Communists/Democrats Score Huge Victory: Gun Maker Remington Files For Bankruptcy...

Democrats are good for gun sales.
The more Democrats in government, the more people want to shoot government.
Remington has a glut of firearms and ammo because that thought Clinton would be elected.
Democrats are good for gun sales.
The more Democrats in government, the more people want to shoot government.
Remington has a glut of firearms and ammo because that thought Clinton would be elected.
Gun sales are way down.
Simple....the NRA sells the lie..."THEY ARE GOING TO TAKE YOUR GUNS!" when Democrats are in office. Then the low info gun nuts go buys all the guns they can. While they should be worried now. A generation is asking the question:

"Why do you value you your guns more than my life?"

Reasonable guns laws are around the corner.

Not hardly . We had the biggest single jump in the market in over ten years today.

Remington's problems were from some recalls and lawsuits they had awhile back. Plus the fact that the firearms market slowed down after Obama left office.
What we might see is a price roll back on arms and ammo to clear glut!

Works for me. Any day now I expect to go to a gun show and find that they're giving them away for free. :biggrin:
Simple....the NRA sells the lie..."THEY ARE GOING TO TAKE YOUR GUNS!" when Democrats are in office. Then the low info gun nuts go buys all the guns they can. While they should be worried now. A generation is asking the question:

"Why do you value you your guns more than my life?"

Reasonable guns laws are around the corner.

Idiot. We already have "reasonable" gun laws. As well as "sensible" gun laws.
Sounded like a bankruptcy reorganization. I heard they were continuing operations through the bankruptcy.
The gun maker made investment mistakes. The title of the thread is misleading and stupid.
Oldest US gunmaker files for bankruptcy

"Remington: Oldest US gunmaker files for bankruptcy"

"In anticipation of a Hillary Clinton presidency, some weapons manufacturers had increased production, expecting greater sales from Americans fearing increased gun control."

So, Trump being elected has made gun sales go down. Isn't that ironic because Obama didn't say he'd take guns away, Trump did, backtracked (again) but had Hillary got elected the NRA and gun makers would have been like "they're coming for your guns" but Trump got elected and they're like "oh, no one's coming for your guns" and then Trump went for their guns, for about 5 minutes, before realizing that everyone who actually still likes him, judges their manliness, not on the size of their penis, or brain, but on the size of their gun.

This is the lib narrative fantasy that is projected on to all gun owners.

What is?

Are you telling me that Remington isn't filing for bankruptcy?

Are you telling me that many gun makers didn't produce more guns because they thought Hillary would win?

Which part is supposedly fantasy? Really, you people could try actually explaining yourself instead of writing a few words and expecting people to struggle to find the rest. Why on earth do you bother coming on here?
Oldest US gunmaker files for bankruptcy

"Remington: Oldest US gunmaker files for bankruptcy"

"In anticipation of a Hillary Clinton presidency, some weapons manufacturers had increased production, expecting greater sales from Americans fearing increased gun control."

So, Trump being elected has made gun sales go down. Isn't that ironic because Obama didn't say he'd take guns away, Trump did, backtracked (again) but had Hillary got elected the NRA and gun makers would have been like "they're coming for your guns" but Trump got elected and they're like "oh, no one's coming for your guns" and then Trump went for their guns, for about 5 minutes, before realizing that everyone who actually still likes him, judges their manliness, not on the size of their penis, or brain, but on the size of their gun.
You do know that a company can file for bankruptcy and not go out of business don't you?
shhhhhh you're gonna educate the dude.

Just what I need, educating from a bunch of people who pull "facts" out of their ass.
An FYI. Cerberus basically whacked out Remington. The bankruptcy has jack shit to do with the gun grabbers.

"Then there is the company's frequent losses and more than $1bn (£700m) in debt, piled on under owner Cerberus Capital Management during a decade of acquisitions."

Oldest US gunmaker files for bankruptcy

"New York-based Cerberus acquired Remington in 2007 and saddled it with almost US$1 billion in debt."

200-year-old gunmaker Remington seeks bankruptcy protection as pressure on industry grows
Oldest US gunmaker files for bankruptcy

"Remington: Oldest US gunmaker files for bankruptcy"

"In anticipation of a Hillary Clinton presidency, some weapons manufacturers had increased production, expecting greater sales from Americans fearing increased gun control."

So, Trump being elected has made gun sales go down. Isn't that ironic because Obama didn't say he'd take guns away, Trump did, backtracked (again) but had Hillary got elected the NRA and gun makers would have been like "they're coming for your guns" but Trump got elected and they're like "oh, no one's coming for your guns" and then Trump went for their guns, for about 5 minutes, before realizing that everyone who actually still likes him, judges their manliness, not on the size of their penis, or brain, but on the size of their gun.

This is the lib narrative fantasy that is projected on to all gun owners.

What is?

Are you telling me that Remington isn't filing for bankruptcy?

Are you telling me that many gun makers didn't produce more guns because they thought Hillary would win?

Which part is supposedly fantasy? Really, you people could try actually explaining yourself instead of writing a few words and expecting people to struggle to find the rest. Why on earth do you bother coming on here?

Why? To point out your nonsense and the propaganda that you spew and lap up like sweet nectarine.

Honestly, you don't even understand what narrative is? Its that propaganda that you spewed at the end of your post that the hive mentality has projected to all gun owners. Its laughable.
Oldest US gunmaker files for bankruptcy

"Remington: Oldest US gunmaker files for bankruptcy"

"In anticipation of a Hillary Clinton presidency, some weapons manufacturers had increased production, expecting greater sales from Americans fearing increased gun control."

So, Trump being elected has made gun sales go down. Isn't that ironic because Obama didn't say he'd take guns away, Trump did, backtracked (again) but had Hillary got elected the NRA and gun makers would have been like "they're coming for your guns" but Trump got elected and they're like "oh, no one's coming for your guns" and then Trump went for their guns, for about 5 minutes, before realizing that everyone who actually still likes him, judges their manliness, not on the size of their penis, or brain, but on the size of their gun.

This is the lib narrative fantasy that is projected on to all gun owners.

What is?

Are you telling me that Remington isn't filing for bankruptcy?

Are you telling me that many gun makers didn't produce more guns because they thought Hillary would win?

Which part is supposedly fantasy? Really, you people could try actually explaining yourself instead of writing a few words and expecting people to struggle to find the rest. Why on earth do you bother coming on here?

Why? To point out your nonsense and the propaganda that you spew and lap up like sweet nectarine.

Honestly, you don't even understand what narrative is? Its that propaganda that you spewed at the end of your post that the hive mentality has projected to all gun owners. Its laughable.

I ask you which part is false. You can't answer.

Then you talk about lapping up a narrative. But it would appear that it is YOU who is lapping it up because you're BELIEVING what you want to believe without having ANY EVIDENCE.

So until you can provide any evidence that what I said is false, you can't shout "fake news" at me.

Either put up, or shut up.

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