color me stunned that most folks on USMB have the gall & the hutzpah to describe a 21 year old hero who saved us all from a world war, as a "traitor"

What ARE you on about? I don't consider him a hero OR a traitor. I think he's an immature kid who was trusted with way too much responsibility, who decided to show off in front of friends. That doesn't change the laws though. He's going to prison for a few years because he behaved stupidly. It happens.

Bradley Manning I would have convicted and put against a wall. He KNEW how destructive what he was doing, would be. He did it because he wanted to harm the US in Iraq, while the war was still on.
And "he saved us from WWIII"? How in hell did he do that, pray tell?
Well it's a bigger deal than that. i read on twitter Biden was gonna start WWIII if Jack didn't act, and i took the person's word for it
Jack Teixeira is a hero, Jack Teixeira saved us all from world war 3, Jack Teixeira should be pardonned, Jack Teixeira should be given the medal of freedom

You have just solidified your status with me as a gaslighting troll.

I have seen you defend citizen / former Sect of State Hillary Clinton for ILLEGALLY having hundreds of pages of TS/SCI documents illegally stored in unsecured places, illegally on her own personal unsecured unencrypted server, for illegally transmitting and receiving TS/SCI documents on illegal unsecured unencrypted devices, for illegally destroying multiple unclassified and clasdified phones / devices while lying about not owning any, for illegally attempting to hide the evidence by trying to illegally wipe her hard drive, for lying to Congress about all of it, and for having committed treason.

I have seen you rant against Trump for having classified material safely stored in an FBI-approved storage area.

I have seen you defend Joe Biden for committing espionage, for stealing TS/SCI info - some dating back to his tIme as SENATOR, for illegally handling, transporting, and storing this classified info in multiple locations - none of them authorized legal secure locations, for allowing God knows how many people unauthorized unsecured illegal access to this info - to possibly include CCP members who provided the office in which he stored some of the TS/SCI material without providing physical security...
- I have seen you ridiculously argue that Trump's classified scandal was / is far worse than the Hillary and Biden scandals described above.

And now you call a TRAITOR and a SPY who has committed espionage and has INCREDIBLY DAMAGED THIS NATION a 'Hero'.

This guardsman violated a HOST of laws, regulations, rules, and statutes. He has committed TREASON during what I would definitely describe as 'wartime'.

He has damaged our allies, put Americans and allies' lives in danger, potentially caused the escalation of the Ukraine war into a World War, done possibly irreparable damage to the US' standing and reputation among our allies, possibly done irreparable damage to our current as well as future coalitions...

By your own comments it seems prretty clear that you have no full conceivable idea of how much damage has been done and what the potential consequences not only for the US but around the globe this might have.

And you want to (at least claim to IOT enflame the masses and spark a gaslighting free-for-all)

Yeah, whatever, gaslighting troll.

Not falling for it - I'm out.
You have just solidified your status with me as a gaslighting troll.

I have seen you defend citizen / former Sect of State Hillary Clinton for ILLEGALLY having hundreds of pages of TS/SCI documents illegally stored in unsecured places, illegally on her own personal unsecured unencrypted server, for illegally transmitting and receiving TA/SCI documents on illegal unsecured unencrypted devices, for illegally destroying multiple unclassified and clasdified phones / devices while lying about not owning any, for illegally attempting to hide the evidence by trying to illegally wipe her hard drive, for lying to Congress about all of it, and for having committed treason.

I have seen you rant against Trump for having classified material safely stored in an FBI-approved storage area.

I have seen you defend Joe Biden for committing espionage, for stealing TS/SCI info - some dating back to his tIme as SENATOR, for illegally handling, transporting, and storing this classified info in multiple locations - none of them authorized legal secure locations, for allowing God knows how many people unauthorized unsecured illegal access to this info - to possibly include CCP members who provided the office in which he stored some of the TS/SCI material without providing physical security...
- I have seen you ridiculously argue that Trump's classified scandal was / is far worse than the Hillary and Biden scandals described above.

And now you call a TRAITOR and a SPY who has committed espionage and has INCREDIBLY DAMAGED THIS NATION a 'Hero'.

This guardsman violated a HOST of laws, regulations, rules, and statutes. He has committed TREASON during what I would definitely describe as 'wartime'.

He has damaged our allies, put Americans and allies' lives in danger, potentially caused the escalation of the Ukraine war into a World War, done possibly irreparable damage to the US' standing and reputation among our allies, possibly done irreparable damage to our current as well as future coalitions...

By your own comments it seems prretty clear that you have no full conceivable idea of how much damage has been done and what the potential consequences not only for the US but around the globe this might have.

And you want to (at least claim to IOT enflame the masses and spark a gaslighting free-for-all)

Yeah, whatever, gaslighting troll.

check out my twitter feed. today, i called out Biden for a whole bunch of stuff. i defend Trump because Trump Jr defended this kid

The Biden administration is lying. They're the Traitor.
I believe that based on a lot more evidence than this case alone but what I find ridiculous is that an E3 could have this much access.
Pretty much everyone, including the Russian Government, has said that a lot of this info is bogus. This sounds like a misinformation campaign.

I'd be willing to bet that any of this info that's true was already known by the Russians.
Obviously already known by the Russians!

You really haven't clued into what's going on have you!

Let me help. The American people are learning that everything isn't rosy, Russia isn't a small gas station, the Ukraine side (America) isn't winning the war, the necessary defeat of Russia isn't going to happen, employing current tactics.
Without the USA's money this war would have been over and Russia would be holding northern Ukraine.... so the supporters of continuing to send money to Ukraine need to say how much money are you willing to print and send to an uncertain end?....
Will you be willing to have a lower quality life and retirement to defeat Russia?.... is it that important to you?....
Jack Teixeira is a hero, Jack Teixeira saved us all from world war 3, Jack Teixeira should be pardonned, Jack Teixeira should be given the medal of freedom

He is a traitor that should be shot in the head.
i Agree. he is a riminal. and you are a unt
Or , this is a planned False Flag and poor Jack is junior Intel or has been compromised but will never serve time despite a 1million year sentence for show purposes.
This is all about finding a face saving way of exiting Khazaria and/or getting extra surveillance funds.
You should be better than this BBR .
The whole narrative stinks and increasingly it will fall into pieces .
You do seem to be appreciating the impact of this expose'!

What I appreciate is protecting classified materials, I spent most of my Marine Corps career doing so.

I would be pull the tiger myself if they let me.
Just think of all the homeless and hungry people in America that money could have helped, but democrats choose to spend it on war.
Regardless of your loyalties folks, I would recommend Scott Ritter's analysis of this event when he puts it out. Keeping in mind his need for caution on not stepping over the line of treason.

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