Co-morbidities and those Vaccinated vs. Not-Vaccinated


Platinum Member
May 26, 2021
Anyone have actual data on how the vaccination is helping/not helping those that are considered High Risk or have co-morbidities.
We have known since day one who are those that are at high risk when contracting Covid.
What is the evidence that the Vaccination is helping those people? We see all the news articles about people who are dying/contracting covid and aren't vaccinated. And for many of these people, you can tell by the pictures that they aren't in good health.

I want to know if the vaccination is helping those that are at high risk or are they taking the vaccination in vain.
Anyone have actual data on how the vaccination is helping/not helping those that are considered High Risk or have co-morbidities.
We have known since day one who are those that are at high risk when contracting Covid.
What is the evidence that the Vaccination is helping those people? We see all the news articles about people who are dying/contracting covid and aren't vaccinated. And for many of these people, you can tell by the pictures that they aren't in good health.

I want to know if the vaccination is helping those that are at high risk or are they taking the vaccination in vain.

Broadly, over time the mRNA are failing those most who need it the most: the elderly, the very ill. It's very, very sad. For confirmation, look to Pfizer and Moderna saying they will roll out boosters first to the elderly and ill.

Cases from the UK/Delta variant here, broken down by age. Notice the unvaccinated often to BETTER. Pages 17-18

The Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccines were wowing Israelis with sky-high effectiveness rates until the rise of the Delta variant. But according to data recently raised at a top-level Health Ministry meeting, the immunization’s effectiveness in preventing serious illness is now at 80% for the general population and 50% for the elderly.

Israel’s national research body for epidemiology, the Gertner Institute, conducted the research, and Dr. Amit Huppert from its bio-statistical unit told The Times of Israel that policymakers should pay attention.

The Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccines were wowing Israelis with sky-high effectiveness rates until the rise of the Delta variant. But according to data recently raised at a top-level Health Ministry meeting, the immunization’s effectiveness in preventing serious illness is now at 80% for the general population and 50% for the elderly.

Israel’s national research body for epidemiology, the Gertner Institute, conducted the research, and Dr. Amit Huppert from its bio-statistical unit told The Times of Israel that policymakers should pay attention.

From the sources I trust. . . a lot of that has to do with the fact that these experimental jabs wear off so quickly. Natural immunization and treatment with ivermectin seems to be far superior, giving a wider spectrum of memory cell, and antibody production.

All of the high risk groups got it so early, and it seems to wear off in something like five or six months.
From the sources I trust. . . a lot of that has to do with the fact that these experimental jabs wear off so quickly. Natural immunization and treatment with ivermectin seems to be far superior, giving a wider spectrum of memory cell, and antibody production.

All of the high risk groups got it so early, and it seems to wear off in something like five or six months.
YES! Why not the treatment option? Why? We all know why. The corrupt government, press, and corporations are locked at the hip. We have no representation.

$1 per day to treat Covid with Ivermechtin.
YES! Why not the treatment option? Why? We all know why. The corrupt government, press, and corporations are locked at the hip. We have no representation.

$1 per day to treat Covid with Ivermechtin.

I suspect that, this. . . this, "80%" will similarly drop in the next coupe months, and it will all have to do with how long since your last shot. . . but then, I am no expert on this.

I suspect these have been engineered to require regular updates, like an operating system. I have seen them start to push hi-tech solutions so government and business will know when you had your . . . erm, last update.

Anyone have actual data on how the vaccination is helping/not helping those that are considered High Risk or have co-morbidities.
We have known since day one who are those that are at high risk when contracting Covid.
What is the evidence that the Vaccination is helping those people? We see all the news articles about people who are dying/contracting covid and aren't vaccinated. And for many of these people, you can tell by the pictures that they aren't in good health.

I want to know if the vaccination is helping those that are at high risk or are they taking the vaccination in vain.
Well I know people that have defeated this virus naturally, and they had co-mobilities when doing so, and they weren't vaccinated.
Anyone have actual data on how the vaccination is helping/not helping those that are considered High Risk or have co-morbidities.
We have known since day one who are those that are at high risk when contracting Covid.
What is the evidence that the Vaccination is helping those people? We see all the news articles about people who are dying/contracting covid and aren't vaccinated. And for many of these people, you can tell by the pictures that they aren't in good health.

I want to know if the vaccination is helping those that are at high risk or are they taking the vaccination in vain.

The data shows that 99.9999% of the fully vaccinated aren't dying from breakthrough cases. That includes all the old ppl who are automatically less protected and anyone with a co morbidity. Take what you will from that.
The data shows that 99.9999% of the fully vaccinated aren't dying from breakthrough cases. That includes all the old ppl who are automatically less protected and anyone with a co morbidity. Take what you will from that.
And the same can be said for the unvaccinated who are living with natural immunity. The one's who have not yet encountered the virus are either immune or might consider the vaccine's if feel vulnerable.
Anyone have actual data on how the vaccination is helping/not helping those that are considered High Risk or have co-morbidities.
We have known since day one who are those that are at high risk when contracting Covid.
What is the evidence that the Vaccination is helping those people? We see all the news articles about people who are dying/contracting covid and aren't vaccinated. And for many of these people, you can tell by the pictures that they aren't in good health.

I want to know if the vaccination is helping those that are at high risk or are they taking the vaccination in vain.
Well you certainly are focusing on the group of people with the highest risk of dying. If their doctor okays it then they can get the shot.

Still this group is the highest risk of dying so the question is if they get the virus then what are the options. IF they get the virus they may die and if they get a shot does it help prevent them from dying. Yet they still may die.

So the other side of the coin is how many survive without getting the shot.

Still co-morbidities condition are varied and they are diagnosed with 2 or more serious health conditions which is not a plus in getting the virus. And it is a big list of problems.

getting infected by COVID 19 could be the nail in the coffin and the one chance of survival is the vaccination or get the virus and survive in a hospital setting and hope your body can weather the storm with some help from medical technology.

So it is a decision they have to make with the help of a doctor. There survival rate is not going to be as high as a healthy person. There are no guarantees.

People have still died when getting the vaccination.

The question is it better than doing nothing

Colorado radio host who urged boycott of vaccines dies of Covid-19

this may give you some information if it is what your looking for
Well you certainly are focusing on the group of people with the highest risk of dying. If their doctor okays it then they can get the shot.

Still this group is the highest risk of dying so the question is if they get the virus then what are the options. IF they get the virus they may die and if they get a shot does it help prevent them from dying. Yet they still may die.

So the other side of the coin is how many survive without getting the shot.

Still co-morbidities condition are varied and they are diagnosed with 2 or more serious health conditions which is not a plus in getting the virus. And it is a big list of problems.

getting infected by COVID 19 could be the nail in the coffin and the one chance of survival is the vaccination or get the virus and survive in a hospital setting and hope your body can weather the storm with some help from medical technology.

So it is a decision they have to make with the help of a doctor. There survival rate is not going to be as high as a healthy person. There are no guarantees.

People have still died when getting the vaccination.

The question is it better than doing nothing

Colorado radio host who urged boycott of vaccines dies of Covid-19

this may give you some information if it is what your looking for
I know those who have co-mobilities, and they survived the virus with little help from the medical field, and yes they survived at home. I know those who are elderly, who have cancer, heart conditions, high blood pressure etc, and yes they survived the virus at home. They were given help aid's from the medical field, but never had to stay in the hospital.
Anyone have actual data on how the vaccination is helping/not helping those that are considered High Risk or have co-morbidities.
We have known since day one who are those that are at high risk when contracting Covid.
What is the evidence that the Vaccination is helping those people? We see all the news articles about people who are dying/contracting covid and aren't vaccinated. And for many of these people, you can tell by the pictures that they aren't in good health.

I want to know if the vaccination is helping those that are at high risk or are they taking the vaccination in vain.
Better options are on the way- there are over 150 drug companies testing non-vaccine options, nasal route options, among others.
I know those who have co-mobilities, and they survived the virus with little help from the medical field, and yes they survived at home. I know those who are elderly, who have cancer, heart conditions, high blood pressure etc, and yes they survived the virus at home. They were given help aid's from the medical field, but never had to stay in the hospital.
IF they did not need hospitalization then it may be a matter of luck. How did they survive the virus? Did they stay at home mostly and wore masks when they left the house? I would say that as an elderly person they have survived and hopefully lived a good life. You can worry about death or just keep on trucking.

Still the risk of dying from the virus is a very low and it may be slightly higher when comparing with other age groups. So it could be a personal decision. As well as how aggressive is the condition and how it has impacted their life at their age.
Selamectin has been used for scabies in Paguma masked palm civet, natural reservoir of SARS-CoV. Rest assured the Chinese communists have experimented with ivermectin in SARS-CoV-infected civets.
IF they did not need hospitalization then it may be a matter of luck. How did they survive the virus? Did they stay at home mostly and wore masks when they left the house? I would say that as an elderly person they have survived and hopefully lived a good life. You can worry about death or just keep on trucking.

Still the risk of dying from the virus is a very low and it may be slightly higher when comparing with other age groups. So it could be a personal decision. As well as how aggressive is the condition and how it has impacted their life at their age.
I have elderly family members that have survived the virus at home. They are in their 80s. No lasting affects, and yep living their lives as happy as they always were. I only know of one person who died, and he had complications from a recent virus in which he had when contacted the Wuhan scourge. The two combined, and his stay in the hospital on a ventilator ended his life.

My recent knowledge of how the fever is being handled by some, is to break it in a luke warm to cool shower until it finally breaks, just like when we were kid's with the flu, and our mom's chunked us into a bath tub full of cold water until our fever's broke.

We then were wrapped into a towel while standing there shivering from head to toe until we were tucked back into our cozy warm beds to rest until we got over the thing. It was bad back then, and we remember it well, but we survived thank God. No telling what kind of flu it was, but we made it.
I have elderly family members that have survived the virus at home. They are in their 80s. No lasting affects, and yep living their lives as happy as they always were. I only know of one person who died, and he had complications from a recent virus in which he had when contacted the Wuhan scourge. The two combined, and his stay in the hospital on a ventilator ended his life.

My recent knowledge of how the fever is being handled by some, is to break it in a luke warm to cool shower until it finally breaks, just like when we were kid's with the flu, and our mom's chunked us into a bath tub full of cold water until our fever's broke.

We then were wrapped into a towel while standing there shivering from head to toe until we were tucked back into our cozy warm beds to rest until we got over the thing. It was bad back then, and we remember it well, but we survived thank God. No telling what kind of flu it was, but we made it.
interesting, that is the first time I heard of the cool shower thing. It certainly is good news that family members are doing well.
Well you certainly are focusing on the group of people with the highest risk of dying. If their doctor okays it then they can get the shot.

Still this group is the highest risk of dying so the question is if they get the virus then what are the options. IF they get the virus they may die and if they get a shot does it help prevent them from dying. Yet they still may die.

So the other side of the coin is how many survive without getting the shot.

Still co-morbidities condition are varied and they are diagnosed with 2 or more serious health conditions which is not a plus in getting the virus. And it is a big list of problems.

getting infected by COVID 19 could be the nail in the coffin and the one chance of survival is the vaccination or get the virus and survive in a hospital setting and hope your body can weather the storm with some help from medical technology.

So it is a decision they have to make with the help of a doctor. There survival rate is not going to be as high as a healthy person. There are no guarantees.

People have still died when getting the vaccination.

The question is it better than doing nothing

Colorado radio host who urged boycott of vaccines dies of Covid-19

this may give you some information if it is what your looking for
You might’ve already looked into CDC information which I’m actually not a fan but because it’s an important finding to this discussion I’m posting it.

“This table shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.9 additional conditions or causes per death. The number of deaths with each condition or cause is shown for all deaths and by age groups. Values in the table represent number of deaths that mention the condition listed and 94% of deaths mention more than one condition.”

So during 2020, 6% died out of 255,508 strictly from the virus. This is so important, yet so many are buying into the one size fits all, same as usual. All it takes is researching scientific data available for anyone with internet. Why anyone is still listening to the politicized mouthpieces of today who are intentionally ignoring these findings (and many others) that the CDC has on their website.

Obviously, in listening to Fauci, they are counting on most of the herd to only listen to what he says, follow his instructions, and ignore data: CDC‘s printed deceptive data is harder than stating falsehoods. Falsehood Fauci… hey that’s catchy:)
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99.9999% of those dying are the unvaccinated. The rest are from breakthroughs. Anymore questions?
99.9999% of those dying are the unvaccinated. The rest are from breakthroughs. Anymore questions?
You won't convince anyone who has done their research about that. You will only find those who don't look at the research to believe your false statement. According to studies from various research scientists, you'd be more accurate to claim that a overwhelming majority are dying due to obesity and relating issues associated with obesity. There are other high risk groups -over 85 for one even though this age group has only recently been separated from 70+ for more accurate findings. Research puts into question how much 85+ immune system will be able to make enough antibodies from any of the 3 available in the states.

Second generation vaccines (many in production/testing phase for many) will make these current 3 look like pure garbage, although I'm not promoting second generation in any way as a "necessity" because precautionary measures are effective for most healthy people and using common sense about staying out of crowds. The reason our fine governmental health spokesman left out Tier 2 altogether and jump to full promotion of a rushed vaccine, knowing there were effective home health care measures that all people should have been informed. Did they even skim the surface? No. Not one bit in order to make profit in which they invested heavily (funny how nobody mentions how NIH is connected financially to Moderna.

It's all about big money going to Big Pharma, government connections, NIH and CDC having corruption at the top showing with specific actions (starting new rule for all COVID-19 ONLY journal submissions to be prescreened PRIOR to being released for peer review (anything not matching the script didn't get reviewed), Fauci-who indirectly (or could be argued directly) was responsible if this entire fiasco came from the same Wuhan lab he was economically tied and he denied gain-of-function completely when questioned by Rand.

High risk groups account for 93% of all deaths from my sources from previous post if you need confirmation. You are either misinformed or have an agenda as this is becoming well documented.
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You might’ve already looked into CDC information which I’m actually not a fan but because it’s an important finding to this discussion I’m posting it.

“This table shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.9 additional conditions or causes per death. The number of deaths with each condition or cause is shown for all deaths and by age groups. Values in the table represent number of deaths that mention the condition listed and 94% of deaths mention more than one condition.”

So during 2020, 6% died out of 255,508 strictly from the virus. This is so important, yet so many are buying into the one size fits all, same as usual. All it takes is researching scientific data available for anyone with internet. Why anyone is still listening to the politicized mouthpieces of today who are intentionally ignoring these findings (and many others) that the CDC has on their website.

Obviously, in listening to Fauci, they are counting on most of the herd to only listen to what he says, follow his instructions, and ignore data: CDC‘s printed deceptive data is harder than stating falsehoods. Falsehood Fauci… hey that’s catchy:)

Yet where can u get information that is the most reliable. Friends, politicians, or CDC. At least CDC collects data and then makes statements.

I did not suspect that covid 19 by itself would cause death, so I was surprised by the 6% number .

on the breakthrough cases in which the data is still be collected but initial reports look good. A small number have been infected under the breakthrough scenario

As of September 7, 2021, more than 176 million people in the United States had been fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

During the same time, CDC received reports from 49 U.S. states and territories of 14,115 patients with COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough infection who were hospitalized or died

25% were Asymptomatic or not COVID-related

2675 died

and 11440 were hospitalized but survived.

Those are good stats so far and it should be understood that there is no such think as a perfect solution where everyone walks off into the sunset holding hands.

It does show that you do increase your chances of survival if and when you get the virus and have had the vaccination. Especially if you have certain conditions and health issues.

If the states report the stats all the CDC can do is collect the data and make assumptions


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