Who will be President Kamala Harris’ VP?

"Crooks father registering him as a republican' is not a fact. Its pure, speculative nonsense, backed by absolutely nothing.

What is a fact is that Crooks is registered a republican.

What is a fact is that Crooks' classmates cited him as a conservative, with Crooks taking conservative positions in debates with his more liberal classmates.

But Crooks, a conservative republican, taking a shot at Trump is somehow a democrat's fault?

Laughing....that's silly. There's zero evidence that he was motivated by any democrat to do anything to Trump. Literally nothing. Just your imagination
sure it's speculation....what's not are the facts, the facts are the school said the reports by "classmates" was wrong, and he shot the GOP nominee for President, days after Xiden said to put him in bullseye, and he planned on taking out more Republicans with the explosives he had.
sure it's speculation....what's not are the facts, the facts are the school said the reports by "classmates" was wrong, and he shot the GOP nominee for President, days after Xiden said to put him in bullseye, and he planned on taking out more Republicans with the explosives he had.

You, citing your imagination, are not a source.

Crooks registering as a republican is actual evidence that he's a republican. Eye witness testimony that Crooks was a conservative who debated conservative positions in conversations with his more liberal classmates is evidence that he's a conservative.

So the evidence is that Crooks was a conservative republican. You insist you know better.

Laughing......good luck with that, buddy.
You, citing your imagination, are not a source.

Crooks registering as a republican is actual evidence that he's a republican. Eye witness testimony that Crooks was a conservative who debated conservative positions in conversations with his more liberal classmates is evidence that he's a conservative.

So the evidence is that Crooks was a conservative republican. You insist you know better.

Laughing......good luck with that, buddy.
Haha it’s not my imagination we all saw him on national tv shoot the gop nominee and we all heard xiden order trump to be put into be bullseye days before and I just linked to the reports from the school denying what these “classmates” claimed

You are reported debunked stories and pure speculation at this point
Haha it’s not my imagination we all saw him on national tv shoot the gop nominee and we all heard xiden order trump to be put into be bullseye days before and I just linked to the reports from the school denying what these “classmates” claimed

You have literally nothing that shows that Crooks was motivated to do anything to Trump because of a democrat.

You've imagined it.

While the evidence clearly indicates that Crooks was a conservative republican. So your story doesn't even make sense.
You are reported debunked stories and pure speculation at this point

Laughing...there's nothing 'debunked' that Crooks was a registered republican. He was. There's nothing 'debunked' that his classmates indicated that Crooks was a conservative. They did.

You're just ignoring both. And your willful ignorance doesn't change any of the evidence.
You have literally nothing that shows that Crooks was motivated to do anything to Trump because of a democrat.

You've imagined it.

While the evidence clearly indicates that Crooks was a conservative republican. So your story doesn't even make sense.

Laughing...there's nothing 'debunked' that Crooks was a registered republican. He was. There's nothing 'debunked' that his classmates indicated that Crooks was a conservative. They did.

You're just ignoring both. And your willful ignorance doesn't change any of the evidence.
You mean other then xiden saying put a bullseye on him? Haha please
You mean other then xiden saying put a bullseye on him? Haha please

Show us any evidence that Crooks was motivated by anything Biden said to do anything to Trump. Or ever even heard about Biden's 'bullseye' remark.

You can't. There's nothing.

You're not citing Crooks. You're citing YOURSELF, play pretending that you speak for Crooks and know his motivation.

And you don't know shit.
You mean other then xiden saying put a bullseye on him? Haha please
The funniest thing about this is that you don't even believe that had anything to do with it. It's just the only talking point that was spoonfed to you, so you have to use it.
The funniest thing about this is that you don't even believe that had anything to do with it. It's just the only talking point that was spoonfed to you, so you have to use it.

There's literally nothing that connects the 'bullseye' comment and Crooks. Not the slighest evidence that Crooks ever even herd the comment, let alone was motivated by it.

But MAGA is so conditioned to believe that anything they make up is fact, that they've immolated their own critical thinking skills. Conflating imagination with evidence.
Show us any evidence that Crooks was motivated by anything Biden said to do anything to Trump. Or ever even heard about Biden's 'bullseye' remark.

You can't. There's nothing.

You're not citing Crooks. You're citing YOURSELF, play pretending that you speak for Crooks and know his motivation.

And you don't know shit.
Xiden said it, days later he did it
Of course I do.

Then show us the evidence that Crooks was motivated by anything Biden said. Or ever even heard the 'bullseye' comment. Let alone shot Trump because of it.

Laughing.......you've got literally nothing. Just your imagination.
Xiden said it, days later he did it

Show us the evidence that Crooks ever even heard Biden say it. Let alone was motivated by it to do anything to Trump.

Its just you...play pretending to be Crooks. And you're nobody.
The Hamas Wing is 90% of the Democratic Party. We can also doubt they nominate any white male anyway; they're deranged deviants and will demand a candidate that truly represents the Party's base, like Kris Tyson or Kyle Carrozza.

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