Computer Society: Policy Errors?


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Scientists at prestigious universities are busy evaluating the coordination of perceptual schemas in the human brain that give rise to adaptive modelling of sets in systems (and categories) --- such as temporal logic in automotive systems (CalTech).

The hope is to understand how layers of perceptions and psychophysics frames for textures (e.g., tactile perception) give rise to adaptive schemas for environmental detailing that goes beyond simply horizon-line awareness for hunter-gatherer activities.

When the 38th TV episode of Pokemon induced photosensitive epileptic seizures in numerous children in Japan (in 1997), neuropsychologists began seriously investigating how the brain 'absorbs' stimuli-complications to illuminate pathology-approaches to adaptation analysis.

Such investigations are valuable, since the modern age is flooded by layers of media signals and television/computer-screen stimuli, requiring the human brain to sift through layers of images and colors and words and process them as efficiently as possible.

After all, media and computers are the modern 'tools,' and we must understand how the brain perceives the use of a tool that literally 'mimics' its own processing-functionalism (which is why computers are often called 'synthetic brains').

The American comic book super-hero Spider-Man (Marvel Comics) deals with the scientific studies at a fictional research-institute named Oscorp, which investigates the psychological impact of synthetics-catalyzed human body transformations such as the 'genesis' of a computer-circuitry borne 'cyborg-creature' named Video-Man (a humanoid who can literally travel through electrical wires and computer circuits like a super-virus, affording him/it the incredible ability to 'mimic' electron/circuit motion).

Such new age science (and new age science-fiction!) informs our pedestrian understanding of the brain's sensitivity to video stimuli, which may have important public policy ramifications --- e.g., the prudent use of media in the modern classroom.

Many parents feel that their kids should not be exposed to computer-screens (and/or video-games!) in the classroom, since such stimulation may distract them from the written word (and books!). Indeed, many adults today may sit for hours-on-end in front of computer-screens or smartphone-screens surfing on Facebook.

Policy-makers therefore want to avoid unnecessary 'human errors.'


TRUMP: Millions of people use Facebook, and hence businesses advertise on it!
CARTER: It's a new age social phenomenon...
TRUMP: I wonder how this will affect social consciousness regarding 'convenience-gadgets.'
CARTER: Media and computers are introduced in the classroom these days.
TRUMP: We have to be sure kids do not think teachers want to present video-games as curriculum.
CARTER: Sorting through all this madness can be quite complicated (psychologically and politically).
TRUMP: That's why policy-makers need to assess what kinds of stimuli are beneficial to our 'MTV kids.'
CARTER: Perhaps flight-simulator programs should be accompanied by psychological training.
TRUMP: I'm sure NASA astronauts would appreciate such psychology-training for outer-space scenarios.
CARTER: Yes, after all, you don't want to fumble around with computer buttons while dealing with meteors.
TRUMP: I'm intrigued by the DC Comics super-villain Brainiac, an egomaniac who utilizes technology.
CARTER: Such 'pop-culture art' surprisingly informs pedestrian attitudes toward 'censorship governance.'


So, basically, the real whole point of this thread is much less about computers, Pokemon and society than to just bash Trump again and make him out as an idiot for 107th time.

Now some mindless twit will get on here to say that no one needs to bash Trump or call him an idiot, he does it all to himself.

Do you know, he is even the cause of the hurricanes! God is punishing us for electing him!

Well, that is HALF true: God punished us for electing Bill Clinton by giving us Barack Obama.

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