CNN’s Chris Cuomo Uses Fort Hood Shooting To Push Gun Control Agenda


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Does this idiot realize that Fort Hood already has gun control, just like nearly every other place where mass shootings occurred? That is why the shooter was able to spend 20 minutes shooting and killing people before a cop showed up. Military people are well-trained and risk their lives defending their country. How about we let them defend themselves?

CNN’s Chris Cuomo Uses Fort Hood Shooting To Push Gun Control Agenda

Read more: CNN?s Chris Cuomo Uses Fort Hood Shooting To Push Gun Control Agenda | NewsBusters
Hopefully some one will pop a cap in the liberal dog's ass. What the commie heathen doesn't know is that PTSD freaks aren't allowed to have weapons so if there was a problem here it was the gestapo in D.C. that failed to put him on 1 of their lists in time. God knows what kind of mind altering drugs the disgusting U.S. military was forcing him to take after being subjected to another useless war.
it's about time we arm the army....

They are well-armed when government needs them to be. However, all our military troops seem to considered expendable by this regime. They can't even defend themselves on bases, which is just incredible. Those gun control laws have disarmed the good people, but doesn't seem to have affected criminals one bit. And the left still doesn't get it.
Anyone disabled and seeking help is expendable. Have I not made this clear yet?
Wish I could remember where I read this comment yesterday. It was by a young woman whose husband was deployed overseas. Great statement.

At least in Afghanistan you can shoot back

Does this idiot realize that Fort Hood already has gun control, just like nearly every other place where mass shootings occurred? That is why the shooter was able to spend 20 minutes shooting and killing people before a cop showed up. Military people are well-trained and risk their lives defending their country. How about we let them defend themselves?

CNN’s Chris Cuomo Uses Fort Hood Shooting To Push Gun Control Agenda

Read more: CNN?s Chris Cuomo Uses Fort Hood Shooting To Push Gun Control Agenda | NewsBusters

this would of happened regardless if people were armed or not. But neat you found someone who wants to control guns somewhat....zzzzzzz
Does this idiot realize that Fort Hood already has gun control, just like nearly every other place where mass shootings occurred? That is why the shooter was able to spend 20 minutes shooting and killing people before a cop showed up. Military people are well-trained and risk their lives defending their country. How about we let them defend themselves?

CNN’s Chris Cuomo Uses Fort Hood Shooting To Push Gun Control Agenda

Read more: CNN?s Chris Cuomo Uses Fort Hood Shooting To Push Gun Control Agenda | NewsBusters

Coumo is a communist and wants to pass that people can get abortions up to 9months pregnant
Does this idiot realize that Fort Hood already has gun control, just like nearly every other place where mass shootings occurred? That is why the shooter was able to spend 20 minutes shooting and killing people before a cop showed up. Military people are well-trained and risk their lives defending their country. How about we let them defend themselves?

CNN’s Chris Cuomo Uses Fort Hood Shooting To Push Gun Control Agenda

Read more: CNN?s Chris Cuomo Uses Fort Hood Shooting To Push Gun Control Agenda | NewsBusters

this would of happened regardless if people were armed or not. But neat you found someone who wants to control guns somewhat....zzzzzzz

Dipshit, guns are already controlled there. And yet again it only encouraged a criminal because he knew no one would fire back. Got it, yet?

He would not have been able to go around for 20 minutes shooting people if the military were allowed to carry arms. It wasn't until an armed police officer showed up that things stopped. Could have been stopped a lot sooner.
Does this idiot realize that Fort Hood already has gun control, just like nearly every other place where mass shootings occurred? That is why the shooter was able to spend 20 minutes shooting and killing people before a cop showed up. Military people are well-trained and risk their lives defending their country. How about we let them defend themselves?

CNN’s Chris Cuomo Uses Fort Hood Shooting To Push Gun Control Agenda

Read more: CNN?s Chris Cuomo Uses Fort Hood Shooting To Push Gun Control Agenda | NewsBusters

this would of happened regardless if people were armed or not. But neat you found someone who wants to control guns somewhat....zzzzzzz

Dipshit, guns are already controlled there. And yet again it only encouraged a criminal because he knew no one would fire back. Got it, yet?

He would not have been able to go around for 20 minutes shooting people if the military were allowed to carry arms. It wasn't until an armed police officer showed up that things stopped. Could have been stopped a lot sooner.


this would of happened regardless if people were armed or not. But neat you found someone who wants to control guns somewhat....zzzzzzz

Dipshit, guns are already controlled there. And yet again it only encouraged a criminal because he knew no one would fire back. Got it, yet?

He would not have been able to go around for 20 minutes shooting people if the military were allowed to carry arms. It wasn't until an armed police officer showed up that things stopped. Could have been stopped a lot sooner.


Illinois liberals passed a law not too too long ago that requires all businesses to post that gun free zone sign on their front doors prominently. They did so at my work and I'm thinking I could end up dead in this place
Does this idiot realize that Fort Hood already has gun control, just like nearly every other place where mass shootings occurred? That is why the shooter was able to spend 20 minutes shooting and killing people before a cop showed up. Military people are well-trained and risk their lives defending their country. How about we let them defend themselves?

CNN’s Chris Cuomo Uses Fort Hood Shooting To Push Gun Control Agenda

Read more: CNN?s Chris Cuomo Uses Fort Hood Shooting To Push Gun Control Agenda | NewsBusters

Never let a crisis go to waste. In this case I wouldn't have bothered. Dying is what cannon fodder is there for.
Dipshit, guns are already controlled there. And yet again it only encouraged a criminal because he knew no one would fire back. Got it, yet?

He would not have been able to go around for 20 minutes shooting people if the military were allowed to carry arms. It wasn't until an armed police officer showed up that things stopped. Could have been stopped a lot sooner.


Illinois liberals passed a law not too too long ago that requires all businesses to post that gun free zone sign on their front doors prominently. They did so at my work and I'm thinking I could end up dead in this place
Might as well paint targets on these places.
Does this idiot realize that Fort Hood already has gun control, just like nearly every other place where mass shootings occurred? That is why the shooter was able to spend 20 minutes shooting and killing people before a cop showed up. Military people are well-trained and risk their lives defending their country. How about we let them defend themselves?

CNN’s Chris Cuomo Uses Fort Hood Shooting To Push Gun Control Agenda

Read more: CNN?s Chris Cuomo Uses Fort Hood Shooting To Push Gun Control Agenda | NewsBusters

Just another media Libturd spouting nonsense and living by Rahm Emanuel's well-known words of wisdom: "Never let a crisis go to waste"
Does this idiot realize that Fort Hood already has gun control, just like nearly every other place where mass shootings occurred? That is why the shooter was able to spend 20 minutes shooting and killing people before a cop showed up. Military people are well-trained and risk their lives defending their country. How about we let them defend themselves?

CNN’s Chris Cuomo Uses Fort Hood Shooting To Push Gun Control Agenda

Read more: CNN?s Chris Cuomo Uses Fort Hood Shooting To Push Gun Control Agenda | NewsBusters

Never let a crisis go to waste. In this case I wouldn't have bothered. Dying is what cannon fodder is there for.
^^One SICK Mother Fucker^^ (Where's your Sock puppet "ANTIPARTY")?
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Does this idiot realize that Fort Hood already has gun control, just like nearly every other place where mass shootings occurred? That is why the shooter was able to spend 20 minutes shooting and killing people before a cop showed up. Military people are well-trained and risk their lives defending their country. How about we let them defend themselves?

CNN’s Chris Cuomo Uses Fort Hood Shooting To Push Gun Control Agenda

Read more: CNN?s Chris Cuomo Uses Fort Hood Shooting To Push Gun Control Agenda | NewsBusters

this would of happened regardless if people were armed or not. But neat you found someone who wants to control guns somewhat....zzzzzzz

Dipshit, guns are already controlled there. And yet again it only encouraged a criminal because he knew no one would fire back. Got it, yet?

He would not have been able to go around for 20 minutes shooting people if the military were allowed to carry arms. It wasn't until an armed police officer showed up that things stopped. Could have been stopped a lot sooner.

so what? even IF people had guns you can't prove it would have stopped him from acting out still.

he still would have killed people, it might have just been a little harder.

Do we have evidence he was a criminal before this shooting?
A senior military official told ABC News that Lopez reported to the military last summer that he was suffering from a traumatic brain injury and was having trouble sleeping.

He had been seeing a psychiatrist as recently as last month, McHugh said, but Lopez had not shown any signs of likely violence toward himself or others. He had not been suicidal. The psychiatrist's had planned to continue monitoring and treating him. The only medication that officials said publicly that he was prescribed was the sleep aid Ambien.
According to authorities, Lopez brought onto the base a semi-automatic, .45 caliber Smith & Wesson handgun he recently purchased but not registered with the Army.

Sources familiar with the investigation tell ABC News the gun used in Wednesday's Ft. Hood shooting was purchased at Guns Galore in Killeen, Texas. This is the same store where Major Nidal Hasan purchased the gun he used in 2009 massacre on the base.

There was literally nothing people could do to stop this from happening. Gun or no gun would not have stopped this from happening. At best you could make a law stating anyone who is currently seeking professional help via a therapist for mental issues like he was, shouldnt be able to buy a firearm.

Sadly you people will just cry " My guns, my guns, why didnt people have guns.." Which is some pathetic logic.

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