CommiecRAT Marie Harf’s College Thesis: Right-Wing Support for Israel ‘Complicates’ Foreign Policy

“how conservative evangelical support for Israel complicates U.S. foreign policy,” a
By supporting the theft of Arab land and water in the Occupied Territories US evangelicals support the racist extremists in Israeli politics.

"Israeli spin-doctors until now have succeeded in linking the word 'extremist' exclusively with Arabs who protest Israel's takeover of their land, rather than with the ultra-orthodox Jews who claim God gave them title to the land 3,000 years ago.


WRMEA Right-Wing Extremists Endanger Israel and the Jews

How many times must that fallacy be proven wrong?
Arab and Muslim are two separate things. This is a ridiculous picture. Also, Palestinians are from Palestine, not from Iran, Sudan,Turkey, Saudi Arabia etc. So it doesn't matter that those countries exist, Palestine still doesn't have a state and that is wrong. Every people have a right to self determination .

I can successfully argue with you that there never was a Palestine state, from 5 years ago...

Palestinians are in truth the descendants of people that Syria did not want. There is no such nationality "Palestinian." So much of what you read here about the situation over there are lies.

"The original people who Arafat put into the camps and refused to let them leave when Israel became a state, are the children and grandchildren of Lebanese, Syrians, and Jordanians. There has never been a people known as "Palestinians" as people think of, for instance, the Native Americans.

When Rome invaded Israel, it renamed the area Palestine in an effort to remove any Jewish connotations from the name. Everyone who lived there at the time were "Palestinians", Jews and Arabs alike.

There were very few people there at all then, and even until Israel regained its independence in 1948 there were very few people there. More Jews than Arabs, and the area was basically a wasteland. More roaming Bedouins than anything else there, really. These were not muslims until recently.

The land was originally called Canaan, long ago before the Hebrews came. When the Hebrews came in, they renamed the land Israel. There was nothing "Palestinian" there whatsoever. There was only Canaanite.

Then came all the different invasions of the land, by the Romans, the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Syrians, the Lebanese, the Jordanians, the British, etc.

During the last 7 years, since Arafat began the latest intifada (and it is being carried on even though he is dead now), Arafat moved Arabs in from all over the area, even from outside Israel, and told them "Now you are Palestinians."

There is footage of him and his top lieutenant talking about how there is no such thing as a Palestinian people, and never has been. He said that if he were given two generations, that he could implement the destruction of Israel by making the world believe that there is a native people who were there first called "Palestinians" - and indeed, during this last intifada, the media was inundated with stories about these Lebanese, Syrian, and Jordanian Arabs who were being kept in the camps BY ARAFAT, and how they were displaced by Israel and left there to die by Israel. This was pure media manipulation, and it has been very successful.

Is this wrong? Do you have a different story?
That seems like Jewish lies to be honest. Since the time of Roman rule, the area has been known as Palestine, so this has been for two thousand years. Just because the people who live there, the Palestinians, weren't an official state, doesn't mean they aren't a nation or people. Kurds don't have a country, but they are still Kurds.
From my understanding there was basically nothing in the land of Israel in 1948, one of the reasons the Jews were given it, it was worthless!.... I imagine that the Kurds will never get their own country as Turkey won't allow it, and being a member of NATO, even now completely overrun with muslim's, it will be held by other NATO members as entitled.
Who says it has to make sense? As you said, they have a hatred built from past generations due in part the Holocaust. The hatred is clearly irrational since in undermining European societies through immigration some of their people getting hurt.

Seems many Jews here have the same kind of thinking, they vote CommiecRAT simply because their parents, and grandparents did, and can't see what the current crop of CommiecRATS want done to their homeland of Israel.
The biggest threat to Israel is not Muslims, but Jewish left wingers.

I would say they are about equal, although even the left wing Jews won't kill another Jew, as muslim's kill fellow muslim's..... appears jews are much more civilized than muslim's
Jews can pretty hardcore killers as well. For example, look at the Jews in the Soviet Union. For example Lazar Kaganovich was behind the Holomodor that killed millions of Christian Ukrainians. But you never here lefties talk about that. Because only European Christians are evil oppressors.
Stalin s Jews - Israel Opinion Ynetnews
Lazar Kaganovich - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Holodomor - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

But yea, I agree, Muslims are definitely more savage at the moment.

I know nothing of this part of history, but did Kaganovich lead a large band of Jews that killed millions of Christian Ukrainians?
Yes, he was a communist jew who stole the grain of the Ukrainian peasants and starved them to death for the soviet "collectivization policy of Stalin". Many in the Communist party of the USSR were jews, read the links.

Solzhenitsyn on the Jews and Soviet Russia The Occidental Quarterly
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How many times must that fallacy be proven wrong?
What's the ratio of Jew to Arab in Palestine in 1948? Why do you insist Jews have a claim to land their ancestors pillaged thousands of years ago. Since there are vastly more Muslims in the Middle East than Jews, it's only reasonable Muslims would require more states, isn't it?

Than why do they want that sliver of land, that was worthless 70 years ago?...I'll tell you why, the Jews have developed it into a beautiful place, much nicer than anything else in the immediate muslim world, and that simply can't be. The supposed Palestinians were from Lebanon, Jordan anSyria...why not go back to their ORIGINAL homes?
Seems many Jews here have the same kind of thinking, they vote CommiecRAT simply because their parents, and grandparents did, and can't see what the current crop of CommiecRATS want done to their homeland of Israel.
The biggest threat to Israel is not Muslims, but Jewish left wingers.

I would say they are about equal, although even the left wing Jews won't kill another Jew, as muslim's kill fellow muslim's..... appears jews are much more civilized than muslim's
Jews can pretty hardcore killers as well. For example, look at the Jews in the Soviet Union. For example Lazar Kaganovich was behind the Holomodor that killed millions of Christian Ukrainians. But you never here lefties talk about that. Because only European Christians are evil oppressors.
Stalin s Jews - Israel Opinion Ynetnews
Lazar Kaganovich - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Holodomor - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

But yea, I agree, Muslims are definitely more savage at the moment.

I know nothing of this part of history, but did Kaganovich lead a large band of Jews that killed millions of Christian Ukrainians?
Yes, he was a communist jews who stole the grain of the Ukrainian peasants and starved them to death for the soviet "collectivization policy of Stalin". Many in the Communist party of the USSR were jews, read the links.

Solzhenitsyn on the Jews and Soviet Russia The Occidental Quarterly

But WHO were the soldiers to accomplish such a feat.... MILLIONS of Jewish soldiers, or were they OTHERS, just taking orders as they did from Hitler in WW II?
By supporting the theft of Arab land and water in the Occupied Territories US evangelicals support the racist extremists in Israeli politics.

"Israeli spin-doctors until now have succeeded in linking the word 'extremist' exclusively with Arabs who protest Israel's takeover of their land, rather than with the ultra-orthodox Jews who claim God gave them title to the land 3,000 years ago.


WRMEA Right-Wing Extremists Endanger Israel and the Jews

How many times must that fallacy be proven wrong?
Arab and Muslim are two separate things. This is a ridiculous picture. Also, Palestinians are from Palestine, not from Iran, Sudan,Turkey, Saudi Arabia etc. So it doesn't matter that those countries exist, Palestine still doesn't have a state and that is wrong. Every people have a right to self determination .

I can successfully argue with you that there never was a Palestine state, from 5 years ago...

Palestinians are in truth the descendants of people that Syria did not want. There is no such nationality "Palestinian." So much of what you read here about the situation over there are lies.

"The original people who Arafat put into the camps and refused to let them leave when Israel became a state, are the children and grandchildren of Lebanese, Syrians, and Jordanians. There has never been a people known as "Palestinians" as people think of, for instance, the Native Americans.

When Rome invaded Israel, it renamed the area Palestine in an effort to remove any Jewish connotations from the name. Everyone who lived there at the time were "Palestinians", Jews and Arabs alike.

There were very few people there at all then, and even until Israel regained its independence in 1948 there were very few people there. More Jews than Arabs, and the area was basically a wasteland. More roaming Bedouins than anything else there, really. These were not muslims until recently.

The land was originally called Canaan, long ago before the Hebrews came. When the Hebrews came in, they renamed the land Israel. There was nothing "Palestinian" there whatsoever. There was only Canaanite.

Then came all the different invasions of the land, by the Romans, the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Syrians, the Lebanese, the Jordanians, the British, etc.

During the last 7 years, since Arafat began the latest intifada (and it is being carried on even though he is dead now), Arafat moved Arabs in from all over the area, even from outside Israel, and told them "Now you are Palestinians."

There is footage of him and his top lieutenant talking about how there is no such thing as a Palestinian people, and never has been. He said that if he were given two generations, that he could implement the destruction of Israel by making the world believe that there is a native people who were there first called "Palestinians" - and indeed, during this last intifada, the media was inundated with stories about these Lebanese, Syrian, and Jordanian Arabs who were being kept in the camps BY ARAFAT, and how they were displaced by Israel and left there to die by Israel. This was pure media manipulation, and it has been very successful.

Is this wrong? Do you have a different story?
That seems like Jewish lies to be honest. Since the time of Roman rule, the area has been known as Palestine, so this has been for two thousand years. Just because the people who live there, the Palestinians, weren't an official state, doesn't mean they aren't a nation or people. Kurds don't have a country, but they are still Kurds.
From my understanding there was basically nothing in the land of Israel in 1948, one of the reasons the Jews were given it, it was worthless!.... I imagine that the Kurds will never get their own country as Turkey won't allow it, and being a member of NATO, even now completely overrun with muslim's, it will be held by other NATO members as entitled.
You misunderstand. In 1920, the British did a Census after WW1. There were about 700,000 people in Palestine, about 76,000 were Jews.
Demographic history of Palestine - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So Palestine was a place with people there for thousands of years. Also many Christian Palestinians! In 1920, there were more Christian Palestinians than Jews alone!

How many times must that fallacy be proven wrong?
Arab and Muslim are two separate things. This is a ridiculous picture. Also, Palestinians are from Palestine, not from Iran, Sudan,Turkey, Saudi Arabia etc. So it doesn't matter that those countries exist, Palestine still doesn't have a state and that is wrong. Every people have a right to self determination .

I can successfully argue with you that there never was a Palestine state, from 5 years ago...

Palestinians are in truth the descendants of people that Syria did not want. There is no such nationality "Palestinian." So much of what you read here about the situation over there are lies.

"The original people who Arafat put into the camps and refused to let them leave when Israel became a state, are the children and grandchildren of Lebanese, Syrians, and Jordanians. There has never been a people known as "Palestinians" as people think of, for instance, the Native Americans.

When Rome invaded Israel, it renamed the area Palestine in an effort to remove any Jewish connotations from the name. Everyone who lived there at the time were "Palestinians", Jews and Arabs alike.

There were very few people there at all then, and even until Israel regained its independence in 1948 there were very few people there. More Jews than Arabs, and the area was basically a wasteland. More roaming Bedouins than anything else there, really. These were not muslims until recently.

The land was originally called Canaan, long ago before the Hebrews came. When the Hebrews came in, they renamed the land Israel. There was nothing "Palestinian" there whatsoever. There was only Canaanite.

Then came all the different invasions of the land, by the Romans, the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Syrians, the Lebanese, the Jordanians, the British, etc.

During the last 7 years, since Arafat began the latest intifada (and it is being carried on even though he is dead now), Arafat moved Arabs in from all over the area, even from outside Israel, and told them "Now you are Palestinians."

There is footage of him and his top lieutenant talking about how there is no such thing as a Palestinian people, and never has been. He said that if he were given two generations, that he could implement the destruction of Israel by making the world believe that there is a native people who were there first called "Palestinians" - and indeed, during this last intifada, the media was inundated with stories about these Lebanese, Syrian, and Jordanian Arabs who were being kept in the camps BY ARAFAT, and how they were displaced by Israel and left there to die by Israel. This was pure media manipulation, and it has been very successful.

Is this wrong? Do you have a different story?
That seems like Jewish lies to be honest. Since the time of Roman rule, the area has been known as Palestine, so this has been for two thousand years. Just because the people who live there, the Palestinians, weren't an official state, doesn't mean they aren't a nation or people. Kurds don't have a country, but they are still Kurds.
From my understanding there was basically nothing in the land of Israel in 1948, one of the reasons the Jews were given it, it was worthless!.... I imagine that the Kurds will never get their own country as Turkey won't allow it, and being a member of NATO, even now completely overrun with muslim's, it will be held by other NATO members as entitled.
You misunderstand. In 1920, the British did a Census after WW1. There were about 700,000 people in Palestine, about 76,000 were Jews.
Demographic history of Palestine - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So Palestine was a place with people there for thousands of years. Also many Christian Palestinians! In 1920, there were more Christian Palestinians than Jews alone!

But how many after WWII...that would seem to be most important, and I see that Israel has the largest amount of Christians in the immediate area, they have been killed and harassed, as the Coptics have been in Egypt.
The biggest threat to Israel is not Muslims, but Jewish left wingers.

I would say they are about equal, although even the left wing Jews won't kill another Jew, as muslim's kill fellow muslim's..... appears jews are much more civilized than muslim's
Jews can pretty hardcore killers as well. For example, look at the Jews in the Soviet Union. For example Lazar Kaganovich was behind the Holomodor that killed millions of Christian Ukrainians. But you never here lefties talk about that. Because only European Christians are evil oppressors.
Stalin s Jews - Israel Opinion Ynetnews
Lazar Kaganovich - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Holodomor - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

But yea, I agree, Muslims are definitely more savage at the moment.

I know nothing of this part of history, but did Kaganovich lead a large band of Jews that killed millions of Christian Ukrainians?
Yes, he was a communist jews who stole the grain of the Ukrainian peasants and starved them to death for the soviet "collectivization policy of Stalin". Many in the Communist party of the USSR were jews, read the links.

Solzhenitsyn on the Jews and Soviet Russia The Occidental Quarterly

But WHO were the soldiers to accomplish such a feat.... MILLIONS of Jewish soldiers, or were they OTHERS, just taking orders as they did from Hitler in WW II?
No, not millions of Jewish soldiers. But that doesn't matter, Jews led the government in high places in the Soviet Union, and led this genocide in particular, in part of their hatred for Christians. Genocide isn't necessarily just soldiers killing people, but it also includes deliberately starving them to death.
I would say they are about equal, although even the left wing Jews won't kill another Jew, as muslim's kill fellow muslim's..... appears jews are much more civilized than muslim's
Jews can pretty hardcore killers as well. For example, look at the Jews in the Soviet Union. For example Lazar Kaganovich was behind the Holomodor that killed millions of Christian Ukrainians. But you never here lefties talk about that. Because only European Christians are evil oppressors.
Stalin s Jews - Israel Opinion Ynetnews
Lazar Kaganovich - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Holodomor - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

But yea, I agree, Muslims are definitely more savage at the moment.

I know nothing of this part of history, but did Kaganovich lead a large band of Jews that killed millions of Christian Ukrainians?
Yes, he was a communist jews who stole the grain of the Ukrainian peasants and starved them to death for the soviet "collectivization policy of Stalin". Many in the Communist party of the USSR were jews, read the links.

Solzhenitsyn on the Jews and Soviet Russia The Occidental Quarterly

But WHO were the soldiers to accomplish such a feat.... MILLIONS of Jewish soldiers, or were they OTHERS, just taking orders as they did from Hitler in WW II?
No, not millions of Jewish soldiers. But that doesn't matter, Jews led the government in high places in the Soviet Union, and led this genocide in particular, in part of their hatred for Christians. Genocide isn't necessarily just soldiers killing people, but it also includes deliberately starving them to death.

I understand Stalin starved 5 million peasants. He had been a Greek Orthodox, but supposedly turned to atheist.
Arab and Muslim are two separate things. This is a ridiculous picture. Also, Palestinians are from Palestine, not from Iran, Sudan,Turkey, Saudi Arabia etc. So it doesn't matter that those countries exist, Palestine still doesn't have a state and that is wrong. Every people have a right to self determination .

I can successfully argue with you that there never was a Palestine state, from 5 years ago...

Palestinians are in truth the descendants of people that Syria did not want. There is no such nationality "Palestinian." So much of what you read here about the situation over there are lies.

"The original people who Arafat put into the camps and refused to let them leave when Israel became a state, are the children and grandchildren of Lebanese, Syrians, and Jordanians. There has never been a people known as "Palestinians" as people think of, for instance, the Native Americans.

When Rome invaded Israel, it renamed the area Palestine in an effort to remove any Jewish connotations from the name. Everyone who lived there at the time were "Palestinians", Jews and Arabs alike.

There were very few people there at all then, and even until Israel regained its independence in 1948 there were very few people there. More Jews than Arabs, and the area was basically a wasteland. More roaming Bedouins than anything else there, really. These were not muslims until recently.

The land was originally called Canaan, long ago before the Hebrews came. When the Hebrews came in, they renamed the land Israel. There was nothing "Palestinian" there whatsoever. There was only Canaanite.

Then came all the different invasions of the land, by the Romans, the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Syrians, the Lebanese, the Jordanians, the British, etc.

During the last 7 years, since Arafat began the latest intifada (and it is being carried on even though he is dead now), Arafat moved Arabs in from all over the area, even from outside Israel, and told them "Now you are Palestinians."

There is footage of him and his top lieutenant talking about how there is no such thing as a Palestinian people, and never has been. He said that if he were given two generations, that he could implement the destruction of Israel by making the world believe that there is a native people who were there first called "Palestinians" - and indeed, during this last intifada, the media was inundated with stories about these Lebanese, Syrian, and Jordanian Arabs who were being kept in the camps BY ARAFAT, and how they were displaced by Israel and left there to die by Israel. This was pure media manipulation, and it has been very successful.

Is this wrong? Do you have a different story?
That seems like Jewish lies to be honest. Since the time of Roman rule, the area has been known as Palestine, so this has been for two thousand years. Just because the people who live there, the Palestinians, weren't an official state, doesn't mean they aren't a nation or people. Kurds don't have a country, but they are still Kurds.
From my understanding there was basically nothing in the land of Israel in 1948, one of the reasons the Jews were given it, it was worthless!.... I imagine that the Kurds will never get their own country as Turkey won't allow it, and being a member of NATO, even now completely overrun with muslim's, it will be held by other NATO members as entitled.
You misunderstand. In 1920, the British did a Census after WW1. There were about 700,000 people in Palestine, about 76,000 were Jews.
Demographic history of Palestine - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So Palestine was a place with people there for thousands of years. Also many Christian Palestinians! In 1920, there were more Christian Palestinians than Jews alone!

But how many after WWII...that would seem to be most important, and I see that Israel has the largest amount of Christians in the immediate area, they have been killed and harassed, as the Coptics have been in Egypt.
How many what after WW2?

Lebanon is about 40% Christian, so many more Christians than Israel. Lebanon was the first Christian nation in fact.
Jews can pretty hardcore killers as well. For example, look at the Jews in the Soviet Union. For example Lazar Kaganovich was behind the Holomodor that killed millions of Christian Ukrainians. But you never here lefties talk about that. Because only European Christians are evil oppressors.
Stalin s Jews - Israel Opinion Ynetnews
Lazar Kaganovich - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Holodomor - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

But yea, I agree, Muslims are definitely more savage at the moment.

I know nothing of this part of history, but did Kaganovich lead a large band of Jews that killed millions of Christian Ukrainians?
Yes, he was a communist jews who stole the grain of the Ukrainian peasants and starved them to death for the soviet "collectivization policy of Stalin". Many in the Communist party of the USSR were jews, read the links.

Solzhenitsyn on the Jews and Soviet Russia The Occidental Quarterly

But WHO were the soldiers to accomplish such a feat.... MILLIONS of Jewish soldiers, or were they OTHERS, just taking orders as they did from Hitler in WW II?
No, not millions of Jewish soldiers. But that doesn't matter, Jews led the government in high places in the Soviet Union, and led this genocide in particular, in part of their hatred for Christians. Genocide isn't necessarily just soldiers killing people, but it also includes deliberately starving them to death.

I understand Stalin starved 5 million peasants. He had been a Greek Orthodox, but supposedly turned to atheist.
You misunderstand then. Stalin certainly wasn't a Christian, and had many Jews in his government, like Kaganovich who took out this genocide on the Ukrainians.
I can successfully argue with you that there never was a Palestine state, from 5 years ago...

Palestinians are in truth the descendants of people that Syria did not want. There is no such nationality "Palestinian." So much of what you read here about the situation over there are lies.

"The original people who Arafat put into the camps and refused to let them leave when Israel became a state, are the children and grandchildren of Lebanese, Syrians, and Jordanians. There has never been a people known as "Palestinians" as people think of, for instance, the Native Americans.

When Rome invaded Israel, it renamed the area Palestine in an effort to remove any Jewish connotations from the name. Everyone who lived there at the time were "Palestinians", Jews and Arabs alike.

There were very few people there at all then, and even until Israel regained its independence in 1948 there were very few people there. More Jews than Arabs, and the area was basically a wasteland. More roaming Bedouins than anything else there, really. These were not muslims until recently.

The land was originally called Canaan, long ago before the Hebrews came. When the Hebrews came in, they renamed the land Israel. There was nothing "Palestinian" there whatsoever. There was only Canaanite.

Then came all the different invasions of the land, by the Romans, the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Syrians, the Lebanese, the Jordanians, the British, etc.

During the last 7 years, since Arafat began the latest intifada (and it is being carried on even though he is dead now), Arafat moved Arabs in from all over the area, even from outside Israel, and told them "Now you are Palestinians."

There is footage of him and his top lieutenant talking about how there is no such thing as a Palestinian people, and never has been. He said that if he were given two generations, that he could implement the destruction of Israel by making the world believe that there is a native people who were there first called "Palestinians" - and indeed, during this last intifada, the media was inundated with stories about these Lebanese, Syrian, and Jordanian Arabs who were being kept in the camps BY ARAFAT, and how they were displaced by Israel and left there to die by Israel. This was pure media manipulation, and it has been very successful.

Is this wrong? Do you have a different story?
That seems like Jewish lies to be honest. Since the time of Roman rule, the area has been known as Palestine, so this has been for two thousand years. Just because the people who live there, the Palestinians, weren't an official state, doesn't mean they aren't a nation or people. Kurds don't have a country, but they are still Kurds.
From my understanding there was basically nothing in the land of Israel in 1948, one of the reasons the Jews were given it, it was worthless!.... I imagine that the Kurds will never get their own country as Turkey won't allow it, and being a member of NATO, even now completely overrun with muslim's, it will be held by other NATO members as entitled.
You misunderstand. In 1920, the British did a Census after WW1. There were about 700,000 people in Palestine, about 76,000 were Jews.
Demographic history of Palestine - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So Palestine was a place with people there for thousands of years. Also many Christian Palestinians! In 1920, there were more Christian Palestinians than Jews alone!

But how many after WWII...that would seem to be most important, and I see that Israel has the largest amount of Christians in the immediate area, they have been killed and harassed, as the Coptics have been in Egypt.
How many what after WW2?

Lebanon is about 40% Christian, so many more Christians than Israel. Lebanon was the first Christian nation in fact.

You are correct much more Christians in Lebonon, but they are also being persecuted by the majority muslim population. How many people were in the area currently occupied by Israel after WW II!
I know nothing of this part of history, but did Kaganovich lead a large band of Jews that killed millions of Christian Ukrainians?
Yes, he was a communist jews who stole the grain of the Ukrainian peasants and starved them to death for the soviet "collectivization policy of Stalin". Many in the Communist party of the USSR were jews, read the links.

Solzhenitsyn on the Jews and Soviet Russia The Occidental Quarterly

But WHO were the soldiers to accomplish such a feat.... MILLIONS of Jewish soldiers, or were they OTHERS, just taking orders as they did from Hitler in WW II?
No, not millions of Jewish soldiers. But that doesn't matter, Jews led the government in high places in the Soviet Union, and led this genocide in particular, in part of their hatred for Christians. Genocide isn't necessarily just soldiers killing people, but it also includes deliberately starving them to death.

I understand Stalin starved 5 million peasants. He had been a Greek Orthodox, but supposedly turned to atheist.
You misunderstand then. Stalin certainly wasn't a Christian, and had many Jews in his government, like Kaganovich who took out this genocide on the Ukrainians.

This seems to disagree with your history...

In August 1919 Jewish properties, including synagogues, were seized and many Jewish communities were dissolved. The chaotic years of World War I, the February and October Revolutions, and the Civil War were fertile ground for antisemitism. Pogroms were unleashed throughout the Russian Civil War, perpetrated by every faction. The Soviet authorities considered the use of Hebrew language "reactionary" and the teaching of Hebrew at primary and secondary schools was officially banned as early as 1919. Many Jews fell victim to the Great Purges, and there is evidence that Jews were specifically targeted by Stalin. Over two million Soviet Jews are believed to have died during the Holocaust. As a result of the persecution, both state-sponsored and unofficial, antisemitism became deeply ingrained in the society.
That seems like Jewish lies to be honest. Since the time of Roman rule, the area has been known as Palestine, so this has been for two thousand years. Just because the people who live there, the Palestinians, weren't an official state, doesn't mean they aren't a nation or people. Kurds don't have a country, but they are still Kurds.
From my understanding there was basically nothing in the land of Israel in 1948, one of the reasons the Jews were given it, it was worthless!.... I imagine that the Kurds will never get their own country as Turkey won't allow it, and being a member of NATO, even now completely overrun with muslim's, it will be held by other NATO members as entitled.
You misunderstand. In 1920, the British did a Census after WW1. There were about 700,000 people in Palestine, about 76,000 were Jews.
Demographic history of Palestine - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So Palestine was a place with people there for thousands of years. Also many Christian Palestinians! In 1920, there were more Christian Palestinians than Jews alone!

But how many after WWII...that would seem to be most important, and I see that Israel has the largest amount of Christians in the immediate area, they have been killed and harassed, as the Coptics have been in Egypt.
How many what after WW2?

Lebanon is about 40% Christian, so many more Christians than Israel. Lebanon was the first Christian nation in fact.

You are correct much more Christians in Lebonon, but they are also being persecuted by the majority muslim population. How many people were in the area currently occupied by Israel after WW II!
Actually, the largest Christian party in Lebanon, the Free Patriotic Movement, is unified with shias of Hezbollah in what are is as the March 8 Alliance, they support Assad and the Christian millitias in Syria against the Islamist rebels. They are against the March 14 Alliance, which is Sunnis and other christian parties, is backed by the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia, who supports islamist rebels in Syria.

March 8 Alliance - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
From my understanding there was basically nothing in the land of Israel in 1948, one of the reasons the Jews were given it, it was worthless!.... I imagine that the Kurds will never get their own country as Turkey won't allow it, and being a member of NATO, even now completely overrun with muslim's, it will be held by other NATO members as entitled.
You misunderstand. In 1920, the British did a Census after WW1. There were about 700,000 people in Palestine, about 76,000 were Jews.
Demographic history of Palestine - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So Palestine was a place with people there for thousands of years. Also many Christian Palestinians! In 1920, there were more Christian Palestinians than Jews alone!

But how many after WWII...that would seem to be most important, and I see that Israel has the largest amount of Christians in the immediate area, they have been killed and harassed, as the Coptics have been in Egypt.
How many what after WW2?

Lebanon is about 40% Christian, so many more Christians than Israel. Lebanon was the first Christian nation in fact.

You are correct much more Christians in Lebonon, but they are also being persecuted by the majority muslim population. How many people were in the area currently occupied by Israel after WW II!
Actually, the largest Christian party in Lebanon, the Free Patriotic Movement, is unified with shias of Hezbollah in what are is as the March 8 Alliance, they support Assad and the Christian millitias in Syria against the Islamist rebels. They are against the March 14 Alliance, which is Sunnis and other christian parties, is backed by the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia, who supports islamist rebels in Syria.

March 8 Alliance - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The situation over there can change from day to truly is almost impossible to follow and see who is on each others side.
Yes, he was a communist jews who stole the grain of the Ukrainian peasants and starved them to death for the soviet "collectivization policy of Stalin". Many in the Communist party of the USSR were jews, read the links.

Solzhenitsyn on the Jews and Soviet Russia The Occidental Quarterly

But WHO were the soldiers to accomplish such a feat.... MILLIONS of Jewish soldiers, or were they OTHERS, just taking orders as they did from Hitler in WW II?
No, not millions of Jewish soldiers. But that doesn't matter, Jews led the government in high places in the Soviet Union, and led this genocide in particular, in part of their hatred for Christians. Genocide isn't necessarily just soldiers killing people, but it also includes deliberately starving them to death.

I understand Stalin starved 5 million peasants. He had been a Greek Orthodox, but supposedly turned to atheist.
You misunderstand then. Stalin certainly wasn't a Christian, and had many Jews in his government, like Kaganovich who took out this genocide on the Ukrainians.

This seems to disagree with your history...

In August 1919 Jewish properties, including synagogues, were seized and many Jewish communities were dissolved. The chaotic years of World War I, the February and October Revolutions, and the Civil War were fertile ground for antisemitism. Pogroms were unleashed throughout the Russian Civil War, perpetrated by every faction. The Soviet authorities considered the use of Hebrew language "reactionary" and the teaching of Hebrew at primary and secondary schools was officially banned as early as 1919. Many Jews fell victim to the Great Purges, and there is evidence that Jews were specifically targeted by Stalin. Over two million Soviet Jews are believed to have died during the Holocaust. As a result of the persecution, both state-sponsored and unofficial, antisemitism became deeply ingrained in the society.

I don't know what history this is. They did not target Jews, there is no evidence of this.

Lenin made "antisemitism" a crime punishable by death in the Soviet Union. Lenin had jewish ancestry himself.

In March 1919, Vladimir Lenin delivered a speech "On Anti-Jewish Pogroms"[11] in a gramophone recording. Lenin sought to explain the phenomenon of antisemitism in Marxist terms. According to Lenin, antisemitism was an "attempt to divert the hatred of the workers and peasants from the exploiters toward the Jews." Lenin and the Bolshevik Party strongly condemned the antisemitic pogroms which were perpetrated by the White Army during the Russian Civil War, while the White forces were openly identifying the Bolshevik regime with Jews.[12][13][14]
As an expression of its radically anti-nationalist character, the fledgling Soviet government issued a decree a few months after taking power that made anti-Semitism a crime in Russia. The new Communist regime thus became the first in the world to severely punish all expressions of anti-Jewish sentiment.17 Soviet officials apparently regarded such measures as indispensable. Based on careful observation during a lengthy stay in Russia, American-Jewish scholar Frank Golder reported in 1925 that "because so many of the Soviet leaders are Jews anti-Semitism is gaining [in Russia], particularly in the army [and] among the old and new intelligentsia who are being crowded for positions by the sons of Israel."18
The Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution and Russia s Early Soviet Regime

National and racial chauvinism is a vestige of the misanthropic customs characteristic of the period of cannibalism. Anti-semitism, as an extreme form of racial chauvinism, is the most dangerous vestige of cannibalism.

Anti-semitism is of advantage to the exploiters as a lightning conductor that deflects the blows aimed by the working people at capitalism. Anti-semitism is dangerous for the working people as being a false path that leads them off the right road and lands them in the jungle. Hence Communists, as consistent internationalists, cannot but be irreconcilable, sworn enemies of anti-semitism. In the U.S.S.R. anti-semitism is punishable with the utmost severity of the law as a phenomenon deeply hostile to the Soviet system. Under U.S.S.R. law active anti-semites are liable to the death penalty.[9]
Antisemitism in the Soviet Union - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia[/quote]
But WHO were the soldiers to accomplish such a feat.... MILLIONS of Jewish soldiers, or were they OTHERS, just taking orders as they did from Hitler in WW II?
No, not millions of Jewish soldiers. But that doesn't matter, Jews led the government in high places in the Soviet Union, and led this genocide in particular, in part of their hatred for Christians. Genocide isn't necessarily just soldiers killing people, but it also includes deliberately starving them to death.

I understand Stalin starved 5 million peasants. He had been a Greek Orthodox, but supposedly turned to atheist.
You misunderstand then. Stalin certainly wasn't a Christian, and had many Jews in his government, like Kaganovich who took out this genocide on the Ukrainians.

This seems to disagree with your history...

In August 1919 Jewish properties, including synagogues, were seized and many Jewish communities were dissolved. The chaotic years of World War I, the February and October Revolutions, and the Civil War were fertile ground for antisemitism. Pogroms were unleashed throughout the Russian Civil War, perpetrated by every faction. The Soviet authorities considered the use of Hebrew language "reactionary" and the teaching of Hebrew at primary and secondary schools was officially banned as early as 1919. Many Jews fell victim to the Great Purges, and there is evidence that Jews were specifically targeted by Stalin. Over two million Soviet Jews are believed to have died during the Holocaust. As a result of the persecution, both state-sponsored and unofficial, antisemitism became deeply ingrained in the society.

I don't know what history this is. They did not target Jews, there is no evidence of this.

Lenin made "antisemitism" a crime punishable by death in the Soviet Union. Lenin had jewish ancestry himself.

In March 1919, Vladimir Lenin delivered a speech "On Anti-Jewish Pogroms"[11] in a gramophone recording. Lenin sought to explain the phenomenon of antisemitism in Marxist terms. According to Lenin, antisemitism was an "attempt to divert the hatred of the workers and peasants from the exploiters toward the Jews." Lenin and the Bolshevik Party strongly condemned the antisemitic pogroms which were perpetrated by the White Army during the Russian Civil War, while the White forces were openly identifying the Bolshevik regime with Jews.[12][13][14]
As an expression of its radically anti-nationalist character, the fledgling Soviet government issued a decree a few months after taking power that made anti-Semitism a crime in Russia. The new Communist regime thus became the first in the world to severely punish all expressions of anti-Jewish sentiment.17 Soviet officials apparently regarded such measures as indispensable. Based on careful observation during a lengthy stay in Russia, American-Jewish scholar Frank Golder reported in 1925 that "because so many of the Soviet leaders are Jews anti-Semitism is gaining [in Russia], particularly in the army [and] among the old and new intelligentsia who are being crowded for positions by the sons of Israel."18
The Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution and Russia s Early Soviet Regime

National and racial chauvinism is a vestige of the misanthropic customs characteristic of the period of cannibalism. Anti-semitism, as an extreme form of racial chauvinism, is the most dangerous vestige of cannibalism.

Anti-semitism is of advantage to the exploiters as a lightning conductor that deflects the blows aimed by the working people at capitalism. Anti-semitism is dangerous for the working people as being a false path that leads them off the right road and lands them in the jungle. Hence Communists, as consistent internationalists, cannot but be irreconcilable, sworn enemies of anti-semitism. In the U.S.S.R. anti-semitism is punishable with the utmost severity of the law as a phenomenon deeply hostile to the Soviet system. Under U.S.S.R. law active anti-semites are liable to the death penalty.[9]
Antisemitism in the Soviet Union - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

My info from here...

History of the Jews in Russia - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
There is no citation in that that the Soviet Union holocausted Jews, whereas there are citations that the Soviet Union was run by many Jews and made anti-semitism a capital offense.
There is no citation in that that the Soviet Union holocausted Jews, whereas there are citations that the Soviet Union was run by many Jews and made anti-semitism a capital offense.

I imagine we will just have to disagree on our interpretation, and opinion of history!

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