Confrimed: Gang Membership Up 40% Under Obama-Violent Attacks On Whites Up 18%


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
These aren’t “gangs”. These are Obama’s personal soldiers. We have a black problem in America, and no one in government has the spine to admit it, much less find a way to deal with it.


Matthew Bohannon, 19 (L) and his brother Andrew Bohannon, 24 (R) were the latest victims of black on white violence. The brothers were shot and killed outside a Golden Corral Sunday night by four black youths. (FCN)

Newt Gingrich correctly pointed out today that gang membership has grown by 40% since Barack Obama was elected.
Gingrich: Gangs Have Increased By 40 Percent Since Obama Was Elected | RealClearPolitics

There were approximately 1 million gang members in 2008 in the United States, an astonishing number. The FBI reported:

Approximately 1 million gang members belonging to more than 20,000 gangs were criminally active within all 50 states and the District of Columbia as of September 2008.

Today there are at least 1.4 million gang members in the United States, an increase by 40% since 2009. The FBI reported:

Some 33,000 violent street gangs, motorcycle gangs, and prison gangs with about 1.4 million members are criminally active in the U.S. today. Many are sophisticated and well organized; all use violence to control neighborhoods and boost their illegal money-making activities, which include robbery, drug and gun trafficking, fraud, extortion, and prostitution rings. According to the 2011 National Gang Threat Assessment report, gangs are responsible for an average of 48 percent of violent crime in most jurisdictions, and up to 90 percent in others.

Violent attacks on whites increased by 18% last year. Daniel Greenfield at FrontPage reported:

Violent Attacks on Whites Increased %18

Those would be troubling numbers with any group, or any other racial group anyway, but the Department of Justice’s statistics show that violent crimes against White non-Hispanics increased 18 percent from 2010 to 2011.

This increased cannot be put down to an across the board increase in violent crimes, because during that same period, violent crimes against blacks only increased by 2 percent.

Serious Violent Crimes against whites, such as rape and murder, increased by 13 percent. Serious Violent Crimes against blacks within that same period increased by only 4 percent.

Crimes directed at men significantly jumped by 27 percent in that same period suggesting that white men have suffered a major jump in attacks within that year.

Crimes against Hispanics jumped by 42 percent, however Serious Violent Crimes against Hispanics only increased by 7 percent.
And the Zimmerman acquittal sends a message to white America that they don't have to put up with black on white violence any more. That's why Obama and Sharpton are worried, they're afraid those numbers will start changing in favor of Whitey.
And the Zimmerman acquittal sends a message to white America that they don't have to put up with black on white violence any more. That's why Obama and Sharpton are worried, they're afraid those numbers will start changing in favor of Whitey.

Sounds like "whitey" wants to go down with guns blazing.
And the Zimmerman acquittal sends a message to white America that they don't have to put up with black on white violence any more. That's why Obama and Sharpton are worried, they're afraid those numbers will start changing in favor of Whitey.

Sounds like "whitey" wants to go down with guns blazing.
Sounds like you don't want "Whitey" to defend himself.
And the Zimmerman acquittal sends a message to white America that they don't have to put up with black on white violence any more. That's why Obama and Sharpton are worried, they're afraid those numbers will start changing in favor of Whitey.

Yes, because there is so much black on white violence and so little black on black crime. :cuckoo:
Whitey will soon be a minority - and the whining has already started.
And the Zimmerman acquittal sends a message to white America that they don't have to put up with black on white violence any more. That's why Obama and Sharpton are worried, they're afraid those numbers will start changing in favor of Whitey.

Yes, because there is so much black on white violence and so little black on black crime. :cuckoo:
There's even less white on black violence, so what's your point?
These aren’t “gangs”. These are Obama’s personal soldiers. We have a black problem in America, and no one in government has the spine to admit it, much less find a way to deal with it.


Matthew Bohannon, 19 (L) and his brother Andrew Bohannon, 24 (R) were the latest victims of black on white violence. The brothers were shot and killed outside a Golden Corral Sunday night by four black youths. (FCN)

Newt Gingrich correctly pointed out today that gang membership has grown by 40% since Barack Obama was elected.
Gingrich: Gangs Have Increased By 40 Percent Since Obama Was Elected | RealClearPolitics

There were approximately 1 million gang members in 2008 in the United States, an astonishing number. The FBI reported:

Approximately 1 million gang members belonging to more than 20,000 gangs were criminally active within all 50 states and the District of Columbia as of September 2008.

Today there are at least 1.4 million gang members in the United States, an increase by 40% since 2009. The FBI reported:

Some 33,000 violent street gangs, motorcycle gangs, and prison gangs with about 1.4 million members are criminally active in the U.S. today. Many are sophisticated and well organized; all use violence to control neighborhoods and boost their illegal money-making activities, which include robbery, drug and gun trafficking, fraud, extortion, and prostitution rings. According to the 2011 National Gang Threat Assessment report, gangs are responsible for an average of 48 percent of violent crime in most jurisdictions, and up to 90 percent in others.

Violent attacks on whites increased by 18% last year. Daniel Greenfield at FrontPage reported:

Violent Attacks on Whites Increased %18

Those would be troubling numbers with any group, or any other racial group anyway, but the Department of Justice’s statistics show that violent crimes against White non-Hispanics increased 18 percent from 2010 to 2011.

This increased cannot be put down to an across the board increase in violent crimes, because during that same period, violent crimes against blacks only increased by 2 percent.

Serious Violent Crimes against whites, such as rape and murder, increased by 13 percent. Serious Violent Crimes against blacks within that same period increased by only 4 percent.

Crimes directed at men significantly jumped by 27 percent in that same period suggesting that white men have suffered a major jump in attacks within that year.

Crimes against Hispanics jumped by 42 percent, however Serious Violent Crimes against Hispanics only increased by 7 percent.

Umm okay so where is the causal link between Obama and gang membership? If you can't answer that question, then it is completely ridiculous to blame this on Obama. Newt is an idiot. Just because something sounds like it could be true, it doesn't mean it actually is true.
And the Zimmerman acquittal sends a message to white America that they don't have to put up with black on white violence any more. That's why Obama and Sharpton are worried, they're afraid those numbers will start changing in favor of Whitey.

Yes, because there is so much black on white violence and so little black on black crime. :cuckoo:
There's even less white on black violence, so what's your point?

Whitey doesn't have as much to be pissed off about as Blacky. Whitey has been in charge since the invasion of Native America. Invade, kill natives, steal land, then import slave labor to do the hard work. What goes around comes around...

No Lakhota, I must be fair, the right wingers have a point on this. Gang membership has soared since 2009. Violence on whites probably is up a lot. THey're right about that.

But what they wont say is this:

Across the nation, police department budgets have been slashed.
Across the nation, police department manpower has been slashed.
Across the nation, cops have left the career due to lowered pay and beneifts.
Across the nation, police response time has gone up due to low staffing.
Across the nation, crimes have gone unsolved due to low manpower and overtime budgets.

Yes. Gang membership is beginning to soar again. Violent crime is going up. Theft and drug crime is spreading.

But they wont dare look to the GOP mayors and governors who are directly responsible for having FEWER COPS on the street, LESS EXPERIENCED COPS on the street, and LOWER MORALE amongst the cops who are left.

No no no. They'll blame the guy who has absolutely no control over state, county or city police...........who are in charge of stopping gangs and violence against whites.

But hey....the rich guy can afford the new flat screen TV in his 3rd house instead of paying an extra dime in taxes, so its all good!!!!

No Lakhota, I must be fair, the right wingers have a point on this. Gang membership has soared since 2009. Violence on whites probably is up a lot. THey're right about that.

But what they wont say is this:

Across the nation, police department budgets have been slashed.
Across the nation, police department manpower has been slashed.
Across the nation, cops have left the career due to lowered pay and beneifts.
Across the nation, police response time has gone up due to low staffing.
Across the nation, crimes have gone unsolved due to low manpower and overtime budgets.

Yes. Gang membership is beginning to soar again. Violent crime is going up. Theft and drug crime is spreading.

But they wont dare look to the GOP mayors and governors who are directly responsible for having FEWER COPS on the street, LESS EXPERIENCED COPS on the street, and LOWER MORALE amongst the cops who are left.

No no no. They'll blame the guy who has absolutely no control over state, county or city police...........who are in charge of stopping gangs and violence against whites.

But hey....the rich guy can afford the new flat screen TV in his 3rd house instead of paying an extra dime in taxes, so its all good!!!!

I fully understand that they ignore the CONTEXT. It's the wingnut way...
Domestic policing is up to the state, county or city. NOT the feds.

If crime and gang membership is up, it is the job of the state, county and city.

And Republican governors, mayors and city councils have slashed PD budgets nationwide.

Causing many cops to seek other careers, lowering manpower and experience on the street, and crushing morale among the cops who are still out there working.

But Obama doesn't have any control over local police. And they are the ones who fight crime and gangs.

Place blame accordingly. Ask your governors, mayors, city councils why they slashed PD budgets.

No Lakhota, I must be fair, the right wingers have a point on this. Gang membership has soared since 2009. Violence on whites probably is up a lot. THey're right about that.

But what they wont say is this:

Across the nation, police department budgets have been slashed.
Across the nation, police department manpower has been slashed.
Across the nation, cops have left the career due to lowered pay and beneifts.
Across the nation, police response time has gone up due to low staffing.
Across the nation, crimes have gone unsolved due to low manpower and overtime budgets.

Yes. Gang membership is beginning to soar again. Violent crime is going up. Theft and drug crime is spreading.

But they wont dare look to the GOP mayors and governors who are directly responsible for having FEWER COPS on the street, LESS EXPERIENCED COPS on the street, and LOWER MORALE amongst the cops who are left.

No no no. They'll blame the guy who has absolutely no control over state, county or city police...........who are in charge of stopping gangs and violence against whites.

But hey....the rich guy can afford the new flat screen TV in his 3rd house instead of paying an extra dime in taxes, so its all good!!!!

I fully understand that they ignore the CONTEXT. It's the wingnut way...


Violent thugs and gang members roam the street looking for trouble.
Cops are there to intercept them....BEFORE they get to an innocent victim. Arrest them for drugs. Or a suspended license. Whatever. But do that stuff before they get to the victim. PREVENT violent crime.

But cops cost tax money.

And RW'ers HATE paying for anything with taxes (except military government workers).

So, if they have to pick between gang violence soaring but having fewer taxes.......OR.......funding a Police Gang Intervention Unit to track, follow, harrass and break apart violent gangs in an attempt to prevent their violence from reaching the suburbs.................they'll pick lower taxes all day long.
Domestic policing is up to the state, county or city. NOT the feds.

If crime and gang membership is up, it is the job of the state, county and city.

And Republican governors, mayors and city councils have slashed PD budgets nationwide.

Causing many cops to seek other careers, lowering manpower and experience on the street, and crushing morale among the cops who are still out there working.

But Obama doesn't have any control over local police. And they are the ones who fight crime and gangs.

Place blame accordingly. Ask your governors, mayors, city councils why they slashed PD budgets.


Party control of Governors' offices after January 16, 2013.

No Lakhota, I must be fair, the right wingers have a point on this. Gang membership has soared since 2009. Violence on whites probably is up a lot. THey're right about that.

But what they wont say is this:

Across the nation, police department budgets have been slashed.
Across the nation, police department manpower has been slashed.
Across the nation, cops have left the career due to lowered pay and beneifts.
Across the nation, police response time has gone up due to low staffing.
Across the nation, crimes have gone unsolved due to low manpower and overtime budgets.

Yes. Gang membership is beginning to soar again. Violent crime is going up. Theft and drug crime is spreading.

But they wont dare look to the GOP mayors and governors who are directly responsible for having FEWER COPS on the street, LESS EXPERIENCED COPS on the street, and LOWER MORALE amongst the cops who are left.

No no no. They'll blame the guy who has absolutely no control over state, county or city police...........who are in charge of stopping gangs and violence against whites.

But hey....the rich guy can afford the new flat screen TV in his 3rd house instead of paying an extra dime in taxes, so its all good!!!!

I fully understand that they ignore the CONTEXT. It's the wingnut way...


Violent thugs and gang members roam the street looking for trouble.
Cops are there to intercept them....BEFORE they get to an innocent victim. Arrest them for drugs. Or a suspended license. Whatever. But do that stuff before they get to the victim. PREVENT violent crime.

But cops cost tax money.

And RW'ers HATE paying for anything with taxes (except military government workers).

So, if they have to pick between gang violence soaring but having fewer taxes.......OR.......funding a Police Gang Intervention Unit to track, follow, harrass and break apart violent gangs in an attempt to prevent their violence from reaching the suburbs.................they'll pick lower taxes all day long.
I hate to be the one to tell you this, but law enforcement has been a hindrance to combating violence (especially racial violence) and more specifically, black on white violence. As a white man who takes responsibility for his own protection and freedom, I feel that the cops simply get in the way. If you think we're wringing our hands over budget cuts in law enforcement, you're mistaken. We welcome it, in fact. We prefer handling the problem ourselves. Do you catch my drift?
I fully understand that they ignore the CONTEXT. It's the wingnut way...


Violent thugs and gang members roam the street looking for trouble.
Cops are there to intercept them....BEFORE they get to an innocent victim. Arrest them for drugs. Or a suspended license. Whatever. But do that stuff before they get to the victim. PREVENT violent crime.

But cops cost tax money.

And RW'ers HATE paying for anything with taxes (except military government workers).

So, if they have to pick between gang violence soaring but having fewer taxes.......OR.......funding a Police Gang Intervention Unit to track, follow, harrass and break apart violent gangs in an attempt to prevent their violence from reaching the suburbs.................they'll pick lower taxes all day long.
I hate to be the one to tell you this, but law enforcement has been a hindrance to combating violence (especially racial violence) and more specifically, black on white violence. As a white man who takes responsibility for his own protection and freedom, I feel that the cops simply get in the way. If you think we're wringing our hands over budget cuts in law enforcement, you're mistaken. We welcome it, in fact. We prefer handling the problem ourselves. Do you catch my drift?

You can't be that crazy...can you...? Would you prefer the fed to declare martial law?

Violent thugs and gang members roam the street looking for trouble.
Cops are there to intercept them....BEFORE they get to an innocent victim. Arrest them for drugs. Or a suspended license. Whatever. But do that stuff before they get to the victim. PREVENT violent crime.

But cops cost tax money.

And RW'ers HATE paying for anything with taxes (except military government workers).

So, if they have to pick between gang violence soaring but having fewer taxes.......OR.......funding a Police Gang Intervention Unit to track, follow, harrass and break apart violent gangs in an attempt to prevent their violence from reaching the suburbs.................they'll pick lower taxes all day long.
I hate to be the one to tell you this, but law enforcement has been a hindrance to combating violence (especially racial violence) and more specifically, black on white violence. As a white man who takes responsibility for his own protection and freedom, I feel that the cops simply get in the way. If you think we're wringing our hands over budget cuts in law enforcement, you're mistaken. We welcome it, in fact. We prefer handling the problem ourselves. Do you catch my drift?

You can't be that crazy...can you...? Would you prefer the fed to declare martial law?
Martial Law is another issue.
I hate to be the one to tell you this, but law enforcement has been a hindrance to combating violence (especially racial violence) and more specifically, black on white violence. As a white man who takes responsibility for his own protection and freedom, I feel that the cops simply get in the way. If you think we're wringing our hands over budget cuts in law enforcement, you're mistaken. We welcome it, in fact. We prefer handling the problem ourselves. Do you catch my drift?

You can't be that crazy...can you...? Would you prefer the fed to declare martial law?
Martial Law is another issue.

Yes, it will be another issue - IF wingnuts keep degrading regular police. The fed won't allow wingnuts to return to the days of the old west.

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