Columbus. Good or bad?

Columus was …

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I want to see the numbers before making any comments on them, if there are actually any hard numbers out there.

Between no record keeping by the natives and shoddy recordkeeping by the colonists, I doubt any number is reliable.
They didn't keep numbers themselves, and of course the whitey haters thinks that means they get to make up their own. Best estimates that there were maybe 5 million north of the Rio Grande max, and there are about that many now or close. Most leave the reservations and assimilate, inter-marry with other ethnic groups, like my grandmother and her brothers and sisters. Also some of the eastern tribes took in whites with little or no genetic links to natives. Chief John Ross of the Cherokees was mostly Scottish, for instance.
Incorrect. Mayans for example. Spanish burned their codexes.

Alpaca, dogs.

Copper, gold, silver. They did not have steel technology.

You've never eaten good mexican food.

no domestic animals.

The pyramid of the Sun and Moon would like a word.

At least they didn't have leaches.

Maya, Toltec, Aztec, Inca would like a word.

Like...the Romans.
So, they were several thousand years behind in development?

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