's not same. The Iran/Contra pardons were worse.
Hillary will be exonerated of any criminal activity and criticized for having a private server

Hillary will swear she will never do it again

Republicans will demand another Congressional inquiry

Twit....Valerie Plame was not and undercover operative, did not have a back history and parked in the CIA parking lot.....

Hilary exposed actual operatives with her server...and there is a good chance that her server exposed the activity and location of the Ambassador in Bhengazi....but you guys don't never have, you never will....and when you turn this country into Mexico....a shit hole with no law other than that of the criminals and their government allies.......the blood and the death will be on you....
Total bullshit revisionist history from Republicans

Case 1: In retaliation against her husbands political statements, Bush administration officials up through Cheney, leaked Plames identity to the press ( release of TOP SECRET information) that blew her cover, risked her life and destroyed her career

Case 2: Hillary Clinton maintained a private server to handle her unclassified email traffic. No actual security breech occurred and all emails were turned over.

Guess who Republicans want to go to jail?

The truth asshole.....I know you don't understand facts, the truth or reality....but the internet is a wonderful asshats can't lie and just get away with it anymore.....

And please...tell me Hitchens, isikoff and the other guy are all right wingers..........moron.

Plamegate's ridiculous conclusion.

I have now presented thousands of words of evidence andargument to the effect that, yes, the Saddam Hussein regime didsend an important Iraqi nuclear diplomat to Niger in early 1999. And I have not so far received any rebuttal from any source on this crucial point of contention. But there was always another layer to the Joseph Wilson fantasy. Easy enough as it was to prove that he had completely missed the West African evidence that was staring him in the face, there remained the charge that his nonreport on a real threat had led to a government-sponsored vendetta against him and his wife, Valerie Plame.

In his July 12 column in the Washington Post, Robert Novak had already partly exposed this paranoid myth by stating plainly that nobody had leaked anything, or outed anyone, to him.

On the contrary, it was he who approached sources within the administration and the CIA and not the other way around.

But now we have the final word on who diddisclose the name and occupation of Valerie Plame, and it turns out to be someone whose opposition to the Bush policy in Iraq has—like Robert Novak's—long been a byword in Washington.

It is particularly satisfying that this admission comes from two of the journalists—Michael Isikoff and David Corn—who did the most to get the story wrong in the first place and the most to keep it going long beyond the span of its natural life.


The Isikoff-Corn book, which is amusingly titledHubris, solves this impossible problem of its authors' original "theory" byrestating itin a passive voice:

The disclosures about Armitage, gleaned from interviews with colleagues, friends and lawyers directly involved in the case, underscore one of the ironies of the Plame investigation:

that the initial leak, seized on by administration critics as evidence of how far the White House was willing to go to smear an opponent, came from a man who had no apparent intention of harming anyone.
A Christopher Hitchens opinion piece

Facts moron........and they show you are an idiot who believes whatever the left tells you.....moron.

Hitchens was far from reliable in his public claims

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