"Community Standards" set by technocrats


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
This got me to thinking more about this "Community Standards" bullshit which many are being banned from social media platforms or having their accounts restricted for violations of those so called "community standards". Refusing to allow propaganda to go unchallenged is against "community standards"; so does pointing out corrupt practices, greed, toxins in food, medicine, education and media that are damaging to the body, soul and spirit. Heck, even getting together with like minded individuals to talk about gardening and canning the fruits of one's labor now goes against their "community standards". Its a mean thing to point out the evils and greed of these NWO creeps who have usurped our governments around the world and are attempting to fully take over our lives and our families lives in their quest for complete control.

These following memes in this post and the following ones are a threat to their evil "community standards" agenda. I am pretty sure this used to be called racketeering but most of us realize that old definitions like 'male' and 'female' no longer apply in this new tech age and haven't ever since "is" and "blowjob" were also redefined.


In all fairness I do need to say that the extent of the racketeering and collusion between pharma and insurance companies may vary depending on which state you live in.
Food is a biggy, Americans can eat garbage toxins for profits but these toxins are not legal in Europe. I noticed that with a lot of things on Amazon too one day as I searched through looking for long term storage items I thought I may like that are not available at the local store.

Food toxin racket.PNG
Food toxin racket 2.PNG

Food toxin racket 3.PNG
Food toxin racket 4.PNG
Food toxin racket 5.PNG

There are actually hundreds of these products legal for those "dumb Americans" that will buy anything without questioning what is inside. If you do question that crap you are going against "community standards" and well of course you are an "extremist" too.
Food is a biggy, Americans can eat garbage toxins for profits but these toxins are not legal in Europe. I noticed that with a lot of things on Amazon too one day as I searched through looking for long term storage items I thought I may like that are not available at the local store.

View attachment 534474View attachment 534475

View attachment 534476View attachment 534477View attachment 534478

There are actually hundreds of these products legal for those "dumb Americans" that will buy anything without questioning what is inside. If you do question that crap you are going against "community standards" and well of course you are an "extremist" too.
Providing more evidence that 85%-90% of your shopping should be done around the perimeter of markets, where nearly all of the fresh whole foods are.

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