'Common Carry' why are our legislators criminalizing 'Common' in what we carry?

They would be a lot less 'weak' if they were enforced.

We have more regulation than we need.

what we need is the laws on books being enforced
Our gun laws are very weak compared to all the countries that don't have regular school shootings. Even angry children seem to have no problem getting a gun here.

Even angry children seem to have no problem getting a gun here.
enforce the laws on the books, don t' let lawyers plea bargains crimes that have firearms involved.

You can make a thousand new laws, but if they aren't enforced, they're useless
Except strong gun control seems to work really well in every country with them. That is why our homicide rate is 4-5X that of any civilized country with strong gun control.

We also have the most people in jail btw, so no you can't blame lawyers.

Except strong gun control seems to work really well in every country with them.

maybe, 'brain', because the laws are enforced.

unlike here
Again, we have the most people in jail.


you're comparing apples and oranges.

they are not locked up for gun crimes.
Our gun laws are very weak compared to all the countries that don't have regular school shootings. Even angry children seem to have no problem getting a gun here.

Even angry children seem to have no problem getting a gun here.
enforce the laws on the books, don t' let lawyers plea bargains crimes that have firearms involved.

You can make a thousand new laws, but if they aren't enforced, they're useless
Except strong gun control seems to work really well in every country with them. That is why our homicide rate is 4-5X that of any civilized country with strong gun control.

We also have the most people in jail btw, so no you can't blame lawyers.

Except strong gun control seems to work really well in every country with them.

maybe, 'brain', because the laws are enforced.

unlike here
Again, we have the most people in jail.


you're comparing apples and oranges.

they are not locked up for gun crimes.
Yes they are. That is one reason we have the highest incarceration rate in the world.
Second Amendment protects the assault rifles

For the life of me I can't understand the trend of may states to follow 'Feinstein-inian' legislative logic in defiance of the Constitution. Could a few of you David Hogg types explain to us the rather arbitrary path many States are taking in limiting magazine sizes to what they have. While your at it could you elaborate, drawing from your delicate sensitivities, on what it is that leaves you feeling safer in zones where only law breakers will be packing... Convert me... cus I'm having a hard time reconciling the "commons sense" gun control agenda with my own common sense.
Maybe you haven't noticed, but the USA is the only country with a mass shooting problem. We also have weak gun laws and the most guns. More regulation is obviously needed. With more dangerous weapons becoming common like AR15's with high capacity magazines the death count has gotten worse. Vegas shooter killed 58 while injuring hundreds. Weapons for mass killing need to be heavily regulated.

We also have weak gun laws

They would be a lot less 'weak' if they were enforced.

More regulation is obviously needed.

We have more regulation than we need.

what we need is the laws on books being enforced
Our gun laws are very weak compared to all the countries that don't have regular school shootings. Even angry children seem to have no problem getting a gun here.

Even angry children seem to have no problem getting a gun here.
enforce the laws on the books, don t' let lawyers plea bargains crimes that have firearms involved.

You can make a thousand new laws, but if they aren't enforced, they're useless
Except strong gun control seems to work really well in every country with them. That is why our homicide rate is 4-5X that of any civilized country with strong gun control.

We also have the most people in jail btw, so no you can't blame lawyers.
Is that worth the price of freedom? Not for me it's not. Hundreds of thousands have bled and died preserving our freedoms and the cornerstone to all those freedoms... is the 2nd. Y'all enjoy the 1st amend. spouting your mouths of and thank God and our guns that you maintain that absolute right.
Our gun laws are very weak compared to all the countries that don't have regular school shootings. Even angry children seem to have no problem getting a gun here.

Even angry children seem to have no problem getting a gun here.
enforce the laws on the books, don t' let lawyers plea bargains crimes that have firearms involved.

You can make a thousand new laws, but if they aren't enforced, they're useless
Except strong gun control seems to work really well in every country with them. That is why our homicide rate is 4-5X that of any civilized country with strong gun control.

We also have the most people in jail btw, so no you can't blame lawyers.

Except strong gun control seems to work really well in every country with them.

maybe, 'brain', because the laws are enforced.

unlike here
Again, we have the most people in jail.


you're comparing apples and oranges.

they are not locked up for gun crimes.
I guess George had experience of militias that weren't so well regulated...

To place any dependence on Militia, is, assuredly resting upon a broken staff. Men just dragged from the tender scenes of domestick life; unaccustomed to the din of Arms; totally unacquainted with every kind of military skill, which being followed by a want of confidence in themselves, when opposed to Troops regularly train'd, disciplined, and appointed, superior in knowledge and superior in Arms, makes them timid, and ready to fly from their own shadows. (— 6 The Writings of George Washington 110, 112, J. Fitzpatrick, ed., 1931-44)
Maybe you haven't noticed, but the USA is the only country with a mass shooting problem. We also have weak gun laws and the most guns. More regulation is obviously needed. With more dangerous weapons becoming common like AR15's with high capacity magazines the death count has gotten worse. Vegas shooter killed 58 while injuring hundreds. Weapons for mass killing need to be heavily regulated.

We also have weak gun laws

They would be a lot less 'weak' if they were enforced.

More regulation is obviously needed.

We have more regulation than we need.

what we need is the laws on books being enforced
Our gun laws are very weak compared to all the countries that don't have regular school shootings. Even angry children seem to have no problem getting a gun here.

Even angry children seem to have no problem getting a gun here.
enforce the laws on the books, don t' let lawyers plea bargains crimes that have firearms involved.

You can make a thousand new laws, but if they aren't enforced, they're useless
Except strong gun control seems to work really well in every country with them. That is why our homicide rate is 4-5X that of any civilized country with strong gun control.

We also have the most people in jail btw, so no you can't blame lawyers.
Is that worth the price of freedom? Not for me it's not. Hundreds of thousands have bled and died preserving our freedoms and the cornerstone to all those freedoms... is the 2nd. Y'all enjoy the 1st amend. spouting your mouths of and thank God and our guns that you maintain that absolute right.
Lots of countries with strong gun control are very free. I don't value the freedom to quickly and easily become a mass killer. I value the right to life, without it you have nothing.
Is that worth the price of freedom? Not for me it's not. Hundreds of thousands have bled and died preserving our freedoms and the cornerstone to all those freedoms... is the 2nd. Y'all enjoy the 1st amend. spouting your mouths of and thank God and our guns that you maintain that absolute right.
Hilarious. This freedom?

They would be a lot less 'weak' if they were enforced.

We have more regulation than we need.

what we need is the laws on books being enforced
Our gun laws are very weak compared to all the countries that don't have regular school shootings. Even angry children seem to have no problem getting a gun here.

Even angry children seem to have no problem getting a gun here.
enforce the laws on the books, don t' let lawyers plea bargains crimes that have firearms involved.

You can make a thousand new laws, but if they aren't enforced, they're useless
Except strong gun control seems to work really well in every country with them. That is why our homicide rate is 4-5X that of any civilized country with strong gun control.

We also have the most people in jail btw, so no you can't blame lawyers.
Is that worth the price of freedom? Not for me it's not. Hundreds of thousands have bled and died preserving our freedoms and the cornerstone to all those freedoms... is the 2nd. Y'all enjoy the 1st amend. spouting your mouths of and thank God and our guns that you maintain that absolute right.
Lots of countries with strong gun control are very free. I don't value the freedom to quickly and easily become a mass killer. I value the right to life, without it you have nothing.
Free... even the best example you can come up with isn't as free. Take the UK probably your best example... you think your 1st amendment freedoms of trumpeting nonsense applies as fully there as it does here....
enforce the laws on the books, don t' let lawyers plea bargains crimes that have firearms involved.

You can make a thousand new laws, but if they aren't enforced, they're useless
Except strong gun control seems to work really well in every country with them. That is why our homicide rate is 4-5X that of any civilized country with strong gun control.

We also have the most people in jail btw, so no you can't blame lawyers.

Except strong gun control seems to work really well in every country with them.

maybe, 'brain', because the laws are enforced.

unlike here
Again, we have the most people in jail.


you're comparing apples and oranges.

they are not locked up for gun crimes.
Yes they are. That is one reason we have the highest incarceration rate in the world.

Yes they are.
you're a fool.

the majority of cases are plea bargained down, dropping gun charges for a lighter sentence.

and the judge goes for it, because most prisons are over crowded.
Our gun laws are very weak compared to all the countries that don't have regular school shootings. Even angry children seem to have no problem getting a gun here.

Even angry children seem to have no problem getting a gun here.
enforce the laws on the books, don t' let lawyers plea bargains crimes that have firearms involved.

You can make a thousand new laws, but if they aren't enforced, they're useless
Except strong gun control seems to work really well in every country with them. That is why our homicide rate is 4-5X that of any civilized country with strong gun control.

We also have the most people in jail btw, so no you can't blame lawyers.
Is that worth the price of freedom? Not for me it's not. Hundreds of thousands have bled and died preserving our freedoms and the cornerstone to all those freedoms... is the 2nd. Y'all enjoy the 1st amend. spouting your mouths of and thank God and our guns that you maintain that absolute right.
Lots of countries with strong gun control are very free. I don't value the freedom to quickly and easily become a mass killer. I value the right to life, without it you have nothing.
Free... even the best example you can come up with isn't as free. Take the UK probably your best example... you think your 1st amendment freedoms of trumpeting nonsense applies as fully there as it does here....
There are lots of very free countries in Europe, and their homicide rates are 1/4 of ours so they get to live more often. We have a much higher incarceration rate than them too, so less freedom here.
Now we're multicultural
The Constitution on which you're apparently basing your argument certainly was not. Sexist as well.
I know... thank God right... I would probably be confined to the outhouse for a month with my sassy tongue. Let me ask you, have the tenets of our natural rights changed? Has the word men & mankind become more inclusive... So here we are... much the same with the principles unchanged.
Except strong gun control seems to work really well in every country with them. That is why our homicide rate is 4-5X that of any civilized country with strong gun control.

We also have the most people in jail btw, so no you can't blame lawyers.

Except strong gun control seems to work really well in every country with them.

maybe, 'brain', because the laws are enforced.

unlike here
Again, we have the most people in jail.


you're comparing apples and oranges.

they are not locked up for gun crimes.
Yes they are. That is one reason we have the highest incarceration rate in the world.

Yes they are.
you're a fool.

the majority of cases are plea bargained down, dropping gun charges for a lighter sentence.

and the judge goes for it, because most prisons are over crowded.
And I'm sure the same things happen in other countries. But of all the countries in the world we have the most in prison.
I can't understand why this is ignored when it comes to the 2nd. Perhaps Scalia felt it would deny him the soft living he felt to be his desserts.

What did George Washington mean by "well regulated"?
The Goal of the Second Amendment is "Security"

"The Citizens of America (with a few legal and official exceptions) from 18 to 50 Years of Age should be borne on the Militia Rolls, provided with uniform Arms, and so far accustomed to the use of them, that the Total strength of the Country might be called forth at a Short Notice on any very interesting Emergency, for these purposes they ought to be duly organized into Commands of the same formation... By keeping up in Peace 'a well regulated, and disciplined Militia,' we shall take the fairest and best method to preserve, for a long time to come, the happiness, dignity and Independence of our Country." (May 1, 1783)
enforce the laws on the books, don t' let lawyers plea bargains crimes that have firearms involved.

You can make a thousand new laws, but if they aren't enforced, they're useless
Except strong gun control seems to work really well in every country with them. That is why our homicide rate is 4-5X that of any civilized country with strong gun control.

We also have the most people in jail btw, so no you can't blame lawyers.
Is that worth the price of freedom? Not for me it's not. Hundreds of thousands have bled and died preserving our freedoms and the cornerstone to all those freedoms... is the 2nd. Y'all enjoy the 1st amend. spouting your mouths of and thank God and our guns that you maintain that absolute right.
Lots of countries with strong gun control are very free. I don't value the freedom to quickly and easily become a mass killer. I value the right to life, without it you have nothing.
Free... even the best example you can come up with isn't as free. Take the UK probably your best example... you think your 1st amendment freedoms of trumpeting nonsense applies as fully there as it does here....
There are lots of very free countries in Europe, and their homicide rates are 1/4 of ours so they get to live more often. We have a much higher incarceration rate than them too, so less freedom here.
And we also are the worlds melting pot.. not a homogeneous society. Btw not interested in a spectrum of somewhat -- very... when it comes to my freedoms. The Constitution (which isn't exactly adhered to) has girded our freedoms more than enough... I would encourage you, however, to seek out one of these countries that you seem so keen on.

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