CNN: "String of attacks target where ordinary people gather." Well no shit.

cnn = Clinton News Network!!!

Beware. people have been killed for less than this.

Stay away from stuff like this.

Next thing you know you could be tied into Pizza Parlors
Now that is why CNN is a leading news outlet. That high quality, high paid reporters, tell us all the important news.

Terrorists only attack where they can cause terror, which requires people in order to terrorize them.

Brilliant. Give that reporter a cookie.... and a Gold star for effort.... and a participation trophy. This is exactly the deep digging, important journalism we need.
How do we get this stupidity? Kids come right out of journalism school with no real life experience...and go to work for CNN, the NY Times, or the Washington Post.
Kudos to Chicken Noodle News journalism. You guys got an incredible command of the obvious.

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