Communist China survivor issues warning to Americans: Socialism is only the first stage


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
I just want to say it's so ironic. 36 years ago, I run away from socialism when I left China to come to this great country for freedom. Today, so many Americans [are] abandoning freedom and arriving into socialism. They have no idea what socialism is about. I lived under Mao's socialism. When the government controls everything and makes all the decisions big and small and decide how much grain, meat [and] cooking oil I could have.

And morons want this here.
Yeah we see shit like this all the time "survivors" of one shithole country of another deeply alarmed about socialism. If they were actual students of history they would know that socialism grows where capitalism fails to meet the needs of the populace. Social programs have always been instituted in the face of long-festering problems no one can figure out how to solve and make a profit.
I just want to say it's so ironic. 36 years ago, I run away from socialism when I left China to come to this great country for freedom. Today, so many Americans [are] abandoning freedom and arriving into socialism. They have no idea what socialism is about. I lived under Mao's socialism. When the government controls everything and makes all the decisions big and small and decide how much grain, meat [and] cooking oil I could have.

And morons want this here.
That is communism, not socialism which is always democratic and wants fair capitalism. That is the way it is understood in every democracy ever that had a Socialist Party.

Nothing has ever evolved into communism, communism has only been put in by violent revolution by a violent minority. And nobody wants communism except those with a gun to their head in China Cuba and Vietnam. Right wing idiocy as always. English speakers are the only people in the world who don't know the difference between communism and socialism, that being democracy for crying out loud a million times. The British have the best savage capitalist propaganda but every modern country but us in the world including Britain have socialism now. It starts with healthcare for crying out loud.
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Yep, first Andrew Cuomo, now his replacement Hochul, have both told people in NY State that they don't like to leave the state, to get out. That you're not our type of people.

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