"Collusion" Hoax Now "Obstruction" Hoax

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
This is kind of like the prog's weather "armageddons"...first was we're freezing to death, and now we're going up in smoke. When the tards realized there was nothing between the Trump camp and the Ivans, they were heartsick. But wait....Schumer and Pelosi and their drive-by media propaganda arm, had a fallback position, based on.......nothing. 90% negative news coverage, the President being called everything but a democrat, and he doesn't have the right to ask some big shots to tell the public what they know to be a farce? Yeah....he do. Trump just keeps on WINNING! :funnyface:

Cover up? There was no fucking collusion, therefore no fucking cover up! Gawd damn democrats are idiots!
On July 24, 1974, the Supreme Court rejected Nixon’s claim of executive privilege and ordered him to turn over the remaining tapes. When he refused to do so, the House of Representatives passed the first article of impeachment against Nixon for obstruction of justice. On August 5, with the impeachment process already underway, Nixon reluctantly released the remaining tapes.

On August 8, 1974, Nixon avoided a Senate trial and likely conviction by becoming the first president to resign.

The Watergate break-in didn't take down Nixon - it was the cover-up and obstruction of justice!
This is kind of like the prog's weather "armageddons"...first was we're freezing to death, and now we're going up in smoke. When the tards realized there was nothing between the Trump camp and the Ivans, they were heartsick. But wait....Schumer and Pelosi and their drive-by media propaganda arm, had a fallback position, based on.......nothing. 90% negative news coverage, the President being called everything but a democrat, and he doesn't have the right to ask some big shots to tell the public what they know to be a farce? Yeah....he do. Trump just keeps on WINNING! :funnyface:

This is an example of your classic, I have absolutely nothing else to do with my life so I'll make an ass of myself for all the internet to see, post.

Keep up the good work, shit for brains.

Actually, he is 100% correct, you got nothing. If the return you get on your money is the same as the return you get on this story, it is no wonder you are liberal constantly demanding transfer of wealth so you can survive, lolol!
Well the proof is in the pudding oops, I mean tapes. The people and the Republican would not have turned on Nixon without the tapes. Of course they never would have found out anything if they hadn't botched the second espionage attempt. Even then they might not have made the connection but someone had the phone number of CREEP on them.
Just changing lanes trying another tactic as when the global warming thing fell flat they changed the name to climate change. Never mind that the very nature of climate is to CHANGE! Otherwise it wouldn't be climate at all. So just how do you prosecute for covering up something that never happened in the first place? What kind of cover up is that?---- a pretty bad one. And what will it be a year from now, democratic false alarm scandal #83? When will the taxpayers tire of this???

July 19, 2018: BREAKING REPORT! Donald Trump under investigation for letting air out of the tires on Limousine One to get a softer smoother ride---- adds to fuel consumption and climate change hurting the poor, environmental study shows! Tom Brady to testify in his defense! Details at 6PM.
This is kind of like the prog's weather "armageddons"...first was we're freezing to death, and now we're going up in smoke. When the tards realized there was nothing between the Trump camp and the Ivans, they were heartsick. But wait....Schumer and Pelosi and their drive-by media propaganda arm, had a fallback position, based on.......nothing. 90% negative news coverage, the President being called everything but a democrat, and he doesn't have the right to ask some big shots to tell the public what they know to be a farce? Yeah....he do. Trump just keeps on WINNING! :funnyface:


You seem to be obsessed over what the charges will be

Answer: We don't know the charges or who will be charged

Possible charges

1. No charges
2. Failure to report contacts with foreign agents
3. Accepting bribes/illegal payments
4. Participation in Russian hacking/release of data
5. Obstruction
6. Collusion
7. Treason

Lets see where the investigation leads and then worry about the charges
All the hundreds of treasonous liars known as the "US intel agents who endorsed Hillary" are going to put out BS on a daily basis, because they might be outed as traitors if Trump stays in office long enough.
Cover up? There was no fucking collusion, therefore no fucking cover up! Gawd damn democrats are idiots!

What was there?

Answer a simple question and we can drop this whole thing as baseless

Why were Trump's representatives meeting with the Russians?
What was there?

Answer a simple question and we can drop this whole thing as baseless

Why were Trump's representatives meeting with the Russians?

Why were Podesta's?

“In 2011, John Podesta joins the board of this very small energy company called Joule Energy based out of Massachusetts," Schweizer said. "About two months after he joins the board, a Russian entity called Rusnano puts a billion rubles -- which is about 35 million dollars -- into John Podesta’s company. Now, what is Rusnano? Rusnano is not a private company, Steve. It is a fund directly funded by the Kremlin. In fact, the Russian science minister called Rusnano Putin’s child. So you have the Russian government investing in one of John Podesta’s businesses in 2011, while he is an advisor to Hillary Clinton at the State Department.”

RussiaGate: Hillary Clinton and John Podesta's Troubling Ties to Russia
Cover up? There was no fucking collusion, therefore no fucking cover up! Gawd damn democrats are idiots!

What was there?

Answer a simple question and we can drop this whole thing as baseless

Why were Trump's representatives meeting with the Russians?
Who met with which Russians?
Let's see....so far we have Manafort, Flynn, Sessions
Team Trump seems to have an attraction to Russians

Now, if we only had a legitimate explanation for the meetings, this whole thing would fizzle out

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