Coca-Cola, Home Depot, oppose Republicans' efforts to make it hard for black people to vote

My compromise would be to eliminate mail-in ballots and make election day a national holiday. Secondly, I'd do something about the ballots as well. My mail-in ballot that was counted by a Dominion Voting System machine is inherently more secure than one cast in person through a ballot marking device (BMD) such as ES&S ExpressVote. While either system's vote tallying process can be hacked, the BMD additionally offers the hacker the opportunity to hack the ballot itself. I put far more trust in a machine that counts the ballot as I prepared rather than one in which I must trust my choices to have accurately translated into proper bar codes. My priority would be to get BMD's out of the voting process.

How is ending no excuse absentee voting and limiting hours going to oppress black people?
That is one of the stupidest things i have ever heard.
Damn. I forgot. Democrats think blacks are completely worthless. My bad.
And black morons like Marc and IM2 will accept being called stupid, as long as the person doing so has a (D) next to their name.
The plan by Republicans is based on debunked lies about voting fraud via absentee ballots.
These false allegations have come to be known as "The Big Lie".
Courts have determined that Republicans have shown no evidence to prove fraud.
Coca-Cola and Home Depot know that they will be boycotted if they don't oppose these voter suppression efforts.
The lefts ongoing assumption that the Black community is to stupid or lazy to vote without the benevolent hand of the Democratic party guiding them.
How is ending no excuse absentee voting and limiting hours going to oppress black people?
That is one of the stupidest things i have ever heard.
Damn. I forgot. Democrats think blacks are completely worthless. My bad.
And black morons like Marc and IM2 will accept being called stupid, as long as the person doing so has a (D) next to their name.

If someone is a "D", they can call blacks like Marc and IM2 anything and they will take it with pleasure. The governor of Virginia appears in blackface when wearing his Triple K sheets, and gets applauded.

Back in the 1960's, LBJ spoke before the NAACP convention on the "Great Society" program and told the teeming masses of black people in attendance "with this program, I will have you N-words voting Democrat for a hundred generations" and the delegates gave him a 20 minute standing O.
The plan by Republicans is based on debunked lies about voting fraud via absentee ballots.
These false allegations have come to be known as "The Big Lie".
Courts have determined that Republicans have shown no evidence to prove fraud.
Coca-Cola and Home Depot know that they will be boycotted if they don't oppose these voter suppression efforts.

You're saying it's true then, that the dems will fuck you up if you don't go along with them.

Thank you for being honest, it's refreshing coming from a lefty.

Could you also explain just how the republicans are making it hard for blacks to vote? The ones I know don't seem to have any problems at all. They vote the same way I do.

It seems like racism if you're saying blacks have trouble doing what the rest of the races do with no problems at all.
Black people in South Africa have no problem voting. Why are the Black people in the USA unable to play by the rules?
Nazis are gonna Nazi.

However, as they were before, they will be stopped again.

The Nazis, including their found Mr. Hitler, are liberals. Remember, and never forget, that Socialized Medicine and Gun Control are the pillars of the movement.

BTW, the "Big Lie" is that black people "aren't allowed to vote" anywhere in the South. In fact, blacks vote at the same OR GREATER rate than do Honkies.
Nope...they were fascists like their friends in Italy who actually invented the term "fascist".
Coca-Cola, Home Depot, oppose Republicans' efforts to make it hard for black people to vote
How "woke" of them.

I oppose Coca-Cola's effort to make it easier for black people to die of morbid obesity and diabetes.

I also oppose Home Depot's effort to make home improvement the most expensive endeavor known to humanity, second only to the war on poverty.
Nazis are gonna Nazi.

However, as they were before, they will be stopped again.

The Nazis, including their found Mr. Hitler, are liberals. Remember, and never forget, that Socialized Medicine and Gun Control are the pillars of the movement.

BTW, the "Big Lie" is that black people "aren't allowed to vote" anywhere in the South. In fact, blacks vote at the same OR GREATER rate than do Honkies.
Nope...they were fascists like their friends in Italy who actually invented the term "fascist".
Do you think requiring everyone to have ID to vote is fascist?
Nazis are gonna Nazi.

However, as they were before, they will be stopped again.

The Nazis, including their found Mr. Hitler, are liberals. Remember, and never forget, that Socialized Medicine and Gun Control are the pillars of the movement.

BTW, the "Big Lie" is that black people "aren't allowed to vote" anywhere in the South. In fact, blacks vote at the same OR GREATER rate than do Honkies.
Nope...they were fascists like their friends in Italy who actually invented the term "fascist".

I was talking about Nazism, not Fascism here. The Fascists are an Italian political party, the National Socialist Workers Party aka the Nazis are Germany based.
I was talking about Nazism, not Fascism here. The Fascists are an Italian political party, the National Socialist Workers Party aka the Nazis are Germany based.
Coke, Pepsi....Two mildly different flavors of the same totalitarian mindset.
Nazis are gonna Nazi.

However, as they were before, they will be stopped again.

The Nazis, including their found Mr. Hitler, are liberals. Remember, and never forget, that Socialized Medicine and Gun Control are the pillars of the movement.

BTW, the "Big Lie" is that black people "aren't allowed to vote" anywhere in the South. In fact, blacks vote at the same OR GREATER rate than do Honkies.
Nope...they were fascists like their friends in Italy who actually invented the term "fascist".

Actually, Fascism was a leftist movement too. They required men to be dues paying Union Men (or priests) in order to cast a vote.

Much like leftist union elections in America.
Nazis are gonna Nazi.

However, as they were before, they will be stopped again.

The Nazis, including their found Mr. Hitler, are liberals. Remember, and never forget, that Socialized Medicine and Gun Control are the pillars of the movement.

BTW, the "Big Lie" is that black people "aren't allowed to vote" anywhere in the South. In fact, blacks vote at the same OR GREATER rate than do Honkies.
Nope...they were fascists like their friends in Italy who actually invented the term "fascist".

Actually, Fascism was a leftist movement too. They required men to be dues paying Union Men (or priests) in order to cast a vote.

Much like leftist union elections in America.
These stone-headed freaks have had this 'splaind to them hundreds of times...They don't care.

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