Common sense: is 1 million barrels traveling 1 mile on open ocean more dangerous than

Here is some food for thought:

Here is the Keystone pipeline:


The blue area is what is disputed....The pipeline is up and running.

Now, here is a map of a single company's pipelines--Kinder Morgan:

That little blue line in the first map is what you guys will make all the difference?
You are desperate for talking points.
Next you'll be complaining about Biden stealing fruit when at school. Grow up.
Talk about growing up. I understand now. You don't seem to know the difference between
1 million barrels of oil traveling one mile on the open ocean is more dangerous than 700 barrels traveling 1 mile on
dry land. Is that too complicated? Simply put which is a bigger number? 1 million or 700 because you evidently don't
comprehend the distinction.
Tarsands are the consistency of fudge. It has to be diluted with light sweet crude to flow, but it's still thick and corrosive. Nobody wants it. That's why it's so cheap.
So why is a Canadian company spending $7 BILLION to build a pipeline that they won't use?
Here is some food for thought:

Here is the Keystone pipeline:

View attachment 614845

The blue area is what is disputed....The pipeline is up and running.

Now, here is a map of a single company's pipelines--Kinder Morgan:
View attachment 614846

That little blue line in the first map is what you guys will make all the difference?
I'm still trying to understand why the concept that 1 million barrels traveling 1 mile on the open ocean
is safer than 700 barrels traveling one mile on dry land.
Would you explain that? Especially when experts state the following:
The Yellowstone river oil spill was 40,000 barrels in 2011 and they were still trying to clean it up in Dec 2015.
Where is your proof?
Why are people like YOU so f...king dumb? You can't use the internet?
NOT 40,000 barrels Dummy... 1,500 barrels.

On July 1, 2011, a 12-inch diameter pipeline (Silvertip Pipeline) owned by ExxonMobil Pipeline Company ruptured near Laurel, Montana, resulting in the discharge of crude oil into the Yellowstone River and surrounding floodplain. It is estimated, approximately 63,000 gallons (about 1,500 barrels) of oil was discharged.Jul 1, 2011

Talk about growing up. I understand now. You don't seem to know the difference between
1 million barrels of oil traveling one mile on the open ocean is more dangerous than 700 barrels traveling 1 mile on
dry land. Is that too complicated? Simply put which is a bigger number? 1 million or 700 because you evidently don't
comprehend the distinction.
I don't care if you transport in 4 gallon tins up sunset boulevard. It doesn't mean a thing to me.
Youre just having another swing at Biden.
I'm still trying to understand why the concept that 1 million barrels traveling 1 mile on the open ocean
is safer than 700 barrels traveling one mile on dry land.
Would you explain that? Especially when experts state the following:

Where is your proof?
Why are people like YOU so f...king dumb? You can't use the internet?
NOT 40,000 barrels Dummy... 1,500 barrels.

On July 1, 2011, a 12-inch diameter pipeline (Silvertip Pipeline) owned by ExxonMobil Pipeline Company ruptured near Laurel, Montana, resulting in the discharge of crude oil into the Yellowstone River and surrounding floodplain. It is estimated, approximately 63,000 gallons (about 1,500 barrels) of oil was discharged.Jul 1, 2011

Perhaps you can start by addressing the correct party?

I just showed a couple of maps showing that Keystone's footprint would be that of an ant on world oil supply.
They are building electrically heated pipelines Africa to get heavy viscosity crude to flow. Link to follow.
Like I said, don't start pretending that you know stuff you don't actually know.

You're technical ignoramus. Almost every claim you've made of a technical nature turns out to be idiotic
The Yellowstone river oil spill was 40,000 barrels in 2011 and they were still trying to clean it up in Dec 2015.
Spilling oil into a river isn't exactly the same thing as spilling it on dry land, now is it?
Here is some food for thought:

Here is the Keystone pipeline:

View attachment 614845

The blue area is what is disputed....The pipeline is up and running.

Now, here is a map of a single company's pipelines--Kinder Morgan:
View attachment 614846

That little blue line in the first map is what you guys will make all the difference?
Thank you for the map! Over 195,000 miles of pipeline that average AVERAGE per year...
Pipeline spills -- 5,000 barrels per year
Nearly 9 million gallons of crude oil have spilled from pipelines in the United States since 2010.
So let's see... This article was written in 2016 so 6 years divided into 9 million is equal to 5,000 barrels per year.

Oil Tanker spills 6,666 barrels per year
The amount of oil spilled from oil tankers worldwide was approximately one thousand metric tons in 2021.
At 300 pounds per barrel, 6,666 barrels per year lost by oil tankers.

Now the bigger question is what percent of oil transportation is by Oil tanker versus pipeline?
70% of crude oil and petroleum products are shipped by pipeline.
23% of oil shipments are on tankers and barges over water.

Pipelines carry over 3 times the amount of oil as tankers--- pipelines 70% tankers 23%!
WHERE IS YOUR proof that oil tankers are safer than pipelines!
If the Keystone XL is so important why did Trump not try to open construction until his fourth year in office and not the first year?

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