CO2 Cap and Trade freakout thread

Frank, get with the topic. You're supposed to be losing your shit about cap-and-trade, not Obamacare. I know you get confused a lot, given how many things you lose your shit about.

You are going to get people killed. I hope they sue you personally
And how is he going to do that? By holding up action that would stave off sea level rise, extreme weather events, droughts, food and water shortages?
Tonight's "Cosmos" episode will be about global warming denialism, so you deniers should all stand ready to lose your shit about Neil Degrasse Tyson.
Tonight's "Cosmos" episode will be about global warming denialism, so you deniers should all stand ready to lose your shit about Neil Degrasse Tyson.

kewl. deniers really get peeved about black scientists who aren't in the pockets of the oil lobby.
Tonight's "Cosmos" episode will be about global warming denialism, so you deniers should all stand ready to lose your shit about Neil Degrasse Tyson.


Is tonight the night that Neil shares with us the results of the Experiments that show a temperature increase from a 120PPM increase in CO2?
The biggest "denier" of all......

You bring up subsidies when I know you support government payouts for solar and wind.


Governments having an energy policy makes sense. Especially when it is a matter of national security.

Government policies of almost any stripe are almost always enshrined idiocy.

Yea, let's let these guys decide our energy policy. I'm sure they have the best interests of the United States at heart...


It's not like the rest of the world is doing anything...

Green China? You'd better believe it

A recent report by the Pew Charitable Trusts shows that China was the world’s number one investor in green energy in 2010.

With a total investment of $54.4 billion, China was well ahead of second-ranked Germany ($41.2 billion) and the US in third place with $34 billion invested, not to mention Australia with $3.3 billion and ranked 12th.

In terms of installed capacity, China’s wind power sector alone doubled every year between 2005 and 2009. According to the latest statistics from the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC), China added 18.9 GW of new wind power capacity in 2010, thus overtaking the US with the most installed wind power capacity in the world.

China’s parliament, the National People’s Congress (NPC), recently considered a 'New Energy Industry Development Strategy’ which is to be adopted as a major policy document by the State Council (some changes are expected due to the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster).

According to this proposed development strategy, during 2011-2020, China will invest about $800 billion in seven green energy areas, namely, wind, solar, nuclear, bio-energy, hydro, coal cleaning and smart power grid.

As predicted, pretty much the whole GOP is now officially losing their shit over this.

More notable would be who is _not_ losing their shit. Namely, the utilities, who are responding with "Yeah, we can do this."
I'd rather let every American define his own energy policy. Why should some appointed self-serving power hungry numskull in Washington decide how you use energy? Libturds just can fathom the concept of making their own decisions. They crave to be ruled by someone.

Governments having an energy policy makes sense. Especially when it is a matter of national security.

Government policies of almost any stripe are almost always enshrined idiocy.

Yea, let's let these guys decide our energy policy. I'm sure they have the best interests of the United States at heart...


It's not like the rest of the world is doing anything...

Green China? You'd better believe it

A recent report by the Pew Charitable Trusts shows that China was the world’s number one investor in green energy in 2010.

With a total investment of $54.4 billion, China was well ahead of second-ranked Germany ($41.2 billion) and the US in third place with $34 billion invested, not to mention Australia with $3.3 billion and ranked 12th.

In terms of installed capacity, China’s wind power sector alone doubled every year between 2005 and 2009. According to the latest statistics from the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC), China added 18.9 GW of new wind power capacity in 2010, thus overtaking the US with the most installed wind power capacity in the world.

China’s parliament, the National People’s Congress (NPC), recently considered a 'New Energy Industry Development Strategy’ which is to be adopted as a major policy document by the State Council (some changes are expected due to the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster).

According to this proposed development strategy, during 2011-2020, China will invest about $800 billion in seven green energy areas, namely, wind, solar, nuclear, bio-energy, hydro, coal cleaning and smart power grid.

As predicted, pretty much the whole GOP is now officially losing their shit over this.

More notable would be who is _not_ losing their shit. Namely, the utilities, who are responding with "Yeah, we can do this."

Only a brain damaged toad would be content with having his energy bills increase by several orders of magnitude.

Bri, reference "The boy who cried wolf". After the first dozen times you deniers made such hysterical claims and nothing bad happened, people stopped paying you any attention.

Meanwhile, the Chinese have just signed on to similar CO2 reductions, which makes the "BUT THE CHINESE WILL STILL DO IT!" denier freakout look stupid. Apparently, by denier logic, China also wishes to deliberately cripple their own economy. Powerful, those environmentalist puppetmasters are, that they can even control China.

China agrees to impose carbon targets by 2016 - Climate Change - Environment - The Independent
You bring up subsidies when I know you support government payouts for solar and wind.


What about the $1 a gallon oil subsidy? Either stop subsidizing oil or give alternatives the same subsidy.

What "$1 a gallon subsidy" is that? I've never heard of it.

You have, but remain in denial. peer reviewed study from Roger Stern, an economic geographer at Princeton, who proves it cost the USA $7.3 trillion over 30 years to defend oil.

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