CNN meets Shakespeare: The Taming of the Deplorables.


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
An excerpt from the Taming of the Shrew, by William Shakespeare:

PETRUCHIO "Come on, i' God's name; once more toward our father's. Good Lord, how bright and goodly shines the moon!

KATHARINA The moon! the sun: it is not moonlight now.

PETRUCHIO I say it is the moon that shines so bright.

KATHARINA I know it is the sun that shines so bright.

PETRUCHIO Now, by my mother's son, and that's myself, It shall be moon, or star, or what I list, Or ere I journey to your father's house. Go on, and fetch our horses back again. Evermore cross'd and cross'd; nothing but cross'd!

HORTENSIO Say as he says, or we shall never go.

KATHARINA Forward, I pray, since we have come so far, And be it moon, or sun, or what you please: An if you please to call it a rush-candle, Henceforth I vow it shall be so for me.

PETRUCHIO I say it is the moon.

KATHARINA I know it is the moon.

PETRUCHIO Nay, then you lie: it is the blessed sun.


21st Century CNN version:

CNN "Come on, i' God's name; once more toward our father's. Good Lord, how fiery and peaceful these protests are!

KATHARINA Peaceful? Tiz a riot...the city ablaze: it is not peaceful...

PETRUCHIO I say it is peaceful and the city that shines so bright in jubilation!

KATHARINA I know it is the roaring flames of desecration that shine so bright...

PETRUCHIO Now, by my mother's son, and that's myself, It shall be moon, or star, or what I list, Or ere I journey to your father's house. Go on, and fetch our horses back again. Evermore cross'd and cross'd; nothing but cross'd!

HORTENSIO Say as he says, or we shall never go.

KATHARINA Forward, I pray, since we have come so far, And be it moon, or sun, or what you please: An if you please to call it a rush-candle, Henceforth I vow it shall be so for me.

PETRUCHIO I say it is a peaceful protest.

KATHARINA I know it is a peaceful protest (Katharina shows Petruchio an image on her phone of Patriots parading through the Capitol with American Flags).

Exactly. They call a riot a peaceful protest, and a peaceful protest a riot/insurrection.

Exactly. They call a riot a peaceful protest, and a peaceful protest a riot/insurrection.

View attachment 445317
It is a little different when one is attacking the seat of federal govt. trying to change an election for one man. I don't expect you people to understand because you can't see any difference.
I'm not supporting the attack on the capital building. Full stop.
I condemn it and anyone who damaged Federal property. They need to be prosecuted.
That said. No democrats criticized the summer riots, and the democrats' calling the riot an "insurrection" is laughable.
The protesters showed that they were angered by the government not properly investigating the voter fraud allegations.
It was always, "nothing to see here", bullshit.
So I disapprove of the riot, and the shitty way Barr dismissed the many voter fraud allegations without a formal investigation or report.
I also disapprove of the democrats' double-standard regarding riots, and trying to paint Republicans as "insurrectionists" as well as disrespecting the military by having the "fake evidence" FBI investigate soldiers for disloyalty.
Exactly. They call a riot a peaceful protest, and a peaceful protest a riot/insurrection.

View attachment 445317
It is a little different when one is attacking the seat of federal govt. trying to change an election for one man. I don't expect you people to understand because you can't see any difference.
I'm not supporting the attack on the capital building. Full stop.
I condemn it and anyone who damaged Federal property. They need to be prosecuted.
That said. No democrats criticized the summer riots, and the democrats' calling the riot an "insurrection" is laughable.
The protesters showed that they were angered by the government not properly investigating the voter fraud allegations.
It was always, "nothing to see here", bullshit.
So I disapprove of the riot, and the shitty way Barr dismissed the many voter fraud allegations without a formal investigation or report.
I also disapprove of the democrats' double-standard regarding riots, and trying to paint Republicans as "insurrectionists" as well as disrespecting the military by having the "fake evidence" FBI investigate soldiers for disloyalty.
Fact check: Joe Biden has condemned protest-related violence from the left and the right
Exactly. They call a riot a peaceful protest, and a peaceful protest a riot/insurrection.

View attachment 445317
It is a little different when one is attacking the seat of federal govt. trying to change an election for one man. I don't expect you people to understand because you can't see any difference.
I'm not supporting the attack on the capital building. Full stop.
I condemn it and anyone who damaged Federal property. They need to be prosecuted.
That said. No democrats criticized the summer riots, and the democrats' calling the riot an "insurrection" is laughable.
The protesters showed that they were angered by the government not properly investigating the voter fraud allegations.
It was always, "nothing to see here", bullshit.
So I disapprove of the riot, and the shitty way Barr dismissed the many voter fraud allegations without a formal investigation or report.
I also disapprove of the democrats' double-standard regarding riots, and trying to paint Republicans as "insurrectionists" as well as disrespecting the military by having the "fake evidence" FBI investigate soldiers for disloyalty.
Barr did do investigations along with DHS and AG's in states yet nothing..
Exactly. They call a riot a peaceful protest, and a peaceful protest a riot/insurrection.

View attachment 445317
It is a little different when one is attacking the seat of federal govt. trying to change an election for one man. I don't expect you people to understand because you can't see any difference.
I'm not supporting the attack on the capital building. Full stop.
I condemn it and anyone who damaged Federal property. They need to be prosecuted.
That said. No democrats criticized the summer riots, and the democrats' calling the riot an "insurrection" is laughable.
The protesters showed that they were angered by the government not properly investigating the voter fraud allegations.
It was always, "nothing to see here", bullshit.
So I disapprove of the riot, and the shitty way Barr dismissed the many voter fraud allegations without a formal investigation or report.
I also disapprove of the democrats' double-standard regarding riots, and trying to paint Republicans as "insurrectionists" as well as disrespecting the military by having the "fake evidence" FBI investigate soldiers for disloyalty.
I can tell you have never been in the military they watch what you do and that is how it has always been.
Exactly. They call a riot a peaceful protest, and a peaceful protest a riot/insurrection.

View attachment 445317
It is a little different when one is attacking the seat of federal govt. trying to change an election for one man. I don't expect you people to understand because you can't see any difference.
I'm not supporting the attack on the capital building. Full stop.
I condemn it and anyone who damaged Federal property. They need to be prosecuted.
That said. No democrats criticized the summer riots, and the democrats' calling the riot an "insurrection" is laughable.
The protesters showed that they were angered by the government not properly investigating the voter fraud allegations.
It was always, "nothing to see here", bullshit.
So I disapprove of the riot, and the shitty way Barr dismissed the many voter fraud allegations without a formal investigation or report.
I also disapprove of the democrats' double-standard regarding riots, and trying to paint Republicans as "insurrectionists" as well as disrespecting the military by having the "fake evidence" FBI investigate soldiers for disloyalty.
Barr did do investigations along with DHS and AG's in states yet nothing..
OK, GA was clean, no problem. Stacy Abrams finessed the GOP with the consent order. I also don't like that the Post Office address doesn't show residency when cleaning voter rolls.

There are many other examples of voter fraud that were not addressed:
1. The PA SC illegally extended the vote deadline from Tuesday to Friday. Alito wanted them kept separate, they weren't
2. The PA sec of state allowed city voters to correct ballots, but not upstate voters
3. Many votes on incorrect paper were counted
4. Provisional ballots were not handled uniformly
5. Signatures were not matched as required, or not required
6. There were many sworn affidavits that were not properly investigated
7. Many poll watchers were kept away
8. The vote count plot was very suspicious, see meme below, it happened in many states.
Many political science professors said this "jump" indicates fraud.

So I can see Nancy and the democrats look at Joe Biden and say, OMG, we need to pull out all the stops to beat Trump.
Trump got 10m more votes than he got in 2016, and many of us don't believe that Biden won legitimately without a real investigation.
I went to sleep with my candidate ahead in the governor's race and when I got up the other guy had won is that cheating also?
Exactly. They call a riot a peaceful protest, and a peaceful protest a riot/insurrection.

View attachment 445317
It is a little different when one is attacking the seat of federal govt. trying to change an election for one man. I don't expect you people to understand because you can't see any difference.
I'm not supporting the attack on the capital building. Full stop.
I condemn it and anyone who damaged Federal property. They need to be prosecuted.
That said. No democrats criticized the summer riots, and the democrats' calling the riot an "insurrection" is laughable.
The protesters showed that they were angered by the government not properly investigating the voter fraud allegations.
It was always, "nothing to see here", bullshit.
So I disapprove of the riot, and the shitty way Barr dismissed the many voter fraud allegations without a formal investigation or report.
I also disapprove of the democrats' double-standard regarding riots, and trying to paint Republicans as "insurrectionists" as well as disrespecting the military by having the "fake evidence" FBI investigate soldiers for disloyalty.
I can tell you have never been in the military they watch what you do and that is how it has always been.
I have never seen anything like the partisan shit show the democrats are putting on.
Nancy and Hillary still pushing the Russia hoax?!
Nancy calling the Joint Chiefs looking for a military coup?!
Nancy calling the Marine Commandant looking for Marines to guard DC?!
The democrats and the FBI disrespecting the soldiers guarding DC by investigating them for loyalty?!
WTF does Nancy want, her private Waffen SS?
Exactly. They call a riot a peaceful protest, and a peaceful protest a riot/insurrection.

View attachment 445317
It is a little different when one is attacking the seat of federal govt. trying to change an election for one man. I don't expect you people to understand because you can't see any difference.
I'm not supporting the attack on the capital building. Full stop.
I condemn it and anyone who damaged Federal property. They need to be prosecuted.
That said. No democrats criticized the summer riots, and the democrats' calling the riot an "insurrection" is laughable.
The protesters showed that they were angered by the government not properly investigating the voter fraud allegations.
It was always, "nothing to see here", bullshit.
So I disapprove of the riot, and the shitty way Barr dismissed the many voter fraud allegations without a formal investigation or report.
I also disapprove of the democrats' double-standard regarding riots, and trying to paint Republicans as "insurrectionists" as well as disrespecting the military by having the "fake evidence" FBI investigate soldiers for disloyalty.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding the inauguration:

“The last time the Senate convened, we had just reclaimed the Capitol from violent criminals who tried to stop Congress from doing our duty.

“This mob was fed lies. They were provoked by the President and other powerful people. And they tried to use fear and violence to stop a specific proceeding of the first branch of the federal government which they did not like.

“But we pressed on. We stood together and said an angry mob would not get veto power over the rule of law in our nation. Not even for one night.

“We certified the people’s clear choice for their 46th president.
Exactly. They call a riot a peaceful protest, and a peaceful protest a riot/insurrection.

View attachment 445317
It is a little different when one is attacking the seat of federal govt. trying to change an election for one man. I don't expect you people to understand because you can't see any difference.
I'm not supporting the attack on the capital building. Full stop.
I condemn it and anyone who damaged Federal property. They need to be prosecuted.
That said. No democrats criticized the summer riots, and the democrats' calling the riot an "insurrection" is laughable.
The protesters showed that they were angered by the government not properly investigating the voter fraud allegations.
It was always, "nothing to see here", bullshit.
So I disapprove of the riot, and the shitty way Barr dismissed the many voter fraud allegations without a formal investigation or report.
I also disapprove of the democrats' double-standard regarding riots, and trying to paint Republicans as "insurrectionists" as well as disrespecting the military by having the "fake evidence" FBI investigate soldiers for disloyalty.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding the inauguration:

“The last time the Senate convened, we had just reclaimed the Capitol from violent criminals who tried to stop Congress from doing our duty.

“This mob was fed lies. They were provoked by the President and other powerful people. And they tried to use fear and violence to stop a specific proceeding of the first branch of the federal government which they did not like.

“But we pressed on. We stood together and said an angry mob would not get veto power over the rule of law in our nation. Not even for one night.

“We certified the people’s clear choice for their 46th president.
Mitch wants to get Trump out of contention for 2024, and off his ass.
Whoever put Doug Collins in against Kelly Loeffler fucked up royally.
The GOP would still have the senate w/o Collins.

I will not vote for Trump in 2024 in the primaries, but would in the general against Kamala.
Exactly. They call a riot a peaceful protest, and a peaceful protest a riot/insurrection.

View attachment 445317
It is a little different when one is attacking the seat of federal govt. trying to change an election for one man. I don't expect you people to understand because you can't see any difference.
I'm not supporting the attack on the capital building. Full stop.
I condemn it and anyone who damaged Federal property. They need to be prosecuted.
That said. No democrats criticized the summer riots, and the democrats' calling the riot an "insurrection" is laughable.
The protesters showed that they were angered by the government not properly investigating the voter fraud allegations.
It was always, "nothing to see here", bullshit.
So I disapprove of the riot, and the shitty way Barr dismissed the many voter fraud allegations without a formal investigation or report.
I also disapprove of the democrats' double-standard regarding riots, and trying to paint Republicans as "insurrectionists" as well as disrespecting the military by having the "fake evidence" FBI investigate soldiers for disloyalty.
I can tell you have never been in the military they watch what you do and that is how it has always been.
I have never seen anything like the partisan shit show the democrats are putting on.
Nancy and Hillary still pushing the Russia hoax?!
Nancy calling the Joint Chiefs looking for a military coup?!
Nancy calling the Marine Commandant looking for Marines to guard DC?!
The democrats and the FBI disrespecting the soldiers guarding DC by investigating them for loyalty?!
WTF does Nancy want, her private Waffen SS?
View attachment 445343
The capital police that opened the doors for the insurrections and took selfies with them committed treason. The ones that stood their ground, were killed and injured are heroes. That fact that you cannot understand that illustrates what a fool member of the Cult of Trump you are. May you follow him wherever he goes in the next few months. LOL
Exactly. They call a riot a peaceful protest, and a peaceful protest a riot/insurrection.

View attachment 445317
It is a little different when one is attacking the seat of federal govt. trying to change an election for one man. I don't expect you people to understand because you can't see any difference.
I'm not supporting the attack on the capital building. Full stop.
I condemn it and anyone who damaged Federal property. They need to be prosecuted.
That said. No democrats criticized the summer riots, and the democrats' calling the riot an "insurrection" is laughable.
The protesters showed that they were angered by the government not properly investigating the voter fraud allegations.
It was always, "nothing to see here", bullshit.
So I disapprove of the riot, and the shitty way Barr dismissed the many voter fraud allegations without a formal investigation or report.
I also disapprove of the democrats' double-standard regarding riots, and trying to paint Republicans as "insurrectionists" as well as disrespecting the military by having the "fake evidence" FBI investigate soldiers for disloyalty.
Barr did do investigations along with DHS and AG's in states yet nothing..
OK, GA was clean, no problem. Stacy Abrams finessed the GOP with the consent order. I also don't like that the Post Office address doesn't show residency when cleaning voter rolls.

There are many other examples of voter fraud that were not addressed:
1. The PA SC illegally extended the vote deadline from Tuesday to Friday. Alito wanted them kept separate, they weren't
2. The PA sec of state allowed city voters to correct ballots, but not upstate voters
3. Many votes on incorrect paper were counted
4. Provisional ballots were not handled uniformly
5. Signatures were not matched as required, or not required
6. There were many sworn affidavits that were not properly investigated
7. Many poll watchers were kept away
8. The vote count plot was very suspicious, see meme below, it happened in many states.
Many political science professors said this "jump" indicates fraud.
View attachment 445341

So I can see Nancy and the democrats look at Joe Biden and say, OMG, we need to pull out all the stops to beat Trump.
Trump got 10m more votes than he got in 2016, and many of us don't believe that Biden won legitimately without a real investigation.
Oh stop your silly shit. 60+ court cases, all thrown out because of lack of evidence. Many of the judges Trump appointees.
Exactly. They call a riot a peaceful protest, and a peaceful protest a riot/insurrection.

View attachment 445317
It is a little different when one is attacking the seat of federal govt. trying to change an election for one man. I don't expect you people to understand because you can't see any difference.
I'm not supporting the attack on the capital building. Full stop.
I condemn it and anyone who damaged Federal property. They need to be prosecuted.
That said. No democrats criticized the summer riots, and the democrats' calling the riot an "insurrection" is laughable.
The protesters showed that they were angered by the government not properly investigating the voter fraud allegations.
It was always, "nothing to see here", bullshit.
So I disapprove of the riot, and the shitty way Barr dismissed the many voter fraud allegations without a formal investigation or report.
I also disapprove of the democrats' double-standard regarding riots, and trying to paint Republicans as "insurrectionists" as well as disrespecting the military by having the "fake evidence" FBI investigate soldiers for disloyalty.
I can tell you have never been in the military they watch what you do and that is how it has always been.
I have never seen anything like the partisan shit show the democrats are putting on.
Nancy and Hillary still pushing the Russia hoax?!
Nancy calling the Joint Chiefs looking for a military coup?!
Nancy calling the Marine Commandant looking for Marines to guard DC?!
The democrats and the FBI disrespecting the soldiers guarding DC by investigating them for loyalty?!
WTF does Nancy want, her private Waffen SS?
View attachment 445343
The capital police that opened the doors for the insurrections and took selfies with them committed treason. The ones that stood their ground, were killed and injured are heroes. That fact that you cannot understand that illustrates what a fool member of the Cult of Trump you are. May you follow him wherever he goes in the next few months. LOL
What capital police were killed? LIAR.
An Air Force mom was shot by one of those cops. She was unarmed as were nearly all of the protesters.
The fact that you don't know the facts and only push fake news says it all about you partisan programming.


Exactly. They call a riot a peaceful protest, and a peaceful protest a riot/insurrection.

View attachment 445317
It is a little different when one is attacking the seat of federal govt. trying to change an election for one man. I don't expect you people to understand because you can't see any difference.
I'm not supporting the attack on the capital building. Full stop.
I condemn it and anyone who damaged Federal property. They need to be prosecuted.
That said. No democrats criticized the summer riots, and the democrats' calling the riot an "insurrection" is laughable.
The protesters showed that they were angered by the government not properly investigating the voter fraud allegations.
It was always, "nothing to see here", bullshit.
So I disapprove of the riot, and the shitty way Barr dismissed the many voter fraud allegations without a formal investigation or report.
I also disapprove of the democrats' double-standard regarding riots, and trying to paint Republicans as "insurrectionists" as well as disrespecting the military by having the "fake evidence" FBI investigate soldiers for disloyalty.
I can tell you have never been in the military they watch what you do and that is how it has always been.
I have never seen anything like the partisan shit show the democrats are putting on.
Nancy and Hillary still pushing the Russia hoax?!
Nancy calling the Joint Chiefs looking for a military coup?!
Nancy calling the Marine Commandant looking for Marines to guard DC?!
The democrats and the FBI disrespecting the soldiers guarding DC by investigating them for loyalty?!
WTF does Nancy want, her private Waffen SS?
View attachment 445343
You wish they had the SS because they look so ghey in their uniforms. Soldiers are used to being watch and scrutinized it comes with the territory in the military...
Exactly. They call a riot a peaceful protest, and a peaceful protest a riot/insurrection.

View attachment 445317
It is a little different when one is attacking the seat of federal govt. trying to change an election for one man. I don't expect you people to understand because you can't see any difference.
I'm not supporting the attack on the capital building. Full stop.
I condemn it and anyone who damaged Federal property. They need to be prosecuted.
That said. No democrats criticized the summer riots, and the democrats' calling the riot an "insurrection" is laughable.
The protesters showed that they were angered by the government not properly investigating the voter fraud allegations.
It was always, "nothing to see here", bullshit.
So I disapprove of the riot, and the shitty way Barr dismissed the many voter fraud allegations without a formal investigation or report.
I also disapprove of the democrats' double-standard regarding riots, and trying to paint Republicans as "insurrectionists" as well as disrespecting the military by having the "fake evidence" FBI investigate soldiers for disloyalty.
Barr did do investigations along with DHS and AG's in states yet nothing..
OK, GA was clean, no problem. Stacy Abrams finessed the GOP with the consent order. I also don't like that the Post Office address doesn't show residency when cleaning voter rolls.

There are many other examples of voter fraud that were not addressed:
1. The PA SC illegally extended the vote deadline from Tuesday to Friday. Alito wanted them kept separate, they weren't
2. The PA sec of state allowed city voters to correct ballots, but not upstate voters
3. Many votes on incorrect paper were counted
4. Provisional ballots were not handled uniformly
5. Signatures were not matched as required, or not required
6. There were many sworn affidavits that were not properly investigated
7. Many poll watchers were kept away
8. The vote count plot was very suspicious, see meme below, it happened in many states.
Many political science professors said this "jump" indicates fraud.
View attachment 445341

So I can see Nancy and the democrats look at Joe Biden and say, OMG, we need to pull out all the stops to beat Trump.
Trump got 10m more votes than he got in 2016, and many of us don't believe that Biden won legitimately without a real investigation.
Oh stop your silly shit. 60+ court cases, all thrown out because of lack of evidence. Many of the judges Trump appointees.
The courts did not want to step into an election run by the states.
That doesn't mean that no voter fraud occurred. I listed a few items above. Do they invalidate an election? No, but they should be investigated and a report issued, and elections run more like FL. No fraud, all votes counted on election night.
Exactly. They call a riot a peaceful protest, and a peaceful protest a riot/insurrection.

View attachment 445317
It is a little different when one is attacking the seat of federal govt. trying to change an election for one man. I don't expect you people to understand because you can't see any difference.
I'm not supporting the attack on the capital building. Full stop.
I condemn it and anyone who damaged Federal property. They need to be prosecuted.
That said. No democrats criticized the summer riots, and the democrats' calling the riot an "insurrection" is laughable.
The protesters showed that they were angered by the government not properly investigating the voter fraud allegations.
It was always, "nothing to see here", bullshit.
So I disapprove of the riot, and the shitty way Barr dismissed the many voter fraud allegations without a formal investigation or report.
I also disapprove of the democrats' double-standard regarding riots, and trying to paint Republicans as "insurrectionists" as well as disrespecting the military by having the "fake evidence" FBI investigate soldiers for disloyalty.
I can tell you have never been in the military they watch what you do and that is how it has always been.
I have never seen anything like the partisan shit show the democrats are putting on.
Nancy and Hillary still pushing the Russia hoax?!
Nancy calling the Joint Chiefs looking for a military coup?!
Nancy calling the Marine Commandant looking for Marines to guard DC?!
The democrats and the FBI disrespecting the soldiers guarding DC by investigating them for loyalty?!
WTF does Nancy want, her private Waffen SS?
View attachment 445343
You wish they had the SS because they look so ghey in their uniforms. Soldiers are used to being watch and scrutinized it comes with the territory in the military...
They should have already been vetted before they deployed to DC.
Was Chelsea Manning vetted? Was the Major who shot (13) at Fort Hood vetted?
I don't trust the "fake evidence" FBI to do 25,000 vettings in two days.
Exactly. They call a riot a peaceful protest, and a peaceful protest a riot/insurrection.

View attachment 445317
It is a little different when one is attacking the seat of federal govt. trying to change an election for one man. I don't expect you people to understand because you can't see any difference.
I'm not supporting the attack on the capital building. Full stop.
I condemn it and anyone who damaged Federal property. They need to be prosecuted.
That said. No democrats criticized the summer riots, and the democrats' calling the riot an "insurrection" is laughable.
The protesters showed that they were angered by the government not properly investigating the voter fraud allegations.
It was always, "nothing to see here", bullshit.
So I disapprove of the riot, and the shitty way Barr dismissed the many voter fraud allegations without a formal investigation or report.
I also disapprove of the democrats' double-standard regarding riots, and trying to paint Republicans as "insurrectionists" as well as disrespecting the military by having the "fake evidence" FBI investigate soldiers for disloyalty.
Fact check: Joe Biden has condemned protest-related violence from the left and the right
What was the date of the first time he "condemned" the rioters? hmmm?

Riots time line Seattle, May31, 2020

Biden condemn riots in Portland and Seattle Aug. 31 2020

Moonglow, you are as disingenuous as the masters you follow

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