Common sense: is 1 million barrels traveling 1 mile on open ocean more dangerous than

Just goes to show us that the Neo-GOP is doing a great job recycling. They used the train safety argument to get the first 3 legs done. But guess what? They kept using the trains even after the pipeline was complete and are now repeating the train safety argument, so Canada can ship their bitumen slurry across the sea in giant ships.
What type of oil does Venezuela ship to China? That doesn’t seam to get you upset.

So 700 barrels per mile is a bigger danger than 1 million barrels per mile is that right?
What type of oil does Venezuela ship to China? That doesn’t seam to get you upset.
Of course not! What does "seem" to get me upset is the gross laziness of people like you that out of 7 words you can't spell! A simple word! A common word! And this ignorance of detail perfectly illustrates the intelligence of people like YOU!
The Saudis monitor pipelines in real time for pressure and flow rate from a central location.
Keystone XL will be monitored around-the-clock from a state-of-the-art control center. The pipeline will have 16,000 data transmitters that monitor pipeline ( that is one monitor every 587 feet) pressure and operating conditions; transmitting data that will be updated by secure satellite every five seconds.
Keystone XL will be monitored around-the-clock from a state-of-the-art control center. The pipeline will have 16,000 data transmitters that monitor pipeline ( that is one monitor every 587 feet) pressure and operating conditions; transmitting data that will be updated by secure satellite every five seconds.
Yes and keystone XL doesn't benefit the US taxpayer or consumer. It's an export pipeline for Chinese tarsands.
What process are you talking about? Diluting it with light sweet crude???
I believe they dilute it with a solvent. but that's beside the point. Do you actually believe they would build a pipeline to ship poil that can't be shipped by pipeline?

You're a fucking moron.
Yes and keystone XL doesn't benefit the US taxpayer or consumer. It's an export pipeline for Chinese tarsands.
Of course it will benefit taxpayers and consuemrs. Do you believe companies that use the pipeline ill pay nothing? Do you believe none of the end product that the oil transported by the pipeline will result in will not end up being consumed in America?

You a dumbass, of course.
You're right, and I stand corrected. As ugly as the above ground pipe is, you can easily tell when it's leaking.
Oil is a wonderful commodity until it gets accidentally spilled in humongous quantities upon the surface of the land or the sea. But the tankers are still required to transport sweet crude around the planet. That tar sands stuff from Canada doesn't benefit us at all.
Are you some kind of moron who believes he doesn't use petroleum?
Of course it will benefit taxpayers and consuemrs. Do you believe companies that use the pipeline ill pay nothing? Do you believe none of the end product that the oil transported by the pipeline will result in will not end up being consumed in America?

You a dumbass, of course.
The pipeline construction company is Canadian and the work is of course temporary. Might employ a thousand to fifteen hundred people. The lies are galling. To take advantage of the free trade zone the refined tarsands must be exported.
The pipeline construction company is Canadian and the work is of course temporary. Might employ a thousand to fifteen hundred people. The lies are galling. To take advantage of the free trade zone the refined tarsands must be exported.
The company might be Canadian, but most of the people hired to build the pipeline are Americans. I'm not talking purely the build phase of the pipeline, it still produces revenue after it's built, although not as much. It also makes refined products available all over the world, including the USA.
Listen to the idiot who believes they would build a pipeline for oil that can't be transported by pipeline.
Tarsands are the consistency of fudge. It has to be diluted with light sweet crude to flow, but it's still thick and corrosive. Nobody wants it. That's why it's so cheap.
Yes and keystone XL doesn't benefit the US taxpayer or consumer. It's an export pipeline for Chinese tarsands.
It puts more oil into the marketplace more quickly, which benefits everyone.

Shipping it by rail is slower and benefits Warren Buffett.

You shill for oligarchs and shit on the working class.
Tarsands are the consistency of fudge. It has to be diluted with light sweet crude to flow, but it's still thick and corrosive. Nobody wants it. That's why it's so cheap.
The dilute it with a solvent, moron, not other kinds of crude oil.

Prove that's corrosive. I've never heard that.

If no one wanted it, then who do they sell it to?

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