Coal companies fuck Amerians & Trump rewards them with more land

^ TODAY perhaps. In big cities that use /most/ of the electricity in the nation perhaps (THUS the "biased" news "only 30% so we can shut it down" bullshit.)

Example, folks in rural Alaska have no fucking choice but to burn wood to heat their houses. What's the percentage of houses that's burning wood for all their heating and hot water in America today? Should the EPA tell these folks who have no other choice that they cannot burn wood and force them to freeze to death; just so lower 48ers can get their feels about "saving the planet"?

Your stats are nationwide, they do not reflect the /reality/ of certain places who are just as American as everyone else.

Just putting that out there.

there are more people in Dallas County than the entire state of Alaska -

As of 1 January 2012 Alaska had a population of 731,449, and its 2017 population is estimated at 739,818. With a population of 710,231, according to the 2010 U.S. census, Alaska is the 48th most populous and least densely populated state.

just pointing that out there.

That's a good point - those 100k people in Fairbanks, Alaska (and other rural villages) mean jack shit to your social/political agenda so let em freeze to death. And you folks accuse the "other party supporters" of not caring. Two sides, one coin.

The worst part, the stupidest part, of that particular example only comes out if someone has the intelligence to look deeper. Like for example the argument of the wood stove thing is about 2.5 fine particulates; for comparison purposes second hand smoke is 3000-4000. Then research what happens when a tree is left to rot "naturally" in the forest - their CO2 is released into the atmosphere, the mold and fungus create a bunch of methane.

Ah but you /think/ ya'll are doing the "right thing" for the environment and that is /all/ that matters to the billion dollar political agenda of "green energy." Again, lower 48ers gotta get their feels about "saving the planet," and the lives of actual people, American lives, matter nothing to them.


My point was simply that the numbers are cooked to support their agenda. They don't look at the details and consequences, merely hype the biased numbers to look like its a problem, or in this case not a problem to get rid of wood stoves. (And for the record the new EPA regs made 80% of all wood stoves made non-compliant.)
Coal companies pay a royalty to the federal government (us) for the coal they mine on federal land. The amount is based on the selling price.

Coal companies formed dummy companies, sold the coal to them at below market prices & then those companies sold the coal to buyers. i.e. fucking the federal government & thereby also fucking the American people out of fair royalties..

So what dos Captain Bone Spur do? He will shrink two national monuments & open up that ground to mining.

Like there is no where else in this country to mine coal.
If by fucking Americans you mean not ripping them off with the prices of bankrupt coal companies and supplying them with cheap energy... you are absolutely right.

If you ment something else, well.....


Screwing Americans out of royalties. You must love it when corporations fuck you over.
Are we talking about GM now?


Kindly shut your hypocritical fucking mouth, thanks

ooooooooooooooo. Tough talk from another idiot Trumpette. We got royalties from GM? Was it so much a car?

I love it. You asshole Trump ass kissing fools even support being fucked over by corporate America,
How fucking sad it that?

That's no way to talk to somebody's Grampa you

liberal bag of snot...........

Based on your posts, it certainly is.
Coal companies pay a royalty to the federal government (us) for the coal they mine on federal land. The amount is based on the selling price.

Coal companies formed dummy companies, sold the coal to them at below market prices & then those companies sold the coal to buyers. i.e. fucking the federal government & thereby also fucking the American people out of fair royalties..

So what dos Captain Bone Spur do? He will shrink two national monuments & open up that ground to mining.

Like there is no where else in this country to mine coal.

By providing the country cheap plentiful energy for centuries? Smh

In the past they sure fucked over workers, but that has changed. Now they provide small towns with numerous high paying jobs, when these towns would be poor rural areas! They actually build upper middle class towns that would have been backwater bottom feeders!

Sent from my iPhone using
Burning Coal kills people. Burning coal increases greenhouse gas emissions.

liberals kill more people than coal dumbass...

SO do Christians. So do Republicans.

So will every one pf you fucking assholes that think Global Warming is a hoax.
obama fucked the coal miners. Hillary promised to fuck them even more. Trump gave their jobs back. Liberals are stewing and they should. Boil in it.
What jobs are those? What coal jobs? Certainly you sarten't talking about the one mine that opened that was in process before that fat fucker took office.
Snowflakes are just pissed at how Trump continues to erase Obama's 'Legacy'...

We're pissed because Trump is destroying this country & pissed that there sre assholes like you so fucking stupid to back him.
A typical Limbaugh Lie that stupid DittoTards mindlessly parrot.

Jun 16, 2017
RUSH: The thing that I don’t get about the electric car — I actually get it. I just think it’s interesting to point out. Where do they think the batteries in these cars get their juice? When they plug those cars in to recharge the batteries, where’s the juice coming from? Ninety-nine out of a hundred places it’s coming from a coal-fired power plant.

Rush is RIGHT like 99.6% of the time...

I think you are full of shit one way or another.
Your MessiahRushie is a premeditated liar 100% of the time.
70 out of 100 places are NOT coal fired!!!
You are the liar now libtard....
It takes an incredible kind of STUPID to swallow your MessiahRushie's lies!!!

What is U.S. electricity generation by energy source? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Major energy sources and percent shares of U.S. electricity generation at utility-scale facilities in 2016
  • Natural gas = 33.8%
  • Coal = 30.4%
  • Nuclear = 19.7%
  • Renewables (total) = 14.9%
    • Hydropower = 6.5%
    • Wind = 5.6%
    • Biomass = 1.5%
    • Solar = 0.9%
    • Geothermal = 0.4%
  • Petroleum = 0.6%
  • Other gases = 0.3%
  • Other nonrenewable sources = 0.3%
  • Pumped storage hydroelectricity = -0.2%

I say you are full of Shit...

Play the bit where he said anything close to

what you say he said....

I listen to Rush every day and I know he is truthful

unlike your lying ass media that's caught lying

every other day...Rush is not perfect but he never

lies, he may make a mistake every now and then

but he corrects it as soon as he finds out about it.

What else you got Butt Hurt?

That explains it.

You listen to Rush every day. And you actually are so fricken uneducated & ignorant to think he tells the truth.

No wonder you think Trump tells the truth.
obama fucked the coal miners. Hillary promised to fuck them even more. Trump gave their jobs back. Liberals are stewing and they should. Boil in it.
So they can die on the job.
U.S. coal miner deaths are already above 2016 levels

Plenty of people die on the job. Were you under the impression that these coal miners are oppressed and never wanted to work as a coal miner? Coal mining jobs are legacy jobs. The men that work in those mines have grandfathers that worked in the mines. They are proud of what they do. They wanted those jobs and were devastated when obama took them away. Those jobs bought homes and supported families, they provided new cars and big screen tvs, a vacation once in a while. They were financial stability. Fuck every fucker that wants to take these jobs away.
Natural Gas Fracking took away the coal jobs, and Obama opposed fracking.
Obama did not oppose fracking. He opposed fracking when it endangered polluting the groundwater. He made this rule:

"The rule requires that fracking operations on public land are properly constructed so that pollutants do not leak into water supplies. Companies are also obliged to publicly disclose the chemicals in fluids used in fracking, which is a drilling process used to release oil and gas deposits within rock formations."

Prior, thanks to Bush/Cheney, fracking companies held their frack formulas private. So if water was polluted, you could not tie that pollution to the frack fluid & hence polluter. The Obama rule addressed that.

Now the orange mental midget wants to strike that rule.
It is write there for you to see? I think my dog reads better than you or you are just a lying sack of excrement!

Look at the blue text. That is what Limbaugh said, both times. Then, look at the red text. That is what was said by the media.
And the media was correct and your MessiahRushie lied by leaving out what ELSE he said. As I pointed out he said outright he HOPED Americans would suffer and he HOPED the recession would be prolonged extending American's suffering. Just because he lies by leaving out parts of what he says does not mean he didn't say them and the media is fake for calling him out on what he left out.

No. You lied, It was there in the text.

Is it pathological with you or do you get your rocks off by being ridiculed?
I never lie, unlike DittoTards who always lie.
Here again is what the lying scum you worship left out where he hopes average hard working Americans SUFFER the loss of their jobs in a PROLONGED recession.
Obviously the media got it exactly right and his attack of the media was a premeditated lie.

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

October 31, 2008
RUSH: Joe the Plumber. Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen

February 13, 2009
I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails
RUSH: I hope it prolongs the recession.

August 23, 2010
RUSH: I don't say something I don't mean. I live in Literalville.

You are busted Ass Hole...

You say you never lie...

Look at you post # 37

You like most liberals lie your ass off...
Post 37 was the absolute truth. 30% of places get their electricity from coal fired plants, not 99% like your lying scum POS MessiahRushie said.

What a lame Dodge....

You know you lied

when you said Rush lies 100% of the time.....

You are a confirmed liar....

Anyone can see that in post 37...
And the media was correct and your MessiahRushie lied by leaving out what ELSE he said. As I pointed out he said outright he HOPED Americans would suffer and he HOPED the recession would be prolonged extending American's suffering. Just because he lies by leaving out parts of what he says does not mean he didn't say them and the media is fake for calling him out on what he left out.

No. You lied, It was there in the text.

Is it pathological with you or do you get your rocks off by being ridiculed?
I never lie, unlike DittoTards who always lie.
Here again is what the lying scum you worship left out where he hopes average hard working Americans SUFFER the loss of their jobs in a PROLONGED recession.
Obviously the media got it exactly right and his attack of the media was a premeditated lie.

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

October 31, 2008
RUSH: Joe the Plumber. Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen

February 13, 2009
I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails
RUSH: I hope it prolongs the recession.

August 23, 2010
RUSH: I don't say something I don't mean. I live in Literalville.

You are busted Ass Hole...

You say you never lie...

Look at you post # 37

You like most liberals lie your ass off...
Post 37 was the absolute truth. 30% of places get their electricity from coal fired plants, not 99% like your lying scum POS MessiahRushie said.

What a lame Dodge....

You know you lied

when you said Rush lies 100% of the time.....

You are a confirmed liar....

Anyone can see that in post 37...
If only 30% of electricity is generated by coal, then 70% is generated by something other than coal. Your lying scum POS MessiahRushie said 99% of electricity was generated by coal.
How does Limbaugh's lie make me a liar for exposing his lie????? :cuckoo:
And the media was correct and your MessiahRushie lied by leaving out what ELSE he said. As I pointed out he said outright he HOPED Americans would suffer and he HOPED the recession would be prolonged extending American's suffering. Just because he lies by leaving out parts of what he says does not mean he didn't say them and the media is fake for calling him out on what he left out.

No. You lied, It was there in the text.

Is it pathological with you or do you get your rocks off by being ridiculed?
I never lie, unlike DittoTards who always lie.
Here again is what the lying scum you worship left out where he hopes average hard working Americans SUFFER the loss of their jobs in a PROLONGED recession.
Obviously the media got it exactly right and his attack of the media was a premeditated lie.

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

October 31, 2008
RUSH: Joe the Plumber. Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen

February 13, 2009
I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails
RUSH: I hope it prolongs the recession.

August 23, 2010
RUSH: I don't say something I don't mean. I live in Literalville.

You are busted Ass Hole...

You say you never lie...

Look at you post # 37

You like most liberals lie your ass off...
Post 37 was the absolute truth. 30% of places get their electricity from coal fired plants, not 99% like your lying scum POS MessiahRushie said.

What a lame Dodge....

You know you lied

when you said Rush lies 100% of the time.....

You are a confirmed liar....

Anyone can see that in post 37...

Point out the lie or STFU.

If you are claiming Rush never lies then you are truly dumber than shit.

I never said Rush lies 100% od the time.
Coal companies pay a royalty to the federal government (us) for the coal they mine on federal land. The amount is based on the selling price.

Coal companies formed dummy companies, sold the coal to them at below market prices & then those companies sold the coal to buyers. i.e. fucking the federal government & thereby also fucking the American people out of fair royalties..

So what dos Captain Bone Spur do? He will shrink two national monuments & open up that ground to mining.

Like there is no where else in this country to mine coal.

By providing the country cheap plentiful energy for centuries? Smh

In the past they sure fucked over workers, but that has changed. Now they provide small towns with numerous high paying jobs, when these towns would be poor rural areas! They actually build upper middle class towns that would have been backwater bottom feeders!

Sent from my iPhone using
Burning Coal kills people. Burning coal increases greenhouse gas emissions.

liberals kill more people than coal dumbass...

SO do Christians. So do Republicans.

So will every one pf you fucking assholes that think Global Warming is a hoax.

There is no doubt liberals are more of a

threat to the planet than climate change.
obama fucked the coal miners. Hillary promised to fuck them even more. Trump gave their jobs back. Liberals are stewing and they should. Boil in it.
What jobs are those? What coal jobs? Certainly you sarten't talking about the one mine that opened that was in process before that fat fucker took office.

Slow down, take your time......
Coal companies pay a royalty to the federal government (us) for the coal they mine on federal land. The amount is based on the selling price.

Coal companies formed dummy companies, sold the coal to them at below market prices & then those companies sold the coal to buyers. i.e. fucking the federal government & thereby also fucking the American people out of fair royalties..

So what dos Captain Bone Spur do? He will shrink two national monuments & open up that ground to mining.

Like there is no where else in this country to mine coal.

By providing the country cheap plentiful energy for centuries? Smh

In the past they sure fucked over workers, but that has changed. Now they provide small towns with numerous high paying jobs, when these towns would be poor rural areas! They actually build upper middle class towns that would have been backwater bottom feeders!

Sent from my iPhone using
Burning Coal kills people. Burning coal increases greenhouse gas emissions.

liberals kill more people than coal dumbass...

SO do Christians. So do Republicans.

So will every one pf you fucking assholes that think Global Warming is a hoax.

There is no doubt liberals are more of a

threat to the planet than climate change.

Liberals want a better environment & reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

You fucktards want to pollute more so corporate America can save a fucking dime.

Your hero Trump is poking a nuclear power in the eye because he thinks it is funny.

Republicans hate their childsen.
Coal companies pay a royalty to the federal government (us) for the coal they mine on federal land. The amount is based on the selling price.

Coal companies formed dummy companies, sold the coal to them at below market prices & then those companies sold the coal to buyers. i.e. fucking the federal government & thereby also fucking the American people out of fair royalties..

So what dos Captain Bone Spur do? He will shrink two national monuments & open up that ground to mining.

Like there is no where else in this country to mine coal.

By providing the country cheap plentiful energy for centuries? Smh

In the past they sure fucked over workers, but that has changed. Now they provide small towns with numerous high paying jobs, when these towns would be poor rural areas! They actually build upper middle class towns that would have been backwater bottom feeders!

Sent from my iPhone using
Burning Coal kills people. Burning coal increases greenhouse gas emissions.

liberals kill more people than coal dumbass...

SO do Christians. So do Republicans.

So will every one pf you fucking assholes that think Global Warming is a hoax.

There is no doubt liberals are more of a

threat to the planet than climate change.

Liberals want a better environment & reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

You fucktards want to pollute more so corporate America can save a fucking dime.

Your hero Trump is poking a nuclear power in the eye because he thinks it is funny.

Republicans hate their children.
obama fucked the coal miners. Hillary promised to fuck them even more. Trump gave their jobs back. Liberals are stewing and they should. Boil in it.
What jobs are those? What coal jobs? Certainly you sarten't talking about the one mine that opened that was in process before that fat fucker took office.

Slow down, take your time......
I'm responding to idiots not writing the PhD thesis.
No. You lied, It was there in the text.

Is it pathological with you or do you get your rocks off by being ridiculed?
I never lie, unlike DittoTards who always lie.
Here again is what the lying scum you worship left out where he hopes average hard working Americans SUFFER the loss of their jobs in a PROLONGED recession.
Obviously the media got it exactly right and his attack of the media was a premeditated lie.

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

October 31, 2008
RUSH: Joe the Plumber. Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen

February 13, 2009
I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails
RUSH: I hope it prolongs the recession.

August 23, 2010
RUSH: I don't say something I don't mean. I live in Literalville.

You are busted Ass Hole...

You say you never lie...

Look at you post # 37

You like most liberals lie your ass off...
Post 37 was the absolute truth. 30% of places get their electricity from coal fired plants, not 99% like your lying scum POS MessiahRushie said.

What a lame Dodge....

You know you lied

when you said Rush lies 100% of the time.....

You are a confirmed liar....

Anyone can see that in post 37...
If only 30% of electricity is generated by coal, then 70% is generated by something other than coal. Your lying scum POS MessiahRushie said 99% of electricity was generated by coal.
How does Limbaugh's lie make me a liar for exposing his lie????? :cuckoo:

You are a Liar...

You said Rush is a
No. You lied, It was there in the text.

Is it pathological with you or do you get your rocks off by being ridiculed?
I never lie, unlike DittoTards who always lie.
Here again is what the lying scum you worship left out where he hopes average hard working Americans SUFFER the loss of their jobs in a PROLONGED recession.
Obviously the media got it exactly right and his attack of the media was a premeditated lie.

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

October 31, 2008
RUSH: Joe the Plumber. Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen

February 13, 2009
I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails
RUSH: I hope it prolongs the recession.

August 23, 2010
RUSH: I don't say something I don't mean. I live in Literalville.

You are busted Ass Hole...

You say you never lie...

Look at you post # 37

You like most liberals lie your ass off...
Post 37 was the absolute truth. 30% of places get their electricity from coal fired plants, not 99% like your lying scum POS MessiahRushie said.

What a lame Dodge....

You know you lied

when you said Rush lies 100% of the time.....

You are a confirmed liar....

Anyone can see that in post 37...

Point out the lie or STFU.

If you are claiming Rush never lies then you are truly dumber than shit.

I never said Rush lies 100% od the time.

Get your shit together...

I'm talking about your Butt Buddy....

See post 37.............

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