CNN's damning video against Hillary Clinton

Jake would know more about my immigration stances if he didn't puss out of my bull ring challenge. Being a pussy doesn't do anyone any good. You would figure someone of his age would know that by now :D
You did not want to argue, just exchange insults. You get hammered by me across the Board, so why give you the Bullring. My duty is to educate you, not quarrel with a silly millennial.
Jake would know more about my immigration stances if he didn't puss out of my bull ring challenge. Being a pussy doesn't do anyone any good. You would figure someone of his age would know that by now :D
You did not want to argue, just exchange insults. You get hammered by me across the Board, so why give you the Bullring. My duty is to educate you, not quarrel with a silly millennial.
Crazy how an old person lies o themselves about themselves. Grow up
Jake the LWNJ turns down everyone for debate. Don't let him fool you.
Jake would know more about my immigration stances if he didn't puss out of my bull ring challenge. Being a pussy doesn't do anyone any good. You would figure someone of his age would know that by now :D
You did not want to argue, just exchange insults. You get hammered by me across the Board, so why give you the Bullring. My duty is to educate you, not quarrel with a silly millennial.
Crazy how an old person lies o themselves about themselves. Grow up
:) My silly little millennial.

Go get a job.
"Silly millennial" my ass. You can't derail and mindless posts in the BR. That's why you are scared.
You rarely win with anyone on here. Especially me.
Jake would know more about my immigration stances if he didn't puss out of my bull ring challenge. Being a pussy doesn't do anyone any good. You would figure someone of his age would know that by now :D
You did not want to argue, just exchange insults. You get hammered by me across the Board, so why give you the Bullring. My duty is to educate you, not quarrel with a silly millennial.
Crazy how an old person lies o themselves about themselves. Grow up
:) My silly little millennial.

Go get a job.
I'm doing just fine, thanks:)
"Silly millennial" my ass. You can't derail and mindless posts in the BR. That's why you are scared. You rarely win with anyone on here. Especially me.
You have no point, mindless. You simply do not understand terms and definitions accepted by the rational world. That is your problem, only. No one else is responsible for your swiss cheese of a brain.

To the OP: the video is damning, and the RNC has and will make more side by side comparisons of HRC's comments contrasted by Comey's.

All Donnie has to do at this point is stop sucking the weird 25% on the far right off, and begin acting presidential.

If he continues the campaign of ugly separation and division, he will lose badly.
Wow. I couldn't believe that CNN would do a video damning Hillary like this as it relates to the e-mail scandal.
That's only the beginning. Gonna make great campaign ads against Lie n' Deny Hillary from here on out.
Still, the most important person who will be criticizing Hillary on this will be Trump.

If he can't prosecute this like a normal, reasonable, mature adult, he will take the biggest present the GOP could ask for and toss it in the toilet.
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