Colorado judge strikes down AR-15 ban, and over 10 round magazine ban....good.

Essentially, you want the beer maker sued if the guy buying the beer drives his car into a school.........

The Beer can't kill anyone by itself... The gun can. In fact, THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT THE GUN IS DESIGNED TO DO, KILL PEOPLE.
Budweiser does a lot to promote responsible drinking.

The gun industry is the opposite of that.

Point is, bars can be sued if they kept serving someone who was obviously impaired.

How does the gun industry do the opposite of that? You don't see billboards about guns, you don't get flyers in the mail, they don't run television or radio commercials, and the only time you see guns even advertised is if you subscribe to a hunting or gun magazine. Maybe if you bought a gun somewhere, the gun shop will send you solicitations.

I don't watch commercials anymore, but how does Budweiser promote responsible drinking? At the end of the commercial they say "Drink responsibly." Big deal Two seconds out of a 30 second commercial.

The only time a bar can get sued is if they knew the patron was drunk. A gun shop has no idea of ill intent by a customer. They run his name through a federal background check and it's either permitted to sell that customer a weapon or it isn't.

I believe you are letting the gun shop owner off easy. And the government certainly does. You are correct, a bar can be found liable if they sell alcohol to someone that is drunk and that someone has an accident and kills someone. They don't get to say, we looked at his ID and he was old enough to buy it, so we sold it to him.

That is essentially what you are saying, and the government agrees with you, that if the gun shop runs the background check and it comes up clear, they can sell the gun. So if some dude with crazy ass eyes, reeking of body odor and disheveled clothes, comes storming in and demanding a gun, like right now, while muttering under his breath audibly, "I am going to get that SOB, if he passes the background check, sell him the gun. Are you starting to see the difference here?
If the government give a gun dealer permission to sell a gun then the beef is with the fucking government.

So sue the fucking ATF.
Should car dealers be held to the same standard?


A car dealer before he'll sell you a care will make sure you have a license to drive a car. He will make sure you have insurance. He will do a thorough credit check to make sure you can pay him back. He'll certainly check your police record to make sure you don't have a history of driving recklessly.

Furthermore, we have police that issue 40 million traffic citations a year, to make sure people are using their cars safely.

Furthermore, car companies have spent decades making their cars safer, unlike the gun industry, which has been making their products deadlier.

If the Car companies acted like the Gun Industry, then this would be next years models.

Budweiser does a lot to promote responsible drinking.

The gun industry is the opposite of that.

Point is, bars can be sued if they kept serving someone who was obviously impaired.

How does the gun industry do the opposite of that? You don't see billboards about guns, you don't get flyers in the mail, they don't run television or radio commercials, and the only time you see guns even advertised is if you subscribe to a hunting or gun magazine. Maybe if you bought a gun somewhere, the gun shop will send you solicitations.

I don't watch commercials anymore, but how does Budweiser promote responsible drinking? At the end of the commercial they say "Drink responsibly." Big deal Two seconds out of a 30 second commercial.

The only time a bar can get sued is if they knew the patron was drunk. A gun shop has no idea of ill intent by a customer. They run his name through a federal background check and it's either permitted to sell that customer a weapon or it isn't.

I believe you are letting the gun shop owner off easy. And the government certainly does. You are correct, a bar can be found liable if they sell alcohol to someone that is drunk and that someone has an accident and kills someone. They don't get to say, we looked at his ID and he was old enough to buy it, so we sold it to him.

That is essentially what you are saying, and the government agrees with you, that if the gun shop runs the background check and it comes up clear, they can sell the gun. So if some dude with crazy ass eyes, reeking of body odor and disheveled clothes, comes storming in and demanding a gun, like right now, while muttering under his breath audibly, "I am going to get that SOB, if he passes the background check, sell him the gun. Are you starting to see the difference here?

Should car dealers be held to the same standard?
How about holding the Louisville Slugger company liable if someone uses a baseball bat to kill a person?
Should car dealers be held to the same standard?


A car dealer before he'll sell you a care will make sure you have a license to drive a car. He will make sure you have insurance. He will do a thorough credit check to make sure you can pay him back. He'll certainly check your police record to make sure you don't have a history of driving recklessly.

Furthermore, we have police that issue 40 million traffic citations a year, to make sure people are using their cars safely.

Furthermore, car companies have spent decades making their cars safer, unlike the gun industry, which has been making their products deadlier.

If the Car companies acted like the Gun Industry, then this would be next years models.

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No he doesn't. You do not need a drivers license to buy a car.
No he doesn't. You do not need a drivers license to buy a car.

Last car I bought, that's the first thing they asked for.

And this is a place I had been taking my previous car to for service for the last 10 years.
A car dealer before he'll sell you a care will make sure you have a license to drive a car. He will make sure you have insurance. He will do a thorough credit check to make sure you can pay him back. He'll certainly check your police record to make sure you don't have a history of driving recklessly.

A dealership does not check out your driving record, their insurance company does if you use their insurance to get home. If you refuse their insurance because you have your own, they don't check anything except your coverage by the company you are using. That's what I did when I bought my last car a year and a half ago.

Dealerships don't check out your credit history. They deal with banks and they submit your loan application to them, and it's approved or disapproved.

Yes, they make a copy of your drivers license like a gun store runs your name through a national data base to see if you are legally allowed to purchase a firearm. Now you can lie on that application and get a gun anyway, but you will end up in jail for doing so unless your name is Hunter Biden.
A dealership does not check out your driving record, their insurance company does if you use their insurance to get home. If you refuse their insurance because you have your own, they don't check anything except your coverage by the company you are using. That's what I did when I bought my last car a year and a half ago.

Dealerships don't check out your credit history. They deal with banks and they submit your loan application to them, and it's approved or disapproved.

The point is, someone checks these things out....
We already do.

We just don't enforce the restrictions

I agree, we don't. The restrictions aren't thorough enough to have meaningful enforcement.
of course they are.

Like I said they did it in Richmond VA and in the first year the murder rate dropped 33% and another 20% the second year, armed robberies dropped by 30% in the same 2 years.

So once again your issue is with the federal government and law enforcement not with licensed firearm dealers that comply with everything the government asks them to do.
Like I said they did it in Richmond VA and in the first year the murder rate dropped 33% and another 20% the second year, armed robberies dropped by 30% in the same 2 years.

one small city... meh... doesn't impress me.
The answer is; "No".

You are not going to get the restrictions you want, we will all ignore them if they do try to enact them, and we will kill anyone who tries to enforce them, and then we will come looking for the people who advocate for them..... people like you, for instance.

Get over it already.
Like I said they did it in Richmond VA and in the first year the murder rate dropped 33% and another 20% the second year, armed robberies dropped by 30% in the same 2 years.

one small city... meh... doesn't impress me.

Like I said you have no interest in reducing the crime or the murder rates all you care about is banning guns.
The answer is; "No".

You are not going to get the restrictions you want, we will all ignore them if they do try to enact them, and we will kill anyone who tries to enforce them, and then we will come looking for the people who advocate for them..... people like you, for instance.

Get over it already.

Guy, eventually, the majority of us are going to get sick and tired of you nuts and your fetish.

And if a few of you get the David Koresh Treatment, I'm kind of fine with that.
Like I said you have no interest in reducing the crime or the murder rates all you care about is banning guns.

Yes, banning guns would reduce crime and murder rates....

The problem is, you guys are all keen on keeping your fetish. I'm really not.

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