Confirmed. Consumer and US businesses paying nearly all tariff costs.

I don't know why these Libtards are bitching about tariffs. Tariffs are taxes to the Federal government and we all know how these Libtards love taxes. They all voted for that asshole Obama who raised taxes and that idiot Crooked Hillary that ran on a platform to raise taxes. Why in the hell are these stupid Moon Bats bitching about Trump raising taxes when they voted for candidates that promised to raise taxes?

More taxes to pay for the Moon Bat's wet dream of more welfare and more government spending and all the things the greedy Moon Bats love the government to give them.

They need to think things out better before they do their Trump bitching because they look like fools.

If Hillary was President today and did the exact same thing, these very same complainers would be celebrating. It's not the outcome they're upset with, it's because it's Trump that's doing it. TDS.

The only thing they hate more than Trump's policies is Trump himself. If Trump put an initiative to cure cancer and actually succeeded, all they'd be doing is complaining about how many jobs in the healthcare industry will be lost.

Trump Derangement Syndrome is a terrible mental illness. These Moon Bats really need to seek competent mental health treatment. It is really destroying their minds.
I don't know why these Libtards are bitching about tariffs. Tariffs are taxes to the Federal government and we all know how these Libtards love taxes. They all voted for that asshole Obama who raised taxes and that idiot Crooked Hillary that ran on a platform to raise taxes. Why in the hell are these stupid Moon Bats bitching about Trump raising taxes when they voted for candidates that promised to raise taxes?

More taxes to pay for the Moon Bat's wet dream of more welfare and more government spending and all the things the greedy Moon Bats love the government to give them.

They need to think things out better before they do their Trump bitching because they look like fools.

The complaints are not over taxes. The complaints are over Trump's lies.

No Moon Bat, you TDS afflicted morons are bitching because Trump is collecting more money and you are hypocrites because you idiots have always advocated more taxes.

You love taxes, don't you? So quit your bitching. Well, you greedy little Moon Bats say you love taxes but what you really mean is that you love other people paying taxes, not yourself.

If you were concerned about a President lying about taxes then you should be bitching about your lying Negro President who said he would not raise taxes on anybody making less than $250K a year and he blatantly lied about that like he lied about many other things.

You stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats are as ignorant of Economics as you are of History, the Constitution, Climate Science, Biology and Ethics.

If you had ever taken a course in International Economics you would understand how devastating a significant Balance of Trade will be for a country in the long run. It robs a country of its wealth. If it goes on long enough a country (like China) will eventually own you because they will have all your money, which is a payment on demand of your wealth. Unlike you stupid Moon Bats Trump understands this and is using the only tool he has to correct the imbalance. It is working. Unlike your stupid little Negro President Trump is not giving away the store and you TDS afflicted idiots can't stand it, can you?

I state facts call people names. It helps understand the attraction to Trump. Yes, he is one of you.

I ridicule you because you don't know a damn thing about Economics and the tremendous damage that is done of a massive imbalance of trade, which Trump is tying to fix for this country. If you did know anything about International Economics you would be supporting Trump's efforts to correct the imbalance of trade.

Ether you are ignorant of Economics or your Trump Derangement Syndrome mental illness is causing you to be mentally unstable because you are attacking the President for fixing a major trade imbalance. That is a good thing, even though it cause short term pain for some people but that will correct itself over time.

Of course being an uneducated low information Moon Bat it is possible you are suffering from both ignorance of Economics and also the afflicted with TDS.
I don't know why these Libtards are bitching about tariffs. Tariffs are taxes to the Federal government and we all know how these Libtards love taxes. They all voted for that asshole Obama who raised taxes and that idiot Crooked Hillary that ran on a platform to raise taxes. Why in the hell are these stupid Moon Bats bitching about Trump raising taxes when they voted for candidates that promised to raise taxes?

More taxes to pay for the Moon Bat's wet dream of more welfare and more government spending and all the things the greedy Moon Bats love the government to give them.

They need to think things out better before they do their Trump bitching because they look like fools.

If Hillary was President today and did the exact same thing, these very same complainers would be celebrating. It's not the outcome they're upset with, it's because it's Trump that's doing it. TDS.

The only thing they hate more than Trump's policies is Trump himself. If Trump put an initiative to cure cancer and actually succeeded, all they'd be doing is complaining about how many jobs in the healthcare industry will be lost.

Trump Derangement Syndrome is a terrible mental illness. These Moon Bats really need to seek competent mental health treatment. It is really destroying their minds.

It is no worse than Trump Defense Syndrome...both versions of TDS are equally abhorrent
January 7, 2020 The Mercury News
U.S. consumers, not China, bearing brunt of trade War
Economists say levies have resulted in increased prices for some
- By Jeanna Smlalek and Ana Swanson. The New York Times

WASHINGTON » American businesses and consumers, not China, are bearing the financial brunt of President Donald Trump’s trade war, new data shows, undermining the president’s assertion that the United States is “taxing the hell out of China.” “U.S. tariffs continue to be entirely borne by U.S. firms and consumers,” Mary Amiti, an economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, wrote in a National Bureau of Economic Research working paper. The other authors of the paper were David E. Weinstein of Columbia University and Stephen J. Redding of Princeton University. Examining the fallout of tariffs in data through October, the authors found that Americans had continued paying for the levies which increased substantially over the course of the year. Their paper, which is an update on previous research, found that “approximately 100 percent” of import taxes fell on American buyers. The findings are the latest evidence that voters and American businesses are paying the cost of Trump’s penchant for using tariffs to try to rewrite the terms of trade in favor of the United States. Manufacturing is slumping, a fact economists attribute at least partly to uncertainty stemming from the trade spats, and business investment has suffered as corporate executives wait to see how or if the tensions will end. The United States and China have reached a trade truce and are expected to sign an initial deal this month, but tariffs on $360 billion worth of Chinese goods will remain in place. The levies, which are as high as 25%, have forced some multinational businesses to move operations out of China, sending operations to countries like Vietnam and Mexico. Trump and his supporters say that the United States had no choice but to resort to tough tactics to try to force China to abandon unfair economic behaviors, like infringing on U.S. intellectual property and providing state subsidies to Chinese firms. And Trump has continued to incorrectly assert that China not American companies and consumers is paying the cost of the tariffs. Tariffs may have worked as a negotiating chip to get China to the table, but re- cent academic research shows that leverage has come at a Steep price for some American businesses and consumers. The authors of the latest study used customs data to trace the fallout, examining import values before and after the tariffs. The research showed that the tariffs had little impact on China. Were just not seeing foreigners bearing the cost, which to me is very surprising,” Weinstein said in an interview. They also find a delayed effect from the tariffs, with the decline in some imports roughly doubling on average in the second year of the levies. That is because “it takes some time for firms to reorganize their supply chains so that they can avoid the tariffs,” the authors write. Reaction to the tariffs has varied across business sectors, however. In the steel industry, for example, companies that export to the United States have dropped their prices suggesting that other countries are in fact paying “close to half” of the cost of tariffs, according to the paper. Because China is only the 10th-largest steel supplier to the United States, though, exporters in the European Union, Japan and South Korea are likely bearing much of that cost. And as foreign prices drop, domestic steel production has barely budged, which bodes poorly for hiring in the U.S. steel industry, the authors note. In previous research, the authors found that by December 2018, import tariffs were costing American consumers and importing businesses $3.2 billion per month in added taxes and another $1.4 billion per month in
efficiency losses. They did not update those numbers in the latest study. Amiti’s colleagues at the New York Fed have traced the costs of tariffs in other research. Their study similarly found that import prices on goods coming from China had remained largely unchanged as tariffs rolled out and argued that already narrowed profit margins, ones that leave no room for cutting and a dearth of competitors could be among the factors insulating Chinese exporters.

Its an optional tax. If you BUY AMERICAN there is no tax.

That's great outside of the majority of cases where there is no option.

But really not the point now is it?

What the fuck are you leaking from the chamberpot called your head? There's always an option. Show me one major category of saleable goods where the only choice is a tariffed item.


Exactly. At one time that may have been true. Today with the internet, you can shop anywhere you desire. And if you are in a store and see an item you might buy, you can scan the barcode with your smart phone and it will bring up the same item, or comparable items listed from the cheapest price to the most expensive.

May I interject Ray!

They insist Trump is a dolt, and maybe he is just lucky and it was an accident, but here is the truth----------->the media is telling a story, not THE story!

According to Trump and statistics; statistics that the MSM has yet to refute as Pinnochios, the average American family after adding tax cuts, lower regulations, etc, etc, seen a net gain of 10 grand per year. Bush 2 over 8 years, around 500 bucks, Obama after 8 years around 1 grand. Now, maybe Trump really is a dolt and didn't calculate it, but with that kind of influx of cash, do you think if Americans have to pay slightly more because of tariffs, they could absorb it?

What better time if YOU were the President, to confront trading cheaters with tariffs, if your population just got a large influx of cash; and do it BEFORE they used it to finance something, lol. Not to mention------------->it also forces corporations to return so as NOT to pay the tariffs, and it gives leverage that America can hold out easily, as it people are rolling in extra cash to absorb the price hikes. What it did was put manufacturers over seas behind the eight ball. The reason they left for more profits went up in smoke, and their competitive edge disappeared.

And then of course...…… have the multi trillion dollar question that Leftists do not want to talk about-------------->what happens when these other country's that have been forced to the table have to sign a better deal and the tariffs disappear and prices drop for everyone! Sounds to most thinking people who know anything about economics, that another cash infusion would increase the ECONOMIC BOOM!

Maybe that is why Fancy Nancy and friends were sooooooo reluctant to sign the USMCA. How does that grab you!

Most economists predict that if/when the USMCA along with a trade deal with China goes through, it will give our economy a jolt of 1 to 2 points, UP within 12 months! So lets calculate here----------->if we are growing at 2 1/2% to 3%, and add 1 to 2 more points, that puts us in the 31/2 to 5% range. Not bad for a dolt, even if it was an accident as they insist, although they won't even acknowledge the path this whole tariff thing is on, nor how brilliantly or luckily it was navigated!

If these tariffs were so damaging like they claim, we would not have set a record for holiday spending last year; not just internet shopping, but all shopping. Americans on average will always look for the lowest price. But few will notice if they pay $12.00 for a heating pad whereas before, it was $11.50. The only thing the consumer is concerned about is getting the lowest priced product no matter what the price is.

I have always said I'm no fan of tariffs, and no fan of trade wars. It produces negative outcomes like higher prices. But so does increasing corporate taxes, forced healthcare insurance, huge minimum wage increases, higher energy costs, more business regulations.

While a trade war may increase prices, it's not all negative. If an American made product is cheaper than a foreign made one with tariffs on it, we gain in new job creation. So it's really not a negative than it is a tradeoff. However higher minimum wages, taxes, energy costs are not a tradeoff. They are all negative in the long run.
Trump has always said he was going to look after America's interest first and that pisses off the stupid American Moon Bats in addition to foreign assholes.

They can't stand Trump making the US great again after that Obama disaster. One of the things Trump promised to do was fix the imbalance of trade, which the US desperately needs. The imbalance is sapping our wealth and Liberals are too afflicted with TDS to understand what Trump is doing.

Obama lied to the country every time he opened his mouth. His lies are legendary. He put other countries interest ahead of the US. He kissed the ass of the Muslims and the Communists and he didn't have a clue how to negotiate trade deals or any other kind of deal as we saw with Iran.
I don't know why these Libtards are bitching about tariffs. Tariffs are taxes to the Federal government and we all know how these Libtards love taxes. They all voted for that asshole Obama who raised taxes and that idiot Crooked Hillary that ran on a platform to raise taxes. Why in the hell are these stupid Moon Bats bitching about Trump raising taxes when they voted for candidates that promised to raise taxes?

More taxes to pay for the Moon Bat's wet dream of more welfare and more government spending and all the things the greedy Moon Bats love the government to give them.

They need to think things out better before they do their Trump bitching because they look like fools.

The complaints are not over taxes. The complaints are over Trump's lies.

No Moon Bat, you TDS afflicted morons are bitching because Trump is collecting more money and you are hypocrites because you idiots have always advocated more taxes.

You love taxes, don't you? So quit your bitching. Well, you greedy little Moon Bats say you love taxes but what you really mean is that you love other people paying taxes, not yourself.

If you were concerned about a President lying about taxes then you should be bitching about your lying Negro President who said he would not raise taxes on anybody making less than $250K a year and he blatantly lied about that like he lied about many other things.

You stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats are as ignorant of Economics as you are of History, the Constitution, Climate Science, Biology and Ethics.

If you had ever taken a course in International Economics you would understand how devastating a significant Balance of Trade will be for a country in the long run. It robs a country of its wealth. If it goes on long enough a country (like China) will eventually own you because they will have all your money, which is a payment on demand of your wealth. Unlike you stupid Moon Bats Trump understands this and is using the only tool he has to correct the imbalance. It is working. Unlike your stupid little Negro President Trump is not giving away the store and you TDS afflicted idiots can't stand it, can you?

I state facts call people names. It helps understand the attraction to Trump. Yes, he is one of you.

I ridicule you because you don't know a damn thing about Economics and the tremendous damage that is done of a massive imbalance of trade, which Trump is tying to fix for this country. If you did know anything about International Economics you would be supporting Trump's efforts to correct the imbalance of trade.

Ether you are ignorant of Economics or your Trump Derangement Syndrome mental illness is causing you to be mentally unstable because you are attacking the President for fixing a major trade imbalance. That is a good thing, even though it cause short term pain for some people but that will correct itself over time.

Of course being an uneducated low information Moon Bat it is possible you are suffering from both ignorance of Economics and also the afflicted with TDS.

Address the imbalance. Just don't lie while doing it.
January 7, 2020 The Mercury News
U.S. consumers, not China, bearing brunt of trade War
Economists say levies have resulted in increased prices for some
- By Jeanna Smlalek and Ana Swanson. The New York Times

WASHINGTON » American businesses and consumers, not China, are bearing the financial brunt of President Donald Trump’s trade war, new data shows, undermining the president’s assertion that the United States is “taxing the hell out of China.” “U.S. tariffs continue to be entirely borne by U.S. firms and consumers,” Mary Amiti, an economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, wrote in a National Bureau of Economic Research working paper. The other authors of the paper were David E. Weinstein of Columbia University and Stephen J. Redding of Princeton University. Examining the fallout of tariffs in data through October, the authors found that Americans had continued paying for the levies which increased substantially over the course of the year. Their paper, which is an update on previous research, found that “approximately 100 percent” of import taxes fell on American buyers. The findings are the latest evidence that voters and American businesses are paying the cost of Trump’s penchant for using tariffs to try to rewrite the terms of trade in favor of the United States. Manufacturing is slumping, a fact economists attribute at least partly to uncertainty stemming from the trade spats, and business investment has suffered as corporate executives wait to see how or if the tensions will end. The United States and China have reached a trade truce and are expected to sign an initial deal this month, but tariffs on $360 billion worth of Chinese goods will remain in place. The levies, which are as high as 25%, have forced some multinational businesses to move operations out of China, sending operations to countries like Vietnam and Mexico. Trump and his supporters say that the United States had no choice but to resort to tough tactics to try to force China to abandon unfair economic behaviors, like infringing on U.S. intellectual property and providing state subsidies to Chinese firms. And Trump has continued to incorrectly assert that China not American companies and consumers is paying the cost of the tariffs. Tariffs may have worked as a negotiating chip to get China to the table, but re- cent academic research shows that leverage has come at a Steep price for some American businesses and consumers. The authors of the latest study used customs data to trace the fallout, examining import values before and after the tariffs. The research showed that the tariffs had little impact on China. Were just not seeing foreigners bearing the cost, which to me is very surprising,” Weinstein said in an interview. They also find a delayed effect from the tariffs, with the decline in some imports roughly doubling on average in the second year of the levies. That is because “it takes some time for firms to reorganize their supply chains so that they can avoid the tariffs,” the authors write. Reaction to the tariffs has varied across business sectors, however. In the steel industry, for example, companies that export to the United States have dropped their prices suggesting that other countries are in fact paying “close to half” of the cost of tariffs, according to the paper. Because China is only the 10th-largest steel supplier to the United States, though, exporters in the European Union, Japan and South Korea are likely bearing much of that cost. And as foreign prices drop, domestic steel production has barely budged, which bodes poorly for hiring in the U.S. steel industry, the authors note. In previous research, the authors found that by December 2018, import tariffs were costing American consumers and importing businesses $3.2 billion per month in added taxes and another $1.4 billion per month in
efficiency losses. They did not update those numbers in the latest study. Amiti’s colleagues at the New York Fed have traced the costs of tariffs in other research. Their study similarly found that import prices on goods coming from China had remained largely unchanged as tariffs rolled out and argued that already narrowed profit margins, ones that leave no room for cutting and a dearth of competitors could be among the factors insulating Chinese exporters.

Its an optional tax. If you BUY AMERICAN there is no tax.

That's great outside of the majority of cases where there is no option.

But really not the point now is it?

What the fuck are you leaking from the chamberpot called your head? There's always an option. Show me one major category of saleable goods where the only choice is a tariffed item.


Exactly. At one time that may have been true. Today with the internet, you can shop anywhere you desire. And if you are in a store and see an item you might buy, you can scan the barcode with your smart phone and it will bring up the same item, or comparable items listed from the cheapest price to the most expensive.

May I interject Ray!

They insist Trump is a dolt, and maybe he is just lucky and it was an accident, but here is the truth----------->the media is telling a story, not THE story!

According to Trump and statistics; statistics that the MSM has yet to refute as Pinnochios, the average American family after adding tax cuts, lower regulations, etc, etc, seen a net gain of 10 grand per year. Bush 2 over 8 years, around 500 bucks, Obama after 8 years around 1 grand. Now, maybe Trump really is a dolt and didn't calculate it, but with that kind of influx of cash, do you think if Americans have to pay slightly more because of tariffs, they could absorb it?

What better time if YOU were the President, to confront trading cheaters with tariffs, if your population just got a large influx of cash; and do it BEFORE they used it to finance something, lol. Not to mention------------->it also forces corporations to return so as NOT to pay the tariffs, and it gives leverage that America can hold out easily, as it people are rolling in extra cash to absorb the price hikes. What it did was put manufacturers over seas behind the eight ball. The reason they left for more profits went up in smoke, and their competitive edge disappeared.

And then of course...…… have the multi trillion dollar question that Leftists do not want to talk about-------------->what happens when these other country's that have been forced to the table have to sign a better deal and the tariffs disappear and prices drop for everyone! Sounds to most thinking people who know anything about economics, that another cash infusion would increase the ECONOMIC BOOM!

Maybe that is why Fancy Nancy and friends were sooooooo reluctant to sign the USMCA. How does that grab you!

Most economists predict that if/when the USMCA along with a trade deal with China goes through, it will give our economy a jolt of 1 to 2 points, UP within 12 months! So lets calculate here----------->if we are growing at 2 1/2% to 3%, and add 1 to 2 more points, that puts us in the 31/2 to 5% range. Not bad for a dolt, even if it was an accident as they insist, although they won't even acknowledge the path this whole tariff thing is on, nor how brilliantly or luckily it was navigated!

If these tariffs were so damaging like they claim, we would not have set a record for holiday spending last year; not just internet shopping, but all shopping. Americans on average will always look for the lowest price. But few will notice if they pay $12.00 for a heating pad whereas before, it was $11.50. The only thing the consumer is concerned about is getting the lowest priced product no matter what the price is.

I have always said I'm no fan of tariffs, and no fan of trade wars. It produces negative outcomes like higher prices. But so does increasing corporate taxes, forced healthcare insurance, huge minimum wage increases, higher energy costs, more business regulations.

While a trade war may increase prices, it's not all negative. If an American made product is cheaper than a foreign made one with tariffs on it, we gain in new job creation. So it's really not a negative than it is a tradeoff. However higher minimum wages, taxes, energy costs are not a tradeoff. They are all negative in the long run.

The economy is booming and Trump used some of the money from the tariffs as subsidies to those hurt by the tariffs.

Little or no real harm to the US economy, despite all the TDS afflicted lies about gloom and doom.

Just another TDS rant by the Moon Bats that can't stand the fact that Trump is undoing the damage caused by that incompetent Obama.

I wonder if these stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats even know that up until the Democrats decided to fund WWI with a telephone tax and an income tax that tariffs were the main source of income for the Federal government?

Actually, unfair tariff collection was the root cause of the Civil War. But then again the Moon Bats know nothing about History, like other subjects.
If Hillary was President today and did the exact same thing, these very same complainers would be celebrating. It's not the outcome they're upset with, it's because it's Trump that's doing it. TDS.

The only thing they hate more than Trump's policies is Trump himself. If Trump put an initiative to cure cancer and actually succeeded, all they'd be doing is complaining about how many jobs in the healthcare industry will be lost.

If Hillary was President today and did the exact same thing, these very same celebrators would be complaining. It's not the outcome they're upset with, it's because it's was Hillary that's doing it. HDS.

Funny you should mention cancer just after Trump took credit for the cancer death rate decline.

First off, if Hillary was President, she'd never have the guts to do anything like Trump is doing today. It's a risk most professional politicians would not take because it is a gamble. That's how we ended up with such a trade imbalance in the first place.

However if Hillary did do something like Trump is doing, of course people on the right would be critical. But if at the same time, there were no real negatives, and the economy continued to grow, there would not be much we could say about it.

No matter what Hilary would have done, we would want one of our people in. That's normal. What's not normal is this utter hatred that oozes out from the left no matter what Trump does or doesn't do.
If these tariffs were so damaging like they claim, we would not have set a record for holiday spending last year; not just internet shopping, but all shopping.

Is is possible that we had record holiday spending because everything was more expensive?
January 7, 2020 The Mercury News
U.S. consumers, not China, bearing brunt of trade War
Economists say levies have resulted in increased prices for some
- By Jeanna Smlalek and Ana Swanson. The New York Times

WASHINGTON » American businesses and consumers, not China, are bearing the financial brunt of President Donald Trump’s trade war, new data shows, undermining the president’s assertion that the United States is “taxing the hell out of China.” “U.S. tariffs continue to be entirely borne by U.S. firms and consumers,” Mary Amiti, an economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, wrote in a National Bureau of Economic Research working paper. The other authors of the paper were David E. Weinstein of Columbia University and Stephen J. Redding of Princeton University. Examining the fallout of tariffs in data through October, the authors found that Americans had continued paying for the levies which increased substantially over the course of the year. Their paper, which is an update on previous research, found that “approximately 100 percent” of import taxes fell on American buyers. The findings are the latest evidence that voters and American businesses are paying the cost of Trump’s penchant for using tariffs to try to rewrite the terms of trade in favor of the United States. Manufacturing is slumping, a fact economists attribute at least partly to uncertainty stemming from the trade spats, and business investment has suffered as corporate executives wait to see how or if the tensions will end. The United States and China have reached a trade truce and are expected to sign an initial deal this month, but tariffs on $360 billion worth of Chinese goods will remain in place. The levies, which are as high as 25%, have forced some multinational businesses to move operations out of China, sending operations to countries like Vietnam and Mexico. Trump and his supporters say that the United States had no choice but to resort to tough tactics to try to force China to abandon unfair economic behaviors, like infringing on U.S. intellectual property and providing state subsidies to Chinese firms. And Trump has continued to incorrectly assert that China not American companies and consumers is paying the cost of the tariffs. Tariffs may have worked as a negotiating chip to get China to the table, but re- cent academic research shows that leverage has come at a Steep price for some American businesses and consumers. The authors of the latest study used customs data to trace the fallout, examining import values before and after the tariffs. The research showed that the tariffs had little impact on China. Were just not seeing foreigners bearing the cost, which to me is very surprising,” Weinstein said in an interview. They also find a delayed effect from the tariffs, with the decline in some imports roughly doubling on average in the second year of the levies. That is because “it takes some time for firms to reorganize their supply chains so that they can avoid the tariffs,” the authors write. Reaction to the tariffs has varied across business sectors, however. In the steel industry, for example, companies that export to the United States have dropped their prices suggesting that other countries are in fact paying “close to half” of the cost of tariffs, according to the paper. Because China is only the 10th-largest steel supplier to the United States, though, exporters in the European Union, Japan and South Korea are likely bearing much of that cost. And as foreign prices drop, domestic steel production has barely budged, which bodes poorly for hiring in the U.S. steel industry, the authors note. In previous research, the authors found that by December 2018, import tariffs were costing American consumers and importing businesses $3.2 billion per month in added taxes and another $1.4 billion per month in
efficiency losses. They did not update those numbers in the latest study. Amiti’s colleagues at the New York Fed have traced the costs of tariffs in other research. Their study similarly found that import prices on goods coming from China had remained largely unchanged as tariffs rolled out and argued that already narrowed profit margins, ones that leave no room for cutting and a dearth of competitors could be among the factors insulating Chinese exporters.

That's great outside of the majority of cases where there is no option.

But really not the point now is it?

What the fuck are you leaking from the chamberpot called your head? There's always an option. Show me one major category of saleable goods where the only choice is a tariffed item.


Exactly. At one time that may have been true. Today with the internet, you can shop anywhere you desire. And if you are in a store and see an item you might buy, you can scan the barcode with your smart phone and it will bring up the same item, or comparable items listed from the cheapest price to the most expensive.

May I interject Ray!

They insist Trump is a dolt, and maybe he is just lucky and it was an accident, but here is the truth----------->the media is telling a story, not THE story!

According to Trump and statistics; statistics that the MSM has yet to refute as Pinnochios, the average American family after adding tax cuts, lower regulations, etc, etc, seen a net gain of 10 grand per year. Bush 2 over 8 years, around 500 bucks, Obama after 8 years around 1 grand. Now, maybe Trump really is a dolt and didn't calculate it, but with that kind of influx of cash, do you think if Americans have to pay slightly more because of tariffs, they could absorb it?

What better time if YOU were the President, to confront trading cheaters with tariffs, if your population just got a large influx of cash; and do it BEFORE they used it to finance something, lol. Not to mention------------->it also forces corporations to return so as NOT to pay the tariffs, and it gives leverage that America can hold out easily, as it people are rolling in extra cash to absorb the price hikes. What it did was put manufacturers over seas behind the eight ball. The reason they left for more profits went up in smoke, and their competitive edge disappeared.

And then of course...…… have the multi trillion dollar question that Leftists do not want to talk about-------------->what happens when these other country's that have been forced to the table have to sign a better deal and the tariffs disappear and prices drop for everyone! Sounds to most thinking people who know anything about economics, that another cash infusion would increase the ECONOMIC BOOM!

Maybe that is why Fancy Nancy and friends were sooooooo reluctant to sign the USMCA. How does that grab you!

Most economists predict that if/when the USMCA along with a trade deal with China goes through, it will give our economy a jolt of 1 to 2 points, UP within 12 months! So lets calculate here----------->if we are growing at 2 1/2% to 3%, and add 1 to 2 more points, that puts us in the 31/2 to 5% range. Not bad for a dolt, even if it was an accident as they insist, although they won't even acknowledge the path this whole tariff thing is on, nor how brilliantly or luckily it was navigated!

If these tariffs were so damaging like they claim, we would not have set a record for holiday spending last year; not just internet shopping, but all shopping. Americans on average will always look for the lowest price. But few will notice if they pay $12.00 for a heating pad whereas before, it was $11.50. The only thing the consumer is concerned about is getting the lowest priced product no matter what the price is.

I have always said I'm no fan of tariffs, and no fan of trade wars. It produces negative outcomes like higher prices. But so does increasing corporate taxes, forced healthcare insurance, huge minimum wage increases, higher energy costs, more business regulations.

While a trade war may increase prices, it's not all negative. If an American made product is cheaper than a foreign made one with tariffs on it, we gain in new job creation. So it's really not a negative than it is a tradeoff. However higher minimum wages, taxes, energy costs are not a tradeoff. They are all negative in the long run.

The economy is booming and Trump used some of the money from the tariffs as subsidies to those hurt by the tariffs.

Little or no real harm to the US economy, despite all the TDS afflicted lies about gloom and doom.

Just another TDS rant by the Moon Bats that can't stand the fact that Trump is undoing the damage caused by that incompetent Obama.

I wonder if these stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats even know that up until the Democrats decided to fund WWI with a telephone tax and an income tax that tariffs were the main source of income for the Federal government?

Actually, unfair tariff collection was the root cause of the Civil War. But then again the Moon Bats know nothing about History, like other subjects.

Taxpayer money taken from them to give to others. You do understand what that is called right?

First off, if Hillary was President, she'd never have the guts to do anything like Trump is doing today. It's a risk most professional politicians would not take because it is a gamble. That's how we ended up with such a trade imbalance in the first place.

We ended up with such a trade imbalance because we the citizens of the United States freely choose to buy things from other countries. As the economy improved and we had more money the trade imbalance increased because we were buying more things.
If these tariffs were so damaging like they claim, we would not have set a record for holiday spending last year; not just internet shopping, but all shopping.

Is is possible that we had record holiday spending because everything was more expensive?

To even actually state we had record spending (which would hardly be surprising with the Fed pumping billions) we will actually have to wait on the actual revised numbers to come out.
January 7, 2020 The Mercury News
U.S. consumers, not China, bearing brunt of trade War
Economists say levies have resulted in increased prices for some
- By Jeanna Smlalek and Ana Swanson. The New York Times

WASHINGTON » American businesses and consumers, not China, are bearing the financial brunt of President Donald Trump’s trade war, new data shows, undermining the president’s assertion that the United States is “taxing the hell out of China.” “U.S. tariffs continue to be entirely borne by U.S. firms and consumers,” Mary Amiti, an economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, wrote in a National Bureau of Economic Research working paper. The other authors of the paper were David E. Weinstein of Columbia University and Stephen J. Redding of Princeton University. Examining the fallout of tariffs in data through October, the authors found that Americans had continued paying for the levies which increased substantially over the course of the year. Their paper, which is an update on previous research, found that “approximately 100 percent” of import taxes fell on American buyers. The findings are the latest evidence that voters and American businesses are paying the cost of Trump’s penchant for using tariffs to try to rewrite the terms of trade in favor of the United States. Manufacturing is slumping, a fact economists attribute at least partly to uncertainty stemming from the trade spats, and business investment has suffered as corporate executives wait to see how or if the tensions will end. The United States and China have reached a trade truce and are expected to sign an initial deal this month, but tariffs on $360 billion worth of Chinese goods will remain in place. The levies, which are as high as 25%, have forced some multinational businesses to move operations out of China, sending operations to countries like Vietnam and Mexico. Trump and his supporters say that the United States had no choice but to resort to tough tactics to try to force China to abandon unfair economic behaviors, like infringing on U.S. intellectual property and providing state subsidies to Chinese firms. And Trump has continued to incorrectly assert that China not American companies and consumers is paying the cost of the tariffs. Tariffs may have worked as a negotiating chip to get China to the table, but re- cent academic research shows that leverage has come at a Steep price for some American businesses and consumers. The authors of the latest study used customs data to trace the fallout, examining import values before and after the tariffs. The research showed that the tariffs had little impact on China. Were just not seeing foreigners bearing the cost, which to me is very surprising,” Weinstein said in an interview. They also find a delayed effect from the tariffs, with the decline in some imports roughly doubling on average in the second year of the levies. That is because “it takes some time for firms to reorganize their supply chains so that they can avoid the tariffs,” the authors write. Reaction to the tariffs has varied across business sectors, however. In the steel industry, for example, companies that export to the United States have dropped their prices suggesting that other countries are in fact paying “close to half” of the cost of tariffs, according to the paper. Because China is only the 10th-largest steel supplier to the United States, though, exporters in the European Union, Japan and South Korea are likely bearing much of that cost. And as foreign prices drop, domestic steel production has barely budged, which bodes poorly for hiring in the U.S. steel industry, the authors note. In previous research, the authors found that by December 2018, import tariffs were costing American consumers and importing businesses $3.2 billion per month in added taxes and another $1.4 billion per month in
efficiency losses. They did not update those numbers in the latest study. Amiti’s colleagues at the New York Fed have traced the costs of tariffs in other research. Their study similarly found that import prices on goods coming from China had remained largely unchanged as tariffs rolled out and argued that already narrowed profit margins, ones that leave no room for cutting and a dearth of competitors could be among the factors insulating Chinese exporters.

That's great outside of the majority of cases where there is no option.

But really not the point now is it?

What the fuck are you leaking from the chamberpot called your head? There's always an option. Show me one major category of saleable goods where the only choice is a tariffed item.


Exactly. At one time that may have been true. Today with the internet, you can shop anywhere you desire. And if you are in a store and see an item you might buy, you can scan the barcode with your smart phone and it will bring up the same item, or comparable items listed from the cheapest price to the most expensive.

May I interject Ray!

They insist Trump is a dolt, and maybe he is just lucky and it was an accident, but here is the truth----------->the media is telling a story, not THE story!

According to Trump and statistics; statistics that the MSM has yet to refute as Pinnochios, the average American family after adding tax cuts, lower regulations, etc, etc, seen a net gain of 10 grand per year. Bush 2 over 8 years, around 500 bucks, Obama after 8 years around 1 grand. Now, maybe Trump really is a dolt and didn't calculate it, but with that kind of influx of cash, do you think if Americans have to pay slightly more because of tariffs, they could absorb it?

What better time if YOU were the President, to confront trading cheaters with tariffs, if your population just got a large influx of cash; and do it BEFORE they used it to finance something, lol. Not to mention------------->it also forces corporations to return so as NOT to pay the tariffs, and it gives leverage that America can hold out easily, as it people are rolling in extra cash to absorb the price hikes. What it did was put manufacturers over seas behind the eight ball. The reason they left for more profits went up in smoke, and their competitive edge disappeared.

And then of course...…… have the multi trillion dollar question that Leftists do not want to talk about-------------->what happens when these other country's that have been forced to the table have to sign a better deal and the tariffs disappear and prices drop for everyone! Sounds to most thinking people who know anything about economics, that another cash infusion would increase the ECONOMIC BOOM!

Maybe that is why Fancy Nancy and friends were sooooooo reluctant to sign the USMCA. How does that grab you!

Most economists predict that if/when the USMCA along with a trade deal with China goes through, it will give our economy a jolt of 1 to 2 points, UP within 12 months! So lets calculate here----------->if we are growing at 2 1/2% to 3%, and add 1 to 2 more points, that puts us in the 31/2 to 5% range. Not bad for a dolt, even if it was an accident as they insist, although they won't even acknowledge the path this whole tariff thing is on, nor how brilliantly or luckily it was navigated!

If these tariffs were so damaging like they claim, we would not have set a record for holiday spending last year; not just internet shopping, but all shopping. Americans on average will always look for the lowest price. But few will notice if they pay $12.00 for a heating pad whereas before, it was $11.50. The only thing the consumer is concerned about is getting the lowest priced product no matter what the price is.

I have always said I'm no fan of tariffs, and no fan of trade wars. It produces negative outcomes like higher prices. But so does increasing corporate taxes, forced healthcare insurance, huge minimum wage increases, higher energy costs, more business regulations.

While a trade war may increase prices, it's not all negative. If an American made product is cheaper than a foreign made one with tariffs on it, we gain in new job creation. So it's really not a negative than it is a tradeoff. However higher minimum wages, taxes, energy costs are not a tradeoff. They are all negative in the long run.

The economy is booming and Trump used some of the money from the tariffs as subsidies to those hurt by the tariffs.

Little or no real harm to the US economy, despite all the TDS afflicted lies about gloom and doom.

Just another TDS rant by the Moon Bats that can't stand the fact that Trump is undoing the damage caused by that incompetent Obama.

I wonder if these stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats even know that up until the Democrats decided to fund WWI with a telephone tax and an income tax that tariffs were the main source of income for the Federal government?

Actually, unfair tariff collection was the root cause of the Civil War. But then again the Moon Bats know nothing about History, like other subjects.

And if a Democrat would get in as President, they would undo what Trump is doing that's responsible for our success, and then blame Trump for the downfall just like they blamed Bush for everything negative during the entire first term of the DumBama administration.

I really thought the Chinese were smarter than they are; that they understood American politics. What China should have done is just give into Trump's demands. Then when Trump is gone and a Democrat President takes over, they could just say "BOO!" and the trade deficit would be back to pre-Trump days.
I don't know why these Libtards are bitching about tariffs. Tariffs are taxes to the Federal government and we all know how these Libtards love taxes. They all voted for that asshole Obama who raised taxes and that idiot Crooked Hillary that ran on a platform to raise taxes. Why in the hell are these stupid Moon Bats bitching about Trump raising taxes when they voted for candidates that promised to raise taxes?

More taxes to pay for the Moon Bat's wet dream of more welfare and more government spending and all the things the greedy Moon Bats love the government to give them.

They need to think things out better before they do their Trump bitching because they look like fools.
when your dead your dead.jpg
First off, if Hillary was President, she'd never have the guts to do anything like Trump is doing today. It's a risk most professional politicians would not take because it is a gamble. That's how we ended up with such a trade imbalance in the first place.

We ended up with such a trade imbalance because we the citizens of the United States freely choose to buy things from other countries. As the economy improved and we had more money the trade imbalance increased because we were buying more things.

However the reason they can make products cheaper is by cheating the system which is what Trump is trying to square away. The government of China subsidies their products as well as manipulate their currency. Americans will always buy the cheapest product, but by allowing China and other places to make the cheapest product by cheating, then it's really no good for American job creation and our economy.
If these tariffs were so damaging like they claim, we would not have set a record for holiday spending last year; not just internet shopping, but all shopping.

Is is possible that we had record holiday spending because everything was more expensive?

Not so expensive to set a record. As I said earlier, I haven't noticed much in price changes the last year or so. The record spending is mostly due to Americans having more money in their pockets and very confident about the economy.
However the reason they can make products cheaper is by cheating the system which is what Trump is trying to square away. The government of China subsidies their products as well as manipulate their currency. Americans will always buy the cheapest product, but by allowing China and other places to make the cheapest product by cheating, then it's really no good for American job creation and our economy.

Here I thought they were making products cheaper because they paid their people 1 dollar an hour.

Do you complain about the subsides we give our Ag industry to make them more competitive with the rest of the world?
However the reason they can make products cheaper is by cheating the system which is what Trump is trying to square away. The government of China subsidies their products as well as manipulate their currency. Americans will always buy the cheapest product, but by allowing China and other places to make the cheapest product by cheating, then it's really no good for American job creation and our economy.

Here I thought they were making products cheaper because they paid their people 1 dollar an hour.

Do you complain about the subsides we give our Ag industry to make them more competitive with the rest of the world?

That's not why we have subsidies. Subsides keep our food prices down as well. As far as trade goes, then we are on a level playing field since other countries do the same thing. Imagine what would happen if farmers quit farming because they took such a loss in areas where droughts or heavy rains hit the farms. It happens somewhere in the country nearly every year.
If these tariffs were so damaging like they claim, we would not have set a record for holiday spending last year; not just internet shopping, but all shopping.

Is is possible that we had record holiday spending because everything was more expensive?

Not so expensive to set a record. As I said earlier, I haven't noticed much in price changes the last year or so. The record spending is mostly due to Americans having more money in their pockets and very confident about the economy.

The value of the dollar also moves.


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