Comey Turned Crime Of 'Grossly Negligent' To 'No Indictment'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The evidence against former FBI Director Comey just keep piling up.... The latest shows, much like his 'mentor' - Mueller - Comey hid crimes!

Comey Softened Language In Hillary Memo Even After CIA Officials Called Her Emails ‘Problematic’

"CIA officials described emails found on Hillary Clinton’s private email server as “problematic” and damaging to the agency, according to summaries of interviews they gave to the FBI last May and June.

The timing of the interviews is significant because they are within a 39 day time window in which top FBI officials, including then-director James Comey, edited language in a draft memo of a statement that was to be given at the conclusion of the Clinton email probe.

A May 2, 2016 memo sent by Comey to three top bureau officials referred to Clinton’s use of a private email server to send and receive classified information as “grossly negligent.”

But according to Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, the memo was changed on or around June 10 to refer to Clinton’s actions as merely “extremely careless.”

18 USC Ch. 37
(f) Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed,"

"The distinction between “grossly negligent” and “extremely careless” is significant because the former is considered a federal crime while the latter term has no legal weight."


It's there in black and white. Fbi Director James Comey's own FBI agents made that perfectly clear...and Comey took it upon himself to change it so Hillary would not be indicted for her crime.

Hillary was interviewed by agents in JULY.
-- FBI Director Comey wrote Hillary's exoneration letter in MAY.

"Clinton sent or received more than 2,000 emails containing classified information. A majority were classified as confidential, the lowest classification level. But some of the documents were found to contain secret and top secret information."

"In a May 19 interview, a CIA official admonished the State Department for sending classified information through non-classified channels. After seemingly viewing a series of Clinton emails, the official said that State Department staff “are experienced and knew that this information was classified.”

“However, they did it anyways and their actions hurt the CIA and other agencies whose equities were conveyed in the emails.”


2. 'State Department staff “are experienced and knew that this information was classified'

Still working to indict Clinton based on interpreation of a words, same thing happening from those that are going to file Articles of Impeachment against Trump.
Still working to indict Clinton based on interpreation of a words, same thing happening from those that are going to file Articles of Impeachment against Trump.
No, the new evidence shows Comey used Bill Clinton's old defense ('Depends on the definition of the word 'is'') to justify not recommending Hillary be Indicted.

His own FBI agents informed him Hillary had been 'grossly negligent', which as shown is a CRIME.

Evidence shows the FBI pointed out how the State Department had intentionally, willfully broke laws by sending classified data over un-classified means.

Your attempt now to justify Comey's actions is the same thing - playing games with your own interpretations of laws to justify Comey's crime.
Still working to indict Clinton based on interpreation of a words, same thing happening from those that are going to file Articles of Impeachment against Trump.
No, the new evidence shows Comey used Bill Clinton's old defense ('Depends on the definition of the word 'is'') to justify not recommending Hillary be Indicted.

His own FBI agents informed him Hillary had been 'grossly negligent', which as shown is a CRIME.

Evidence shows the FBI pointed out how the State Department had intentionally, willfully broke laws by sending classified data over un-classified means.

Your attempt now to justify Comey's actions is the same thing - playing games with your own interpretations of laws to justify Comey's crime.

Show us the proof.
The 2019th attempt to find criminal misconduct fails. Trump is not going to be impeached for allegedly saying things there are no records of either. Hard reality.
Show us the proof.
I already did, Princess. Try actually READING the posts instead of being in a rush to post your debunked defenses and protests.

The FBI stated investigations of Hillary's server resulted in evidence of 'Gross Negligence'. 'Gross Negligence' is a CRIME, covered in 18 USC Ch. 37. Comey then changed the report's words to prevent Hillary for being indicted for violating 18 USC Ch.37 (f), which is all posted in the very 1st post of this thread.

I can lead a 'jackass' to water, but I obviously can't make them 'drink'.

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