Coming soon to the USA - baby dies in nhs hospital

This is good news to liberals who count this in the column of post birth abortion.
Good news for Republicans. Their "death panels" and "let him die" health care is working. Besides, the baby was already born. They lost interest at birth.
Because government losers can't be bothered to work on weekends

Toddler who died in hospital 'had no heart test as it was the weekend' - Telegraph

You really don't have a clue what ACA is in comparison to Englands HC system, do you?

Educate yourself, lad.

The ACA is designed to be such a diasaster that the only "fix" will be government run healthcare. Even conservatives won't object because the system will be so dysfunctional.
Harry Reid slipped up and admitted that the ACA is just but a step towards government run healthcare, just in the past week or so.

ACA will result in increased premiums, employees being switched to part time or made contractors, hurting people's economic status, add in they have to pay for health insurance, let alone the actual health care issues that will arise. People will be hurting badly, and the system will be so broken that only the government will be able to "fix" it.
Every disaster that has come to light with the ACA, was predicted by critics before the bill was passed. Harry Rieds comment about ACA being the road to single payer is only the latest. There is no reason to believe that all the other doom and gloom predictions will not materialize. The track record of predictions by the critics of the law has been near perfect.

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