CNN: Muslim shooters had links to known terrorists; Obama: "May have been a mixed motive" though.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
San Bernardino: Shooter Farook appears radicalized -

CNN is now saying, citing FBI info, that the Muslim attackers have connections to known radical terrorists.

However our wonderful president is cautioning us that they may have had work grievances too and there could have been "mixed motives".

Yeah. I'm sure there were. 330,000,000 Americans....about 200,000,000 actually work....and 99% are disgruntled at work. They don't attack. They quit or get fired.

Islam was the motive. No sugar coating.
Tho it is speculation on my part, I agree with the "mixed motives". If their motive was an effective terrorist attack with maximum impact, they failed miserably...if their motive was a work place grudge, they were over the top.
San Bernardino: Shooter Farook appears radicalized -

CNN is now saying, citing FBI info, that the Muslim attackers have connections to known radical terrorists.

However our wonderful president is cautioning us that they may have had work grievances too and there could have been "mixed motives".

Yeah. I'm sure there were. 330,000,000 Americans....about 200,000,000 actually work....and 99% are disgruntled at work. They don't attack. They quit or get fired.

Islam was the motive. No sugar coating.

What else would you expect from CNN?
Tho it is speculation on my part, I agree with the "mixed motives". If their motive was an effective terrorist attack with maximum impact, they failed miserably...if their motive was a work place grudge, they were over the top.

Well....failing miserably is what Muslims do. They're the world's oldest civilization....sitting on top of oceans of liquid gold....and they're still basically a medieval society. They fail at everything except killing.
'CNN: Muslim shooters had links to known terrorists; Obama: "May have been a mixed motive" though.'

More lies from the right.

The investigation is still ongoing – no determination has be made as to motive or motives or links to 'terrorist organizations.'

The lack of facts and evidence doesn't keep most on the reprehensible right from trying to exploit the tragedy for some perceived partisan gain.
'CNN: Muslim shooters had links to known terrorists; Obama: "May have been a mixed motive" though.'

More lies from the right.

The investigation is still ongoing – no determination has be made as to motive or motives or links to 'terrorist organizations.'

The lack of facts and evidence doesn't keep most on the reprehensible right from trying to exploit the tragedy for some perceived partisan gain.

This is what CNN reported.

"Federal agents have discovered preliminary evidence that San Bernardino gunman Syed Rizwan Farook was in contact by phone and social media with people who had been the subject of a terrorism probe by the FBI, according to multiple law enforcement sources.
'CNN: Muslim shooters had links to known terrorists; Obama: "May have been a mixed motive" though.'

More lies from the right.

The investigation is still ongoing – no determination has be made as to motive or motives or links to 'terrorist organizations.'

The lack of facts and evidence doesn't keep most on the reprehensible right from trying to exploit the tragedy for some perceived partisan gain.

No doubt the right will exploit this to the hilt. Unfortunately it does give them fodder for fear mongering and their reactionary xenophobia. The left has to be careful not to over-intellectualize the motives for this San Bernardino attack too much right now. We sometimes try to bore into issues too deeply and end up losing relevancy with John Q. Public. Obama is susceptible to "over-thinking" issues to the point of appearing indecisive. Nothing wrong with saying "ISIS and its domestic counterparts are a clear and present danger that we must fight to the death, their death". We can worry about motives and the necessary tactics and strategy of that fight when the dust settles. Let's not give Trump and his ilk a soap box and megaphone monopoly.
Of course it was a mixed motive. Farooq said pass the onion dip and a kaffir said get it yourself.

Fortunately Farooq's wife was waiting out in the car wearing her tactical gear.
Well....failing miserably is what Muslims do. They're the world's oldest civilization....sitting on top of oceans of liquid gold....and they're still basically a medieval society. They fail at everything except killing.

They obviously have not failed at religion. One in every five people alive on Earth are Muslim.

'CNN: Muslim shooters had links to known terrorists; Obama: "May have been a mixed motive" though.'

More lies from the right.

The investigation is still ongoing – no determination has be made as to motive or motives or links to 'terrorist organizations.'

The lack of facts and evidence doesn't keep most on the reprehensible right from trying to exploit the tragedy for some perceived partisan gain.

No doubt the right will exploit this to the hilt. Unfortunately it does give them fodder for fear mongering and their reactionary xenophobia. The left has to be careful not to over-intellectualize the motives for this San Bernardino attack too much right now. We sometimes try to bore into issues too deeply and end up losing relevancy with John Q. Public. Obama is susceptible to "over-thinking" issues to the point of appearing indecisive. Nothing wrong with saying "ISIS and its domestic counterparts are a clear and present danger that we must fight to the death, their death". We can worry about motives and the necessary tactics and strategy of that fight when the dust settles. Let's not give Trump and his ilk a soap box and megaphone monopoly.
Keep it simple for the simpletons.
Yup we are to believe that because of a slight or argument on the day of the shootings the two acquired numerous explosives and made them, armed themselves with vests and multiple weapons and attacked that gathering. I mean it is so obvious after all.
This is beginning to be just like Benghazi.

Why? Has someone started a politically motivated inquiry?
no...people died due to muzzie terrorists and the gvt is trying to deflect again

I keep saying that it's going to take a united World effort (Including the West's Sunni/Shia so called "allies") against ISIS. They're the human equivalent of filthy, ubiquitous, hard to control, almost impossible to eradicate cockroaches. If America is to lead that fight and I think it'll have to, there has to be a minimum level of agreement amongst yourselves. For example there's one reality I think must be acknowledged by the left and the right that could remove one issue from the cycle of recrimination/counter-recrimination. That reality is, "bad things happen" in a free society. Unless you want to jettison all liberty and rights there's always going to be a danger that some evil-doer is going to abuse those rights and blow something up or shoot someone. Neither gun control nor crushingly restrictive immigration laws will end San Bernardino type events absolutely. If you're at all a fan of Bill O'Reilly he might sound more convincing than me;

If you want to skip to about 10:20 he emphasizes the point and then again at about 11:20.

Don't try to kid yourselves that this candidate or that one is going to prevent every act of terror, ain't going to happen. The blame game played here is fun to a point but it certainly doesn't produce results.
'CNN: Muslim shooters had links to known terrorists; Obama: "May have been a mixed motive" though.'

More lies from the right.

The investigation is still ongoing – no determination has be made as to motive or motives or links to 'terrorist organizations.'

The lack of facts and evidence doesn't keep most on the reprehensible right from trying to exploit the tragedy for some perceived partisan gain.

No doubt the right will exploit this to the hilt. Unfortunately it does give them fodder for fear mongering and their reactionary xenophobia. The left has to be careful not to over-intellectualize the motives for this San Bernardino attack too much right now. We sometimes try to bore into issues too deeply and end up losing relevancy with John Q. Public. Obama is susceptible to "over-thinking" issues to the point of appearing indecisive. Nothing wrong with saying "ISIS and its domestic counterparts are a clear and present danger that we must fight to the death, their death". We can worry about motives and the necessary tactics and strategy of that fight when the dust settles. Let's not give Trump and his ilk a soap box and megaphone monopoly.
Keep it simple for the simpletons.

That pared down paraphrase is a little insulting and a little insightful but I won't go there right now.
Of course it was a mixed motive. Farooq said pass the onion dip and a kaffir said get it yourself.

Fortunately Farooq's wife was waiting out in the car wearing her tactical gear.

FUCK....I bet they served pork at the Christmas party! And Farook went home and said Mohamedetta....get the rifles and vests...get my brother Hockmedallahjihad and let's go kill!! AAAAHHLALALALALALALA!!!!!
This is beginning to be just like Benghazi.

Why? Has someone started a politically motivated inquiry?
no...people died due to muzzie terrorists and the gvt is trying to deflect again

I keep saying that it's going to take a united World effort (Including the West's Sunni/Shia so called "allies") against ISIS. They're the human equivalent of filthy, ubiquitous, hard to control, almost impossible to eradicate cockroaches. If America is to lead that fight and I think it'll have to, there has to be a minimum level of agreement amongst yourselves. For example there's one reality I think must be acknowledged by the left and the right that could remove one issue from the cycle of recrimination/counter-recrimination. That reality is, "bad things happen" in a free society. Unless you want to jettison all liberty and rights there's always going to be a danger that some evil-doer is going to abuse those rights and blow something up or shoot someone. Neither gun control nor crushingly restrictive immigration laws will end San Bernardino type events absolutely. If you're at all a fan of Bill O'Reilly he might sound more convincing than me;

If you want to skip to about 10:20 he emphasizes the point and then again at about 11:20.

Don't try to kid yourselves that this candidate or that one is going to prevent every act of terror, ain't going to happen. The blame game played here is fun to a point but it certainly doesn't produce results.

It will take people like me. And soccer moms, bakers, plumbers on and on that will kill these Islamic Muslim terrorist. Obama will NOT save you, but you can hope people like me do

This is beginning to be just like Benghazi.

Why? Has someone started a politically motivated inquiry?
no...people died due to muzzie terrorists and the gvt is trying to deflect again

I keep saying that it's going to take a united World effort (Including the West's Sunni/Shia so called "allies") against ISIS. They're the human equivalent of filthy, ubiquitous, hard to control, almost impossible to eradicate cockroaches. If America is to lead that fight and I think it'll have to, there has to be a minimum level of agreement amongst yourselves. For example there's one reality I think must be acknowledged by the left and the right that could remove one issue from the cycle of recrimination/counter-recrimination. That reality is, "bad things happen" in a free society. Unless you want to jettison all liberty and rights there's always going to be a danger that some evil-doer is going to abuse those rights and blow something up or shoot someone. Neither gun control nor crushingly restrictive immigration laws will end San Bernardino type events absolutely. If you're at all a fan of Bill O'Reilly he might sound more convincing than me;

If you want to skip to about 10:20 he emphasizes the point and then again at about 11:20.

Don't try to kid yourselves that this candidate or that one is going to prevent every act of terror, ain't going to happen. The blame game played here is fun to a point but it certainly doesn't produce results.

It will take people like me. And soccer moms, bakers, plumbers on and on that will kill these Islamic Muslim terrorist. Obama will NOT save you, but you can hope people like me do


I'm not now, or haven't ever been "hoping" for someone to "save" me. If at any point I should decide I need to look for someone to "save" me, the smartest, savviest people would be at the top of the list. Going through the list checking off possible candidates I'd probably get to people in your category eventually.

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