CNN viewers have bled off by half since Biden took office, and it gets worse

Here in France the French media did say that CNN lost a lot since Xiden stole the election and Trump is not President like he should had because nobody give a damn about sleepy Joe who can"to talk and make a difference between a cat and a dog.
Here in France the French media did say that CNN lost a lot since Xiden stole the election and Trump is not President like he should had because nobody give a damn about sleepy Joe who can"to talk and make a difference between a cat and a dog.


Can you post a credible French news source that says Biden stole the election?
Here in France the French media did say that CNN lost a lot since Xiden stole the election and Trump is not President like he should had because nobody give a damn about sleepy Joe who can"to talk and make a difference between a cat and a dog.


Can you post a credible French news source that says Biden stole the election?
I already did in the past at the forum .
No doubt about it....

Trump was great for CNNs ratings

Well it can be said that Trump was news worthy in a negative way. it's like you thing he can not get any worst but he somehow finds a way. He likes the publicity and you can tell that he was really annoyed when tweeter cancelled him. He loves social media. To the point of thinking about starting his own social media network.

His battles with news networks might have been a factor in his efforts to get reelected. At times he even critized FOX which is hard to imagine why he would do that. Other presidents have had problems with the media but Trump took it to a whole new level. It is lucky he had social media and probably why he was combative with the media because he felt that he didn't need them.

The possibilities of a candidate who had his own news network.
President isnt creating chaos to report on? Who would have thought we wouldn’t tune in to see if he nuked someone like we did for Trump?

Also... what is it with righties and News rating?
Biden, by comparison, is quite boring

That's what so great about Biden. He makes liberalism look so boring, like it's what everyone believes. But then, that generally is the case. And he makes winning look so routine.

Oh, all of the cable news networks have seen their ratings plunge, FOX more than the others.

All three news networks’ ratings have shrunk since March 2020: Fox News’ total-day viewership dropped 40%, CNN’s dropped 32% and MSNBC’s dropped 19%.
Biden, by comparison, is quite boring

That's what so great about Biden. He makes liberalism look so boring, like it's what everyone believes. But then, that generally is the case. And he makes winning look so routine.

Oh, all of the cable news networks have seen their ratings plunge, FOX more than the others.

All three news networks’ ratings have shrunk since March 2020: Fox News’ total-day viewership dropped 40%, CNN’s dropped 32% and MSNBC’s dropped 19%.
someone not taking into account the new internet only American channels including Fox Nation who is competing against themselves.
AON, Blaze TV, News Max, Fox Nation. They are bound to take some off of Fox's table.
xiden has no clue what is going on...jill will go first, that way nobody can question after xiden goes...
Here in France the French media did say that CNN lost a lot since Xiden stole the election and Trump is not President like he should had because nobody give a damn about sleepy Joe who can"to talk and make a difference between a cat and a dog.
Watching a drooling vegetable shit the bed in front of the entire planet is distasteful and unpleasant. Not good for ratings.

Trying to match wits with President Trump was a losing effort for the gender-confused hacks at the Clown News Network, but I admired their dedication to being tea-bagged and shamed on a daily basis.

Now it's back to business as usual for this tedious, insufferable politburo.... they're completely bankrupt, both fiscally and morally. The clowns can't afford to pay airports to run their shit show anymore and AT&T can't find a buyer for this pathetic dumpster fire. Imagine that. They continue to swirl down the shitter while we laugh and point at them. Kudos to Veritas, who just bitch-slapped them again for our amusement.

Can’t make this stuff up. Fewer people are watching that garbage. Now they are moving to anti police rhetoric. Maybe the country is waking

Reporting on the travesty that was the Trump Presidency was good ratings.

Biden is boring
Your link doesn't say where the viewers went?
Probably lost interest in politics, due to their electing Joe Biden. There is no "good news" anyway.
"Voter's Remorse"?

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