Coming soon: America's own social credit system


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Coming soon: America's own social credit system

3 Aug 2021 ~~ By Kristin Tate
he new domestic “War on Terror,” kicked off by the riot on Jan. 6, has prompted several web giants to unveil predecessors to what effectively could become a soft social credit system by the end of this decade. Relying on an indirect hand from D.C., our social betters in corporate America will attempt to force the most profound changes our society has seen during the internet era.
China’s social credit system is a combination of government and business surveillance that gives citizens a “score” that can restrict the ability of individuals to take actions — such as purchasing plane tickets, acquiring property or taking loans — because of behaviors. Given the position of several major American companies, a similar system may be coming here sooner than you think.
Last week, PayPal announced a partnership with the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center to “investigate” the role of “white supremacists” and propagators of “anti-government” rhetoric, subjective labels that potentially could impact a large number of groups or people using their service. PayPal says the collected information will be shared with other financial firms and politicians. Facebook is taking similar measures, recently introducing messages that ask users to snitch on their potentially “extremist” friends, which considering the platform’s bias seems mainly to target the political right. At the same time, Facebook and Microsoft are working with several other web giants and the United Nations on a database to block potential extremist content.
The potential scope of the soft social credit system under construction is enormous. The same companies that can track your activities and give you corporate rewards for compliant behavior could utilize their powers to block transactions, add surcharges or restrict your use of products. At what point does free speech — be it against biological males playing in girls’ sports, questioning vaccine side effects, or advocating for gun rights — make someone a target in this new system? When does your debit card get canceled over old tweets, your home loan denied for homeschooling your kids, or your eBay account invalidated because a friend flagged you for posting a Gadsden flag?
Peer pressure, trendy movements, and the ability to comply with the new system with the click of a mouse combine all of the worst elements of dopamine-chasing Americans. As it grows in breadth and power, what may be most surprising about our new social credit system won’t be collective fear of it, but rather how quickly most people will fall in line.

Can anybody tell the difference between CCP Communist policy and Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat policy?
We're becoming more like the CCP under the Joey Xi Bai Dung administration.
Chinese Communists want only the "Right" people to vote. You know, ones in the "Party", Dems want EVERY CITIZEN to vote.
The dirty little secret of a totalitarian society is that _everyone_ is an enemy of the state—no exceptions.
This is a lesson that often is only learned the hard way.
Just another Socialist idea by the PMS/DSA Democrat Commie STASI system being implemented one step at a time in America.

Coming soon: America's own social credit system

3 Aug 2021 ~~ By Kristin Tate
he new domestic “War on Terror,” kicked off by the riot on Jan. 6, has prompted several web giants to unveil predecessors to what effectively could become a soft social credit system by the end of this decade. Relying on an indirect hand from D.C., our social betters in corporate America will attempt to force the most profound changes our society has seen during the internet era.
China’s social credit system is a combination of government and business surveillance that gives citizens a “score” that can restrict the ability of individuals to take actions — such as purchasing plane tickets, acquiring property or taking loans — because of behaviors. Given the position of several major American companies, a similar system may be coming here sooner than you think.
Last week, PayPal announced a partnership with the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center to “investigate” the role of “white supremacists” and propagators of “anti-government” rhetoric, subjective labels that potentially could impact a large number of groups or people using their service. PayPal says the collected information will be shared with other financial firms and politicians. Facebook is taking similar measures, recently introducing messages that ask users to snitch on their potentially “extremist” friends, which considering the platform’s bias seems mainly to target the political right. At the same time, Facebook and Microsoft are working with several other web giants and the United Nations on a database to block potential extremist content.
The potential scope of the soft social credit system under construction is enormous. The same companies that can track your activities and give you corporate rewards for compliant behavior could utilize their powers to block transactions, add surcharges or restrict your use of products. At what point does free speech — be it against biological males playing in girls’ sports, questioning vaccine side effects, or advocating for gun rights — make someone a target in this new system? When does your debit card get canceled over old tweets, your home loan denied for homeschooling your kids, or your eBay account invalidated because a friend flagged you for posting a Gadsden flag?
Peer pressure, trendy movements, and the ability to comply with the new system with the click of a mouse combine all of the worst elements of dopamine-chasing Americans. As it grows in breadth and power, what may be most surprising about our new social credit system won’t be collective fear of it, but rather how quickly most people will fall in line.

Can anybody tell the difference between CCP Communist policy and Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat policy?
We're becoming more like the CCP under the Joey Xi Bai Dung administration.
Chinese Communists want only the "Right" people to vote. You know, ones in the "Party", Dems want EVERY CITIZEN to vote.
The dirty little secret of a totalitarian society is that _everyone_ is an enemy of the state—no exceptions.
This is a lesson that often is only learned the hard way.
Just another Socialist idea by the PMS/DSA Democrat Commie STASI system being implemented one step at a time in America.
Equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation is more market friendly.
Let me rephrase that for you...... Equitable protection of the law for unemployment compensation is more Socially justifiable.
No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Coming soon: America's own social credit system

3 Aug 2021 ~~ By Kristin Tate
he new domestic “War on Terror,” kicked off by the riot on Jan. 6, has prompted several web giants to unveil predecessors to what effectively could become a soft social credit system by the end of this decade. Relying on an indirect hand from D.C., our social betters in corporate America will attempt to force the most profound changes our society has seen during the internet era.
China’s social credit system is a combination of government and business surveillance that gives citizens a “score” that can restrict the ability of individuals to take actions — such as purchasing plane tickets, acquiring property or taking loans — because of behaviors. Given the position of several major American companies, a similar system may be coming here sooner than you think.
Last week, PayPal announced a partnership with the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center to “investigate” the role of “white supremacists” and propagators of “anti-government” rhetoric, subjective labels that potentially could impact a large number of groups or people using their service. PayPal says the collected information will be shared with other financial firms and politicians. Facebook is taking similar measures, recently introducing messages that ask users to snitch on their potentially “extremist” friends, which considering the platform’s bias seems mainly to target the political right. At the same time, Facebook and Microsoft are working with several other web giants and the United Nations on a database to block potential extremist content.
The potential scope of the soft social credit system under construction is enormous. The same companies that can track your activities and give you corporate rewards for compliant behavior could utilize their powers to block transactions, add surcharges or restrict your use of products. At what point does free speech — be it against biological males playing in girls’ sports, questioning vaccine side effects, or advocating for gun rights — make someone a target in this new system? When does your debit card get canceled over old tweets, your home loan denied for homeschooling your kids, or your eBay account invalidated because a friend flagged you for posting a Gadsden flag?
Peer pressure, trendy movements, and the ability to comply with the new system with the click of a mouse combine all of the worst elements of dopamine-chasing Americans. As it grows in breadth and power, what may be most surprising about our new social credit system won’t be collective fear of it, but rather how quickly most people will fall in line.

Can anybody tell the difference between CCP Communist policy and Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat policy?
We're becoming more like the CCP under the Joey Xi Bai Dung administration.
Chinese Communists want only the "Right" people to vote. You know, ones in the "Party", Dems want EVERY CITIZEN to vote.
The dirty little secret of a totalitarian society is that _everyone_ is an enemy of the state—no exceptions.
This is a lesson that often is only learned the hard way.
Just another Socialist idea by the PMS/DSA Democrat Commie STASI system being implemented one step at a time in America.
You are way too late with that accusation the capitalists have been exploiting us already for decades...
No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Here you are again, completely fucking up the meaning of the 14th.
No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Unless they can get people to go along with it.

All you have to do is scare people enough and they will do anything, even give up freedoms and rights. After 911 we tested the waters of losing freedoms because terrorism was a powerful motivator. Even most that signed the patriot never read it, they just signed it.

All it takes is fear and the ability to dictate information. They have a lot to make people scared and angry with, and they own the msm.
Unless they can get people to go along with it.

All you have to do is scare people enough and they will do anything, even give up freedoms and rights. After 911 we tested the waters of losing freedoms because terrorism was a powerful motivator. Even most that signed the patriot never read it, they just signed it.

All it takes is fear and the ability to dictate information. They have a lot to make people scared and angry with, and they own the msm.
We have a doctrine of separation of powers for a reason. One branch is delegated the judicial power of the United States and tasked with adjudicating the Law.

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