CO2 is our friend


Platinum Member
Dec 1, 2013
Jewitt City, Connecticut
I just found this nice site about CO2

CO2 is our friend, it literally is what is for dinner tonight. All our food comes from CO2

We all need to give a big thank you to CO2

Interesting facts is what I like and post. Like this fact. CO2 is at a historic low, and if it goes much lower all humans and any life on earth dies

I don't want to die, I don't want to see all the plants die.

Co2 does NOTHING


highly correlated satellite and balloon data
I just found this nice site about CO2

CO2 is our friend, it literally is what is for dinner tonight. All our food comes from CO2

We all need to give a big thank you to CO2

Interesting facts is what I like and post. Like this fact. CO2 is at a historic low, and if it goes much lower all humans and any life on earth dies

I don't want to die, I don't want to see all the plants die.

View attachment 892576

Homo sapiens appeared roughly in the middle of this chart. Note the range of CO2 levels for the entire time our species has existed on this planet. Note that tall green tail at the right side (the present). Is Elektra working towards your best interests? No. He is working for the best interests of the oil and coal industries.


Homo sapiens appeared roughly in the middle of this chart. Note the range of CO2 levels for the entire time our species has existed on this planet. Note that tall green tail at the right side (the present). Is Elektra working towards your best interests? No. He is working for the best interests of the oil and coal industries.

View attachment 892578
You just proved temperatures are always changing.

Screenshot_20240124_145023_Samsung Internet.jpg

CO2 is our friend​

In carbonated drinks, for example.
Get a cold glass mug and a can of Tecate. Pour 1-2 tablespoons of lime juice into the mug and then add salt - more than you think, maybe 1/3rd of a teaspoon. Swirl that around to dissove the salf in the lime juice as much as you can. Now pour in a shot or two of the Tecate. It will foam like mad. Keep swirling it till all the bubbles and foam are gone. Now slowly pour in the rest of the beer. It should NOT foam and should actually look kind of flat. When its all in, stir it gently with a long-handled spoon. Now take a sip. Get used to the taste. The lime juice has increased the carbonate solubility. All that CO2 is still in there making tangy carbonic acid but its not making bubbles. Be careful. You will find that becauuse it isn't bubbling, it isn't as filling and you can drink more of it faster than you would with normal beer. It'll get you in trouble.
Homo sapiens appeared roughly in the middle of this chart. Note the range of CO2 levels for the entire time our species has existed on this planet. Note that tall green tail at the right side (the present). Is Elektra working towards your best interests? No. He is working for the best interests of the oil and coal industries.

View attachment 892578

Thank goodness we aren't going through a low CO2 Ice Age right now.
A little extra CO2 cushion is a good thing.
Plus, the fewer deaths and the whole high tech civilization thing is nice too.
So many questions little cricket

You made a false presumption. Try to keep your emotions out of your post
What false presumption? This is your thread and the topic is CO2. Why don't you want to talk about CO2?

Note that time, along the horizontal axis here is logarithmic, not linear.

Note the two, horizontal, dashed lines. The lower is 400 ppm, the upper is 1,000 ppm.

So, current CO2 levels are slightly above that lower, dashed line. Start at the present, on the far right side of the graph and move along that line to the left. Where does it hit the graphed CO2 level? In that portion of the graph, the time scale is at the top. By my uncalibrated eyeball, it looks to be about 30 million years ago but there is a lot of scatter there and I'm willing to say 5 million years.

Now then, when did modern humans appear? The generally accepted value is 200,000 years ago.

So, per this particular graph, the current level of atmospheric CO2 is now higher than it has been on this planet in somewere between 25 and 150 TIMES the length of time humans have existed. Humans have NEVER experienced CO2 levels that we currently suffer.

On what basis does the OP claim that we are benefitted by the high current levels? Does he examine the effect of elevated CO2 on plant growth? No. Does he examine the effect of CO2 on animal respiration? No. Does he examine the effect of CO2 on the carbonate fixation of the entire mollusc phylum? No. Does he examine the effect of CO2 on global temperatures? No. He worries that we will drive CO2 levels so low that plant will begin to die. Does ANYONE here, including the OP, actually believe a real risk of such an event exists? And now, poster Elektra declines to actually discuss the topic of his own thread.

What we have here is simply another example of AGW denier lies.
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What false presumption? This is your thread and the topic is CO2. Why don't you want to talk about CO2?
yep, you keep lying about a problem you can't identify. What does it have to do with CO2?

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