Congratulations President Trump on Winning Re-Election TBD by December 24th

That's the reason the corrupt media made this call.
You Democrats cheated....and you got caught....and it will be proven.......and now you're going to say Trump stole this from you.
Fox News declared Biden the winner.

You're running out of news sources that think Trump can win.
Do you actually think anyone in the media is going to be honest about this?
I think Fox blew their cover 4 years ago when they tried to bushwack Trump during one of the Hillary debates. I've never trusted them ever since.
You can't win an election just because you feel that someone should have won. You have to have actual proof that it was a fair election....and we have plenty of evidence that the election results is a fraud.
That's the reason the corrupt media made this call.
You Democrats cheated....and you got caught....and it will be proven.......and now you're going to say Trump stole this from you.
Fox News declared Biden the winner.

You're running out of news sources that think Trump can win.
Do you actually think anyone in the media is going to be honest about this?
I think Fox blew their cover 4 years ago when they tried to bushwack Trump during one of the Hillary debates. I've never trusted them ever since.
You can't win an election just because you feel that someone should have won. You have to have actual proof that it was a fair election....and we have plenty of evidence that the election results is a fraud.
Once the recounts start, and the lawsuits are done, President Trump will be declared the victor and The GOP will have a majority in The House.
Once the recounts start, and the lawsuits are done, President Trump will be declared the victor and The GOP will have a majority in The House.
Actually I would love to see a recount, since a recount requires they count votes received up to 14 days after November 3rd, as long as they were postmarked by November 3rd.
A recount includes all absentee (foreign and domestic) and military ballots.
We refuse to believe it is 1933 where The Nazis committed massive voter fraud in Germany, Hitler still lost, but the Nazis took over anyone and illegitimately appoint Joe Biden...err Hitler as dictator over Germany.

The Nazis didn't commit vote fraud. People legitimately voted for them and they formed a legal coalition government with other right wing parties. I specify RIGHT wing parties.

Seriously, dude, where did you learn history?
Do you actually think anyone in the media is going to be honest about this?
I think Fox blew their cover 4 years ago when they tried to bushwack Trump during one of the Hillary debates. I've never trusted them ever since.
You can't win an election just because you feel that someone should have won. You have to have actual proof that it was a fair election....and we have plenty of evidence that the election results is a fraud.

Sign of a cult... where even Fox News isn't sufficiently "Loyal".

16.1-07-09. Canvassing of mailed absent voters' ballots received late. In the case of congressional, state, county, city, or school district elections, if an envelope postmarked or otherwise officially marked by the United States postal service or other mail delivery system before the date of election and containing an absent voter's ballot is received by the officer too late to be forwarded to a polling place of the proper voting precinct in time to be tabulated, the ballot must be tallied by the canvassing board of the county, the governing body of the city, or the school board of the school district, as the case may be, at the time the returns are canvassed. Any envelope without a postmark or other official marking by the United States postal service or other mail delivery system or with an illegible postmark or other official marking and containing an absentee voter's ballot must be received by mail by the proper officer prior to the meeting of the canvassing board. An absent voter may personally deliver the absent voter's ballot to the appropriate officer's office at any time before five p.m. on the day before the election. Any envelope containing an absent voter's ballot with a postmark or official date stamp on the day of election or thereafter may not be tallied with the ballots timely submitted for the election. Before forwarding any ballot to a canvassing board pursuant to this section, the officer forwarding the ballot shall print the date of receipt on the envelope. Upon receipt, the canvassing board shall determine that the elector was qualified to vote in that precinct, that the elector did not previously vote in that precinct on the date of the election, and that the signatures on the absentee ballot application and the voter's affidavit were signed by the same person before allowing the ballot to be tallied.
This is why there needs to be a recount.

December 24th is my projection for when President Trump will be officially declared the winner after several states are hand counted due to Election Fraud software being installed on voting machines, and apparently millions of ballots are thrown out due to their being counterfeits.

Watch this other video before it is taken down. It is cross verified with this 4Chan Post.
View attachment 412605
View attachment 412606

Put this crazy shit in the conspiracy theory forum where it belongs.

Because anyone who dares to report on the election and possible voter fraud is promoting Conspiracies, Right, Jack Dorsey?

Screw you and your cancel culture you children of Hell.

It is a fact that Democrat Governors Illegally dragged the count out by several days, and it is a fact that people are reporting voter fraud, and it is a fact that this election thanks to corruption by The Democrat Party is going to be decided by God and The Courts.

No, because you're quoting 4chan for for fucks sake.


You best keep you lying mouth shut idiot. YOU were called out for claiming VOX as a legitimate source. So fuck off Stupidus.
December 24th is my projection for when President Trump will be officially declared the winner after several states are hand counted due to Election Fraud software being installed on voting machines, and apparently millions of ballots are thrown out due to their being counterfeits.

Watch this other video before it is taken down. It is cross verified with this 4Chan Post.
View attachment 412605
View attachment 412606

Put this crazy shit in the conspiracy theory forum where it belongs.

Because anyone who dares to report on the election and possible voter fraud is promoting Conspiracies, Right, Jack Dorsey?

Screw you and your cancel culture you children of Hell.

It is a fact that Democrat Governors Illegally dragged the count out by several days, and it is a fact that people are reporting voter fraud, and it is a fact that this election thanks to corruption by The Democrat Party is going to be decided by God and The Courts.

No, because you're quoting 4chan for for fucks sake.


You best keep you lying mouth shut idiot. YOU were called out for claiming VOX as a legitimate source. So fuck off Stupidus.

Lmao at you comparing vox to 4chan!!

Are you really that stupid?
December 24th is my projection for when President Trump will be officially declared the winner after several states are hand counted due to Election Fraud software being installed on voting machines, and apparently millions of ballots are thrown out due to their being counterfeits.

Watch this other video before it is taken down. It is cross verified with this 4Chan Post.
View attachment 412605
View attachment 412606

Put this crazy shit in the conspiracy theory forum where it belongs.

Because anyone who dares to report on the election and possible voter fraud is promoting Conspiracies, Right, Jack Dorsey?

Screw you and your cancel culture you children of Hell.

It is a fact that Democrat Governors Illegally dragged the count out by several days, and it is a fact that people are reporting voter fraud, and it is a fact that this election thanks to corruption by The Democrat Party is going to be decided by God and The Courts.

No, because you're quoting 4chan for for fucks sake.


You best keep you lying mouth shut idiot. YOU were called out for claiming VOX as a legitimate source. So fuck off Stupidus.

Lmao at you comparing vox to 4chan!!

Are you really that stupid?

No Stupidus, but you obviously are. I merely pointed out your complete idiocy in claiming VOX was legitimate as a source. Of course that simple concept is too much for you.....
December 24th is my projection for when President Trump will be officially declared the winner after several states are hand counted due to Election Fraud software being installed on voting machines, and apparently millions of ballots are thrown out due to their being counterfeits.

Watch this other video before it is taken down. It is cross verified with this 4Chan Post.
View attachment 412605
View attachment 412606

Put this crazy shit in the conspiracy theory forum where it belongs.

Because anyone who dares to report on the election and possible voter fraud is promoting Conspiracies, Right, Jack Dorsey?

Screw you and your cancel culture you children of Hell.

It is a fact that Democrat Governors Illegally dragged the count out by several days, and it is a fact that people are reporting voter fraud, and it is a fact that this election thanks to corruption by The Democrat Party is going to be decided by God and The Courts.

No, because you're quoting 4chan for for fucks sake.


You best keep you lying mouth shut idiot. YOU were called out for claiming VOX as a legitimate source. So fuck off Stupidus.

Lmao at you comparing vox to 4chan!!

Are you really that stupid?

No Stupidus, but you obviously are. I merely pointed out your complete idiocy in claiming VOX was legitimate as a source. Of course that simple concept is too much for you.....


You keep trying to get people to believe that.
December 24th is my projection for when President Trump will be officially declared the winner after several states are hand counted due to Election Fraud software being installed on voting machines, and apparently millions of ballots are thrown out due to their being counterfeits.

Watch this other video before it is taken down. It is cross verified with this 4Chan Post.
View attachment 412605
View attachment 412606
View attachment 412645

So the August reinstatement is now being pushed back to Dec.?? what happens when 2021 goes by and Biden is still going to throw another tantrum??

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