Compare the Chinese Virus responses: Florida vs New York.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
One is the Death Capital of the world, one is way below predictions. However, Cuomo gets accolades while Desantos is pilloried in the press.

Bennett & Leibsohn: Coronavirus response — compare Florida with New York, and look at the results so far

A forgotten principle of public policy reform: focus on failure and you will get failure, focus on success and you will get success. Looking at the past two months of our state responses to the coronavirus, it is time to revive that idea.

There’s one state in America that has a larger elderly population than New York, that is more ethnically diverse than New York, and that has two million more people than New York. Yet its death rate from COVID-19 is 5 percent that of New York. That state is Florida.

The tale of these two states, New York and Florida, illustrates that perhaps the media should have been less adulatory of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and given Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis more attention. Instead, the facts and statistics reveal the media got this backward.

In March, Florida was projected to be the second-worst state for COVID-19 deaths, with predictions of 174 per day and a total of nearly 7,000 by the end of the summer.  Nothing like this has transpired and it will not come to pass.

Meanwhile, Cuomo’s daily press briefings have been covered in full, and he has been lauded as everything from “The Golden Governor” to “The Politician of the Moment.” DeSantis, however, receives headlines such as “Florida Governor Issues Coronavirus Stay at Home Order After Heavy Criticism” and “Florida Governor Keeps Hitting New Lows In the Battle Against Coronavirus.”

Yet while New York kept chalking up bigger and bigger infection rates and deaths, Florida contained its problems early and without the heavy hand so many urged.

While one might be tempted to point out the ways in which New York and Florida are different, and there are differences, a few things of a comparative nature are not well-understood. As is well documented, the most vulnerable population for the coronavirus is in the 65-plus age group.

Only one state has a higher percentage of elder Americans living in it than Florida — Maine. In Florida, that population constitutes over 20 percent of the state. In New York, it’s just over 16 percent. Florida is also more ethnically diverse than New York. While 17 percent of Florida’s population is African-American and New York’s is just under 18 percent, Florida’s Hispanic population is 26 percent to New York’s 19.2. Florida is also a much more populous state than New York with about two million more residents.

But Florida has done well with the coronavirus, as the media is quiet to report, while New York has not. Of the 55,425 COVID-19 deaths in America, New York (with over 22,000 deaths) is responsible for over 40 percent while Florida (with nearly 1,100 deaths) is responsible for just under 2 percent. Yet, Florida shut down its state much later than New York, almost two weeks later.  And there was much criticism for its delay. The shutdown in Florida was also much less severe than New York’s. Florida did not close churches and synagogues, nor did it order the shuttering of most of its beaches.

DeSantis was criticized for being late in his “shutdown.” Wrong: It wasn’t late, it was targeted to the vulnerable population, and was less restrictive overall.
What DeSantis did do was take a much more vertical approach to the virus than others, like Cuomo. In early March, DeSantis put out targeted and preventative messaging to his elder population, advising them to stay at home. In places like The Villages (home to over 125,000 retirees), DeSantis implemented golf-cart drive-through coronavirus testing. He deployed the National Guard to help institute testing in the state’s nursing homes where, unlike New York, older COVID-19 patients were not sent.

And the lib media praise cuomo. Its laughable. And let's not forget cuomo and the state legislature laughing and clapping as they allowed legalized abortion up to the point of birth. NY is paying a heavy price.
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We really won’t know who is doing a better job until we know whether or not Sesantos’ dog wears a mask.
Can you imagine the main stream media coverage if it had been Ron De Santis that had ordered seniors with the Corona virus returned to their nursing homes? The media would be burning him at the stake! Yet Cuomo gets a pass on that despite thousands of trapped seniors dying of Covid 19 in New York State nursing homes?
Can you imagine the main stream media coverage if it had been Ron De Santis that had ordered seniors with the Corona virus returned to their nursing homes? The media would be burning him at the stake! Yet Cuomo gets a pass on that despite thousands of trapped seniors dying of Covid 19 in New York State nursing homes?
Their deaths are not in vain. They are contributing to the overall statistics that make them victims of corvid-19 and can be used to cow the remaining (survivors) into cowering in their hovels for an ever extending period of time. HUNKER DOWN!
Can you imagine the main stream media coverage if it had been Ron De Santis that had ordered seniors with the Corona virus returned to their nursing homes? The media would be burning him at the stake! Yet Cuomo gets a pass on that despite thousands of trapped seniors dying of Covid 19 in New York State nursing homes?
It would be headline news daily, and the talk of all the news (Using that term lightly) programs
Yes, and they failed to mention we have retiree travelers from all over the world.
Also been on lockdown forever! Grr!
I know. Sucks right now living in S Florida...
Better than living in New York City
Yes, and they failed to mention we have retiree travelers from all over the world.
Also been on lockdown forever! Grr!
I know. Sucks right now living in S Florida...
Hey, I've been playing golf 3 times a week since this time started and usually during season I don't have time to play once a week! Gotta make lemonade with those lemons!
Man, I do miss having breakfast at my usual spot though! Picking up stuff at the drive through isn't cutting it!
Can you imagine the main stream media coverage if it had been Ron De Santis that had ordered seniors with the Corona virus returned to their nursing homes? The media would be burning him at the stake! Yet Cuomo gets a pass on that despite thousands of trapped seniors dying of Covid 19 in New York State nursing homes?

Its just another reason why the mainstream media has no credibility. They're liberal rag hacks. Pump out the lib propaganda. No thanks.
I'm essential, don't require buttloads of tp, and the grocery store is still open. Traffic during my commute to my essential job is great. I do miss my coffee stops and breakfasts. I feel sorry for the people who have lost so much because of this farce, though.
One is the Death Capital of the world, one is way below predictions. However, Cuomo gets accolades while Desantos is pilloried in the press.

Bennett & Leibsohn: Coronavirus response — compare Florida with New York, and look at the results so far

A forgotten principle of public policy reform: focus on failure and you will get failure, focus on success and you will get success. Looking at the past two months of our state responses to the coronavirus, it is time to revive that idea.

There’s one state in America that has a larger elderly population than New York, that is more ethnically diverse than New York, and that has two million more people than New York. Yet its death rate from COVID-19 is 5 percent that of New York. That state is Florida.

The tale of these two states, New York and Florida, illustrates that perhaps the media should have been less adulatory of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and given Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis more attention. Instead, the facts and statistics reveal the media got this backward.

In March, Florida was projected to be the second-worst state for COVID-19 deaths, with predictions of 174 per day and a total of nearly 7,000 by the end of the summer.  Nothing like this has transpired and it will not come to pass.

Meanwhile, Cuomo’s daily press briefings have been covered in full, and he has been lauded as everything from “The Golden Governor” to “The Politician of the Moment.” DeSantis, however, receives headlines such as “Florida Governor Issues Coronavirus Stay at Home Order After Heavy Criticism” and “Florida Governor Keeps Hitting New Lows In the Battle Against Coronavirus.”

Yet while New York kept chalking up bigger and bigger infection rates and deaths, Florida contained its problems early and without the heavy hand so many urged.

While one might be tempted to point out the ways in which New York and Florida are different, and there are differences, a few things of a comparative nature are not well-understood. As is well documented, the most vulnerable population for the coronavirus is in the 65-plus age group.

Only one state has a higher percentage of elder Americans living in it than Florida — Maine. In Florida, that population constitutes over 20 percent of the state. In New York, it’s just over 16 percent. Florida is also more ethnically diverse than New York. While 17 percent of Florida’s population is African-American and New York’s is just under 18 percent, Florida’s Hispanic population is 26 percent to New York’s 19.2. Florida is also a much more populous state than New York with about two million more residents.

But Florida has done well with the coronavirus, as the media is quiet to report, while New York has not. Of the 55,425 COVID-19 deaths in America, New York (with over 22,000 deaths) is responsible for over 40 percent while Florida (with nearly 1,100 deaths) is responsible for just under 2 percent. Yet, Florida shut down its state much later than New York, almost two weeks later.  And there was much criticism for its delay. The shutdown in Florida was also much less severe than New York’s. Florida did not close churches and synagogues, nor did it order the shuttering of most of its beaches.

DeSantis was criticized for being late in his “shutdown.” Wrong: It wasn’t late, it was targeted to the vulnerable population, and was less restrictive overall.
What DeSantis did do was take a much more vertical approach to the virus than others, like Cuomo. In early March, DeSantis put out targeted and preventative messaging to his elder population, advising them to stay at home. In places like The Villages (home to over 125,000 retirees), DeSantis implemented golf-cart drive-through coronavirus testing. He deployed the National Guard to help institute testing in the state’s nursing homes where, unlike New York, older COVID-19 patients were not sent.

The article fails to mention that the State of New York has tested more Americans than any other state, and the State of Florida has administered one of the fewest number of tests in the USA. So Florida is seriously under-reporting the number of cases. Florida is also reporting number of deaths. This is going to blow up in DeSantis' face - bigly.

There are also 10,000 people who are still sick in Miami/Dade, and it's nowhere near over. Florida doesn't have a subway, or much mass transit at all, which is how the virus spreads in close quarters.

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