Congress then and now. Without double standards liberals would have no standards at all.

Back in 1990's Demcorats wanted a fair trial for Bill Clinton's impeachment, why not for Trump?

  • Demcorats are assholes...worse they are fucking Marxists, who have thrown out the rule of law.

    Votes: 10 100.0%
  • I am a liberal or moderate, i am stupid, so will do what ever the Dimwitocraps tell me.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da

History showed that William Jefferson Clinton(AKA Slick Willie) not only abused his power in office, by having sexual encounters during working hours with an intern, in the Oval Office. He denied any improprieties with Moneca, and when the blue dress showed up, it proved that not only did Slick provide DNA on a blue dress, but he lied under oath. It was the RINO, John(the songbird) McCain who could of had the Slickter impeached but he didnt vote yes. Today, we are going to see a circus of clowns(who call themselves Dimwitocraps) tell US that President Trump, has done wrong, jeopardized National Security( but democrats leave our border open), and abuse of power. Only idiot liberals will applaud the actions of the dumb ones who are going to vote for the impeachment.

History showed that William Jefferson Clinton(AKA Slick Willie) not only abused his power in office, by having sexual encounters during working hours with an intern, in the Oval Office. He denied any improprieties with Moneca, and when the blue dress showed up, it proved that not only did Slick provide DNA on a blue dress, but he lied under oath. It was the RINO, John(the songbird) McCain who could of had the Slickter impeached but he didnt vote yes. Today, we are going to see a circus of clowns(who call themselves Dimwitocraps) tell US that President Trump, has done wrong, jeopardized National Security( but democrats leave our border open), and abuse of power. Only idiot liberals will applaud the actions of the dumb ones who are going to vote for the impeachment.

He didn't have his personal attorney try to conduct public policy of the United States; while also looking for ways and means to "increase his profit margin" on the public policy dime.

History showed that William Jefferson Clinton(AKA Slick Willie) not only abused his power in office, by having sexual encounters during working hours with an intern, in the Oval Office. He denied any improprieties with Moneca, and when the blue dress showed up, it proved that not only did Slick provide DNA on a blue dress, but he lied under oath. It was the RINO, John(the songbird) McCain who could of had the Slickter impeached but he didnt vote yes. Today, we are going to see a circus of clowns(who call themselves Dimwitocraps) tell US that President Trump, has done wrong, jeopardized National Security( but democrats leave our border open), and abuse of power. Only idiot liberals will applaud the actions of the dumb ones who are going to vote for the impeachment.

He didn't have his personal attorney try to conduct public policy of the United States; while also looking for ways and means to "increase his profit margin" on the public policy dime.

You must be talking about Joe Biden and his son's company.
If you think such political gamesmanship isn't played by both parties then you're either naïve or just not thinking. Pertaining our politicians, if their lips are moving they're likely lying.
I am an independent and your poll choices are insulting. Are you trying to alienate the swing voters or something?

It is the moderates and independents who are seeing the witch hunt for what it is, and they are the ones who will determine the next election. As always, the 40% who always vote D and the 40% who always vote R will continue to do what they do. It's the 20% who think for themselves who determine elections.
I am an independent and your poll choices are insulting. Are you trying to alienate the swing voters or something?

It is the moderates and independents who are seeing the witch hunt for what it is, and they are the ones who will determine the next election. As always, the 40% who always vote D and the 40% who always vote R will continue to do what they do. It's the 20% who think for themselves who determine elections.
It was the swing vote in 2018 that gave US, Nancy Pelosi and her never ending impeachment of the President. I dont respect stupid people who voted that way. You are either for the US and against the Demonrats(Marxists) or you arent. You want higher taxes, illegals to roam free and take our tax dollars, vote for the liberal critters known as Democrats.
History showed that William Jefferson Clinton(AKA Slick Willie) not only abused his power in office, by having sexual encounters during working hours with an intern, in the Oval Office. He denied any improprieties with Moneca, and when the blue dress showed up, it proved that not only did Slick provide DNA on a blue dress, but he lied under oath. It was the RINO, John(the songbird) McCain who could of had the Slickter impeached but he didnt vote yes. Today, we are going to see a circus of clowns(who call themselves Dimwitocraps) tell US that President Trump, has done wrong, jeopardized National Security( but democrats leave our border open), and abuse of power. Only idiot liberals will applaud the actions of the dumb ones who are going to vote for the impeachment.

First, it's spelled "Monica".
Second, McCain voted for both articles of Impeachment.
Third, withholding key aid to an ally is a lot more serious than lying about getting a blow job.
I am an independent and your poll choices are insulting. Are you trying to alienate the swing voters or something?

It is the moderates and independents who are seeing the witch hunt for what it is, and they are the ones who will determine the next election. As always, the 40% who always vote D and the 40% who always vote R will continue to do what they do. It's the 20% who think for themselves who determine elections.

Actually, 70% think Trump did something wrong.

here's the thing... 67% of Americans opposed impeaching Clinton, but Gore STILL lost the next election.

I am an independent and your poll choices are insulting. Are you trying to alienate the swing voters or something?

It is the moderates and independents who are seeing the witch hunt for what it is, and they are the ones who will determine the next election. As always, the 40% who always vote D and the 40% who always vote R will continue to do what they do. It's the 20% who think for themselves who determine elections.
It was the swing vote in 2018 that gave US, Nancy Pelosi and her never ending impeachment of the President. I dont respect stupid people who voted that way. You are either for the US and against the Demonrats(Marxists) or you arent. You want higher taxes, illegals to roam free and take our tax dollars, vote for the liberal critters known as Democrats.
Thank you, andaronjim, for your wise words in this post and also your OP. Hopefully, the Democrats have shown themselves unworthy of our trust by attempting secretly to overthrow and get rid of the people's President who was elected according to the fair laws of the land. The Democrats who are making the most noise are from the largest population areas, which the founders countered by setting up the College of Electors that ensure small states are not swallowed up.

I believe the fact that Democrats used secret meetings that excluded Republicans from even observing their carryings-on shows such a shove towards a Marxist-Globalist State is their future trial. It also points us to a need to insist on a Press that is fair and balanced, unlike those who cooperate with only Democrats to tell one set of lies and fight everything Republican by telling another set of lies.

How did we get here to this unpalatable state of failure, and how can we repair the system to ensure that Marxists are not welcome to take away the First and Second Amendments, and replace the education system with loyal servicemen who fought for this country on a battlefield and are not fooled by failed foreign governments and communistic systems, grimly euphemized as "socialistic societies" that do not work near as well as the founders' system of checks and balances.

We need to stop bringing in people from religious systems that are actually failed systems that rely on murdering people of other ethnic origins, namely Americans. We need to remove those who want to kill all the Jews in America, and are disguising their real agenda known in strong Muslim societies that pay a head fee on their participants who kill Jewish people and double that fee if an American citizen is killed by the same ones. That's our peek into the reality of allowing that political system of murdering everyone except their kin who conform to Islam, who constantly go after Jews and have Americans on the waiting list for when they eradicate Jews in the Holy Land.

Our college educators lack the credentials of our service men who are loyal to this nation and will not abide the realities that Islam is a murder system of infidels who do not succumb to their ways of mutilating females when young and overlooking wife murders of their sundry political systems that disrespect women to the point of mutilating their sex organs so they cannot experience any pleasure and remain silent to any indignities inflicted upon them. Their systems also have differing behavior orders for when they have under 5% of a country's population that changes when their numbers become 20% to include exclusive laws for themselves, and their babymaking system at 50% reduces the population to an obligatory end to political power of all other ethnics who have not embraced Islam.

Before Obama, Muslims were at or around 2% of the American population. After his 8 years were up, he outed himself as being a Muslim and not a Baptist Christian, and he had imported millions of Muslims in his second administration so extremely that the 2% became 6%. Some areas already are practicing Sharia law, and the Prisons are so infiltrated that a very large percentage of people who served their time re-enter society as full-blown Muslims ready to participate in cells that wreak havoc in societies Islam has infiltrated without resistance.

This situation is worrisome, because when a Muslim population attains 5%, 50% is achieved in less than half a century--40 years is their goal and usually gain dominance in the societies they infiltrate. In some countries they have invaded, they take religious monuments and destroy them through defacing, leaving no trace of any religion that was practiced by native country since time began for the human race in that part of the world. That means that by 2060, America will be a Muslim country unless we deter the process with sending Obama's surreptitious induction of masses of those who will kill infidels back where they came from. Remember, they're in the nicey-nice phase. The murder-infidels stage started on 9/11/2001 and will get worse as time goes on. Obama's imports sealed the deal, and is likely why he is a multimillionnaire at this point. He sold his lies to the Democrats, and they used omerta to keep it under their hats, and have now started secret proceedings that are actually verboten according to the Constitution.

These people holding secret meetings in Congress are anti-American, and we need to make some corrections while they are controllable, and other corrections without wasting another new york minute.

Our freedom ends in 2060 if we ignore the elephant sitting in the living room, and we will have a future far more grim than Hitler's German assassinations that included murdering 6 million innocent men women and children of the Jewish faith so Hitler could get his hands on free oil from the Mufti of Jerusalem's pals with the promise that Hitler would go after Jews in the Holy lands after his successful annihilation of Jews off the face of the map in Europe, and he got 80% of them to his death camps. After Hitler lost the war and committed suicide, the Mufti abruptly left Germany but never went back to Israel again in order to protect his life for the crimes he committed against Jewish Europeans.

The Democrats have put the nation in jeopardy. Serious jeopardy. And they are counting on us to do nothing once they get rid of President Trump who seems to be the only one strong enough to get in their Marxist faces and avert the damage they plan to do to the American Constitution in the upcoming years.

I hope that the 20 Democrats disenchanted enough to announce their opposition to the phony impeachment grow to at least 200 Democrats rattling the Pelosi/Schumer takeover plans. Schumer does not understand the current problem, and Pelosi knows but is not disclosing, plus she is having speech difficulties consistent with advanced dementia/Alzheimer's.
I am an independent and your poll choices are insulting. Are you trying to alienate the swing voters or something?

It is the moderates and independents who are seeing the witch hunt for what it is, and they are the ones who will determine the next election. As always, the 40% who always vote D and the 40% who always vote R will continue to do what they do. It's the 20% who think for themselves who determine elections.
Mr. Dogmaphobe, I'm not sure who you were talking to, but America is no longer one big happy family due to the communists dressing themselves as Socialists, which is a euphemism for the end game of communism they will morph into conveniently if they ever fool enough people to acquire total control of this nation at which time their plan is to revise the Constitution by plundering the individual freedoms we are having to fight them for right now. We have been shoved to the corner, and our freedoms are toast if we allow this push toward communism and total control of the government through political correctness insertions. It's just that simple. Our days of middle grounds are numbered, and it's getting harder to find things in common who simply want conservatives to die and let them have their way with destroying the Constitutional guarantees we have. They are currently projecting with the squeal that the founders are smiling on them--not! And they have thoroughly poisoned the well for post WWII America. Except we will not let them continue damaging the Constitution, no matter what lies they squeal including the phony impeachment they have concocted behind closed doors.
History showed that William Jefferson Clinton(AKA Slick Willie) not only abused his power in office, by having sexual encounters during working hours with an intern, in the Oval Office. He denied any improprieties with Moneca, and when the blue dress showed up, it proved that not only did Slick provide DNA on a blue dress, but he lied under oath. It was the RINO, John(the songbird) McCain who could of had the Slickter impeached but he didnt vote yes. Today, we are going to see a circus of clowns(who call themselves Dimwitocraps) tell US that President Trump, has done wrong, jeopardized National Security( but democrats leave our border open), and abuse of power. Only idiot liberals will applaud the actions of the dumb ones who are going to vote for the impeachment.

First, it's spelled "Monica".
Second, McCain voted for both articles of Impeachment.
Third, withholding key aid to an ally is a lot more serious than lying about getting a blow job.
Do you think withholding funding for a border wall, is a serious offense and those who keep it from happening should be removed from office. Why is it more important to protect the borders of Ukraine and not our own. Fuck off Joe, you worthless piece of excrement, you are must a mind numbed idiot who is a parrot of the left.
You dont see anything wrong with the picture?

Neither do I, Hillary the "smartest" woman in the world, didnt know her husband was cheating on her. She didnt know how to use more than 1 electronic devices, yet owned more than 5. Busted up all of them when caught in her lie about Benghazi. Yet stupid fucks like you, let her get away with it.

History showed that William Jefferson Clinton(AKA Slick Willie) not only abused his power in office, by having sexual encounters during working hours with an intern, in the Oval Office. He denied any improprieties with Moneca, and when the blue dress showed up, it proved that not only did Slick provide DNA on a blue dress, but he lied under oath. It was the RINO, John(the songbird) McCain who could of had the Slickter impeached but he didnt vote yes. Today, we are going to see a circus of clowns(who call themselves Dimwitocraps) tell US that President Trump, has done wrong, jeopardized National Security( but democrats leave our border open), and abuse of power. Only idiot liberals will applaud the actions of the dumb ones who are going to vote for the impeachment.

He didn't have his personal attorney try to conduct public policy of the United States; while also looking for ways and means to "increase his profit margin" on the public policy dime.

You must be talking about Joe Biden and his son's company.

questionable ethics are not the same as using the influence of Public Office for private political gain.

History showed that William Jefferson Clinton(AKA Slick Willie) not only abused his power in office, by having sexual encounters during working hours with an intern, in the Oval Office. He denied any improprieties with Moneca, and when the blue dress showed up, it proved that not only did Slick provide DNA on a blue dress, but he lied under oath. It was the RINO, John(the songbird) McCain who could of had the Slickter impeached but he didnt vote yes. Today, we are going to see a circus of clowns(who call themselves Dimwitocraps) tell US that President Trump, has done wrong, jeopardized National Security( but democrats leave our border open), and abuse of power. Only idiot liberals will applaud the actions of the dumb ones who are going to vote for the impeachment.

He didn't have his personal attorney try to conduct public policy of the United States; while also looking for ways and means to "increase his profit margin" on the public policy dime.

You must be talking about Joe Biden and his son's company.

questionable ethics are not the same as using the influence of Public Office for private political gain.

So Joe Biden's son who was working for Burisma, was getting paid our tax dollars, through the billions of dollars of aid that was supposed to go to Ukraine, the place that Obama, stopped the missile defense system that would of prevented Russian from invading, right? That private political gain of Joe the groper Biden?

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