CONFIRMED: Pipe Bomb and Powder Sent to CNN Were Harmless – It Was a HOAX BOMB

CNN owes President Trump an apology for blaming tthis on him yesterday. Can't wait to see who did this. BUT...
The DemonRATS benefit by using the incident to blame Trump and gain sympathy for themselves.

Law enforcement confirmed on Wednesday night that the “pipe bomb” sent to CNN addressed to John Brennan was a harmless fake bomb.



The clocks taped to the “pipe bombs” do not have an alarm function.

"Turns out, #Anons were able to locate the actual make and model of the clock taped to one of the bombs.


It doesn’t even have an alarm function.

In other words, it can’t count down to anything. It’s literally just to make a “scary-looking” bomb prop.

Good to know, but the Democrats who sent it will still be facing prison time.

Not if it was Hillary

Hillary was savvy enough to save all of those "get out of jail free" cards growing up playing Monopoly.
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They have been repeated targets of our President

Someone took him up on it

Yeah, right...just coincidentally days BEFORE the election where that would hurt President Trump's party's edge in polling.

Uh huh.. sure.. Why didn't the loon wait until the week AFTER the election to send the bombs to help President Trump that way?

It's so juvenile and the more you guys try to frame Trump, the worse worse worse it gets for dems.

Bomber sent all 10 pipe bombs via a major mailing facility in Opa-locka, Florida - the largest distribution center in Miami-Dade County

MAGAbomber sent pipe bombs via a major mailing facility in Opa-Locka, Florida | Daily Mail Online
  • Authorities investigating 10 pipe bombs sent to Trump's critics this week are now focusing on leads in Florida
  • It's been revealed the bombs were sent through a major USPS mail facility in Opa-locka, Florida
  • The FBI is trying to determine where parts for the pipe bombs were purchased in a bid to track down possible suspects
  • However experts say the bombs may never have been intended to explode
  • The lack of a triggering mechanism suggests they were designed to scare
  • Investigation widened on Thursday after three new packages addressed to Robert De Niro and Joe Biden were seized in New York and Delaware
  • Those devices are similar to others targeting prominent Democrats and some of Trump's biggest foes, including the Obamas, Clintons and CNN
  • Authorities were scrambling to find those responsible as they warned that more packages could be out there
  • Former President Jimmy Carter has been told by law enforcement to remain on alert because he could be a target
  • Devices have been seized in New York, Washington D.C., Florida and California


Surely Miami-Dade is well known for being the center for Trump supporters who live there....(sarc)
Actually, its known for “Hanging Chads”, the training place for 911 terrorists and the Home of Trayvon Martin.

The source of this thread...The Gateway Pundit is known for its fake stories and misrepresentations

Until a credible source can be provided, the claims of this thread must be considered

The OP floods these pages with misinformation daily. Why mods let him do this is suspicious, to say the least.

Hey the guy is a posterboy for the angry miserable k00k left so i say, go....go! His level of nut is hard to replicate....when depressed guys with ocd are regular posters, it's a win-win. The guy put me on ignore because he got sick and tired of me cleaning his clock while laughing hysterically. It doesnt get better than that.

This place would be boring as shit but for the mental cases!:113::113:
I appreciate your views, but I find the moron annoying.

Don't be pointing that crap at ME!
Fake bombs are ghey

Esp. when you have an idiot from CNN who gets a package, knows there might be a suspected bomb on it yet dumb enough to open the package up and take a pic. LOL Jim A. real winner.

Maybe the person that opened the package knew that it was a dud and that's why we know what they look like now. Why would any conservative do this two weeks from the mid-term elections when things looked dim for the Democrats? Think about that for one second. Remember when Scalise was shot and Sen. Paul were attacked? There was little coverage and concern by the Media and Progressive Left. See the difference?
Fake bombs are ghey

Esp. when you have an idiot from CNN who gets a package, knows there might be a suspected bomb on it yet dumb enough to open the package up and take a pic. LOL Jim A. real winner.

Maybe the person that opened the package knew that it was a dud and that's why we know what they look like now. Why would any conservative do this two weeks from the mid-term elections when things looked dim for the Democrats? Think about that for one second. Remember when Scalise was shot and Sen. Paul were attacked? There was little coverage and concern by the Media and Progressive Left. See the difference?

You mean that Jim Acousta knew before he opened it? If so well there yah go if he knew it was fake he still reported fake news in order to start fake news rumors in which their dumbed down vieweres would believe.

When that happens all the NEWS takes that information and they begin to bounce information off each other ACCEPT infowars and a few others of course lol.
Esp. when you have an idiot from CNN who gets a package, knows there might be a suspected bomb on it yet dumb enough to open the package up and take a pic. LOL Jim A. real winner.
Dumb, or knew it was coming & completely harmless.....
You know, I got to thinking about this and I think it is perhaps the most damning evidence of all on the false flag thing. There is protocol for bomb threats and disposal. If the CNN staff had properly called in bomb squad, they dismantled the package that was evidently suspect before opening, perhaps after professionals had secured it, a handily-convenient photo-op could present itself. Even still, if some of the staff at CNN somehow managed to let it slip through their security and opened it anyway, the protocol would be to run from the building and call a bomb squad....not casually adjust the focus of a camera from a couple angles to "show proof a bomb arrived at CNN!".

This one might actually get the network penalized or worse....they might be indicted for accomplice to terrorism or reckless endangerment of staff.

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