Colombia’s ELN rebels deny planning potential Bogota attack


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
A warning from the Cuban embassy in Colombia about a possible attack in Bogota by National Liberation Army (ELN) rebels is inaccurate, the guerrilla group said on Thursday, accusing the Colombian government of planning attacks on civilians.

Cuba's ambassador earlier this week wrote to the Colombian government to alert it to a supposed attack being planned by the ELN's Eastern Front.

Cuba was the site of brief peace talks between the Marxist ELN and the Colombian government, which collapsed after the ELN bombed Bogota's police academy in 2019, killing more than 20 people. The rebel peace delegation remains in Havana.

"After verifying with all the guerrilla organization of the National Liberation Army, we clarify that the information received by the Cuban embassy in Bogota is not part of the ELN's military plans," said the statement, dated Feb. 10 and posted to the ELN's website on Thursday.

Sure thing there, hoss.

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