Commie Care Costs Skyrocket for Exchanges


Gold Member
Feb 21, 2012
Setting up the central piece of President Obama's healthcare law has cost the administration more than twice as much as originally intended.

The Health and Human Services Department (HHS) said in budget documents Wednesday that it expects to spend $4.4 billion by the end of this year on grants to help states set up new insurance exchanges. HHS had estimated last year that the grants would cost $2 billion.

The department also is asking Congress for another $1.5 billion to help set up federally run exchanges in states that do not establish their own.............

Read more: Setup costs mount for ObamaCare exchanges - The Hill's Healthwatch
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West Virginia Democratic Sen. Jay Rockefeller, one of the towering architects of Obamacare, on Tuesday openly criticized program managers for not moving quickly enough to build the system, warning that if it gets off to a bumpy start it will just get worse.

Decrying the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act as way too complex, he warned the acting Medicare director that Obamacare is "so complicated and if it isn't done right the first time, it will just simply get worse."

Tens of thousands of health care professionals, union workers and community activists hired as "navigators" to help Americans choose Obamacare options starting Oct. 1 could earn $20 an hour or more, according to new regulations issued Wednesday.

The 63-page rule covering navigators, drawn up by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, also said the government will provide free translators for those not fluent in English -- no matter what their native language is.

"The proposed requirements would also include that such entities and individuals provide consumers with information and assistance in the consumer's preferred language, at no cost to the consumer, which would include oral interpretation of non-English languages and the translation of written documents in non-English languages when necessary to ensure meaningful access," said the regulations.

The rules also addressed conflict of interest and other potential issues that navigators could face as the public's first stop on the Obamacare trail.

It is still not clear how many navigators will be required. California, however, provides a hint. It wants 21,000.

That could be an expensive proposition. The proposed rules, now open for public comment, suggest an estimated pay of $20-$48 an hour.

"There is a section of the proposed regulation where our financial analysts estimate how financially significant the regulation will be. In that section, for the purposes of estimating that impact, they assumed navigators would be paid an average of $20 an hour. That is an estimate, not a recommendation or a requirement," said an administration official. "States and organizations are not required by the federal government to set any payment levels for these employees," he added.

The rules allow navigators to come from the ranks of unions, health providers and community action groups such as ACORN and Planned Parenthood. They are required to provide unbiased advice....

Read more: Tens of Thousands ObamaCare 'Navigators' to Be Hired | Obamacare | Fox Nation
there is no turning back ... fine tuning will take time and nothing wrong with dismissing people unable to work through problems that will be encountered.



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Entitlements: The $5 billion fund set up by ObamaCare to cover new high-risk insurance pools in each state from pre-existing conditions is already running out of money — a full year before projections.

So why should anyone believe ObamaCare's overall cost projections are any more accurate?

Panicked to control mushrooming costs in its pre-existing conditions insurance plan, or PCIP, the Health and Human Services Department is having to curtail benefits to cancer patients, among others.

It's a bad omen for the larger plan.

ObamaCare funded the PCIP with $5 billion to cover patients with pre-existing conditions from 2010 to 2014. Less than a third of the people HHS projected would enroll in the plan actually signed up for the coverage.

Yet despite the low enrollment, the plan is broke. In fact, it started running out of money at the beginning of this year, which means it busted its budget a full year ahead of projections.

In a 2012 report, HHS conceded that it had miscalculated (though not until page 11 of its 15-page report): "On average, the PCIP program has experienced claims costs 2.5 times higher than anticipated."

Now it's cutting off coverage.

"I feel like the rug has been pulled out from under me," a 61-year-old Virginian with breast cancer complained to the Washington Post.

The crisis at PCIP is a harbinger of things to come for the rest of ObamaCare.

Americans can look forward to the same cost overruns followed by cost controls followed by curtailed benefits followed ultimately by denial of care.

Controlling this massive new entitlement will require government-mandated rationing of medical services and care for the sick and higher taxes for the middle class.......

Read More At Investor's Business Daily: $5 bil Pre-existing Conditions Fund Set Up By ObamaCare Already In Red -
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Entitlements: The $5 billion fund set up by ObamaCare to cover new high-risk insurance pools in each state from pre-existing conditions is already running out of money — a full year before projections.

So why should anyone believe ObamaCare's overall cost projections are any more accurate?

Panicked to control mushrooming costs in its pre-existing conditions insurance plan, or PCIP, the Health and Human Services Department is having to curtail benefits to cancer patients, among others.

It's a bad omen for the larger plan.

ObamaCare funded the PCIP with $5 billion to cover patients with pre-existing conditions from 2010 to 2014. Less than a third of the people HHS projected would enroll in the plan actually signed up for the coverage.

Yet despite the low enrollment, the plan is broke. In fact, it started running out of money at the beginning of this year, which means it busted its budget a full year ahead of projections.

In a 2012 report, HHS conceded that it had miscalculated (though not until page 11 of its 15-page report): "On average, the PCIP program has experienced claims costs 2.5 times higher than anticipated."

Now it's cutting off coverage.

"I feel like the rug has been pulled out from under me," a 61-year-old Virginian with breast cancer complained to the Washington Post.

The crisis at PCIP is a harbinger of things to come for the rest of ObamaCare.

Americans can look forward to the same cost overruns followed by cost controls followed by curtailed benefits followed ultimately by denial of care.

Controlling this massive new entitlement will require government-mandated rationing of medical services and care for the sick and higher taxes for the middle class.......

Read More At Investor's Business Daily: $5 bil Pre-existing Conditions Fund Set Up By ObamaCare Already In Red -
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Everything is working exactly as planned. When costs rise high enough, rationing is out of control, and denial of care becomes more and more common (death panel anyone?) then the next phase can commence. Full blown universal gov't run healthcare. The wheels are in motion, I don't know what can be done to stop it.
Of course costs are going to be high. The only winners will be those we taxpayers "subsidize" because they can't cover their own hc costs.

The Govt is involved. The Govt that has never run anything cheaply or well.

Anyone who wants the Govt to run their hc is one misguided idiot.
Dear ________ Insurance Company,

It has come to my attention you have been petitioning for your company to be placed on our state's health insurance exchange.

As you know, any company that does not get onto the exchange will be forced out of business. With this fact in mind, please answer the following questions:

1) How much have you donated to my re-election campaign?

2) How much have you set aside to donate to the Democratic Party's next presidential campaign?

3) How many African-American, Hispanic, transgender, disabled, Asian-American, and labor union employees work for your company?

4) Do all of your health insurance plans include free birth control?

5) Do all of your health insurance plans pay for abortions?

6) Do your employees get a paid holiday for Martin Luther King day?

7) You made a reference to "a government takeover of healthcare" in your letter to us. Explain.

Congresscritter Hornblower
Entitlements: The $5 billion fund set up by ObamaCare to cover new high-risk insurance pools in each state from pre-existing conditions is already running out of money — a full year before projections.

So why should anyone believe ObamaCare's overall cost projections are any more accurate?

Panicked to control mushrooming costs in its pre-existing conditions insurance plan, or PCIP, the Health and Human Services Department is having to curtail benefits to cancer patients, among others.

It's a bad omen for the larger plan.

ObamaCare funded the PCIP with $5 billion to cover patients with pre-existing conditions from 2010 to 2014. Less than a third of the people HHS projected would enroll in the plan actually signed up for the coverage.

Yet despite the low enrollment, the plan is broke. In fact, it started running out of money at the beginning of this year, which means it busted its budget a full year ahead of projections.

In a 2012 report, HHS conceded that it had miscalculated (though not until page 11 of its 15-page report): "On average, the PCIP program has experienced claims costs 2.5 times higher than anticipated."

Now it's cutting off coverage.

"I feel like the rug has been pulled out from under me," a 61-year-old Virginian with breast cancer complained to the Washington Post.

The crisis at PCIP is a harbinger of things to come for the rest of ObamaCare.

Americans can look forward to the same cost overruns followed by cost controls followed by curtailed benefits followed ultimately by denial of care.

Controlling this massive new entitlement will require government-mandated rationing of medical services and care for the sick and higher taxes for the middle class.......

Read More At Investor's Business Daily: $5 bil Pre-existing Conditions Fund Set Up By ObamaCare Already In Red -
Follow us: @IBDinvestors on Twitter | InvestorsBusinessDaily on Facebook

Everything is working exactly as planned. When costs rise high enough, rationing is out of control, and denial of care becomes more and more common (death panel anyone?) then the next phase can commence. Full blown universal gov't run healthcare. The wheels are in motion, I don't know what can be done to stop it.

sadly, you may be right. typical of all left wing programs, the drafters never think it all the way through and we all suffer because of their incompetence.
None of this should be a surprise. The government is NEVER accurate in cost projections. We knew this when the idiot liberals demanded that Obamacare was somehow magically deficit neutral. The CBO is accurate as hell for numbers from last year, they can barely tell their ass from their head when asked about numbers for next year.

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