College students set to cut off penis if Donald Trump builds a wall

Here he is, he looks like Rachel Maddows girlfriend.

And the difference that he thinks that he is going to be making is what exactly?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. To me, this kid is just one of the many examples of how being as vulgar as possible seems to be the only thing that people care to put out there these days.
Seth Greenberg, a freshman at the University of California has announced that he will publicly remove his penis if a wall is built on the Mexico-United States border.

College Student Set To Cut Off Penis If Donald Trump Builds Wall - MILO NEWS

LMAO talk about stupid ass idiots. Gawd please do it then we will have a lesser amount of liberal phucking idiots to recreate more of them.

WOW Imagine all those penis's hitting the ground at the same time.

No bragging rights there though. LOL

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