'Common Carry' why are our legislators criminalizing 'Common' in what we carry?

I can't understand why this is ignored when it comes to the 2nd. Perhaps Scalia felt it would deny him the soft living he felt to be his desserts.

What did George Washington mean by "well regulated"?
The Goal of the Second Amendment is "Security"

"The Citizens of America (with a few legal and official exceptions) from 18 to 50 Years of Age should be borne on the Militia Rolls, provided with uniform Arms, and so far accustomed to the use of them, that the Total strength of the Country might be called forth at a Short Notice on any very interesting Emergency, for these purposes they ought to be duly organized into Commands of the same formation... By keeping up in Peace 'a well regulated, and disciplined Militia,' we shall take the fairest and best method to preserve, for a long time to come, the happiness, dignity and Independence of our Country." (May 1, 1783)
Speaking of Scalia, he was quite aware that the second has limitations...
Anyway. The world has many melting pots. I am assured NH is not one of them.
Maybe you haven't noticed, but the USA is the only country with a mass shooting problem. We also have weak gun laws and the most guns. More regulation is obviously needed. With more dangerous weapons becoming common like AR15's with high capacity magazines the death count has gotten worse. Vegas shooter killed 58 while injuring hundreds. Weapons for mass killing need to be heavily regulated.
If banning the AR-15 would absolutely ensure that it, or anything similar to it, such as the AK-47, et al, would never again find its way into the hands of a criminal or a psychopath, then effecting such a ban might be a sensibly justifiable action. But the fact is expecting to remove high-capacity, semi-automatic rifles from potential mis-use by simply banning them is as foolishly naive as is the ban on recreational drugs.

If someone wants an AR-15, or the equivalent, and has the money to pay for it, they will get one. The only exception to that simple rule is the law-abiding individual who will comply with the ban. The only type of person who would consider imposing such a ban is the type who would comply with it -- which is why bans on anything are predictable failures.
O... sorry, hadn't realized that all the principles had changed... Comrade
Really? When the Constitution of the 2nd was written it was a principle that other races and women were inferior. I suppose it's obvious you haven't realised that has changed.
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If banning the AR-15 would absolutely ensure that it, or anything similar to it, such as the AK-47, et al, would never again find its way into the hands of a criminal or a psychopath, then effecting such a ban might be a sensibly justifiable action.
The argument that it would reduce the rate at which they found their way into such hands is not sufficient. All or nothing, even though all is not possible. Makes a good deflection though.
not what I asked, is it?
Not what I stated, is it? No assurance or links to counter my previous assurances? Colour me surprised.

But demonstrate my arse talk by showing how NH is a melting pot of the world. Won't I look silly.
Jesus. Pitiful. I have been assured by forgotten US posters NH is not a melting pot of the world; and have been shown forgotten demographic figures that tend to reinforce that idea. If you have other data, only you are stopping yourself from providing it.
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Jesus. Pitiful. I have been assured by forgotten US posters NH is not a melting pot of the world; and have been shown forgotten demographic figures that tend to reinforce that idea. If you have other data, only you are stopping yourself from providing it.
I can assure you that NH is not exactly a melting pot! Quite the contrary, it's the most homogeneous 'white' place I've ever lived and worked. I'm not, however, a product of a state I've only spent a small fraction of my adult life in...
Second Amendment protects the assault rifles

For the life of me I can't understand the trend of may states to follow 'Feinstein-inian' legislative logic in defiance of the Constitution. Could a few of you David Hogg types explain to us the rather arbitrary path many States are taking in limiting magazine sizes to what they have. While your at it could you elaborate, drawing from your delicate sensitivities, on what it is that leaves you feeling safer in zones where only law breakers will be packing... Convert me... cus I'm having a hard time reconciling the "commons sense" gun control agenda with my own common sense.
Maybe you haven't noticed, but the USA is the only country with a mass shooting problem. We also have weak gun laws and the most guns. More regulation is obviously needed. With more dangerous weapons becoming common like AR15's with high capacity magazines the death count has gotten worse. Vegas shooter killed 58 while injuring hundreds. Weapons for mass killing need to be heavily regulated.
Unlike the majority of those Countries we have always had the right to own firearms. I'm will not follow any unconstitutional law that takes away my rights.
Second Amendment protects the assault rifles

For the life of me I can't understand the trend of may states to follow 'Feinstein-inian' legislative logic in defiance of the Constitution. Could a few of you David Hogg types explain to us the rather arbitrary path many States are taking in limiting magazine sizes to what they have. While your at it could you elaborate, drawing from your delicate sensitivities, on what it is that leaves you feeling safer in zones where only law breakers will be packing... Convert me... cus I'm having a hard time reconciling the "commons sense" gun control agenda with my own common sense.
Maybe you haven't noticed, but the USA is the only country with a mass shooting problem. We also have weak gun laws and the most guns. More regulation is obviously needed. With more dangerous weapons becoming common like AR15's with high capacity magazines the death count has gotten worse. Vegas shooter killed 58 while injuring hundreds. Weapons for mass killing need to be heavily regulated.
Unlike the majority of those Countries we have always had the right to own firearms. I'm will not follow any unconstitutional law that takes away my rights.
I have more than a few friends in New England here who have had to... & who are grappling with the issue of compliance. Should they register their 'common carry' firearm, should they relinquish their hi-cap mags... In discussing this issue with them their various State Constitutions in addition to the US Constitution make it quite clear that their previously legal, commonplace item should not be registered or abolished from within state lines.

Is there a tipping point here I wonder, where people are cognizant enough to realize just how imperative to themselves, but more importantly, to subsequent generations, this decision actually is... What station do we relegate ourselves to as a people if we have no mechanism behind our voice, as a check against abuse of power...
Second Amendment protects the assault rifles

For the life of me I can't understand the trend of may states to follow 'Feinstein-inian' legislative logic in defiance of the Constitution. Could a few of you David Hogg types explain to us the rather arbitrary path many States are taking in limiting magazine sizes to what they have. While your at it could you elaborate, drawing from your delicate sensitivities, on what it is that leaves you feeling safer in zones where only law breakers will be packing... Convert me... cus I'm having a hard time reconciling the "commons sense" gun control agenda with my own common sense.
Maybe you haven't noticed, but the USA is the only country with a mass shooting problem. We also have weak gun laws and the most guns. More regulation is obviously needed. With more dangerous weapons becoming common like AR15's with high capacity magazines the death count has gotten worse. Vegas shooter killed 58 while injuring hundreds. Weapons for mass killing need to be heavily regulated.

We also have weak gun laws

They would be a lot less 'weak' if they were enforced.

More regulation is obviously needed.

We have more regulation than we need.

what we need is the laws on books being enforced
Our gun laws are very weak compared to all the countries that don't have regular school shootings. Even angry children seem to have no problem getting a gun here.

Feel free to move to one, we don't need your kind in America.
Second Amendment protects the assault rifles

For the life of me I can't understand the trend of may states to follow 'Feinstein-inian' legislative logic in defiance of the Constitution. Could a few of you David Hogg types explain to us the rather arbitrary path many States are taking in limiting magazine sizes to what they have. While your at it could you elaborate, drawing from your delicate sensitivities, on what it is that leaves you feeling safer in zones where only law breakers will be packing... Convert me... cus I'm having a hard time reconciling the "commons sense" gun control agenda with my own common sense.
Maybe you haven't noticed, but the USA is the only country with a mass shooting problem. We also have weak gun laws and the most guns. More regulation is obviously needed. With more dangerous weapons becoming common like AR15's with high capacity magazines the death count has gotten worse. Vegas shooter killed 58 while injuring hundreds. Weapons for mass killing need to be heavily regulated.

We also have weak gun laws

They would be a lot less 'weak' if they were enforced.

More regulation is obviously needed.

We have more regulation than we need.

what we need is the laws on books being enforced
Our gun laws are very weak compared to all the countries that don't have regular school shootings. Even angry children seem to have no problem getting a gun here.

Feel free to move to one, we don't need your kind in America.
Part of me hates to say this but dissenters to 'my' opinions are what keep me sharp and searching... same is true for any party or faction among us 'the people'. Thanks David Hogg... lol
For the life of me I can't understand the trend of may states to follow 'Feinstein-inian' legislative logic in defiance of the Constitution
Fair enough. For myself, I can't understand the lack of memberships in well regulated militias, in defiance of the Constitution.

The phrase Well Regulated Militia goes back to the founding of the nation. This by the way is backed up by the Militia Act which was passed in the first Congress. The term referred to the fact that the Governors of the new States had the power and duty to appoint officers. The letter commissioning an officer to a specific rank. Additionally, well regulated meant that while the Militia was activated, the members had to obey and adhere to military discipline. In other words, obey orders.

The Militia met weekly in some but not all states, where it was a mandatory time of drill after divine worship. The Militia was defined as every able bodied free man. Today, with our sense of equality, it would be every able bodied free person. At the time, Slaves were not considered members of the Militia, nor were persons in prison or jail.

All of this has been posted before many times. Either you are stupid, which is to say you refuse to learn the truth. Or you are somehow; incredibly considering the availability of the information; ignorant. It is because the latter is a remote possibility, that I bothered to post the information again. Would you like the usual demand for links that either you have seen and ignored, or can’t possibly manage to find on your own? Hint, it’s called the Militia Act. :)

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